Read He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not Page 16

  Chapter 16

  My routine is still the same the next day. I wake up by the yell of my mother, changing and getting ready for school. Looking around for my books, also my notebook and go downstairs so Aria can drive me to school. As I open the door I look up at the sky. It’s sunny. No clouds in the sky and no wind. It’s a hot sunny day and my heart feels cold and black. Why can’t the day be just like my heart? I shake my head and put my sunglasses on while making my way to Aria’s car.

  As I sit down Aria gives me a strong tight hug. I sigh into her hair and she rubs my back. I close my eyes and feel so safe around Aria. She lets me go and turns on the car. We don’t talk in the car because Aria knows that when I’m sad or mad I don’t want to be talked to. She just keeps on driving while I look out the window.

  Watching all those cars makes me dizzy and I don’t notice that we have made it to school. She turns to look at me and I smile at her. I open the car door and sigh as I look at the school. Aria runs to my side and holds my hand. She squeezes it and I squeeze back. We then walk to the school and I keep praying in my head hoping that I don’t run into Jackson. Hoping that Jackson doesn’t run into me.

  As we walk into the chemistry room I spot Jackson talking to Amanda. That stupid idiot is talking to Amanda. I turn my head fast so he doesn’t see me looking at him. I just look straight still holding Aria’s hand as we make way into our seats. I can sense Jackson looking at me, but I don’t look back. Not after what he’s done. I lay my head on Aria’s shoulder as she pats my hair back and down.

  My eyes start to close slowly until I hear Mr. Davon’s voice. Can he just shut up for one second? What the hell is wrong with him now? I open my eyes, groan and then see this guy standing next to him. I then sit up straight and look at Aria. She looks curious, so I turn back to Mr. Davon and that guy next to him. I squint my eyes trying to see that guy’s face.

  He has brown hair and is really tall. He’s taller than Mr. Davon, which is making me want to laugh. I then look closer and see that the guy’s eyes are emerald green. The most beautiful green I have ever seen!

  I look down and see that he has muscles. Like, big muscles. The shirt that he is wearing fits him well and shows his abs. That guy is not just cute, he’s hot! I start to blush, but then shake my head, remembering what Jackson did to me just last night. Guys never change and they just want to use girls.

  I turn to Aria and she winks at me grinning. She then mouths at me saying he’s so cute. I agree with her, but this is just making me have a headache. I look back at him and then notice that he’s actually cuter than Jackson. He's like, really hot. Sexier than Jackson. Wow. Jackson doesn’t even have as toned abs as him. And this guy is taller than Jackson. He’s even taller than Mr. Davon, like what the hell?

  Mr. Davon then starts clearing his voice, trying to tell us to shut up. Everyone shuts up but I know that they were all looking at the new kid. The new kid looks nervous, like embarrassed even. He keeps running his hand through his hair and keeps looking at the floor. I smile because guys are so cute when they are nervous. It’s so adorable.

  Mr. Davon starts calling the guy over. I try to hear his name but I don’t quite catch it. Damn it. Mr. Davon then puts his hand on the guys back and starts talking to us.

  “Everyone please be quiet. We have a new student with us today and I want you guys to make him feel like anybody else.” He says smiling at us. Great. He wants us to make the new guy feel like we do to everybody. We treat everybody like shit. Old or new we still treat people like shit. I mean I don’t, but I know who does. Everyone starts talking and I turn to see the guy looking at me. He’s, like, staring at me. It’s a little creepy because I have no idea who the hell he is, but it’s making me have goosebumps all over my body.

  He turns his head down and looks at the floor. He puts his hands in his pockets and is taping his foot against the floor. I turn to see Mr. Davon getting a little bit angry and he yells at us to shut up. Everyone finally shuts up and turns at Mr. Davon and the new guy.

  “Ok, after like ten minutes of making you guys shut up, I finally have your attention. Ahem, I want every one of you to say hi to Lucas, who will be our new student. Please treat him with respect or I will give the whole class detention for the whole month.” What the hell? Detention for the whole month if we don’t treat him with respect? Who’s going to even be mean to him? He looks kind of scary, but also hot. He doesn’t smile or look up. Figures. Mr. Davon probably embarrassed him.

  Mr. Davon starts talking again. I want to just tell him to shut the hell up.

  “Lucas? Do you want to say anything to the class? Would you like to tell us who you are?” Mr. Davon says while looking at the new guy. I mean, Lucas.

  “Um well.” Lucas says sounding nervous. I don’t really think he want to be here. I mean I’m not even new and I don’t want to be here. Who the hell wants to be here at a crappy school. In a crappy class with crappy students and a crappy teacher. I sigh and then look at Lucas. He looks at me and smiles. I smile back but then look back down fast. I don’t want a guy since what happened with Jackson. Who knew guys were such dicks.

  “Oh, come on Lucas, this is a free country. Say anything you want.” Lucas scratches the back of his head and then starts talking.

  “Ok well, my name is Lucas Jones. I just moved here because my dad got a job here. I love to play football and my favourite subject is history.” He says in a deep voice. His voice even sounds sexy. How is this possible? He goes back to looking at the floor and putting his hands through his hair.

  “Ok! Great info on yourself, Lucas. Now, you haven’t seen the school yet so I will pick a student to show you around the school so you feel comfortable on where you go to your next classes.” Mr. Davon says. I honestly really want to shut my eyes right now because I still can’t stand Jackson. He hurt me. And I thought boys didn’t do that to, but somehow, I didn’t listen to that small little voice in the back of my head telling me how my father left my mother with a newborn. I shake my head and start to close my eyes and put my head on the desk. I take a deep breath and then hear Mr. Davon talking. I honestly don’t care so I just keep on shutting my eyes.

  “Ok so I will just choose someone to show Lucas our school.” He says and I hear as he sits down on his chair. I feel his eyes looking at us. Deciding who will show the new student around our school. I groan and just keep on shutting my eyes. I really don’t care who he picks, I’m just tired as hell.

  “Ok I got it. Mia!” I open my eyes and lift my head fast enough to see Mr. Davon smiling at me pointing at me to show Lucas who I am. My heart literally drops to my stomach knowing that I have to show this sexy new student around our school. Alone.

  I start running my fingers through my hair, trying to make it look nice. I feel the knots and it’s making me wince. Lucas looks at me and his eyes light up. He smiles at me. A small smile, but a smile just enough to show that he is really looking forward on me showing him around the school.

  “Mia? Will you please show Lucas around the school?” He says, and I know he’s asking me to stand up because I’m still sitting down, mouth opened in shock. I stand up and look at Aria. She winks at me and holds my hand for a second then let's go. I push in my chair and start on walking to Lucas. I smile at him and he smiles back. Lucas is so hot that I’m blushing a lot. He licks his lips. I wonder how it feels to kiss them.

  I push knock the idea out of my mind and think about what Jackson has done to me. I am so done with boys.

  “Ok, so Mia please show Lucas a tour and show him where his classes are.” Mr. Davon says while smiling at me and making a hand motion showing me to go right now to show Lucas the school. I turn around and motion Lucas to come. He comes to my side and we hear the door close. Now it’s just Lucas and I, out in the hall. Alone. I begin walking and hearing Luca’s footsteps. I kind of feel mean not talking to him, but I honestly don’t know what to say. Why is this so hard? I mean, he’s just a guy. A new student w
ho is extremely hot and who makes me shiver throughout my whole body when I think of him. I look to the side to see Lucas right there. He’s looking straight in front of him, holding his backpack over one shoulder. Damn, he’s hot.

  I shake my head to take my mind off him, but, how could I? The guy is right beside me and I have to show him around this stupid school. I put a piece of hair behind my ear and then start to talk.

  “So, um, this is the school.” I say making hand movements to show the hallway. Damn, I’m dumb. He laughs.

  “Wow really? I thought we were at a bank.” I laugh. He’s funny and adorable when he’s nervous.

  “Yeah no. This is the school. Nothing special.” I say while still looking straight ahead. I feel his eyes looking at me which is making me blush hard.

  “Are you sure? It kind of looks like a special school.”

  “How? It looks like a regular school to me. Filled with crappy teachers, and crappy students.” I say smiling at him. His eyes shine and I see some yellow specks in his emerald green eyes. It looks so pretty I just want to stand closer to him so I can see his eyes more. He puts his fingers through his hair and sighs.

  “You are right, but there is one thing that makes it…irregular.” He says.

  “Irregular? What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “I mean there is something here that makes it unique. Something that makes this school unique and to me too.”

  “Well what is it?” I say, wanting to know what he means. My school is crappy. There is nothing that makes it unique. I then look at him noticing that he was looking at me. He then stops and I stop too. Wondering why he stopped. Is he ok or something? I begin to look concern about him because I don’t do well with people fainting or blood. So, being a doctor is off my bucket list.

  He smiles and then I give him a curious look.

  “I think you’re going to figure it out.” He says then continues to walk. I catch up to him thinking about what makes this school unique to him. It’s making me curious but also mad...why he won’t tell me? I decide to put that thought away and just continue showing him around the school.

  After showing him around most of the school, I realize I forgot that I didn’t show him our auditorium. I honestly do not want to go in there because of the grand white beautiful piano that they have. Every time I go in there my eyes go straight to the piano. It just makes me want to go up on that stage and play, so, so badly.

  I would go now but Lucas is with me. If I play the piano in front of him he might laugh. Who knows what he’s going to do or say if I play it in front of him. There is absolutely no way I could play in front of him. I mean, I never play the piano in front of anybody. I have played in front of Aria and my mom but they are different. Playing piano in front of a guy? Now that’s my nightmare.

  I start walking my way to the auditorium and hope that the piano is not there or else I would have to play it. I look on my right and Lucas is still there, following me hand by hand. Hip by hip. I didn’t even notice him looking at me because I was looking at how close our hands are touching.

  He is so close to me, which makes me blush. I then look up at his face and see him smiling at me. His smile is so sexy, like really cute. Wow. I never even knew guys had such a nice smile. I mean I knew that when hot guys smile, it makes your heart flip, but when Lucas smiles, it makes my heart do a double flip. Jackson never had a smile as nice as Lucas.

  Now that I thought about Jackson, I make a sad face. Lucas looks at me with concern but then I fake a smile back at him, pretending that I’m ok. Which I’m not….

  “Oh um, I’m going to show you the auditorium.” I say cracking my knuckles. Man, that feels good.

  “Oh, ok. You going to perform something for me?”

  “Um no. No. I am just going to show you it so you know what it looks like.” Gosh I sound like an idiot. I’m going to show you what it looks like? It looks like an auditorium! What’s so perfect about it anyway? Why am I showing this to him? I walk upstairs until we reach the door of the auditorium. My heart seriously stopped, and all because I am just hoping the piano is not there. Some people may say that I’m crazy. They might wonder how can a piano just calm you down, but for me, it does. I stop in front the door until I hear Lucas talking to me. I honestly didn’t even know he was talking to me.

  “Wait what?”

  “I said, are we going to go in?”

  “Oh, um. Yes, we are.”

  “Great.” He says grinning at me. Gosh this dude never stops smiling. I sigh as I open the door. The door makes a loud creak but it’s not like I care. It’s not we are going to get caught in here or anything. No one even cares if we just leave the school and never come back. I check to see Lucas's expression. His eyes lit up for some reason. I guess he could find this cool since it’s his first time seeing our auditorium. I start to walk and my eyes go big. I see the piano.. The piano, just sitting there. It’s like it’s asking me to come over to it and play it. I so want to go up there and play it, but not in front of Lucas. Now it just looks like I want to embarrass myself in front of the new guy. I swallow nervously as watch Lucas.

  He is walking faster now and goes up to the stage. I know that he sees the piano and tries to go over it. I clench my hand, and hold my breath. I really do not want him to open the piano. It’s not mine, but if I just hear him like press on key on the piano, I’m going to fall apart. But of course, that’s what he does. He goes over to the piano and turns it on. He then sits down on the chair, drops his bag on the ground and starts playing the piano. He starts playing ‘Mary had a little lamb’ which is very embarrassing for a grown guy. But I guess I shouldn’t say that. He might not even actually know how to play the piano. He could just be playing it to try to get my attention. If that’s what he’s doing, it’s working. I laugh under my breath and Lucas looks at me. His eyes light up and stops playing the piano.

  “You think you could do better?”

  “Oh hell no. You did not just say that.” I say. Just wait until he hears me play. I’m going to light his ass on fire just to show how good I am. I am the best on the piano. I mean that’s what my teacher said until I went solo. I taught myself after that. I would learn a new song every single day. All the Beethoven, Mozart and Bach songs. If he wants a challenge, he’s going to get it. I walk up onto the stage and motion to him to move off the seat. I am not playing the piano with him sitting next to me. That is so uncomfortable. He rolls his eyes, and moves off the seat.

  I mouth thank you to him and start feeling the piano. That’s what I always do before I start to play it. It just gives me the thrill and excitement as I start to play.

  “What do you want me to play?”

  “Hm. Anything you want, hon.”

  “You so did not say that. Hon? What kind of guy says that to a girl?” I say. That is so stupid. I never even knew boys said that to girls before. I mean I knew they would say babe, but not hon. I am not his wife or anything.

  “Me. I’m the kind of guy who says that to a pretty girl.” I blush but then roll my eyes. Trying to play it cool.

  “Great. You're the type of guy who tries to look cool in front of a girl.”

  “Is it working?”

  “Yeah sure. Why don’t you also say how I fell out of heaven since I look like an angel.” I laugh and he laughs too. Damn even our laughs sound good together. What doesn’t look good with us?

  “Why would I? I am not that type of guy. I just play it cool.”

  “Ha, sure.”

  “Ok now play. I feel like I’m distracting you with my seducing words.”

  “Oh, hell no, you did not just say that.” I laugh and cringe at the same time when he said the word seducing.

  “Oh, yes I did. Now play.” He motions to the piano and I start closing my eyes and to play. I play Fur Elise since that’s my favourite song, and that’s the only song I could think off. My fingers just fly on the piano and I just continue closing my eyes. I
don’t hear anything from Lucas, but I continue to play. As I finish I take a deep breath and turn around to see Lucas’s mouth dropped open. I try to expect to see his tongue to drop open just like a dog, but it doesn’t happen. I try to guess his expression on his face, but it’s no use. I begin to get scared on what he thought of me playing the piano. Maybe he hates it? Maybe he likes it? I don’t know, and it’s now making me worried. He closes his mouth and I know he’s going to say something. He has to.

  “Wow.” That all he says. Nothing else. Just ‘wow’. What the hell does that mean? Maybe he likes it. I mean wow does usually mean something good. That’s all I know. I wait for him to say something else but he just smiles.

  “Is it good or not?” I say in an angry voice. This is making me mad. I did not just play my favourite song to a hot guy. I am now regretting it and stand up. I try to close the piano only his hand stops me. His hand is touching my hand. I stop breathing and swallow hard. I’m done with boys. Right? His touch spreads a shock throughout my whole body. A good shock. A shock that wakes me up just like how the piano does when I play it. I turn around and stand straight so I can see his face. He smiles at me, but I just have this confusing look on my face. He then clears his voice, letting go of my hand.

  “Why did you hold my hand? If you are trying to impress me it’s not working. It just makes you look like an idiot.” He laughs but then shakes his head.

  “I held your hand so you don’t shut the piano.”

  “Why?” I must sound like an idiot. I am an idiot. I am acting like a stupid idiot in front of a boy. Gosh can this day go anymore worse?

  “Because I didn’t want you to stop.” He says coming closer to me. This is making me claustrophobic. I mean I can usually breathe fine in tight spaces. But just him coming closer and closer to me is making me dizzy. I can smell his cologne and damn it smells good!

  “Really? I wasn’t that good…” I say whispering to him.

  “What are you talking about? You sound like you're related to Beethoven or something. That was the best playing I have ever heard in my life.” He says whispering and somehow getting closer. Why the hell is he getting closer? I don’t even freaking know him! Being close to him is making me feel warm inside. I’m starting to hyperventilate.

  I quickly look down on the floor and swear under my breath. This is not happening. I mean after what happened with Jackson, I thought I couldn’t even look at or think about a boy anymore but Lucas is just… he’s just everything on what you like about a guy.

  Lucas tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear. Lucas so soft and calm with girls. Jackson was like the complete opposite. I look up and see Lucas smiling at me. But I’m not even looking at his smile. I’m looking at his eyes. His eyes or so beautiful you just want to take a picture of them. I can’t do that though or the flash it would make him blind. His eyes are so pretty. They are green, with yellow flecks in them that shine when he sees something he likes. These are the kind of eyes you want to look at. My eyes are just plain blue, but his eyes are twice as better than mine. It makes me think he cries gold or something. Without thinking I come closer to him and stand on my tippy toes since he’s so tall.

  “Your eyes are so beautiful.” I whisper at him. I thought about what I said and I regret the moment I even came here. What kind of boy wants to hear a girl say his eyes are beautiful? I must sound so stupid to him.

  “Hmm really?”

  “I um.” I roll my head down and continue looking at the ground. I put a piece of my hair behind my ear and try to say something, but nothing comes out of my mouth. I keep on stuttering which is not a good thing. I must sound like a retard or something.

  “Mia. You’re beautiful, not me. And you must be the first girl who’s ever told me that I have beautiful eyes.” He laughs quietly and then touches my cheek. He brings my head up to his forehead. I can’t even like breathe and I know he’s barely breathing either. I blush, then remember that we should get back to class, but it’s not like Mr. Davon cares. It’s not like I care. It’s not like Lucas cares. Still, I know we have to get out of here before this gets deep.

  “We have to go. Mr. Davon going to get mad at us.” He smiles and my whole body flutters.

  “Yeah I guess so.” He takes a good look at me, then takes his hand off my cheek. I already miss his touch.

  I turn around and grab his bag to give it to him. He smiles and we leave the auditorium. Maybe this is fate. Maybe God is telling me to forget about Jackson and so he brought me Lucas. Now, I might be crazy, but it sounds right to me. I shake the thought out of my head and continue to walk making sure Lucas is beside me as we walk back to our classroom.

  I forgot all about the party today and how Aria told me to invite people from our school. Crap. I think about inviting Lucas, but maybe he doesn’t want to come to a party, at my house filled with random people from our school. I mean he doesn’t know anybody except me. I don’t care anymore. I am going to ask him to come to the party tonight.

  “So, um. I’m throwing a party tonight, and I was wondering if you want to, um. Come?” I say praying in my head for him to agree. It’s not like the end of the world if he doesn’t. But it might be the end of the world for me. I turn my head to see his expression on his face. It’s scaring me. What if he doesn’t even want to come? My heart is beating so fast that I take a deep breath and wait for him to say something. This is killing me right now.

  “You’re throwing a party?” He says “you” as if I’ve never threw a party before. I haven’t, but I don’t want him to know that I’m a loser who threw this party because my dumb best friend wanted me to pay back my ex crush. I repeat those words in my head again and regret piercing this stupid ear.

  I sigh quietly hoping that he didn’t hear, but I’m guessing he did.

  “Um yes? Why you think I can’t throw a party?” OMG, just shut up Mia! He laughs.

  “No, you look like the girl who can throw a party. It’s just um…” He says scratching the back of his head. He looks nervous all of a sudden. I’m so confused but intrigued. Why a boy like him is nervous to go to a party? I mean don’t all guys like going to parties? Getting high and drunk with girls on the floor or something?


  “It’s just um. I haven’t been to a party in a long time.” He says while cracking his knuckles. What kind of guy is he? I mean don’t all guys go to like parties every week or so?

  “Are you even a guy?” I ask and I know I must sound like an idiot. Lucas laughs, of course. Why wouldn’t he though? I must sound like an idiot to him.

  “Um I think so.” He says looking down to his pants. I got confused for a second why he was looking there, until I got it. My brain must be like breaking now.

  “So, what’s wrong?”

  “It’s just. I might be a little bit awkward at the party. Also, I basically don’t know anybody.”

  “You know me. Also, you will soon know my best friend Aria. She’s going to want me to tell her everything on what we were doing.” He laughs and I giggle. Giggle. I never giggle. The last time I giggled, I must’ve been like five years old. I sigh and think about how stupid I’m acting now. Of course he must be nervous to come to the party. My house, filled with tons of people from this school he doesn’t know.

  “Oh really? What would you say to her about me?” I pause and realize that I actually haven’t thought this through. I mean if course I’m going to tell Aria how hot he is. And how beautiful his eyes are that just makes you want to touch them. His eyes basically look like colourful marbles. So beautiful, yet so delicate. I turn around to see Lucas stopping. I honestly didn’t even know he stopped. I turn around and look straight into his eyes. His eyes are so shiny that it looks like he was crying, but he wasn’t. That’s how his eyes are.

  “Mia. What would you say to her about me?” I chew on the bottom of my lip and twirl a piece of my hair. The way he talks is messing me up. His voice is low and seductive which is making
me dizzy. I stop twirling my hair and look at him.

  “Are you coming to the party or what?” I say changing the subject. I really don’t want to talk about this with him. I mean why would I tell a guy what I’m going to say about him?

  “Would you like me to come?”

  “If you want, sure. I’m only asking you because I thought you wanted to come.” He smiles and I try not to smile. But of course, I smiled. This is so irritating. I want him to come but I don’t want him to come because of me. I mean I do, but I also want him to come because he wants to. I shake my head and trying to motion him to keep on walking but he doesn’t move. Not one inch. Is this dude like a statue or something?

  “Mia. Do you want me to come?” He repeats the same words again. The question echoes in my head. How do I answer? Of course, I want him to come, but does he want to come?

  “Of course I want you to come. But do you want to come?”

  “Of course, I want to come. I just wanted to hear it from you.” He says coming closer to me to touch my cheek. His warmth just circles all over my body. He sounds so serious, but he doesn’t show it. He bites his bottom lip and I want to kiss him so badly. I shake the thought out of my head listening to that little voice in the back of my head. Don’t fall in love with him. He may hurt you. Jackson hurt you, why won’t he do it? I mean, boys are like that, aren’t they? No matter how mature they are, they may still hurt you.

  Thinking of that is making my chest hurt. I feel like my chest is closing up. Now I can barely breathe. Damn it. I see the concern in Lucas’ face, which is not making this better.

  “Are you ok?”

  “Swell.” I say. What kind of person says swell?

  “I guess we should walk back to the classroom, right?”

  “Yeah. Or else Mr. Davon will think we skipped or something. Actually, he might think that I skipped and I took the new kid with me.” He laughs, which is making me feel much better. We walk back to the classroom. At least this day is not getting worse. I mean I have someone coming to my party. And that person is Lucas.