Read He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not Page 20

  Chapter 19

  I kiss him hard and all he does is wrap his arms around my back and I put my hands around his neck. He lifts me from the ground and it feels like I’m dreaming. I can hear people saying aww, but I don’t care. The only thing I’m caring now is Lucas.

  He deepens the kiss and I can feel his stubble. I put my fingers in his hair and he lifts me higher from the ground. I feel like we should stop before the security guard makes us exit the mall but I can’t let go. I try to let go but Lucas won’t let me. I laugh and he lets go. He leans his forehead with mine and smiles at me. I take deep breaths and smile too.

  He lowers me to the ground slowly, not taking his eyes off me. I know he wants to kiss me again but we shouldn’t. I mean we kind of look like idiots kissing in the middle of the mall in front of hundreds of people. I take a deep breath just realizing what I’ve just done. I grab Lucas’ hand and he squeezes it hard.

  “So, you still mad?” I say and he smiles. God, I love that smile.

  “Nah. But if I was, would you still kiss me again?”

  “I’ll think about it. But don’t worry, we still have the party for that.” I say and his eyes light up. We walk out of the mall and I hear clapping. Maybe it’s because they're happy that we’re done or maybe that was the cutest thing they have ever seen in a mall.

  I feel Lucas’ eyes on me but I don’t look back. I just want to look straight ahead and not look back. I don’t know what I’m going to say to Aria but I know she’s going to figure it out. I’m blushing and he laughs. I look at him and just admire his face. The eyes, the lips. The lips that I’ve kissed. I kind of want to know if anybody else has kissed him, but I’m too happy to ask him.

  We make it out of the mall and I take a deep breath. Thank god. I don't think I’m ever going to go visit that mall ever again. I’m so embarrassed, yet happy it happened. Lucas does the same thing and opens my door. I get in and as soon as I turn around to look at him he leans in and kisses me right on the lips. Not a long kiss, but just enough to say that he likes me too.

  He lets go and closes the door and I laugh hard until he gets in the car. Lucas drives me back to my house and I try to break the silence by making small talk about school and family. He tells me how he has three siblings. One older and two younger. I told him he was lucky, which made him laugh. He said I could take one of his. I told him about my family and how I only live with my mother. No siblings. He asked me about my dad but I dodged the question. I try to change the subject because I know if I tell him he’s going to feel sad for me. I don’t want pity from anybody. Aria knows that, and so she never does it. I know he saw my face when he asked about my dad. Thank god, he didn’t try to ask me again.

  We make it back to my house just in time when my phone rings. I check the screen and see that Aria texted me. I know she’s going to ask to come over to my house to get ready for the party, but I just text her and tell her I’ll get back to her later. I take my seat belt off and turn to see Lucas. He just smiles and leans in to kiss me again. Damn this boy loves to kiss. I just take it and wink at him.

  “So, see you at the party?” I say pointing at my house.

  “You betcha.” He says, taking a good look at my house. Does he think it’s small? I mean my house is not big, but it’s not small. It’s a regular sized house. I’m just thinking it after seeing Jackson’s house. That dude’s house is so big, you couldn’t find anyone there.

  I check my phone and smile at Lucas opening the door of his car. He waves and I do too and then waits before I go in. Huh, I never knew guys could be such gentlemen. I open the door to my house and then wave to him as he drives off. I close the door and slide down beside it. I take a deep breath and take a big look at my house. How clean it is and precise, and how disgusting and smelly it will be after the party. Ugh. I take out my phone and call Aria.

  “Hey.” I say in a happy tone. I hope she doesn’t think I regret having this party. Which by in fact, I do.

  “I’m coming in 3, 2, 1.” She says which makes me confused. I then hear the doorbell and I understand why she was counting down. I sigh and get up opening the door for Aria. The first thing I see as I open the door is a big pink suitcase. I gulp which makes Aria groan.

  “Oh, calm down Mia, it’s nothing bad.” She says looking down at her suitcase.

  “What the hell is in there?”

  “Oh, nothing much. Just makeup.”

  “Just makeup!?” I say pointing at it. It cannot be just makeup! It’s a damn suitcase! A suitcase it meant for clothes, not for makeup just for two girls getting ready for a party.

  “Mia, I told you. Calm down. You're going to get wrinkles like that if you scrunch your face all the time.”

  “Are you drunk?” I say and she rolls her eyes. I’m not the type of girl that uses a lot of makeup, and I know Aria isn’t that either but I guess since this is her first party, she’s taking this pretty seriously. I groan as I stand by the side and let her come in.

  “How the hell are we even going to get this stupid thing upstairs Aria!?” I say closing the door and pointing at the stairs. She has to be drunk, or else she wouldn’t do this type of shit. I mean, this is just stupid.

  “Mia, don’t swear. We’re going to carry it upstairs, silly.” She says smiling. I don’t even want to know what kind of makeup she has in there. I just sigh and walk over to her carrying this stupid luggage. I thought this was at least going to be light, but it’s not. It’s freaking heavy! I almost died when I realize we had only gotten up one stair. I try to lift it higher, taking a deep breath. Aria and I finally make it all the way up to my room and I just collapse on my bed after the exercise we have done.

  “Do you have anything else in there besides makeup? Let’s just say, a body?” I say and Aria slaps me on my arm. I know she’s joking but I’m not. I mean come on, it’s so freaking heavy!

  “No, now stop being lazy and come over here so I can do your makeup.” She says and I stand up quick. My eyes widen when I hear that she’s doing my makeup. No offence, but when Aria does my makeup, I kind of look slutty. I mean it’s beautiful, but still.

  “Um no. Why don’t you do your own makeup?” I say, pointing to her face.

  “Because I only take one minute. You take hours Mia.”

  “Because I don’t like makeup. And it hurts. Like a lot.” I say making this scared face. Aria just rolls her eyes and open the suitcase. I walk over there and all I see is a freaking suitcase filled with about hundreds of makeup kits. I think I’m about to faint, and not because I’m in love, but I’m about to throw up. I mean there’s nail polish, lipsticks, mascaras, and so much eye blush. What kind of girl needs all of this!?

  “Ok! Mia, go sit down.” She says pointing to my desk chair. Oh hell no. I am not doing that. Even if someone pays me millions of dollars, I wouldn’t do this. I hate all this crap.

  “Um no. Why don’t you sit down and I just watch you put makeup on yourself?”

  “No Mia. We are doing this together. You promised!” She says whimpering and doing puppy eyes. Oh, hell no.

  “Oh no, no I did not promise to do this. I promised to wear that dress, no makeup.” I say, pointing to my closet where my dress hangs.

  “Mia, please. For me?” Ugh, those puppy eyes. Now I kind of wish I was blind so I didn’t have to see this. My heart can’t take it!

  “Um.” I say looking at Aria’s puppy dog face. She is so stupid, yet very clever by tricking me. I just groan loud and roll my eyes. I look at the suitcase one more time just to see what I’m facing with. I’m about to throw up just seeing all those stupid colours of makeup. Like who the hell would have this much? Only Aria.

  “Ugh fine!” I say and she starts up jumping up and down, shrieking like a little kid. She puts her arms around me and continues jumping. About to throw up, I just try to feel happy and think about the party ending, and how happy I’ll be.

  “Yay! Ok, I need you to sit down and stay still. Don??
?t you dare move when I’m putting makeup on you, or I’ll mess it up big time.” She says and of course I agree with her. I mean it has happened before, but that was only because it was my first time having someone put makeup on me. It was the worst nightmare, and it’s soon going to come true.

  I follow her orders and sit down, not even moving a muscle when she’s putting the makeup on me. Aria started by putting blush on me. Some sparkly grey purple colour, which I’m sure, won’t suit me, but I don’t say anything. After she puts eyeliner, then mascara. She puts some concealer on me, but not a lot. After she takes out this pencil, which makes me move out of my seat.

  “Whoa, calm down Mia!” She says laughing at me. I growl at her and return back to my seat sitting straight so she can do this weird stuff.

  “Just asking, what the hell is that? You're not going to poke me in the eye with it right?” I say looking at her to see if she’s lying or not.

  “Mia, this is an eyebrow pencil. It’s nothing bad.” She says taking the cap off the pencil and motioning me to come closer. Oh hell no.

  “Wait! You need a pencil for eyebrows?”

  “Ugh. This is not your regular pencil Mia. You use it to fill in spaces and making your eyebrow darker and thicker. I have it in all colours. This colour I’m using is for your eyebrow. Blond.” She says, coming closer to me and putting this evil thing on my eyebrow. Huh, it’s not as painful as I thought it would be. She’s just putting the pencil over and over my eyebrow. I close my eyes as she does it. What will Lucas say as he sees me like this? Will he find me hot? Will he find me attractive? I don’t know, since I’ve never done this before, so I try to forget about it until the party starts.

  I ask Aria what time it is and she says it’s 6:30. Half an hour left until the party starts. Aria then tells me to purse my lips, and I look at her, confused. She laughs and tells me it’s for the lipstick. She pulls out a sparkly red lipstick and puts it on my lips. I smother it with my lips and show them to her.

  “Perfect!” She says and I just roll my eyes.

  “So, you done or what?” I say hoping that she is. This is torture. I can’t do this anymore. It’s just too much for me.

  “Nope.” “Ugh, what now?” What else does she have? Extensions? Fake nails? This is killing me.

  “Nail polish!” She says putting her arms in the air. I haven’t put nail polish in years and that’s only because I’m horrible at it. If I mess up one nail I get mad and take it all off. I groan and she just pulls my hands and looks at my fingers. She sighs and pulls out a nail file. I am regretting doing this. She files my nails, which hurts like hell. I mean what kind of person enjoys this? Oh right, girls who have nothing to do with their life. I forgot. After filing my nails, she pulls out some nail polish. It’s a dark blue colour, which will match my dress. She does two coats on my nails and dries them with a blow dryer. She takes one good look at me and smiles.

  “I am so good!” She says which makes me laugh. Do I look that good?

  “Yeah, well I would agree with you if only I would see what I actually look like Aria.”

  “Oh yeah, here.” She says handing me a mirror and my face falls open. I look…. So different. My face is covered with this makeup, but it doesn’t look like a lot. Just enough for a party. My lips are bright red, which looks good since I have blond hair. My nails look so polished and clean that I laugh about how perfect they look. Aria comes behind me and laughs too.

  “Yeah, I must be a miracle worker, right?”

  “Oh, yeah. So, you are done, right?” I say, but not really wanting her to be done. I mean she’s like magic. I look so different. I mean sure my face feels icky, and weird, but I look fabulous!

  “Um no. I am done with the makeup, but I am not done with your hair.”

  “My hair?” I say touching it. Luckily, my nails are dried so nothing won’t happen to it if I touch something.

  “Um yeah. I gotta straighten it.”

  “Aria, I’m not dumb. I know how to straighten hair.”

  “Yeah, sure you do.” She says walking away from me to get the hair straightener from my bathroom. She points to the chair so I walk over to and sit down. She goes behind me and straightens my hair. I’m kind of happy that I have Aria for this stuff, since my mom doesn’t really have time because of work and also, let's just say Aria loves to do this stuff. I’m basically her little doll.

  After basically twenty minutes of doing this, we only have ten minutes left to get ready and to put out the drinks and snacks. While Aria gets ready I go on to put my dress on. I go to the mirror to see how I look, hoping my hair didn’t get ruined. I look at the mirror and my mouth falls open. I look like a model. Well not a model exactly, but someone who looks like is going to a party and then is going to get picked up by thousands of guys. Yup, that’s what I look like. Not surprised, but shocked on how she fixed me in under an hour. I mean I’m not ugly, but I don’t dress like this for school or when I go out. I jump by Aria’s voice.

  “Wow, you look so hot!” She says, and she does too! She kind of looks the same as me, only without the red lipstick. She put some natural-looking sparkly kind instead.

  “So do you.”

  “So, you ready?” She says and I swallow hard. My throat is starting to hurt somehow, and now I feel like I have butterflies in my stomach.

  “Um, yes?” I say and Aria just laughs.

  “You so are, Mia, don’t worry. I will be by your side all through the party. Now let’s go get the snacks and drinks ready.” She says opening my door and going downstairs. I look at the time. 6:55. Only five more minutes left until the horror begins. A dream come true, in Aria’s world. In mine, it’s horror ready to happen.

  I go downstairs and help Aria with the food and snack until I hear the doorbell. Damn it. As I open it, about twenty teenagers barge in with their drinks and stereos. Of course…

  “Holy crap.” I say as I look at Aria. She is smiling somehow, while I’m about to have a panic attack.

  “Ready to party?” She says, screaming to the top of her lungs, which makes everybody scream too. I’m going to be deaf soon because of this party.

  “Um, I think so?” I say and Aria just hugs me hard and pulls me into the living room filled with teenagers. She’s holding my hand of course, since she knows I don’t do well in these situations, and I think she’s a little scared too. All I see are people. People eating food and drinking. They are also drinking some booze they have brought which scares me. I also hear people chanting my name since it is my party. I laugh hard and so does Aria. I guess this party won’t be as bad as I thought it would.

  I hear the doorbell, and I hope that it’s Lucas but it’s not. It’s Michael.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I say in a cold tone. I know Aria’s behind me, and if this is her idea, I’m going to kill her.

  “I, um, well.” He says which is kind of making me feel bad now. I mean, he probably just wanted to hang out with his friends, not just with Aria. I sigh about to regret on what I’m doing.

  “You can stay. Just don’t do anything stupid and don’t you dare flirt with Aria.” I say and his eyes light up.

  “Thank you, Mia. I’m sorry about everything. You too, Aria.” He says and I turn to see Aria’s expression. She mouths thank you at me and I mouth you're welcome to her. I let Michael come in and as soon as I close the door I see Lucas’ face. My eyes light up but not as much as his do. He checks me over, and rubs his face with his hand. He might think this is a dream or something, and believe me, I wish it was.

  “Hi.” I say, coming closer to him. He pulls me even closer to him, putting his hand on my back. He has a bouquet of flowers with him which makes me happy.

  “These are for you.” He says, giving them to me. I smell them, which makes Lucas happy. I kiss him on his lips for only a second because I feel like Aria is behind me, watching me with an open mouth. I turn around and see her winking at me. I laugh and she goes close
to my ear to whisper.

  “He’s really hot, Mia.”

  “I know, right!” I whisper back. I think Lucas heard that, but I don’t care. He is hot, not like that guy at the mall. I smile at Aria and she walks away to a group of girls that she knows. I turn around to see Lucas grinning at me.

  “So, you do find me hot, don’t you?” He says, and boy, do I!

  “What do you think?” I say pulling him in my house where the party’s happening. He closes the door and looks around my house. He takes a deep breath just looking at it. I mean yeah, it’s a lot of people. I guess it’s hard for him since he hasn’t been at a party in a long time. I just squeeze his hand tighter, letting him know that I’m not going to leave him alone. I take him through the kitchen since it’s a little noisy. Ok, it’s really noisy.

  “You want a drink?” I say shouting over the stupid loud music. Doesn’t it make people deaf or something? It sure does for me.

  “Nah, I'm ok!” He says shouting too, which makes me laugh. I try to see if I can spot out Aria but I can’t. Damn it. I know Jackson isn’t here, nor is Amanda, so I’m happy. I take a deep breath of relief and turn around to see Lucas eyeing me. I know this dress is making me look slutty, but I don’t care. All I want right now is Lucas. My Lucas. Not Jackson, no Amanda. Just Lucas.

  “Can we go someplace quiet?” He says which I say yes. I mean I can’t even think with this loud music. I try to find Aria so I can tell her that I’m going upstairs in my room, since it’s the only place without music. I finally find her, tugging Lucas with me across the room. She’s talking to some guy I don’t know. It’s making me happy because she’s smiling. I walk over to them and Aria smiles at me.

  “I’m going to my bedroom with Lucas since it’s so loud” I say which makes her eyebrows go up. I roll my eyes telling her that we’re not going to do anything stupid. (Probably)

  “Sure. Oh, Mia, I want you to meet somebody.” She says pointing me to the guy I saw talking to Aria. He’s cute. Dark hair, same height as Aria, and perfect for her.

  “Hi I’m Elijah!” He says putting his hand out for me to shake it. Such a gentleman. He looks nice, and I like his name. I let go of Lucas’ hand to shake Elijah’s. I smile and he does too. I see how happy Aria is and it’s making me happy.

  “Hi, I’m Mia! Nice to meet you!” I say shouting over the loud music. Sheesh, are these people deaf or something?

  “Nice to meet you!” He says, which makes me start to laugh. I hear Lucas in the background coughing telling me to introduce him.

  “Oh sorry, this is Lucas. My, um...” I say. I don’t really know what Lucas is. Is he my boyfriend? Am I his girlfriend?

  “Hi, I’m Lucas, Mia’s boyfriend.” He says winking at me. I let out a deep breath as Lucas shakes hands with Elijah. I love it how he called me his boyfriend. Now I know we are so an official couple.

  “Lucas and I have to go. Nice to meet you Elijah. See you later Aria. Text me if there’s anything wrong.” I say and she gives me a thumbs up. I smile and wink at her taking Lucas’ hand. I tug Lucas upstairs to my room hoping that there’s nobody in it. I did lock my mom’s room so nothing bad could happen in it. If something happens, I am so dead. I take a deep breath before opening my door and I know Lucas feels the same way.

  “We don’t have to go in if you don’t want to.” He says putting his arm on my shoulder.

  “No, it’s not that. I’m just hoping that I don’t find anybody in my room, on my bed full on naked.” I say laughing. He does too, which makes me laugh even more.

  “Oh yeah, I understand.” He says. I take a deep breath, saying a little prayer in my head before opening the door to my room. I close my eyes and open the door slowly, then I slowly open my eyes to be aware of whose butt I’m going to see, but there’s nothing. There’s no body, just my room. Plain left with Aria’s makeup kit and suitcase, and my bed freshly made.

  Then I almost die when I see something on the ground. It’s one of my bras. Oh, my god. My bra on the ground and Lucas is right behind me, probably taking in my room. I race to where my bra is lying on the ground and pick it up as fast as I can before Lucas sees. I throw it in my bathroom then shut the door so then nothing stupid will pop out of there for Lucas to see. I take a deep breath then turn to see Lucas looking at me. His eyes pop up, which makes me blush. I can’t believe he saw that. Ugh I must look like such an idiot!

  “I, uh.” I say not knowing what to say to him. I walk over to him and fix my hair. I close the door because the music is seriously annoying me right now.

  “Mia, it’s ok. It’s not like I’ve never seen bras before.” I say which I let out a deep breath. Wait, he said it's not like he's never seen bras before? Then he has seen them before. Why do I feel so jealous? I mean he is a seventeen-year-old boy. I mean it’s not like he’s never seen them before.

  “Wait, so you have seen them before?” I say regretting mentioning it as soon as I say it.

  “Well, um yeah. I am a guy Mia.” He says and laughs. I guess he is right. I mean guys can’t go without one day without looking at something that a girl uses.


  “So, what do you want to do?” He says putting his hands in his pocket. All I actually want to do is kiss him, but I want to learn about him more. So, I walk over to my bed and sit down. I lean back against the wall holding a pillow. I hear him swallow hard, which I know makes him a little nervous.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not going to like jump on you or something.” I say and his eyes light up.

  “Aw, really? I was kind of hoping that you would.” He says walking over to my bed sitting next to me. He faces me and I blush. I bite my lower lip which makes him lick his lips. I know how much he wants to kiss me, and how much I want to, but I want to talk. I want to know if he’s had any other girlfriends or why he moved to our school in such a short time.

  “I, um, actually.” I say taking a deep breath. How is this so hard? Just talk to the guy.

  “I just want to talk. With you. About some stuff.” I say and his smile fades. It makes me sad when it does. Is it that a big problem just to talk?

  “Oh um. Great. What do you want to talk about?” “Why did you move to our school in such a short notice? I mean we only have a month left of school, there has to be a good reason why you did it.” I say squeezing the pillow closer to my chest.

  “Um well. It’s not that good on why I moved here.”

  “Didn’t you tell everyone that you moved here because of your dad’s new job?” I say hoping that’s what he meant. I mean why would anybody lie about moving? Maybe it’s because it must be something bad. Oh god, I hope he didn’t get sent in jail or something and had to be moved here. What if he’s going to kill me? OMG, I just let a boy in my room. Who am I???

  “Um well. Ugh there’s something I need to tell you Mia.”

  “Please don’t tell me you went to jail or something.”

  “What no!” He says. I feel a huge relief in my chest, which makes me laugh. I turn around to see his face and on why he’s not laughing. He looks sad, which is making me stop laughing and now being serious.

  “Lucas, are you ok?” I say coming closer to him and putting my hand on his shoulder. He’s making me scared. What if he’s done something way worse? What if he has a girlfriend and he’s telling me that he wants her, and I was just a big huge distraction for him? Oh god, now I’m scaring myself.