Read He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not Page 6

  Chapter 7

  We are now at a taco place because we needed to go somewhere Aria can eat, since she is a vegetarian. Ugh, how can someone do that? Give up meat for their whole life! I wouldn't even live one day without it.

  “Ooh, they have tofu tacos!!!!”. Aria says so happy she might even go up to the chef and give him a hug for making tofu tacos. Ugh, sometimes she is such a drama queen.

  “Oh, really, wow, such a life changer, am I right?” I say to the guy next to us in the line.

  “Mia! Don’t do that! You don't even know that guy, why are you talking to him about tofu tacos?” She says, embarrassed to stand in line with a girl who would talk to a stranger about tacos.

  “Whatever, calm down, we don’t know him so nothing is going to happen” I say while smirking at her.

  “Ugh, you are unbelievable! So, what do you want?” She says while waiting for the lady to call us over to take our order.

  “Um, I think I will just, um, ugh, I guess take the same thing as you?” I say, kind of nervous because I don’t know what tofu is, and, I have never tried it before in my life.

  “OMG, I am so happy for you!!! You will so like it, no, scratch that, you will love it!!” Aria says in a delight over a taco. I don't know what that girl is drinking for breakfast but it sure isn't juice.

  “Um, great” I say while we are walking to the lady who is going to take our order. I somehow am regretting ordering the tofu taco thing, because I don't want to die of something that is made from fermented beans? Ugh gross…

  “Hi!” Aria says so happy for no reason at all.

  “We will order two tofu tacos please, one water, and one coke.” She says while looking at me.

  “Diet coke, um, please.” I say because I kind of want to live for a while, not die because of the junk food I have been eating.

  “Yeah, diet coke, please.” Aria says while looking at the computer for the price of the taco and the drinks.

  “Yo, what are you doing? I’m paying”. I say, watching at Aria start to open her wallet to pull out a twenty.

  “Um, I’m paying, you already paid for the lunch yesterday” She says. It wasn’t yesterday… her memory is going to kill me one day! She doesn't remember anything, even things that happened like an hour ago.

  “Um no, that was last week!!!” I say, yelling at her.

  “Ugh gosh, your memory is getting even more horrible like every single day” I say. I’m practically yelling at her which makes everyone turn around, seeing if I’m going to fight with my best friend. Gosh, these people…

  “Fine, fine, you will pay, but then I’m paying next time.” She says giving me the stare.

  “Ugh fine, but your idea of paying once is paying like every day for like a week”. I say which is true because she never lets me pay! How hard is to let someone pay for just a lunch, which only lasts one hour?

  We got our food to our table and start opening the bag like we are animals who haven't eaten in a week.

  “Ok, ready?” Aria says while opening the bag and holding her taco like it’s a baby.

  “Um, I think so?” I say acting very nervous because I am scared this will kill me. Damn it, why did I let her convince me to get this taco? Now I just want to throw this in the garbage but I feel like she would kill me, so I just say I’m ready and try to not think about this taco going into my mouth….

  “Yay!!! OMG you’re going to love this! Trust me, ok?” She says. I don’t, but I guess I should, since she hasn't let me die yet because of food. Yeah, I’m ready. Ready to throw up...

  “Ready?”. She says with that grin on her face, ugh I just want to wipe that grin off her face because she looks like she is enjoying this, damn it.

  “Yup…” I say, ready to just throw this in the garbage or pick out the tofu bits in my taco looking like a picky child with his mom telling her to eat all of it.

  “Yay! Ready…1… 2…. 3!!!” She says, and at the same time we take a bite of the tofu taco letting our taste buds enjoy the taco

  “Well?” she says while looking at my face for an expression, and guess what? I smile, not forcing it, but a real smile because it is good, not great, but it tastes good! Wow, I can’t believe I never tried it before, this is good!

  “Um wow, just wow… how come you never showed me this tofu thing ever??”

  “Um, Mia I did, like ten times to you to try it!!!” Oh, wow, that she remembers…