Read Healer Page 4

  You belong to me.

  At that moment, she thought it just might be true. She of all people knew there were things in life that couldn’t be explained. Things that simply were. There were also things created by greater powers. And though those things frightened most, they simply were reality to her.

  Whatever was happening between her and this man was a part of a higher power.

  “Marcella.” His voice was low. Sensual. Even urgent.

  “Yes?” she asked, her eyes probing his features. He was wound tight. Ready for…battle perhaps?

  He opened his mouth to speak and then shut it again. “Come with me.” Already on the go, he pulled her with him.

  Having no option but to follow, his hand still firmly holding hers, she scrambled to keep up without running. “Where are we going?”

  He didn’t answer until they stopped at the elevators. “My room.”

  She swallowed. “That’s not a good idea.” They both knew what would happen if they were alone.

  The doors opened. “Neither is standing here in the open.” Not waiting for a reply, he led her inside the car and punched the button for his floor.

  The doors closed leaving them alone and silent. She quivered with the richness of her feelings. For him. This stranger. It was best to talk to him now, before she went into his room. She turned to face him. Dark eyes met hers, possessive and hungry. Her words disappeared.

  He leaned against the wall and pulled her close. As if he was protecting her. It was the oddest thing for a stranger to do. Yet…it felt right. Safe. Perfect. Her hand rested on his chest, her body close to his, heat radiating through his clothes. Burning her with a promise for more.

  Silence. The ding of floors as they passed. The “what ifs” lacing the air.

  When the doors opened, he gently urged her to exit, taking her hand as if he couldn’t risk losing her. She didn’t want to leave. Maybe it was in another lifetime or another realm, but she knew this man in a soul-deep way. She belonged here with him. Logical it wasn’t. Reality it was.

  * * * * *

  Diego pushed open the hotel door, eager to get Marcella out of the public eye for more reasons than one. She entered the room without hesitation. Following, he let the door shut behind him. He didn’t bother with the light. The curtains were open, and the moon full. The room glowed with its brilliance, perfect in its seductive play of shadows.

  His body yearned for what only Marcella could give him, and he saw no reason to deny what was inevitable. They were meant to be together, bound by body and soul. She knew it as well as he did. He felt her response. Felt her acceptance. The door shut behind her. He allowed her to walk past him, his nostrils flaring with the soft scent she wore. Jasmine.

  He flipped the locks but didn’t follow her. He simply watched. Turning to face him, she met his gaze, saying nothing. Her eyes, and perhaps her mind, reached for answers he wanted to give. But their time was limited. The Arions were near, and he needed her. His mind and soul reached for her. His body demanded he take her.

  He leaned against the door, butt against the hard surface, feet slightly spread. Willing himself to keep his hands off her until they talked. “You’re not afraid of me.” It wasn’t a question. He felt it.

  “Should I be?” she asked, one brow lifting in challenge.

  “You know the answer,” he countered, a slight twitch to his lips.

  She seemed to consider his words. He felt the brush of her mind in his own. Even welcomed it. And then felt the emptiness of her pulling back before she agreed. “I’m not afraid of you.”

  “There are things you need to know,” he said, “and quickly. We cannot stay here much longer.”

  “I can’t leave yet,” she said, firmness to her voice. “The little girl won’t arrive until tomorrow. I can’t leave her.”

  She wasn’t refusing to go with him. Her subconscious mind was leaving an opening. She wanted to be with him. He saw that as a positive. With their connection came a sense of belonging. He expected her to resist, but in the end she would come with him. She had to. And deep in his heart he wished he had the time to win her in the right way. As a human woman, she needed time. Something he didn’t have to offer.

  “When tomorrow?” he asked.

  She sat down on the bed, making his view of her expressions impossible. “Early morning.”

  He pushed off the door, wanting to see her face as they talked. Stopping in front of her, he leaned on the dresser. “This is important to you.”

  Her fingers dug into the floral bedspread as she nodded. Their eyes met. “Yes. Of course. It’s a little girl.”

  His tone was soft, but his words dictated. He understood her concern, but he also had to think about the future of humanity. “We can’t stay longer than early morning. If she isn’t here, we must leave.”

  Defiance laced her response. “I’m not leaving without helping her.”

  “You are in grave danger.”

  She laughed without humor. “That isn’t anything new.”

  “You have never faced an enemy like this one. Nothing you have ever been up against has prepared you for what lies before us now.”

  She wet her lips, drawing his eyes to her sensual mouth and making his cock harden. Damn, this was difficult. He wanted to fuck her. To possess her. Then later, he would make slow love to her. There was no way to stop the wildness of his raging body. The urgent need to claim his mate was like boiling liquid in his veins.

  “Explain,” she said, her voice a bit breathless as if she felt the calling of her body too.

  He walked to the window, staring out into the darkness, his back to her. A minute to cage the roar of desire was necessary. When he felt he was a bit more in control, he spoke. But he didn’t turn to face her. He couldn’t. Not and be certain of his restraint. “The government conducted a scientific experiment. They used findings from Area 51 to enhance the abilities of an elite group of soldiers. They injected the men with a serum and told them it was vaccinations.”

  “But it wasn’t,” she said softly.

  He forced himself to turn and face her, knowing she needed to see the truth in his eyes. “No, it wasn’t.” He paused, giving her a minute to search his expression. “It was a genetics experiment. Alien DNA mixed with human DNA.”

  Her eyes widened, and he watched her delicate white throat bob. “Alien DNA.” It wasn’t a question. It was more a statement of shock.

  “The results were as expected. Super Soldiers were exactly what they created. The men involved became stronger, more powerful.”

  “Are you one of those Super Soldiers?”

  “Yes, but we are now divided in two groups which come down to the basics of life, good and evil. The Black Knights, the good, and the Arions, the evil.”

  “Which are you?” she challenged.

  Something primitive flared. His woman should not challenge him. “You know the answer to that.”

  Her brow inched upward. “Do I?”

  Closing the distance between them, he took several long strides and dropped to his knees in front of her. His hands rested on the tops of her thighs, her thin skirt the only barrier between his hand and her skin. The touch was like an explosion of heat. Her scent wafted him with its soft, sensual aroma. Calling to him deep in his soul like a commanding roar.

  “You know I’m not evil,” he told her. “You know me.”

  Her hands went to his wrists, but she didn’t push him away. “How can I possibly know you?”

  Her words showed resistance but contradicted her actions. Her upper body swayed towards him, her lips parted, her eyes darkening. His hands slid down her calves and then back up her legs, beneath her skirt. She sucked in a breath.

  “Diego.” She said his name as if it was a question.

  He answered by gently easing her knees apart, fitting himself in the V of her legs. Her hands slid to her sides, fingers digging into the blanket as if she fought the urge to touch him. She sucked in a breath as he pressed his bo
dy against hers. “You belong to me.” One of his hands slipped from beneath her skirt, sliding up her side, following the curve of her sultry form to her back. Pressing her closer to him, easing her full breasts into his chest. He felt her shiver. “I know you feel our connection.”

  Her hands went to his shoulders “Yes,” she whispered, “but why? I don’t know why.”

  Lips lingering just above hers, he could almost taste her without touch. “One mate for life,” he explained, feeling the possessiveness of knowing she was that to him. “You are that person for me. I cannot live without you.”

  “This is crazy,” she whispered, her voice holding a breathless quality. “I shouldn’t be here. How can I respond to a stranger like this? So…”

  “Potent,” he said, but it wasn’t a question. It was merely giving voice to what he felt. His mouth closed down on hers, needing what only she could give. The first touch of her soft lips melted him inside out. He was on fire yet he felt relief, as if a flame had been sprayed with water and ignited at the same time.

  His tongue slid past her teeth, soaking in her flavor with one deep stroke and then another. How he managed to be gentle he wasn’t sure. The last thing he wanted was to scare her. The beast inside begged to be unleashed yet somewhere, somehow, he found the will to contain it. For her.

  But the beast would only wait so long.

  Chapter Four

  Never, ever had she felt so consumed. So possessed. So ready to give herself. Desperate to get a grip on what was happening, she reached deep and pressed her palms against Diego’s chest. Their lips parted. It was what she wanted, yet it wasn’t. She had to fight the urge to pull his mouth back to hers. Reaching for restraint, she reminded herself how much she needed answers. She had to have answers.

  “Talk to me,” she said breathlessly. “What is happening to me?” She paused. “To us?”

  His forehead found hers, his breathing heavy like hers. “You are my mate. The only woman I can ever desire.” He paused. “I need you.”

  The intense emotion in his voice made her pull back to look at him. The dark depths of his eyes, the heat, the fire, the need, made her suck in a breath. The crazy part was she wanted him to touch, taste and…take her. No, not wanted. Needed. She needed him.

  Her voice was a whisper as she struggled to find words. “How…how can this be happening?”

  His hand slid to the side of her face, gently cupping it. “I want to give you time to think about all of this,” he paused, seeming to hesitate. “Please believe me when I say this. Yet…the truth is,” another pause, “I can’t.”

  She leaned back a bit. The word “can’t” didn’t seem like one he would use. “Why?”

  “Once a male of my kind finds his mate, the need to become one with that person consumes. It is like a fire that burns hotter with each passing moment. For the male it can be almost crippling.”

  Swallowing, she tried to digest his words. The implications were so extreme they were hard to comprehend let alone reconcile in her mind. Refusing to panic over what could be a misunderstanding, she decided she needed more clarification. Was he referencing the DNA changes made to him and others? He spoke as if he was of another race. “Your kind? What exactly does that mean?”

  Ignoring her direct question, he continued explaining his physical needs. “I need to be bound to you to be at my best,” he said. “Our enemy is near, and it is you they seek.” His eyes darkened, and then he added, “To fight at my full ability, I need you.”

  Fear sent a shiver down her spine. But she wasn’t afraid of Diego. It was this unknown enemy. As crazy as it all sounded, she knew he spoke the truth. Someone was after her. And he was here to protect her.

  His hand slid to her face so that he cradled it in his palms, and he responded to her silent worries. “I will never let anything happen to you.”

  “Why me?” she whispered, mind racing with turbulent thoughts. “Why do they want me?”

  “You know the answer,” he said in a gentle voice. “Your gifts have always made you a target. It’s simply a new enemy.”

  She closed her eyes, fighting a multitude of emotions. She wanted Diego, and in the same moment she feared for her safety. After several deep breaths she looked at him again. “You said you must be bound to me to be at your best. Explain.”

  His hands slid to her neck and then shoulders. He leaned towards her, his lips brushing her temple. She felt the soft touch from head to toe, a rush of pure sensation. Need. Yearning…to touch him. She had to. Her hands went to his chest. How she had kept from touching him until this moment she hadn’t a clue.

  Her palms found his chest, fingers spreading wide as she tried to absorb him. His dark eyes, black as night, met hers, seeming to pull her closer to him even though he didn’t move. Her skin pebbled with goose bumps as if he had touched her with his look.

  His muscles flexed beneath her palm and a small sound escaped her lips. Where it came from she didn’t know. Everything was happening as if a larger-than-life force controlled her. One that made her feel beyond the moment. Beyond time.

  “Tell me,” she whispered, not saying more. Knowing it wasn’t necessary. He knew what she meant. Her gaze dropped to his mouth. Full, sensual lips parted as if in invitation. She forced her eyes back to his, her tongue absently stroking her bottom lip. “I need to know.” The words came out like a choked plea. One she felt with desperation. Whatever this thing was between them, she wanted to understand it. Maybe then she could get a grip on herself. Yes. She needed to understand.

  Diego’s knuckles caressed her cheek. “I can never love another.” Sincerity laced his voice. “Only you. To be this near you and not claim you as my own will weaken my powers. Under other circumstances, I would expect to let you get used to this idea.” He paused. “But there simply is no time. We must act.”

  As if this stranger could really love her, a woman he had only just met. “Claim me as your own?” She laughed, though it was without humor. He’d meant his words. Truth always echoed in her mind, as did lies. It was one of her talents. One that often came with pain. Sometimes one didn’t want to know when someone was feigning niceties.

  She squeezed her eyes shut again, trying to block out what must be a dream. “This can’t be real.” Desire took hold, hot, like fire in her veins, barely contained. It was with an iron will she fought the need to press her body against his. She could feel her nipples, hard and achy against her bra, begging for his hands…his mouth.

  Diego’s hand settled at her waist. “Look at me, Marcella.”

  She took a deep breath and did as he requested. No, demanded. He seemed to claim power over her. Their eye contact made her stomach flutter. Her fingers clenched his shirt. “I belong to no one.”

  The warmth of his hands moved from her wrists to her upper arms. It took her off guard, and she found herself unable to respond. And then his lips, those sexy, perfect lips, brushed hers.

  His mouth lingered a breath away, just out of reach. “We belong to each other,” he whispered. “I know you can feel it.”

  His mouth caressed hers again, and this time she couldn’t fight the urgency of her own need. Her fingers slid into his hair as she pressed her lips to his. Not willing to accept brief contact. Their mouths seemed to melt into one another, absorbing. For long seconds they stayed that way, bodies somehow pressing closer, arms wrapping each other’s bodies.

  His forehead met hers again, a gesture seeming more intimate each time he did it. “Tell me you feel it.”

  Her palm went to his cheek. “You already know I do.”

  One second…two. Suddenly, his mouth slanted over hers, his tongue sliding against hers in a hot, demanding possession. Responding was as instant as her next breath. She tasted him like sweet nectar, drinking greedily of his unique flavor. Everything she knew as her world slipped into the darkness of her passion.

  It didn’t matter that her blouse and bra were somehow on the floor. What mattered was his hand, now on her breast. H
is fingers tweaked her nipple, answering her body’s cry for his touch. His mouth trailed her neck, her chin, and then found her lips again.

  Impatient, she kissed him while tugging at his shirt, wanting to feel his skin. No. It was a need. She needed to be pressed against him, to be as close as possible. He leaned back and pulled the shirt over his head. Dark hair sprinkled his chest, his warm brown skin like an aphrodisiac.

  She reached for him, wanting to kiss him again. His hands went to her arms, his breath heavy enough to be heard. As if he was straining to contain his desire. “I am near a point of no return, Marcella. Once we do this, we are bound for life. I need to know you want what I am offering you. My protection. My love. And,” he said in a deeper voice, “my life.”

  Deep somewhere inside she knew this was all crazy. It didn’t seem real. It was a dream. And she wanted what he offered. Maybe it was nothing more than the heat of the moment, but that second, she would not have denied him anything.

  “I want this,” she whispered, feeling a comfort in the words that went beyond saying them. “Make love to me.” Their eyes locked, and she saw his pupils grow, taking up almost all of the white in his eyes. Inside her mind, and perhaps her very soul, she felt a different side of him surface. More…animalistic. More primal. Yet she wasn’t afraid.

  Calling him to her was like a cry from her innermost self. “Now, Diego,” she said. “Take me now.”

  * * * * *

  Desire. Raw, red-hot, burning desire. It stroked his cock without even a touch. Her silky quality of her words and the anticipation they evoked made him harder than he’d ever been in his life.

  “Be certain,” he whispered in a hoarse voice. “There is no turning back.” Everything inside him raged with the need to take her. Waiting for her answer felt like years as she reached deep for restraint. Though he didn’t have time for her to understand fully what was happening, he most definitely wanted her to make the choice…to trust him. To give herself to her mate.