Read Heart Of Stone Page 12

  “No,” Raymond snapped. He didn’t give a shit about how she’d burned. “How is the gargoyle controlled?”

  “Oh.” Kevin frowned and went back to the book. “There’s supposed to be some kind of magic stone that is tied to each gargoyle. The story says that the stone is the gargoyle’s heart.” He seemed to wave away that notion. “Probably just the original rock that was used in the binding spell. Whoever holds the stone, controls the beast. You get that stone…And you got yourself one serious killing machine. Because gargoyles? They don’t have weaknesses. In beast form, they cannot be killed. They feel no emotions. They just do what their masters order.”

  Interesting. “What about when they’re in human form?”

  “The stories say they still have enhanced strength and speed then. Superior vision and hearing, but their bodies can be hurt. When flesh covers them and not stone, that’s when they bleed.”

  So Eric had been right with that suspicion.

  “Was that…you think that info will be worth the fifty grand to your boss?”

  Raymond offered him a slow smile. “I think I can convince him to pay. I mean, he fell for that bullshit spell you gave him months ago, didn’t he? The one that you said would help protect him from Sabrina Lark’s influence. If he bought that, then he’d buy—”

  “That wasn’t a bullshit spell.” Kevin appeared insulted. “I used a fucking angel feather in that spell. Do you know how hard it is get one of those? And that spell is the only one that can stop a muse’s power, it just doesn’t work forever. Nothing stops her forever.”

  Raymond thought about his little roof-top chat with Sabrina.

  “Uh, bro? You haven’t…you haven’t been near her, have you?” Kevin raked his hand through his hair. “You haven’t let her get close? I swear, if I had another feather, I’d do the spell on you but I don’t have—”

  “I’m fine,” Raymond cut in flatly. “Don’t worry about me.”

  Kevin’s eyes lowered. Nervous energy seemed to bounce off him. “But I do worry.” His voice was low. “Because you’re the only family I have. We’re brothers, right? Not blood but, hell, blood has never mattered anyway.”

  No, it hadn’t.

  “I’ve got your back. You’ve got mine. Always, right?”

  Always…ever since Kevin’s mother and Raymond’s father had been killed by a drunk driver.

  Kevin started nodding, fast jerks of his head. “If you’re serious…if this is all real…holy shit, but do you know what we could do with a gargoyle? With him at our side, no one would be able to touch us. Not Eric Foster. Not anyone. The world would fear us.”

  Yeah, but they had a problem. “He’s not at our side right now. And the stone that you talked about, the one that controls him? I have no clue where it is.”

  “Find out who he is working for and then you find the stone.” Kevin’s hands closed around his shoulders. The guy was practically vibrating. “I’m tired of being on the bottom of the paranormal totem pole.”

  Kevin’s mother had married a human, so Kevin’s powers were weak. That was how he had been able to pass for human for so long. “I already know who he’s working for. Or at least, I know who he is screwing. And you’re not going to be thrilled…”

  “Why do I care who he screws?”

  “Because it’s Sabrina Lark. It’s the same woman that has Eric so obsessed.”

  Kevin’s eyes widened. “Sabrina?” And if possible, he became even paler. “The muse?”

  “She’s involved with the guy.” Raymond nodded grimly. “So that makes me think she’s the one with the stone.”

  “If she does have it, then we have to tread very, very carefully with her.”

  Damn straight they did.

  “We can’t let her get into our heads,” Kevin whispered. “We can’t…”

  And Raymond just pressed his lips together, saying nothing else. She’s already tried to get in my mind.

  Kevin swallowed. He blinked a few times and said, “If she has the stone, she’ll be keeping it close. You take it from her, and that gargoyle will be on your side. You’ll have the power. We’ll have it.”

  Raymond thought it was time that he stopped taking orders from other people. Maybe it was time to start giving the orders.

  Chapter Ten

  Eric saw Raymond bound out of the apartment building. It’s about time. He’d started to feel bored. Eric slowly exited the limo. “Escort him over to me,” Eric muttered to the guards who came to his side. He’d made sure to bring plenty of guards along for the ride. After the discoveries he’d made that day, Eric wasn’t going to take any chances. He knew exactly how dangerous Sabrina’s new lover was. And he knew who the man was. Adam Cross.

  He’d gone back twenty years, thirty years, forty…and his searches had yielded a great deal of information about the other man. Adam Cross had been around for a very long time, and he’d fought in a great many wars. The man had taken out the enemy, again and again…

  Sometimes, he’d been a hero.

  Sometimes, he’d been a villain.

  But always, he’d been surrounded by blood.

  Raymond glanced up, and his gaze unerringly landed on Eric. Eric smiled at him, even as he wondered if Raymond would run. Because something had changed with the other man. Eric knew it.

  He was alone with Sabrina. She got to him. I know she did. Sabrina got to everyone.

  “We need to chat, Raymond,” Eric called out. “Why don’t you come get in the car?”

  Raymond tensed.

  Get in the car, or I’ll have my guards throw you in. They won’t hesitate. You might have acted as their supervisor, but I’m the man who pays them. I’m the one with the money.

  But then Raymond started walking toward him. Eric glanced at the guard to his right. “Go inside and bring out the brother. If he gives you any trouble,” he said softly, keeping his voice low enough that Raymond couldn’t overhear him, “then just knock his ass out and drag him to the limo.” The guard nodded and strode toward the apartment building.

  Raymond threw up his arm, stopping the guy. “Where in the hell do you think you’re going?”

  Eric clapped his hands, pulling Raymond’s attention back to him. “Before, you seemed so certain that your step-brother could provide us with assistance. So certain you wanted fifty thousand dollars.”

  Raymond glared at him.

  “I decided you were absolutely right. We do need paranormal assistance on this one…and I want your brother with us. Now.” He paused and stared straight at Raymond. “Don’t you think that’s a good idea? I mean, I thought it was brilliant. That’s why I came here to pick up you and your brother.”

  Raymond seem to consider his options.

  You don’t have any.

  After a moment, Raymond nodded. “You’re right. We haven’t been able to get inside that high-rise yet, and maybe one of Kevin’s spells can help us.” But his voice was guarded and Eric saw the anger burning in his eyes.

  Sabrina got to you. You were a good guard, a good leader to the men under you…now, you’re a waste of my time.


  “I’m going after him tonight.”

  Sabrina glanced up at Adam. Dammit, her eyes seemed even brighter. Would he ever get used to them? Every single time that he looked at her, Sabrina’s beauty unnerved him. He’d had sex with her. He’d watched the pleasure wash across her perfect face. Having her should have cooled his desire. It hadn’t. Adam wanted her again. He wanted her right then. He wanted to shove aside the plates and spread her out over the countertop. He wanted to pour wine on her sweet skin and lick it away. He wanted—

  “I want to come with you,” she said.

  Adam immediately shook his head. “I told you before, you’re safe here. Eric can’t get inside to you. This place is impenetrable. He can’t get—”

  Suddenly, the balcony doors burst open, propelled by a powerful burst of wind. Adam immediately jumped to his feet. He grabbed Sabrina’s hand and pu
shed her behind him. He faced the threat coming, a snarl on his lips.

  A man strode into the penthouse. His steps were heavy. His dark hair blew back from his head, and his jaw was locked tight. His gaze swept over Adam, and a faint smile curved the man’s lips. “Still in protector mode, I see.”

  “Leo!” Surprise filled Sabrina’s voice. She wasn’t standing behind Adam any longer. Instead, she’d hurriedly moved to his side. “What in the hell are you doing here?” Then, in the next breath, she turned an angry stare on Adam. “So much for this place being impenetrable!”

  “My powers are just as strong as my brothers,” Leo muttered as he shrugged. “So getting past his protective barriers? Not exactly a challenge for me.”

  “I don’t remember inviting you here.” Adam’s body was braced for an attack. He was sure one would be coming from the Lord of the Light.

  “Don’t remember inviting me?” Leo’s mouth tightened. “You two are the ones who called me before. You wanted help with a human, remember?”

  As if they’d forgotten so soon. Calling the guy to the hospital had been one thing. No one invited you to bring your ass here.

  “She’s safe, by the way. Healing nicely, far, far away. And just to show how extra kind I am, I’ll make sure that all memories of Margaret Lacy’s attack are wiped away from her mind. It will be as if it never happened.” He waited, but when no one said anything, Leo frowned at Sabrina. “I did that as a favor to you.”

  “I never asked you to take away her memories. You shouldn’t play with the minds of mortals.” She was obviously seething.

  A muscle jerked in Leo’s jaw. “That’s a lesson that you should have learned yourself, Sabrina. But instead, you spent more centuries than I want to count screwing with humans.” Leo’s eyes narrowed. “Though it would appear that you changed your game a bit.” He looked pointedly at Adam. “Screwing with beasts now, are you?”

  Adam lunged toward the guy. His hand flew out and locked around Leo’s throat. “You don’t say shit like that to her.”

  A burst of raw power shot straight into Adam’s chest, sending him hurtling back.

  “And you don’t hurt her!” Leo snarled at him. Real fury was on his face. “You don’t hurt one of the few people in this world that I consider to be a friend.” Fire began to dance around his raised hand. “I remember you, gargoyle. You really should have just stayed at the bottom of that damn ocean.”

  There were a lot of weird things happening right then. First, had Leo just called Sabrina his friend? Second, that sonofabitch was about to send a blast of fire flying at Adam. Fuck me. Adam called for this beast, knowing that he had to change to stone if he wanted to survive, and Adam had to survive. He had to protect Sabrina. He—

  “Stop it!” Sabrina yelled. “Don’t even think of burning him.” And just like that, she’d put herself between him and Leo.

  “You think he’s here to keep you safe,” Leo said as he shook his head. “He’s not, Sabrina. He’s just another trick that my brother is playing on you. You don’t know the truth about him. Adam Cross is not on your side. He’s not on anyone’s side, but Luke’s. Adam can’t even think for himself. He’s being controlled. He’s—”

  Leo’s going to tell her about my past. About my time with Simon Lorne. “Get the hell out of here,” Adam snarled. Claws burst from his fingertips and the stone began to surround him.

  “No one is controlling Adam!” Sabrina shouted. “Look, yes, I made a deal with Luke.” Frustration boiled in her words. “It wasn’t as if I saw you hanging around trying to help me out, friend. You weren’t anywhere nearby. You haven’t been near me, not for a very, very long time. Not since—” But she broke off, looking back at Adam and her eyes widened. “No, don’t change! Not now!” Then she reached for him, grabbing the stone that covered his hand. “Stay with me!”

  “You don’t even know what he did,” Leo announced, his words pulling her gaze back to him. “I think I pity you, Sabrina. Pity. That’s why I came back. At first I was going to wait and see how the game played out, but then I thought back to how we once were. To the secrets we shared so long ago.”

  Secrets? Fuck, there was some serious intimacy in Leo’s voice. And that pissed off Adam and his beast. Sabrina had said that she’d never slept with Leo, but…

  “He held you captive,” Leo told her, his voice stark.

  At those cold words, Sabrina blinked. Her bright gaze held Adam’s for just a moment longer, but then her head turned back toward Leo.

  And Leo kept talking. Damn him. “When you were in the Everglades? In that hell-hole prison that Simon Lorne created? Well…when you were there, your new lover was close, too.” Leo’s voice was cold and hard and he just wasn’t shutting up.

  Adam bellowed his fury.

  Sabrina’s hand slid away from him.

  “Adam was one of the guards in that nightmare place. He was at Simon’s beck and call. Adam helped to collect the prisoners. He helped to keep them there. He helped to keep you there.”

  Sabrina shook her head. “No, you’re lying.” Her words were for Leo, but her stunned gaze was on Adam. And in that gaze, he could almost see her begging…Tell me it’s not true.

  “Lying? No, not this time.” Leo’s voice turned harder. “Don’t believe me? Summon Luke. He’ll tell you the same thing. I saw your gargoyle at that prison. When I was trying to break in to free the prisoners, I fought him. I ripped the bastard’s wings off, and I dropped him into the ocean. I’d hoped that attack would kill him, but I’d forgotten that a gargoyle can’t die, not in stone form.”

  She shook her head again, harder this time. “No, he wouldn’t—”

  Adam couldn’t speak. The beast had taken over. Stone covered him and the great, hulking wings had just burst from his back.

  “It’s not like he had a choice.” Leo would not stop talking. “I told you, he never does. He was being controlled then—controlled by Simon Lorne.”

  Adam had tried to explain to her before…his curse…his heart…

  “Just as,” Leo continued grimly, “he’s being controlled now. Only this time, Luke is the one holding his leash. You think that Adam is your protector, but he’s not. Luke is playing a game with you. He’s using you because he knows about our past. They’re going to hurt you, Sabrina. Luke and Adam. And I can’t let that happen.” He opened his hand and reached out to her. “Come with me now. Let’s get out of here before it’s too late—”

  It was already too late.

  You will not take her.

  Adam let out a roar that seemed to shake the walls of that penthouse. Sabrina stared at him in shock. Shock, and yes…fear. He could see the fear on her face. Her lips had parted and her eyes had widened. He reached out to her, just as Leo had, but Adam’s hands were covered in stone and his scarily sharp claws seemed to slash toward her.

  “See? I warned you!” That was Leo’s bellow. The asshole grabbed Sabrina and pulled her away from Adam. “You can’t trust him.” His arms locked around Sabrina as he seemed to tuck her against his body.

  Adam—the beast that he was—stilled. “Let. Her. Go.” His voice was guttural. The voice of the gargoyle, not the man. Deep. Echoing.

  “Turn back,” Sabrina whispered as she gazed at Adam as if he’d just broken her heart.

  I am so fucking sorry.

  She lifted her chin. Leo’s arms were still around her. He was holding her intimately close, and Adam hated that. “Turn back right now, and talk to me as a man,” Sabrina ordered even as her voice broke.

  But the beast was in control. Adam couldn’t think clearly. The man he was—that man was trapped inside, pounding against the stone prison.

  “He’s cursed,” Leo said softly. “I told you. He doesn’t have a choice. His beast is in control. And the guy guiding the beast? I’d bet money it’s my brother. Luke is playing some game with you. Probably offered you one of his trick deals, didn’t he? You thought he was helping you, but all along, they’ve both been scamming you.?

  His wings stretched behind him as Adam shook his head. “No…protect her.” Were those tears in Sabrina’s eyes? It sure looked that way, dammit. He took another lunging step toward her, but Leo hauled her back—fast—retreating with her until they were at the edge of the balcony. Beneath them, the waves pounded against the beach.

  “Were you there?” Sabrina demanded as she stared at Adam with pain etched onto her face. “Adam, were you there when that bastard held me in his prison?”

  He wanted to lie to her. He could tell by the smirk on Leo’s face that the guy was expecting him to lie. “Yes.”

  The pain deepened on her face—and mixed with betrayal.

  “I had no choice.” He had to force out each word. Speaking as the beast was so hard. The gargoyle liked to fight. To destroy. Chatting wasn’t exactly his strong suit but…

  Wings are growing from Leo’s back. Adam could see them. Long, covered with what looked to be scales…

  He’s going to take her away.

  Adam’s hand was still extended toward Sabrina. “Won’t…hurt you again.”

  Her lips were trembling.

  “Don’t trust him,” Leo chided her. “Sure, I can buy that he might not want to hurt you, but the big fellow doesn’t get a choice in the matter. It goes along with the whole being cursed bit. He doesn’t have control. How many times do I have to say that line? Whoever holds his stone heart—hell, it’s not even a heart, not really, just a stone that the witch Meredith used to bind to his very soul—whoever holds that stone controls him. He can’t fight the orders that he’s given. Adam Cross is a puppet on a string. A dog being jerked on a leash.” He gave a rough laugh. “And my brother holds that leash right now.” His eyes burned with fury as he told Sabrina, “If Luke decided he wanted you brought to his island, if he wanted you tossed in one of the cells he has hidden away down there, all my brother has to do is snap his fingers…and your lover will change before your eyes. You could beg him, you could plead with him until you were blue, but he’d always follow the orders of the hand that holds the stone.”