Read Heart Recaptured Page 2

  The Klansmen moved back away from the flames, their arms spread out wide making a cross with their bodies. Then they came to a stop, all staring up at the burning cross.

  “Fuckin’ assholes,” Tank hissed from a few places down and I looked over to see him clenching his fists at his old Klan brothers, now reinforced with fresh meat, his face showing every bit of the hatred that was burning him up inside.

  Bull slapped Tank on the back, Tank took a long breath and we all went back to watching the fucked up scene.

  “Jesus!” Vike said from beside me, “Anyone else sweating like a group’a nuns at a cucumber farm? How those Nazi Coneheads stand that close to that cross without melting is beyond me!” Vike grabbed at the collar of his shirt, but then, distracted, looked over to AK and Flame and asked, “You guys got any marshmallows? With this heat we could have made a real fuckin’ time of it and had smores!” Vike looked off into the distance and whispered to himself, “I fuckin’ love smores…”

  Flame, who was panting like a rabid Rottweiler at the hooded army in front of us, stared at Viking and snarled.

  Vike backed away from our psycho brother, palms up. “Fuck, man! Fine! But I’m just saying, it’d make this waste of fuckin’ time more bearable. Who goes round a campfire without smores?”

  “It’s not a fuckin’ campfire, asshole! It’s a bastard burning Klan cross!” AK snapped at Vike. And Vike quickly shut the hell up.

  Shaking my head at the redheaded dick, I saw Styx fuming as he stared in the brother’s direction and I nudged him to calm down.

  “Soldiers! We’re here tonight to celebrate our new mission: to protect our race or face being destroyed!” Landry paced, pulling our attention back on him and the Klan looked on, their hoods covering their faces, but their feet rocked from side to side in excitement as Landry preached.

  “There’s a storm coming, a war. And White Power must remain vigilant, focused on our mission. We’re building an army, a force to fight back against those who want to bring us down. No more fuck ups. The Texas White Knights will be strong, we’ll be prepared!”

  Tank glanced over at Styx, and I could see the concern in his expression.

  “A new enemy is coming. So we’ll be recruiting. We’ll be protecting our race! Preserving White Pride!”

  “And our old enemies?” some little shit asked from the circle. “The Hangmen killed knights of ours, including my brother. They need to pay in blood!”

  Landry turned and walked toward the man. “Your brother was weak. He got himself killed. Wasn’t smart enough to win that fight. He was tested, and he failed. They all were. We gotta be better than that.”

  Styx’s eyes narrowed.

  “Lenny fucking died! Those Hangmen fucks deserve to die too!” the little shit spat out.

  Landry walked back into the center, ignoring the shit’s rant and turned in a circle so every Klansmen looked his way. “We have a new mission now, and for that we need good men. Strong men. We will be serving a higher purpose, a new battle that’ll be blowing our way. And all will be revealed in time!”

  A few minutes later The Klan broke away, leaving the cross to burn out and went off to celebrate closer to Landry’s house.

  When the last of the white robes had disappeared, we got to our feet and Styx turned to Tank. “You think they’re gonna leave us alone?” he signed and I voiced the question out loud.

  Tank nodded his head. “Sounds like it. When Landry gives an order, he fuckin’ gives an order and anyone that goes against it dies. Sounds like they got something bigger brewing. Probably gearing up for the race war they think's rolling in but’ll never come.”

  “So that just leaves—” Styx signed, talking more business but I cut him off just to get this shit done with. I had a bottle of Jack waiting with my name all over it.

  “The Columbians’ll be shipping the new ammo next week. We got the street gangs back onside after the clusterfuck that was the Jesus freaks’ attempt at a takeover. The smalltime MC’s are keeping outta our way, Senator Collins is having the feds keep their fuckin’ noses outta our shit, and there’s no word of any trouble brewing with the Diablos,” I said and threw a wink at my best friend, taking a fuckin’ bow when I was done.

  Styx’s jaw clenched at me cutting him off, but when I lifted my head back up, he signed, “Good. Then we’re done.”

  I clapped my hands together and threw on my prizewinning smile. “So let’s get the fuck back to the compound and get completely smashed!”

  I threw my arm around Styx’s shoulders as we headed down the hill to our bikes, hurrying to get the fuck away from this burning slice of redneck hell!

  An hour later, we rolled into the compound, the place already brimming with pussy. Jumping off my bike, I turned to my brothers.

  “Let’s get fucked up! There’s more club slut pussy coming tonight than I can manage. I only got ten fingers and one monster cock; can’t satisfy them all!”

  “Though you’d give it a fuckin’ try!” AK shouted back at me, heading to the club.

  A chorus of laughter roared out and all the brothers rushed inside to pick their slut and poison. Flame headed to the back of the garage, blade in hand, off to be the crazy fuckin’ guard dog he’d been for weeks.

  I walked up to Styx and slapped him on his back. “You joining us tonight, brother?”

  He shook his head, his dark hair falling in front of his face. “G-going for a-a r-ride with M-Mae.”

  I playfully whistled low. “Fuck, man, not again! Stay here, drink, get fucked up. You don’t have to piss off with your bitch every time we party.”

  Styx glared at me. “Sh-she’s still learning h-how to be on the outside w-w-world. It’s t-too mu… much.”

  Styx was talking about how Mae still knew little but a life in the commune. Some serious old-school pilgrim way of life. She was still adjusting to how life worked out here on the outside and Styx was slowly teaching her.

  “Fine.” I sighed as Styx reached into his pocket and pulled out a smoke. A question suddenly came to mind. “You’re wrapping up when you fuck Mae, yeah? Things are going to shit of late for us here at the club and we don’t need more problems.”

  Styx stilled and his eyes snapped to mine. I got it; no one talked shit about Mae and she was never a problem. The fucker was insane over the bitch. She was fuckin’ hot, all long black hair and stunning wolf eyes that the brother was crazy about. Styx was obsessed with her. Fuckin’ lived and died for her. Was no way I’d ever be that way over a piece of pussy.

  My old man’s words of wisdom came straight to mind: Pussies are to be licked good and fucked hard—never worshipped.

  I held up my hands and backed off. “Hey, just checking no little Styxs are gonna be running around my feet anytime soon. I ain’t ready to be an uncle yet, and with the amount of fucking you two been doing, I’m just making sure.”

  Styx shrugged, ignoring me, and my eyes narrowed in suspicion. “You ain’t using protection are you, dumb fuck?”

  Styx’s jaw clenched and he said, “N-no. A-and if she gets p-p-pregnant, good. I wanna o-own my b-bitch in every way. I w-want her to h-have my k-k-kid.”

  My mouth dropped open and I threw back my head, laughing. “Fuck, Styx! Knocking her up before marriage. You’ve taken some extreme religious cult princess, brought her into being the Hangmen prez’s old lady, so basically the top-of-the-crop of all the bitches under this roof, and to finish it off, you could get her knocked up before she gets a ring on her finger.”

  Styx’s eyes tightened, his face remaining stoic, which only served to give me more reason to die laughing. “My man, you earn the right to wear the devil on your back. You have completely corrupted the bitch! If she weren’t going to hell before, she’s sure as fuck going now!”

  Styx lunged forward, right fist clenched, just as the bar door opened. A second later, Mae came through and Styx backed up some, shooting me a pissed-off glance that told me I’d be paying for that comment later.

sp; “Hello, Ky,” Mae greeted, all ladylike and proper in her weird old world accent, as she walked over to Styx. He reached out for her hand and pulled her into his arms, fisted her black hair, and brought her mouth to his, flicking me his middle finger behind her back.

  The guy had been crazy about the bitch before she was kidnapped by Rider, but since he’d gotten her back, he’d made her his property, given her a patch with his name on the back, and hadn’t let her out of his sight for even a second. In fact, they were locked in his room so damn much, I was sure he spent more time fucking her than breathing.

  “Well, now that you’ve made this whole situation fuckin’ awkward, I’m gonna get shit-faced,” I said sarcastically, squeezing past the two of them as Styx groaned and began backing her up against the wall.

  Leaving Mae and Styx alone, I walked into the bar, holding up my hands in the air as Zeppelin blasted through the stereo and the smell of sweet pussy filled my nose.

  “Hookers, drop your panties and wet those cunts. Your fuckin’ sex God has finally arrived!”

  Sluts swarmed around me like flies on shit, giggling and pawing at my dick as my brothers held up their drinks. I headed straight to the bar and the prospect poured the source. Before I even sat down, a glass of Jack was shoved in my hand.

  AK and Smiler sat to my right and left, grabbing some sluts and pushing them down on their laps. AK watched Viking working two sluts and laughed at his shit bit of luck. Smiler, as always, sat looking as miserable as fuckin’ sin.

  Beauty and Tank came walking over. Tank and Beauty, his hot blond old lady—basically our club mother.

  “Hey, sweetie, how you doing?” Beauty asked, placing a kiss on my cheek.

  “Good. I’ll be better in an hour when I’m seeing five of you due to this Jack and I’m spread eagle under the lickin’ twins.”

  Beauty shook her head in admonishment as AK tapped my glass in agreement.

  “How are Maddie and Lilah? Have they come down from upstairs yet?” Beauty asked.

  I shook my head. “Nah, though I wish big-tits blonde would come down on me. I dream about what those pink lips would feel like wrapped around my cock.”

  And fuck weren’t that the truth. Just the image of the blonde on her knees almost had me coming in my jeans. Total nut job though. A hardcore Bible freak who weren’t gonna be sucking on my chub anytime soon. I mean damn, my cock would have to be a damn gold-plated, prophet-blessed crucifix to pry her perfect pins apart. But that right there would be the holy fuckin’ grail of sweet pussies!

  My teeth dragged along my bottom lip as I pictured her gorgeous damn face, and those tits… Mmm… I could almost taste her on my tongue.

  “Ky!” Beauty shouted in exasperation, snapping me out of my fantasy. “Can’t you answer the damn question without all the sex shit! You’re such a pig!”

  “Calm the fuck down, bitch. No, they haven’t come down from the apartment yet. They’re still holed up, watching from their window thinking we’re all the devil’s men waiting to drag their pilgrim asses to hell.”

  AK laughed. “Then they’d be right.”

  Beauty sighed and looked toward the door that led up to Styx’s apartment. “Poor things. Can you imagine being ripped from all you know and dumped here, of all places? They must be so scared.”

  I shrugged. “Mae coped with it and she was on her own. They just need to toughen the fuck up.”

  Beauty looked me in the eye, eyelids drawn and lips pursed. “Mae chose to leave that fucked-up cult. She wanted out. Those two bitches upstairs were abused their whole life but never wanted to leave. Then y’all storm in, guns blazing, kill the man they believed was a god, dragged them here against their will, threw them into a rape van of all things, and you expect them to get used to it?” Beauty was in full song. “Those two are never gonna get this life. They ain’t cut out for outlaw living. Question is, what the hell will happen to them if they leave us? Where the fuck would they go? What would they do?”

  None of us said shit to that. If the sisters left, Mae would fall apart, and Styx weren’t gonna let that happen for nothing. For now, whether they kept themselves hidden or not, the two bitches were staying put. No question. And I wasn’t complaining. If it meant I kept getting glimpses of the hottest bitch I’d ever seen, I was good with it… and so was my ten-inch cock.

  The sounds of high-pitched giggling drifted toward us, and when I looked behind Tank and Beauty, Tiff and Jules—my go-to sluts, the famous lickin’ twins—were fast approaching. These two bitches did everything together, and I mean everything. Adding me into the mix, well, that just equaled a fuckin’ good time.

  “Ky, baby,” Tiff trilled and grinned.

  Beauty sighed in exasperation. She rolled her eyes and tapped Tank on his chest. “Our cue to go, babe.”

  Tank signaled good-bye with his hand, and AK and Smiler sauntered off to the party by the pool table. Holding out my hands, I pulled the two blond bitches into my chest and groaned when Jules’s hand immediately went to my zipper and brushed against my stiff cock.

  Tiff’s mouth was at my ear and she whispered, “You up for some fun, baby? We’re feeling real horny.”

  Taking her hand, I laid it on top of Jules’s and whispered, “Do these hard ten inches feel like I’m up for it?”

  The dirty bitch licked her red lips and began leading me off the barstool and into the hallway that led to my private room. Within ten minutes, I was flat on my back, spread eagle, my dick being ridden by Tiff while Jules rode my face.

  I fuckin’ love my life!

  Chapter Two


  “Maddie! I just cannot take it anymore! That… that… music! It is the devil’s doing, I tell you. The devil! Have you heard the lyrics? They are sinful, vile, hedonistic! And my ears! My ears are bleeding because of the ridiculous volume of it!”

  I shifted my eyes to a silent and pensive Maddie who was sitting on her bed, her arms wrapped around her curled-up legs as I paced the dark hardwood floor. “Where is Mae? I must speak with her at once!”

  Maddie sighed in exasperation and gazed longingly out of the single window of our small apartment—the one we never ever left apart from to go to do our daily prayers by the river, escorted by Mae. Styx’s apartment was above this so-called “biker club” in which we were incarcerated, The Hades Hangmen, whatever on Earth that was.

  What I did know was it was a living hell in which we had been forced to exist after being ripped from our home, ripped from all we knew: the commune. The Order. The Lord’s Prophet. We belonged with God’s Chosen Ones. It was the only way to claim our salvation from being born of the devil, born as sinful seductresses. Instead, we had been plucked from our people and dropped into this den of evil. We did not know what had happened to our people, after these so-called Hangmen had fired on our brothers and sisters. They killed our prophet! All this just a few short weeks ago.

  I hate it here. Hated every single thing about it: the daily sinful acts of debauchery taking place downstairs in that louche bar, the violence I witnessed, the guns, and especially the men. Especially… him. Ky. The Hades Hangmen whore. The man who grinned at me whenever in my presence, licking his lips in that absurdly salacious way.

  He made my skin shiver. He might be beautiful on the outside, all long blond hair and crystal-blue eyes, but he had a corrupted soul.

  He cannot be trusted… None of them could be trusted.

  “She is with Styx. She is always with Styx, Lilah,” Maddie said tiredly, pulling me free from thinking about that loose, wayward rake.

  Stomping to my bed, I dropped down to its mattress and threw myself backward until my whole body lay flat on the black silk linen.

  “Why does she embrace this life, Maddie? Why does she smile and laugh, join carnally with her Styx, while all we can do is feel utter despair at our situation? Why do we waste away here, locked in this cell of a room, day after day after day? We are condemned to hell, here, Maddie… to hell!”

addie gradually drew her gaze to me and laid her cheek upon her knee. She stared at me with a wistful expression. “Because she has fallen in love, Lilah. She has found the missing piece of her soul within Styx.”

  Sighing and casting me a watery smile, she added, “We should all pray to the Lord that we shall be as equally blessed. That we find someone to love us completely and protect us from harm. From being children we were forced to be with men we did not love. Would you not welcome the affections of a man whom you chose? A man who wanted you for more than just a celestial joining?”

  My mouth gaped at her answer. “No, I would not! How shall we ever find salvation from the devil’s clutches in this place, littered with his willing denizens! You know our scripture, Maddie. We can only be absolved from our born sin through the righteous will of the prophet and the Lord. Through the chosen disciples. Not just any man who worms his way between our legs! I have seen how they seduce the women here. It is disgusting.”

  Maddie’s green eyes seemed to sadden and she sighed, once again casting her gaze out to the dark sky through the window of our “cell.” My stomach tightened in fear.

  She had lost her faith.

  Bella had died.

  Mae was living a sinner’s life.

  I was the only one left who followed the righteous path, the only one left who could keep us on the righteous path.

  A loud bang sounded downstairs. Maddie and I jumped, flattening our bodies to the bed in fear. The lampshade on the ceiling began to rock back and forth. Raucous laughter rang out from the room directly below… from “Underworld,” as they called it.

  Bolting upright, I fisted the sheet until I feared the material would rip with the strain and I let out a loud sharp scream. Weeks and weeks of frustration exploded from my chest. Maddie whimpered beside me, curling into the wall.

  That is it! I thought, losing grip of my self-control.

  Jumping to my feet, I straightened my floor-length gray dress and reached for my white headdress. Tying the thick linen covering in place over my tight bun, I concealed my long blond hair. Sucking in a deep breath, I marched to the door with purpose.