Read Heart Recaptured Page 5

  “Ky, baby, you coming to play?” A singsong voice called me from the hallway.

  Gritting my teeth, I turned to find Jules buckass naked, her shaved pussy taunting me, cupping her fake tits as two arms hugged her waist from behind, the fingers reaching down to strum at her clit. Those experienced fingers belonged to Tiff. My cock was rock hard, painfully hard.

  “Got business,” I said curtly. “You’ll have to lick each other’s clits tonight.”

  “Aww, we always do, baby. It’s just more fun with you watching and fuckin’ our asses is all,” Tiff said as she lifted her fingers and sucked Jules’s juices into her mouth. Jules immediately turned ‘round, planted her mouth over Tiff’s, and, groaning, pushed her backward into my private room.

  Swiveling my chair back to the bar, the prospect stood, mouth gaping at the scene, and slowly put down my bucket of coffee. I cleared my throat and lifted an eyebrow. The kid flustered and set to wipe down the countertop.

  As I raised my coffee to my mouth, he cautiously asked, “No offense, Ky, but what the hell business you got to pass on fucking them?”

  Knocking the hot liquid back in one, I slammed down the empty mug in frustration, watching as it smashed into pieces, and tapped the bar twice with my palm. “Apparently, I’ve gotta get closer to God and top-grade virginal pussy. Amen and halle-fuckin’-lujah to that fucked-up shit!”

  Chapter Four


  Stepping into the warm night air, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a smoke, resting it between my lips. I walked by Viking getting his cock sucked by some junkie slut next to the garage, ignored the fuckin’ ugly scene, the glare from his pale ass, and lit up my cancer stick, taking a long, sweet drag.

  Cutting through the line of trees at the back of the compound, I followed the dirt path through the thick woods and toward the sound of the river. The pilgrim weren’t in Styx’s apartment above the club, and according to Styx, if she weren’t there, she’d be by the river. Hence, despite being fucked off my face, I was trying to go Boy Scout through the woods.

  Only for Styx…

  It wasn’t long before I heard the rushing of the river and I scoured the grassy verge to see where my favorite piece-of-ass Bible Shaker would be. Stumbling along the river’s edge, I drunkenly kicked stones into the water, when I heard a strange wailing sound. Backing away to skirt along the shadowed line of trees, I quietly made my way toward the sound, grabbing my 9mm from the back of my jeans. The closer I got, the louder the high-pitched whining came.

  Clicking off the safety, I burst out of the trees and immediately froze in my steps, my gun pointed at… Lilah?

  What. The. Fuck?

  Lowering my gun, and tucking it back into the waistband of my jeans, I stared at Lilah flat to the ground, wailing some crazy gibberish shit at an ear-bleeding volume. With a violent jerk of her head, she suddenly began screaming, crying, and throwing her arms in the air, rocking back and forth, mumbling words I couldn’t understand. It sounded like a whole lotta consonants jumbled together.

  Complete fuckin’ nonsense.

  I’d never seen anything like it in my life.

  I stood there like a dumbstruck dick, heart pounding, watching her lose her mind beside the river.

  Holy shit, she’d finally snapped. I had made her snap.

  Styx was gonna scalp my ass!

  Stepping back, I hid under the heavy cover of trees. Call me insane, but I wanted to be well out of sight of this possessive voodoo shit. Slumping to my ass, my back against a tree trunk, I pulled back a branch and just watched her.

  The wailing and crying went on for a fuckin’ age. At one point her actions became so unnerving I nearly jumped out to grab her, convinced she was having a damn seizure.

  But Lilah’s wails gradually began to dim, her hands lowered, and I realized I’d begun to breathe again. I hadn’t noticed I’d stopped. Taking long, deep breaths, Lilah’s eyes fluttered open; they were red and swollen with all the strain of her crying and the amount of tears she’d shed as she’d kicked and screamed.

  I could guess what my face looked like—confused. While I watched her pull herself together, I was sure Viking had slipped me a shroom again without my knowing and I was tripping like a hippie motherfucker at Woodstock, but after what felt like a shittin’ lifetime watching Lilah roll around on the grass, I realized I was copacetic… and Lilah was a full-blown nut job.

  How the fuck does a bitch that hot be so fuckin’ psychotic?

  Lifting my head to the sky and running my hands down my face in exasperation, I moved to get up and finally do what I’d been ordered, but I immediately sank back to the ground, my feet losing their footing in the dried dirt as Lilah freed her long blond hair from her fucking ugly white head thing and began unzipping her dress from the back.

  Blood immediately filled my cock and I hissed through my teeth as the fucking rancid gray material dropped to the ground, leaving hot Blondie dressed in only a white knee-length slip, the material see-through… fuck, totally fucking see-through.

  Her fingers reached up to comb through her hair, and I slipped out a groan as she turned and I caught sight of her red nipple through the side of her slip. Lilah suddenly whipped around, searching the cover of trees.

  I stilled and held my breath, praying to all that was mighty that she didn’t see me… that she didn’t stop this strip show. I mean, shit! Tiff, Jules, and hookers didn’t have shit on this bitch.

  I watched as her bright-blue eyes relaxed and she stepped forward into the river. She waded slowly through the stream until she was waist deep. She spread out her hands, the palms skimming across the top of the water, and she tipped back her head and smiled. I sucked in a sharp breath; I’d never seen anything like that smile in all my life. She was so fucking beautiful, looking like some siren in that river. She may have thought she was devil-created, but she was flawless. I was pretty damn sure if there was a devil, he had nothing to do with what I was seeing. That was all good, a goddamn fucking blessing.

  Tipping back her long blond hair, she slowly sank under the water. But I straightened when she didn’t come back up. Air bubbles rose to the surface but stopped after a while, the water completely still. Jumping to my feet, I burst out of the line of trees and ran to the edge of the river, searching the dark depths… Nothing.

  Fuck! Was she trying to kill herself?

  Without giving it much thought, I shed my cut, throwing it to the ground, and ran full force into the water, aiming for the last place I’d seen Lilah.

  “Lilah! Lilah!” I shouted, now completely soaked. I waded through the water but couldn’t see her, feel her, nothing. “Bitch, where the fuck are you!”

  Spotting another air bubble rise to the surface a few feet away, I dived and aimed for that direction. I opened my eyes underneath but couldn’t see a damn thing. Just as I was about to come up for air, my fingers caught on something soft… It felt like a thin piece of material. Pushing forward, I found Blondie’s warm body underneath and, gripping her in my arms, pushed us up to break the surface. As soon as we hit air, I dragged in a huge gulp, coughing to clear my throat. Just as I was squeezing the water from my eyes, a frantic scream pierced the air, and I looked down at Lilah. A hand slapped against my cheek, the sharp nails shredding at my skin.

  “Fuck, bitch!” I snarled and dropped her ass back in the cold water.

  Lilah spluttered and tried to stand, rushing around me to crawl out. Lifting my hand to my cheek, I ran it down the scratched skin… Blood. The fuckin’ bitch drew blood.

  Snapping my head around, I watched Lilah claw her way up the riverbank.

  “You fuckin’ drew blood, you psycho bitch!” I yelled, wincing again as my headache cracked like thunder through my skull, my damn hangover coming into effect.

  Lilah gasped at my harsh words and scurried away toward her heap of clothes. Just as I began to move out the river myself, I heard her whimper and my attention went straight to her. She was shaking and talking to hers
elf, mumbling something under her breath. I couldn’t hear what, but all her fucking crazy was back on full display.

  Striding up the bank, I approached Lilah, catching some of what she was saying.

  Please Lord, give me strength to endure pain. Help me take my punishment with dignity…

  I reached out to pull her from what sounded like a prayer, and seeing my outstretched hand, she cried out in fear and her arm flew up to protect her face. That stopped me dead and I took a step back.

  “Lilah! For fuck’s sake, I’m not gonna hurt you!”

  Lilah’s huge blue eyes came into view as she lowered her arm a few inches. Strands of her blond hair were plastered across her stunning face and she blinked.

  “Lilah, I—”

  “You… you are not here to punish me for my rejection of your advances?” she asked in a frightened tiny voice.

  I frowned. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  Fully dropping her arm, she glanced over her shoulder at me, her big eyes confused, and said, “Back in the… the room for drinking, you wanted me to join with you and I pushed you away… You… you licked my skin and said explicit things in my ear…” She looked at me, urging me to understand.

  “You’re hot. I’m hung like a donkey. And I’m fucked off my face. It sounded like a fuckin’ perfect suggestion at the time. But right now, sweet cheeks, I have no fuckin’ idea what you’re talking about.”

  She turned to fully face me, seeming bolder, and explained, “You are here to punish me because I refused you sex. It shamed you as a man for me to say no, to not welcome you into my body.” She straightened, closed her eyes, and, turning to bend over, hands on a rock and ass in the air, said, “Please, if I can request that you do not cause me pain?”

  “I—” I went to explain that I weren’t gonna hit her, but then I looked at her, looked at what was facing me… saw that she was soaking fuckin’ wet… in a see-through slip… I could see everything… and I fuckin’… I—

  Then her legs parted, a bare pussy coming into view, and I groaned, my hard cock punishing my whoring ass.

  Fuck. I’d drowned. I’d drowned and this was my hell.

  Lilah’s head whipped around and her eyes opened. I bit my bottom lip to keep my mouth shut. It took all my willpower not to jump forward, throw her on her back, and suck one of those red as fuck nipples into my mouth through the practically non-existent material. Her stomach was flat and toned, her legs long, and… and her pussy, Jesus Christ, it was perfect! Fuck me sideways, her pussy was all fuckin’ pink and hairless, the wet material suctioned to her skin showing, in explicit detail, the apex of her thighs.

  I swear I was gonna shoot a load in my jeans. Like a fuckin’ teenage boy who found his first ever beaver shot in Playboy.

  Lilah suddenly whimpered, ripping me from my staring. Her lip trembled and her eyes filled with tears as she stumbled, backing up to reach for her discarded dress on the ground, tripping over her feet as she tried to get away.

  “Lilah! Calm the fuck down!” I found the voice to call.

  She turned as she hurried to put her dress on. She pushed her hand out, almost smashing it into my chest. “No… please. I am the one who is shamed. I am a shameful, sinful woman. I did not mean to tempt you. Please do not take me… please…”

  She was freaking the fuck out so I stopped and turned away. And hell, it was hard to do. I could stare at this bitch’s stacked frame all damn day.

  But a woman whining and bitching? Nah, couldn’t deal with one second of that shit.

  “There, I’ve turned, no temptation,” I said. “Tell me when you’re dressed and then you and me are gonna talk.” I couldn’t hear anything behind me after a few minutes of rustling, and I frowned. “Lilah?” I asked again. Still nothing.

  Cautiously turning around, brushing my long wet hair from my face, I glimpsed the bottom of Lilah’s fuckin’ ugly gray dress disappearing into the woods.

  “Psycho fuckin’ bitch!” I spat, picking up my discarded cut and throwing it over my wet shirt. Setting off at a sprint, it didn’t take me long to close in on her. She may be lithe and fast, but she wasn’t faster than me.

  Casting a terrified glimpse behind her, obviously hearing my footsteps, she cried out when she saw me giving chase.

  “Lilah!” I shouted, but she didn’t let up, making me feel like we were in some fucked-up redneck horror movie.

  It left me one choice: tackle the bitch. If she ran back into the club screaming and crying, telling Mae she’d offered herself to me, that I’d seen her naked, Styx was gonna kill me for sure, or at best leave me some scars with his German blade. And that shit weren’t happening. I was too fuckin’ good-looking to be wearing ugly red scars.

  Lilah turned onto the dirt path heading up the hill to the clubhouse, when I reached out my arms, wrapped them around her waist, and tackled her to the ground, turning us midair so I took the brunt of the fall.

  “NO!” Lilah cried again and flailed to be free, digging her elbows into my ribs. I gripped on tight, trying my damnedest not to pay much attention to her full right tit my hand was practically cupping.

  Taking advantage of her leaning to the side, I rolled us over, taking her wrist and trapping her hands above her head as I straddled her waist, my chest almost touching hers. “Bitch, stop!” I ordered as her tight body wriggled beneath me and my hair fell forward to cage around her damp and frightened face.

  Her legs stilled, her breath came hard, and her chest rose up and down at a crazy speed. Her eyes darted from side to side, looking for a way out of my grasp, and her cheeks were red with too much exertion.

  Eventually her big blues locked on mine. Then I almost couldn’t breathe. Inhaling deep, I shook some sense back into my pussy-fogged mind and asked, “You done yet?”

  Lilah’s lips pursed and she slowly nodded her head.

  My eyes dropped to see her gray dress back in place and her hair messy and slicked back from running, trapped under the white—and now dirt-ridden—headdress. My gaze followed up her chest, her slim throat, her flush cheeks and refocused on her eyes.

  Tears filled her stare and she whispered, “Please… do not hurt me…”

  A pain shot through my chest at her broken voice, but her being scared of me just damn right pissed me off. “Why did you run?”

  Panic flashed across her face. “Please—”

  “Answer my fuckin’ question. Why did you run?”

  Lilah’s wet pink tongue peeked out and ran across her bottom lip. I felt that lick all the way to my dick. This bitch was killing me.

  Her breath stuttered, but she managed to reply, “I am scared… I am so scared of everything… of your world… of you… I do not want to be taken against my will again… I am so afraid…”

  Closing my eyes at her words, feeling an ache in my chest. Sympathy? I took a deep breath and looked down again. Her timid blue eyes were fixed on mine, only to drop briefly to my lips and back again. She blushed even more as her thighs squeezed together and her legs squirmed beneath me.

  Then I felt it. Like some electric current zapping through my body, my cock wanted in her… bad.

  Before I knew it, my thumbs began caressing the soft damp skin on her wrists and I drank in the sight of her lying underneath me. The pilgrim blonde… the fucked-up pilgrim blonde that I had to fix and make normal for Styx… I was beginning to think it was an impossible task. The bitch was almost as tapped in the head as Flame.

  How the fuck did you get through to this level of crazy?

  Lilah’s head slowly tipped back to our hands and she frowned at the movement of my thumbs. I took the opportunity to lean down and place my lips at her ear.

  Christ, she smelled good, some sweet vanilla scent pouring from her wet skin. It made me want to lick her, wrap my hands in her long blond hair, and kiss the fuck out of her pouting lips.

  A sharp inhale of breath told me she’d noticed where my mouth was, and I could feel her pounding heart against my chest.

  “Ky…” she whispered, and I gritted my teeth at her breathy voice. Hell, she was a fuckin’ temptress. I’d never been so turned on in my life.

  Yup, I was in hell.

  “I ain’t gonna hurt you, bitch, yeah? There’s no punishment for what happened in the bar. You said no. That’s all there is to it. No need to be flashing me that tight ass,” I answered in a raspy voice. I quickly cleared my throat. “Ain’t no one gonna rape you either, so get that fuckin’ fear outta your messed-up mind.”

  Her breath blew past my ear. “I… I don’t understand… what is… rape?”

  “What is rape?” I asked, now confused as fuck. “It’s when someone forces themselves on you when you say no. When you have no choice. When you don’t want fucking but they do it anyway. Fuck, bitch, you should know the meaning of that word.”

  Her eyes went huge. “That has never been done to me…”

  “Yeah, in that cult, it was.”

  “No. It was not… rape. It was the elders doing as commanded by the prophet and God.”

  I closed my eyes and shook my head. The bitch had been raped for years, but had no fucking clue. “One day, Lilah, you’ll get what I’m talking about and realize how fucked up that excuse sounds.”

  She didn’t say shit in response.

  I pulled back slightly so my face hovered just above her. Lilah’s skin was golden and smooth, her nose small and cute; those lips… yeah, they were unreal too. Jesus, it was like she was dreamed up just for me; I’d never seen a bitch so perfect in all my life. Hadn’t ever thought such a woman existed until Lilah crawled out of that prison cell a few short weeks ago, only to begin torturing me and my highly exercised cock.

  “So I am not in trouble?” she asked.

  “Here at the Hangmen, if a bitch says no to fucking, then it means no fucking. Got it?”

  Two blond eyebrows knitted together, pink lips pursed in confusion. Lilah shook her head, telling me she didn’t get it.