Read Heart of Clay Page 25

  Callan was glad everyone stuck around longer than Clay obviously wanted. She wasn’t certain how he liked her new look. She knew he thought he’d been ambushed when he arrived home. His displeasure filled both his face and his voice all through dinner.

  As Jenna and Bobbi helped with the dishes, they both teased her about the effect she had on her husband.

  “I haven’t seen him this pathetic since he first tried to ask you out, Callan,” Bobbi said with a laugh. “This is just too much. He looks so ferocious. I suppose he’s ready to throw us all out in the cold by now.”

  “It is pretty entertaining, Cal,” Jenna added with a smile, scooping leftovers into smaller containers and setting them inside the refrigerator. “His act of trying to be irritated isn’t hiding the fact that he looks completely infatuated with you.”

  “Really? You think so?” Callan snuck a glance at Clay through the kitchen doorway. He pretended to look interested in Josh and Steve’s conversation about spring farm work and failed miserably. “I’m afraid I might not have thought this out as much as I should have. What if Clay hates my hair shorter?”

  “Oh, phooey.” Bobbi waved her hand in the direction of the men. “What do they know about anything? I’ve never seen you look lovelier, honey, and that is the truth. We’re going to clear out of here and let you deal with your out-of-sorts husband all by yourself.” Bobbi kissed Callan on the cheek and patted her encouragingly on the back. “I’m so proud of you for making so many positive changes in your life, sweetie. You just keep at it.”

  “This was such fun.” Jenna looped her arm around Callan’s and strolled into the living room where the men sat around the fireplace. “Let me know the next time you have a rash idea that will push Clay over the edge of reason. I wouldn’t want to miss out on anything.”

  “Great. Thanks, Jen,” Callan said dryly. “You’re really making me feel better about this whole situation.” After helping Jenna slip on her coat, she gave her a hug. “Thanks for coming with me. It was so nice to have you and Laken there. It meant so much.”

  “Anytime!” Jenna squeezed her hand. “I had oodles of fun. And Bobbi’s right. You’ve never looked more beautiful.”

  Josh gave his sister a hug then waggled his eyebrows at her while tipping his head toward Clay. Everyone except Clay laughed.

  He sat in his chair by the fireplace moping as she closed the door behind their departing company. She wasn’t sure if his dour mood was because of the fact he’d been teased and the butt of their jokes, or because he was upset with her.

  Second-guessing herself, she worried that she had rushed into this whole makeover thing without thinking it through. Maybe she should have asked Clay for his opinion first.

  Then she remembered how good she felt after getting her haircut. How liberating it felt to change how she looked as she worked to change her attitude and outlook on life. Deep down, she knew what she’d done was a good decision for her. She hoped Clay would eventually agree.

  Callan decided to leave her grumpy husband alone for the moment and went into the kitchen. She turned on the music she’d been listening to when she first got home and finished cleaning up from dinner.

  Clay sat by the fire, trying to get his thoughts and feelings under control. The baffling female in the kitchen left him unsettled yet intrigued. He had no idea how to go about understanding a woman, especially one he’d loved for more than a decade but suddenly felt like he didn’t know well at all.

  When he heard her begin to hum, he smiled. Callan used to love to sing and always had music playing. For years, it had been too quiet. She’d recently dug out all her favorite music and had been playing it whenever she was home or in her car.

  Tonight was the first time he’d heard her hum along to the music.

  Lost in her own thoughts and the music playing, Callan hung the dishtowel up to dry as Clay wandered into the kitchen and turned off the lights.

  Without saying a word, he took her hand in his and tugged her into the living room. The only light came from the fireplace, casting a warm glow around the room. Slowly releasing her hand, Clay took a step back and studied her. Beyond the brooding look he did so well at maintaining, she couldn’t read his thoughts or intentions.

  “Dance with me, Callan,” he rumbled, holding out his hands, knowing she wouldn’t, couldn’t refuse.

  Clay hated to dance. Avoided it at all costs. Claimed he had two left feet. Now, he wanted to dance in their living room, to music playing in the kitchen they could barely hear. Still wary of his current mood, Callan thought it best to humor him. She stepped forward and accepted his hand with hers while she slid her other hand onto his shoulder. He acted so strange. She couldn’t begin to imagine what in the world had gotten into him.

  Every nerve in Clay’s body stood at attention as he held Callan close and they swayed in time to the music.

  Tomorrow, he’d ask about this wild and exciting transformation.

  Tomorrow, he’d tell her how surprised he was by the joke they’d pulled over on him.

  Tomorrow, he’d tell her how proud he was of her.

  Tonight, just for tonight, he wanted to enjoy the wonder of holding a mysterious stranger he’d loved for thirteen years close to his heart.

  He could barely comprehend Callan doing something so bold - completely changing her entire appearance in twenty-four hours. Clay had the feeling his future would be incredibly interesting if this was a preview of what was to come. Just when he thought he had her figured out, she changed direction and pulled him off kilter.

  The more he saw of the new Callan, the stronger his interest grew. In all truth, he was mesmerized.

  Gently moving his hand up and down her back, he enjoyed the feel of the luxurious knit against his work-roughened palm and fingers. Her sweater was even softer than it looked. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen her wear pink. She looked altogether feminine and alluring, especially as her hair rippled in waves of rich auburn shot with gold from the firelight. The way it swished around her face as they danced left him utterly entranced.

  When he dropped her into a deep dip, he kissed the fluttering pulse in her neck, drinking in the look of bliss that swept across her face. If only he could smell her scent, he knew he’d be completely intoxicated. Lifting her up out of the dip, he twirled her around, tugged at her sweater sleeve, and pulled off the cardigan.

  Just like unwrapping a beautiful package, Clay thought as his mouth began to water.

  The sleeveless shell Callan wore fit her to perfection. Clay took great pleasure in trailing his fingers lightly up and down her arms. He watched goose bumps rise on her soft skin. Finally taking her hand in his again, he continued their dance.

  In her entire life, Callan couldn’t remember ever feeling like this. Her legs would have buckled beneath her if Clay hadn’t held her so closely in his arms. He stirred wondrous feelings and emotions she’d never experienced.

  Even though she had always loved Clay, a part of her was afraid to love him completely, without reserve, in case he ever left her.

  All these years, she’d kept a part of herself shut away, not ever letting him fully scale all of the walls she’d built around her heart. Now, most of those walls were rubble and the last of the barriers loomed dangerously close to crumbling under his tenacious determination to love her.

  Vividly aware it was time to overcome her fears, she asked herself what she was afraid of, why she kept holding a part of herself back from Clay. He deserved to have her love, her life, her very essence completely, without any restraint or reservation.

  Callan took a deep breath and felt the last wall tumble. Defenseless, she surrendered willingly as Clay took her to the point of no return.

  She started to sing along to the love song playing in the kitchen. While she sang, she unbuttoned his shirt then placed a tender kiss in the hollow of his neck.

  “Callan,” Clay whispered, putting a world of emotion into that one word. He pulled he
r closer and gave her a long, passionate kiss that left them both breathless and wanting.

  Unhurriedly sliding her arms under his shirt, she clung to his back, to his strength and ruggedness. She held him so tight, his heart pounded wildly against her, keeping time to her own frenzied pulse.

  Slowly raising her mouth to his, she whispered against his lips. “Don’t wake me up, Clay. I don’t want this dream to ever end.”

  “Never, Laney, never,” he whispered as he kissed her again. Quickly sweeping her into his arms, he carried her to their bedroom.

  The next morning, as he sat at the table watching her make breakfast, Clay still couldn’t get over the transformation in Callan.

  “So tell me, beautiful wife of mine, what inspired you to chop off your hair and make me look like an idiot yesterday?” With his good humor restored, he was back to his usual teasing.

  “Oh, you know, we have that ongoing conspiracy to humiliate you but this time all the pieces fell into place.” Callan tossed him a saucy grin as she removed muffins from the oven, placed them on a plate, and set it in front of him.

  His arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her onto his lap. Seductively nibbling her ear, he made her giggle. “Well, don’t get used to it. Walking in here and finding a stranger had taken over my wife threw me off balance enough that you could get away with your trickery.”

  Callan stopped smiling and looked at Clay with real concern on her face. “Do you really like the changes? Are you mad I cut my hair?”

  “I admit it was a shock at first, but I think I’m getting used to it.” Clay ran his hand over her head and studied the luxurious waves that wrapped around his fingers. He wondered if she’d always had such thick hair because it seemed to have taken on a life all its own. “You look amazing Callan and I’m so proud of you for making big changes in your life. I know it isn’t easy and I’m glad Jenna and Laken went with you. It’s great you have such good friends.”

  “It is good,” Callan said with a warm smile. She kissed his cheek then started to get up. “Eat your breakfast, Brick.”

  Clay growled and pulled her back into his lap. His hand rubbed against her side before he slipped it inside her robe. Starved for more of her kisses, he teased and tempted until she took a gasping breath. “I’m suddenly not in the mood for breakfast, but I’m definitely hungry.”