Read Heart of Clay Page 42

  Chapter Twenty

  Callan rested her head against the recliner with her eyes closed while Clay read a book. He’d been moderately well behaved the entire day and she knew he made progress. The better he felt, the less cantankerous and more easygoing he became.

  In his third day of getting up out of bed, he continued to make huge strides in the healing process. The first day had been brutal, but David was pleased with his efforts. Although brief, he was able to be up for longer periods each day. They had to take things one step at a time until Clay could walk again.

  The light, clicking steps of little feet echoed around her as they approached the door. Callan hid a grin as Emma and Audrey rushed to the chair and climbed onto her lap.

  “Auntie Callan, we came to see you and Uncle Clay,” Audrey said, bouncing on Callan’s lap.

  “Hello, sweetie pies!” Callan gave them each a hug and kiss. “Did you have a fun ride with Uncle Josh?”

  “Yep. He’s silly.” Emma tilted her head and pointed to her uncle as he sauntered into the room and shook Clay’s hand before sitting down in an empty chair.

  Callan laughed. “That’s why we love him so much, isn’t it?”

  “Yep!” both girls agreed.

  “Are you ready to see Uncle Clay?” Callan asked as she stood up, took their hands, and led them next to the bed. She picked up Audrey and sat her on the bed on Clay’s good side, then bent to pick up Emma.

  Clay still couldn’t believe anyone thought it was a good idea to subject the girls to his hideous state, but he’d try to make the best of it. After setting aside his book when they came in, he was as ready as he could be for their visit.

  “Hi Audrey,” Clay said, offering her a friendly smile. “How are you?”

  “I’m fine, Uncle Clay. Are you feeling better? You look lots better than the last time we were here,” Audrey stated with a nod of her head. “We can see your eyeballs today and everything!”

  Carefully, Clay chuckled. “Yes, you can. I appreciate you coming to see me. It’s very nice to see you.”

  Emma was tired of waiting and started chanting, “my turn. It’s my turn!” Emma, who hung off Callan’s neck, tried hard to contain her wiggly little body. “Oh, Uncle Clay. Is it you?” she asked, bending forward and gazing at him closely.

  “Yes, Emma, it’s me.” He felt uncomfortable under her intent perusal. Goodness only knew what she’d say.

  “Are you sure?” Emma asked with a tilt of her head. “You gots hair all over your face. Is it s’posed to be there?”

  “For now it is. When I feel much, much better, I’ll shave it off. Will that be okay with you?” Clay asked.

  “Yep! I’s glad you feel better. I miss you.” After fisting a handful of Callan’s shirt in her hand to keep her balance, Emma leaned forward and planted a kiss on his cheek.

  Her sweet little kiss as well as the way she softly brushed a hand over the scruffy beard on his face left him surprised and pleased. “I miss you girls, too. When the doctor lets me go home, will you promise to come visit me again?” Clay gave both girls a pleading look.

  “Oh, yes. We can take good care of you,” Audrey said, nodding her head excitedly. “Can’t we, Auntie Callan?”

  Callan smiled as she set Emma down and lifted Audrey off the bed. “Absolutely. You’ll be great little helpers.” She turned toward the door and asked the girls if they thought they should go see what treats they could find in the cafeteria. They were quick to agree that would be a fine idea. She held their hands as they walked out into the hall. The girls chattered excitedly, asking a multitude of questions about Uncle Clay, like when he could play, how come he couldn’t get out of bed, and if he got ice cream every day.

  Josh smiled as they left then turned to Clay. “So how are you really doing? My sister tells me you’re getting tired of staring at the same four walls. Anything I can get for you?”

  “I’m doing okay. Just getting a little restless and homesick.” Clay glanced wistfully out the window, regretting his inability to go outside and enjoy the summer sunshine.

  “Well, how about a game of checkers?” Josh asked as he set up the board on Clay’s bed tray. “Say, you know the Stewarts down in Sublimity? The other day at the feed store I heard he was …”

  Clay smiled. Josh was nearly as good at telling stories as his dad. Leave it to his brother-in-law to both distract and entertain him.