Read Heart of Iron Page 37

Page 37

  A hot tongue swept over her, rasping at her nipple. An inarticulate sound echoed in her throat, harsh and guttural. A wordless plea for more. As if in answer, his fingers danced lightly over her wet flesh, circling the entrance to her body.

  “Yes,” Lena gasped, back arching obscenely. “Will!”

  “Do you like that?” A hint of curiosity gleamed in his eyes. This was new to him too and yet he moved with a confidence that fooled her.

  A finger slid deep into her passage and she clenched around it, eyes rolling back in her head. Soft laughter echoed against her flesh, a rumble of pleased satisfaction. So male.


  Her fingers were clenched in his hair so tight he had to feel it. She tried to relax. And failed. “Yes. ”

  Another finger stretched her and she felt the burn deep within as her body eased to accommodate him. Shadows filled his eyes—he wanted it to be his own body—and he bit the soft curve of her breast with a snarl as the amber overtook his irises.

  Lena lifted her hips to his hand, silently demanding more. The world narrowed, becoming little more than the sound of shifting sheets and soft sighs and the feel of his fingers pumping within her.

  Something beckoned, a sensation she knew she wanted to feel. Tossing her head from side to side, she tried to find it, tried to push harder against his hand. Will’s thumb rode over the nub of her flesh and she clenched with a gasp, grabbing at his wrist.

  “There,” she whispered desperately. “Right there. ”

  “Here?” A thumb pressed hard against her.

  She cried out, her hips lifting higher. So close. Almost… The edge threatened to collapse beneath her and his thumb rode her again. There—

  Lena screamed as sensation rode through her, blinding her to all else. Nothing but the feel of his body remained, his finger driving deep within her. Claiming her as she wished his body could.

  Too much. She cried out and caught his hand, clenching her knees tightly together as she rolled onto her side. Gasping, her face pressed into the sheets, she came back to the world slowly. Will curled around her, his face nuzzling the back of her neck and his shaft pressed against her bottom.

  She shifted, driving it between her thighs, her own slickness creating a vacuum. Will sucked in a sharp breath, his hands clutching her tight. “Lena. ”

  Yet his hips pressed against her bottom, the nest of springy hair at the base of his shaft tickling her. His hot flesh rode against her sensitive nub and she gasped again, white lights dancing behind her eyes.

  Sinking a fist into her hair, Will dragged her face back, baring her throat. His hips bucked against her again, tearing a new sensation through her.

  Teeth sinking into the soft muscle of her trapezium. His fist, a dominating presence in her hair. She couldn’t move, trapped by his body. Will ground himself against her again and again, thrusting hard between her thighs. She clenched her knees, her fingers digging into the sheet.

  “Mine,” he growled. “You’re mine. ”

  “Always,” she cried, her body tipping over that sharp, electric edge again.

  His cry echoed hers, hot seed flooding against her stomach. Lena collapsed against the sheets, panting hard. There was no time to relax. Will shoved her onto her back, his eyes wild as he wiped the seed from her skin. Only when the last trace of it was gone did his shoulders relax. He balled the sheet up and threw it away.

  Lena reached for him, “Come here. ”

  The muscle strained in his thighs. “I shouldn’t. ” His gaze drifted to the sheet, voice hoarse. “I shouldn’t have risked even that. ”

  Languorous heat settled through her body. She wanted to sleep, desperately. Stretching catlike, she smiled up at him. “That wasn’t a question, Will. ”

  He owned her utterly. And yet, when it came down to it, she owned a part of him too.

  He came, his body pressing hard on hers, driving her into the mattress. Lena smiled to herself and held him close, rubbing her cheek against his throat.

  I love you.

  But they were words she didn’t dare utter, words that would only cause pain in this moment. She didn’t want to cry. Didn’t want to see that sleepy satisfaction fade from his eyes. This moment was for them. The last one they could ever have.

  The thought made her smile fade slightly but she forced it away. Mine, she told herself, sliding her arms around him and holding him tight. The familiar scent of his body flooded her nostrils and she pressed her face into his hair and breathed deep.

  No thought of the future. No thought of what couldn’t be.

  Just the moment.

  One she never wanted to let go of.


  A soft hand stroked his chest.

  Will yawned and struggled to open his eyes. He felt better than he had in years, so relaxed he could barely lift his head off the pillow. The room was dark, the sheets stained with the scent of Lena and the musky scent of—

  He froze.

  Then caught the hand that stroked his chest.

  “Lena,” he whispered, lifting his head off the pillow. Starlight glittered through the crack between the curtains.

  “Mmph?” She made a sleepy sound and snuggled against him.

  She was naked, her leg thrown over his and her head resting on his shoulder. Panic erupted, his heart bursting into a racing staccato. He could feel every inch of impossibly smooth skin, her body slick against his.

  The scent of sex. Of his seed, mingled with the delicious scent of her own body.

  The loose end of the bandage on her hand tickled his chest. What had he done? Looking around wildly, he saw the discarded roll of sheet. Memory flooded back in. His fingers, wet within the heat of her body, Lena gasping beneath him, her face twisted with ecstasy. Thrusting hard between her thighs, her knees clamped together like a vise as he spilled his seed against her stomach…

  Will’s head hit the pillow. Thank God. He hadn’t taken her. Hadn’t infected her. Relief flooded through him and he caught her hand, squeezing it gently.

  The bandage tickled his fingers. He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her fingertips. Lena barely stirred.

  Frowning, he rolled onto his side. She tumbled into his arms like a rag doll, a flush of perspiration on her gleaming, naked skin.

  “Lena?” he whispered. Why the devil wasn’t she responding?

  His side was wet where she’d been lying against him. Will’s eyebrows furrowed deeper and he pressed a hand against her forehead.

  Perspiration drenched her hair. She moaned slightly, her head lolling as if she sought to remove his hand. He drew it back, mind racing.

  She felt hot. Most of the time a human’s skin felt cold against his burning heat. Lena always had, her body feeling like cool silk against his. For him to register her skin as hot, she had to be burning up, almost as hot as he himself.

  There was only one possible reason for that.

  “No,” he whispered, turning her chin to peer at her face.

  Faint circles of red shadowed her cheeks. Sweat gleamed on her breasts and stained the sheets beneath her. Will rose up onto his knees, his gaze falling on the bandage around her hand.

  He yanked it off, lost to any sense of tenderness. Lena whimpered, her head twisting on the pillow and wet strands of hair sticking to her throat. He almost didn’t want to look, too afraid to know the truth.

  Forcing himself, he opened her curled fingers and stared hard at the palm of her hand.

  Smooth pale skin.

  Not even a hint of a welt.

  “No,” he whispered, throwing himself off the bed. Panic churned in his stomach and he raked his hands through his hair, shooting her an incredulous look.

  It couldn’t be. He’d been so careful with her. No blood, no sex… And he knew saliva was safe or he’d never have kissed her.

  Cold dread spiraled through him. “Lena,” he whisp
ered, crossing to the bed. “Lena?”

  She blinked sleepily, wincing as if her head hurt. “Will?” A soft murmur, her head lolling to the side.

  Will caught her chin. “You don’t feel well, do you?”

  Her pupils looked the size of small marbles. She looked past him, her gaze focusing on nothing. “Just…head aching…”

  “How long?” Her eyes started closing again and he grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her gently. “Damn it, Lena. How long have you been feeling poorly?”

  Blinking up at him, she caught his hands, her own grip feeble. “Hurts. ”

  “I know. ” He ground his teeth together and let her go. “I’m sorry. How long has it been hurtin’ for?”

  “Days?” she whispered, licking at her dry lips. “The morning after you came…to my room. ”

  Will slumped on the edge of the bed. “Days?” he repeated. What the hell had happened that night? He’d kissed her. Tasted her skin. Her breasts. But nothing else. It had to have been blood, but he couldn’t remember if he’d been bleeding. He was always so careful. “Was I injured? Did you see any blood on me?”

  She shook her head, curling back into the pillow as if her body ached. As it no doubt did. “Don’t know. ” Cupping her hands over her face, she whimpered. “Hurts. ”

  He hovered over her uselessly. “I know. ” God, how he knew. Joints aching, body burning up, head pounding as if it were fit to split. The insatiable need for water. He stroked her back, light circles to ease the aching he knew she’d be feeling.

  “I’ll fetch you some water,” he said, leaning down and kissing her brow.

  “Please. ”

  “Stay here. ” His heart hammered in his chest as he fetched her nightgown and laid it over her. Anything more would only chafe her skin. Tugging on the pair of trousers he found strewn over the end of the bed, he eased out of the room and shut the door quietly.

  A soft whimper echoed from within, stabbing him hard in the chest. Will leaned back against the door, closing his eyes in despair.

  What had he done?


  The reality of the situation didn’t truly hit him until he’d helped her finish a full jug of water. As Lena collapsed back on the sheets into a feverish sleep, he dragged a clean sheet he’d found over her and stood back, staring at her petite figure. She shivered, her skin clammy to the touch.

  Will backed away, swallowing hard. What have I done? He should never have laid so much as a finger on her.

  But years of aching loneliness had their toll. He’d always desired Lena. Too much so. When he first took the letter off her he should have gone straight to Blade. Let him deal with the mess, with Lena’s protection. He’d known how much of a temptation she represented for him.

  With his feet dragging, he slowly climbed the stairs to the attic. The faint swish of skirts told him who was awake up there.

  A murmur of voices greeted him as he lifted his hand to knock. Blade too, then. Guilt choked him but he forced himself to rap at the thick wooden door. There was nothing he could do now. Lena needed her sister.

  “Come in, Will,” Honoria called.

  Light sheared through the darkness as he opened the door. Honoria’s usual chignon was a bedraggled mess as she perched in an armchair by the hearth. Blade rifled through the books on the shelves, peering intently at the spines.

  Honoria met his gaze, dark circles swallowing her eyes.

  She knew.

  He faltered in the door, shaking his head, unable to speak.

  “Oh, Will,” she whispered, coming to her feet. “How is she?”

  He opened his mouth but no words came out. Only an inarticulate sound of pain and guilt. The room blurred as heat filled his eyes. “I didn’t—I was always so careful. I don’t know how—” And then a flash of image swam into his mind. Of the jewelry store. “My lip,” he said, touching it. “I had a fight with Colchester and he split my lip. ” Guilt punched him in the chest. “I kissed her. I didn’t think. ” He’d been more concerned with not bedding her, of fighting away the desire to claim her as his own. He’d forgotten, for a moment, the dangers of his blood. And the wound had been so minor…

  Honoria wrapped her arms around his waist and for once he let her. “It’s not your fault, Will. No matter what we all said, she would never have stayed away from you. ” The warmth of her body soaked into his and he rested his chin on the top of her head, holding her awkwardly.

  “I should have made her. ” He drew back and wiped his sleeve across his eyes. “I should never have thought I could do this. I should have come straight to Blade when this all happened. Let him deal with her. ”

  “When all what happened?”

  Too many secrets. He shut his mouth and raked his hands through his hair. “What do we do?”

  Honoria stared at him for a piercing moment, then let it go. She turned away, gesturing at the half-opened books that littered the room. “I don’t know, Will. We’ve been reading all day—”