Read Heart of the Veldt Page 24


  “Ladies?” Setzer opened the door to the cabin and entered. “We're approaching the Academy, if you care for an aerial view.”

  Relm squealed. “Darn right! I need to grab my palette and brushes.”

  Alice chuckled and stood as Relm rushed from the room.

  “How was the trip, Miss Alice? Not too bumpy, I hope.”

  “No. It was wonderful,” she assured as she made her way forward. You’re talking to the Setzer Gabbiani. “Thank you.”

  He sent her a charming smile before she passed and made her way on deck. Relm scurried on deck a moment or two later and set up her easel and canvas.

  Making her way to the--Alice gasped “It's huge!”

  Relm looked over at Alice's large sparkling eyes and shocked face with a knowing look. “If you think that's big, you should see Figaro castle. Doma castle's even bigger . . . I think.”

  Alice stared in stupefaction at the sprawling mansion-turned-educational-facility. Located northwest of Figaro near Kohlingen, its three-story mass was a collection of architectural beauty and organizational genius. The third story was dedicated solely to the students' dorms. The second story held the library and research facility. The ground floor held multiple classrooms where the select few accepted students would have the benefit of specialized professors teaching what they loved. The professors' bungalows were behind, giving the teachers and students an opportunity to develop a bond.

  “Another pass, Relm, and then I'll need to go in,” Setzer told them from the helm.

  “Right. I've almost got it.”

  Alice couldn't help but feel she would get lost in the sheer mass of the building. You're definitely not on the Veldt anymore. Welcome to city life.

  “You better hold on,” Relm said with a laugh. “Setzer can get a little exuberant with his landings.”

  Alice moved from the railing and gripped a safety post. Relm did the same. But contrary to the girl's report, the landing was as smooth as the ride had been.

  “I guess Terra and Edgar are going to give us a tour of the place, and then we'll head on over to the office to fill out paperwork and sign up for classes.”

  “Already? I thought the term didn't start until after the summer.”

  Relm waved the comment aside as she stowed her easel and paints in a safe place. “Oh that. There aren't very many students here, so the teachers can work on almost a one-to-one basis. Groups of three to five, most of the time. You can start whenever you feel like it, basically.”

  Good. Maybe I can get home sooner. “Sounds great.” Geez, Alice. Pull your head out and quit feeling sorry for yourself.

  Relm made a motion with her head to the exit. “Come on. Let's go find Terra and Edgar. The chance to look around without them is going to give me hives.”

  Alice sent the girl a slight smile as she followed her. “I take it you like being on your own?”

  Relm waited at the end of the ramp with a smirk. “Darn right. Most of the time it's more fun.”

  “So, then, what are you doing here?” Alice asked as the two headed for the Academy.

  “You mean what am I going to be studying?”

  “Yeah. It seems to me that helping save our world would have made it easy for you to be a world-class whatever.”

  Relm made a face. “What's the fun in that? I like adventure as much as the next teenager. Besides, if I took the easy road I think I'd disappoint my dad and myself.”

  “Don't want to waste life on an easy ride, huh?”

  “Nope. You never learn anything that way.”

  Alice absently nodded as she stowed her hands deep into the pockets of her denim shorts. “Yeah, well, sometimes adventure sucks,” she mumbled. She felt Relm's gaze on her and shook her head. “Don't ask.”

  “Too bad. I am.” Alice didn't answer and Relm pressed on. “I know adventure can suck the crap right out of a chocobo, believe me. I almost got myself, my grandpa, and my friends and father killed because of it. But, that experience is part of my life now and I wouldn't trade it for anything.” Relm moved her focus to an examination of the Academy. “Of course, I haven't had nearly the adventure as Gau.”

  Alice looked over at her. “Why's that?”

  “Didn't you know he was left on the Veldt by his dad--crazy bastard--when he was a baby?” Alice nodded. “He was left to die and turned out to be a really nice guy,” Relm continued. “A little dense sometimes, but a nice guy just the same.” The artist glanced toward Alice. “You said that you've actually met him, right?”

  “You could say that.”

  She smirked. “I did. What'd you think?”

  “He understands me like my friend Eric does.” She gave a shrug. “He's fine, as guys go.” Too bad he’s dense about girls. Alice sighed. Carol, why couldn’t you have left him alone. He doesn’t get about things like you do.

  Relm examined Alice's expression, then she looked away. “Geez. And I thought Edgar was blind,” she muttered.

  Alice looked over at her sharply. “Wh--?”

  “Relm! Alice! Welcome to the Figaro Academy for Higher Studies!”

  King and Queen Figaro approached them with smiles and laughter, and all Alice could do was set aside the question for later.