Read Hearts for Rent Page 10

  “I see that you talked to him,” Heidi remarked. “I wanted a neutral opinion.”

  “He was just blowing off steam. I had to tell him about Kelso and he had to tell me about you.”

  “I’m glad he’s going around telling everyone about us.”

  “Heidi, we’re friends,” Dashelle interrupted. “We all know when one of us isn’t up to par.”

  “Then tell me why I feel so bad,” Heidi blurted out before more tears ran down her cheek.

  Ashleigh reached over and hugged Heidi. She knew somewhat what she was going through. Of course, she knew that J.T. meant a lot more to Heidi than Kelso did. They had grown up together, and she had just met Kelso.

  “Why do I always screw up good things?” Heidi questioned.

  “It’s not your fault, sweetie,” Ashleigh said. “He’s just a boy and he is genetically engineered to cause problems.”

  Heidi laughed. “You crack me up.”

  “Well, wait til you hear what happened with Kelso and me. Then, you’ll believe that boys are meant to cause problems.”

  At that moment, J.T. walked into the door. He was about to walk all the way in, when he saw that Dashelle and Ashleigh were in the room. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked at his watch.

  “Should I come back later?” J.T. asked.

  Heidi looked up at the clock. “Tomorrow would be better. Its almost curfew, which I’m still working on.”

  “Oh, I’m not worried about curfew anymore. I’ve decided that if the dean wants to get on my case for every little thing that I don’t need to be here.”

  “You’re dropping out?” Ashleigh assumed.

  “Not, yet,” J.T. said. “But, I’m seriously considering it.” J.T. waved goodbye to the girls. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Heidi.”

  “Sure,” Heidi said with little emotion.


  A note slipped under J.T.’s door at five o’clock in the morning. He picked it up and tried to read it without his glasses on. He was recovering from the drinks he had the night before. His glasses were causing a headache. He fumbled for his glasses and almost poked himself in the eye. The note was signed by the RD.

  Jayson Sumtrane,

  Please report to the dean’s office ASAP. This is an urgent matter regarding your activities last night.

  J.T. crumbled up the paper and threw it in the trash. He threw on some running pants, crammed a hat on his head and went out the door to go to rehearsals before he had to go to class. He was fed up with the dean and he wanted to take out his frustration at rehearsal. There, he could be a whole different person. He would make it to the dean’s office eventually, but he had to deal with his job first.

  He hailed a cab. The same cabbie seemed to pick him up everyday, so there was little conversation about where to go. In fact, there was hardly any conversation about anything. The cabbie finally broke the silence today.

  “So, what play is going on?” the cabbie asked.

  “Rent,” J.T. answered. “We’re just starting to block everything, so it’ll be awhile before were ready for the real thing.”

  “I figured it was a newer one. I keep seeing all these young kids go to your theater. I just wish they would write some more plays with characters my age,” the cabbie said. “I came to this place 20 years ago and you’re looking at the best job I could get.”

  “Sorry, man. This kind of fell in my lap. I had auditioned because I didn’t think I was going to get into Julliard. Lo and behold, I got the part and accepted to Julliard. But, that’s about to change. The dean has been on my case ever since I walked into her classrooms.”

  “Are you nuts? You can’t quit Julliard! Do you know what it takes to be a Juliardian? When I came here 20 years ago, I was at Julliard. Then, I quit. Look where it got me.” The cabbie pulled up in front of the Madrid.

  “I’ll think about it,” J.T. said. He handed the cabbie his fare and walked into the theater.

  Inside, Kelso was waiting for him. He was the only one in the theater so far. The director had not even made it yet.

  “Just the man I wanted to talk to,” Kelso remarked. “And no, it’s not about Ashleigh.”

  “Well, what is it?”

  “I might not be able to go through rehearsals much longer. I need an understudy. Have any ideas?”

  “Are you feeling that bad, man? I thought you were just in the beginning stages.”

  “I am, but I have a lot of doctor appointments coming up and I need to know that I have someone on my side if I can’t make it on the stage. I’ve been having a lot of flu like symptoms and I don’t want to risk anything.”

  “So, are you bailing out?”

  “No. I just want to spend some time with the ones close to me. Don’t get me wrong, I want to get through these rehearsals and make it on stage. I just want to know that I’ve got someone backing me up if I can’t make it.”

  “Let me make a call.”

  “We’ll have to run it by Greg,” Kelso said.

  “Duh.” J.T. got out his cell phone and dialed Court.

  “Court, what are you doing this morning?”

  “Sleeping, like most right minded people do, J.T. It’s six o’clock in the morning!”

  “Thanks, Court. I really needed you yelling after the night I had last night. I was calling because Kelso needs an understudy.”

  Court sat up in is bed. “You’re yanking me, right?”

  “No, I’m not. He’s got a lot going on right now. Listen, it’s not for certain that you’ll get the part, but it would be helpful if you could come down this morning and see how it goes. Greg would have to audition you, but let’s face it, you’re a natural Roger like everyone says I’m a natural Mark.”

  “Fine. I’ll throw on some clothes and get there.”

  “Do us a favor and shower first,” J.T. joked.

  “Ha ha,” Court sneered. “Bye.”

  J.T. hung up the phone. “It’s settled. Court will be down in a few.”

  “Great. Now, that that’s off my mind, I can think about my Ashleigh dilemma.”

  “Whoa,” J.T. said. He covered his ears. “Brain overload. I can only do so much for you in one day.”

  “I wasn’t going to burden you with it. I just have to figure out how to handle things. I tried to call her last night, but she didn’t answer her phone. And I definitely wasn’t going to call her this morning. I just need to figure out how to get through this. J.T., I want to go out with her and spend time with her.” Kelso looked down at his hands that had track mark scars on them. “She may be the last girl I’ll ever fall in love with.”

  “Can I say one thing, Kelso,” J.T. said glancing at the track marks. “You did it to yourself. No one made you get HIV. Ask questions, man.”

  “I did, J.T. She didn’t know. Don’t pin the whole thing on me.”

  “Well, if you want to get with Ashleigh, you’re going to have to stop that.” J.T. pointed to the scars.

  Kelso looked down at his hands. “Bad memories, man. I quit . . .a long time ago. Just stuck on smokes, now.”

  J.T. shook his head. “Ashleigh is a good girl. She wants someone who will take care of her.”

  “I am—I will. I just need to talk to her,” Kelso said.

  J.T. stood up from where he was sitting. “You have a phone. Let the fingers do the dialing.” He walked away. Somehow, he knew that Court was walking into the theater. He had a connection with his best friend. He knew when he was coming, when he would call, and what he was thinking. They were like two people intertwined into one.

  Court walked over to J.T. He looked at Kelso.

  “What’s with him?”


  “Ahh.” Court found a way to change the subject. “So, when do I audition?”

  “As soon as the director gets here. Why don’t you come run lines with me? Not that you’ll need the scrip
t or anything.”


  J.T. rolled his eyes. “C’mon.” He motioned for Court to jump onstage with him.


  Brady’s alarm went off. He slammed down the off button and looked on the bed next to him. Freedom was asleep. He walked over to the bed and shook her.

  “Freedom,” he whispered. “Time to get up, so I don’t get reamed.”

  “Mmm,” Freedom grunted.

  “Freedom,” Brady repeated. “Get up.”

  “Relax. Just give me a few more minutes.”

  “I don’t have a few more minutes. The RD lives across the hall and he tends to frequent my dorm room early in the morning and late at night.”

  Freedom slowly sat up. “Must be the same guy that lives in J.T.’s dorm.”

  “Probably related somehow. Now, I’m going to put this in the nicest way possible. Get out quick.”

  “Sheesh. You’re awfully nervous in the morning.”

  “Freedom, you’re testing my patience.”

  “Well, I tested something else last night and it seemed to be working.”

  Brady growled. He threw Freedom’s jacket at her, opened the door, and shoved her out into the hall. Unfortunately, he shoved her into the arms of the RD.

  “Morning, Brady,” the RD greeted.

  “Morning,” Brady mumbled.

  “Who’s your friend?”

  “Travis, met Freedom. Freedom this is Travis.”

  Freedom flashed a smile and waved. “I need to get going. I’m late for my class. I just came by to ask a question about another class.” Freedom walked backwards toward the stairs. She blew Brady a kiss and trotted down the stairs.

  Travis eyed Brady. “You know the drill.”

  “Oh, c’mon, man. She just said she came by to ask a question.”

  “That would have worked, except for the fact that I saw you sneak her in last night, past your curfew.”

  “Why are you bugging out? We are just friends,” Brady snapped.

  “Then, tell me why you are always hanging out with her every time I see you and the rest of that crew you hang out with.”


  “I don’t buy it.”

  “Fine,” Brady said. He slammed his hand on the door jamb. “Give me my summons and I’ll go do my time.” He walked away and went down the stairs after Freedom.


  “Good morning, Ashleigh, it’s Kelso. If you’re awake, please answer the phone. I’d really like to talk to you, babe.” He paused hoping she would answer her phone. After a disappointing silence, he said goodbye and turned off his phone.

  Court and J.T. walked up to Kelso.

  “Kelso, you remember Court.”

  “Yeah. He’s perfect for this part,” Kelso said smiling.

  “I know the lines by heart. I’ve got to get this one,” Court said, trying to prove himself. Instead, he sounded like a little boy bragging about himself.

  “Court, take it easy. We’re not even sure you’re going to get the part.”

  Greg walked in. He looked confused as he walked over to the three young men. He didn’t recognize one of them.

  “Mind filling me in on what’s going on?” he asked the trio.

  “”Greg, you’re here,” Kelso remarked. “I need to run something by you.” He covered his mouth and coughed. “I’m going through some tough times right now and I think it would be a good idea to have an understudy. So, I asked around and J.T. made a call. This is Court. He knows all of the lines all ready and he’s perfect for the part. Do you think you could audition him as an understudy?”

  “I’ll tell you what, Kelso. I’ll let Court hang out here today so he can see what he’s getting into and then he can audition for me tomorrow. I’ll put out an ad and call some agents that I work with to get some other actors to try out for the part. No offense to you Court, I just want to see what my options are.”

  “Thanks, man,” Court said.

  Kelso’s phone rang. He looked at the caller i.d. and saw that it was Ashleigh. He looked around and saw that most of the cast had arrived. She was going to have to wait until rehearsal was over. He put his phone on silent, so she could leave a message.

  J.T. shook his head. He knew who had called. He should have answered the phone. Ashleigh was going to go crazy if she didn’t get to talk to him. Then, J.T. stopped criticizing Kelso. He still hadn’t said a word to Heidi since he had seen her at her dorm. She would have to wait for him to call, too.


  Freedom walked into dance class with a smile on her face. She looked over at Heidi and Ashleigh. They looked like their dog had just died. Freedom walked over to her friends in distress.

  “So, what’s going on?” Freedom asked.

  “J.T. dumped me,” Heidi said in monotone.

  “Kelso has HIV,” Ashleigh answered with the same enthusiasm as Heidi.

  “Whoa,” Freedom started, “that’s a lot of information in 5 seconds. Give me a minute to process all of this.”

  “He hasn’t called,” Heidi said. “He came by last night, but I didn’t want to talk to him, so I told him to leave.”

  “He called,” Ashleigh said. “I waited to call back, but he isn’t answering.”

  “Probably at rehearsal,” Heidi remarked. “J.T. turns his phone off when they rehearse. He says the producer doesn’t want any distractions.”

  Dashelle walked up to the three girls. “Okay, Freedom, I want details. I just bumped into Brady and he wasn’t too happy. What did you do?”

  Freedom sighed. “Oh, yeah. I spent a little too much time in Brady’s room last night and well, um, let’s just say I ran into his RD on the way out.”

  “Freedom!” Heidi exclaimed. “Do you know how hard I’ve worked to get us a good curfew and you go and do something juvenile like that.”

  “Hey, watch it. As I recall, someone else around here decided it would be okay to sleep in a co-ed’s room.”

  “Yeah, look where it got me. Community service and an ex.”

  “Stop it, Heidi. You know he wants to work things out with you. You should have talked to him when you got the chance.”

  “Don’t change the subject. We were this close to getting a curfew changed and now all our hard work went up in smoke.”

  “He’ll fight it. He doesn’t give up easily.” A smile turned up on Freedom’s face. “I found that out.”

  “What exactly happened last night?” Dashelle asked.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know.” Freedom raised an eyebrow.

  “You’re bad,” Dashelle remarked.

  Freedom shrugged. She looked at Heidi who had her face in her hands. Tears crawled out of her hands. Freedom sat next to her on the floor and put her hand on Heidi’s back.

  “What’s going on, Heidi?” she asked.

  “I can’t do anything right,” she sobbed. “I had a boyfriend, now I don’t. I try to help an entire school, and I fail. My grades aren’t good enough-“ She wiped her tears with the back of her hand. “I shouldn’t even be here.”

  Dashelle sat on the other side of Heidi. “Stop it, Heidi. You’re just upset. J.T. just had a bad night last night. He wouldn’t say anything to hurt you. Who else would come to your dorm in the middle of the night to talk to you? He may have broken the rules, but he cares about you,” Dashelle tried to comfort her friend.

  “And I didn’t mean to stay so long at Brady’s. It was an accident. We’ll get the curfew changed. It’s not a big deal if we don’t.”

  Heidi sniffed. “But, I told J.T. I’d take care of it. And now, he wants to drop out. See, it’s my fault.”

  Ashleigh put her hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. J.T. isn’t leaving because of you. He’s leaving because of her-“

  Dean Harlow walked into the dance studio with Madame Krischev.

  “Good morning, ladies,”
Madame Krischev sang. “Dean Harlow came to observe our class this morning. So, let’s do our best and show her what wonderful students we have here at Julliard.”

  Freedom rolled her eyes. Dashelle joined her. Something was strange about the way Madame Krischev was acting. They wondered what was going on. Dean Harlow was acting suspicious, also. She stood in the corner the entire class period and watched Freedom, Ashleigh, Dashelle, and Heidi the whole time.


  J.T. walked into the Dean’s office. Burnetta looked up for a moment.

  “Mr. Sumtrane, what a surprise,” she said sarcastically. “You’re late.”

  “Look again, Burnetta. I wasn’t told a time. For all you know, I could be early,” J.T. snapped.

  “I’ll let Ms. Harlow know you’re here.”

  “That would be great,” J.T. said. His voice dripped with sarcasm. He backed up and found a chair in the waiting room.

  Brady walked in. He saw J.T. and scowled. “What are you doing here?” Brady asked.

  “What am I not doing here?” J.T. answered with a question. “She probably saw me sneeze and checked some code that said it was a violation.”

  “Oh,” Brady whispered.

  “So, what brings you to these parts of Julliard?” J.T. asked.

  “Freedom stayed a little too long and left a little too early from my dorm,” Brady replied.

  “See, this is what I’m talking about. This dean is worried about so many things, that she’s not letting us have fun in our college years. She has got to loosen up or she’s going to lose her students. I’m this close to dropping,” J.T. said. He showed Brady his thumb and ring finger just a few millimeters apart. “This close.”

  Dean Harlow walked out of her office and leaned against the doorjamb. Her arms were crossed and she peered over her glasses. “Mr. Sumtrane, I’ve been expecting you.”

  “Better now than never,” J.T. answered.

  “You mean better late than never,” Dean Harlow snapped.

  “Well, Ms. Harlow, I can’t be late when I’m not told a time.”

  “We’ll discuss it in my office, Mr. Sumtrane.” She stood up and presented the room to J.T.

  J.T. walked into the room, but he didn’t let his eyes leave the dean’s. He was doing his best trying to stare her down.

  “Is there something you need to talk to me about?” Dean Harlow asked.