Read Hearts for Rent Page 15

  Ashleigh looked away from her best friend. She didn’t want to cause Heidi any trouble. She knew how important Heidi was to J.T. and she didn’t want to be the one responsible for driving Heidi off the edge. But, she had to say something. The brief silence was uncomfortable.

  “I know, but it’s what Kelso wants. We had a really long talk and we both decided that we should get married as soon as possible. And I wanted you and the rest of the girls to be in the wedding, but I’m sure you all ready knew that. Kind of a given, when we’ve all grown up together.”

  “Sure.” Heidi practically said under her breath. She was still feeling a little withdrawn from her friends. After all, they didn’t really come visit her or help her out at her stay at the hospital. What kind of friends did she have? She just felt like curling up into a ball and crying.

  “Hey, sweetie,” J.T. said concerned. “Why the tears?” He wasn’t in the scene they were rehearsing and came back to talk to Heidi.

  “I don’t belong here. I don’t belong with you. And I definitely don’t belong with any of these people who are my so-called friends.” Heidi got up and started for the door.

  “Heidi, wait.” J.T. walked towards her, but she was all ready at the door. He stopped and watched her walk away. He had to make the decision to either go after the girl and ruin his career or stay inside and lose the only girl he ever cared about. J.T. looked at the stage and then the door. He took a few steps toward the door and then pivoted around and walked to the stage. He shook his head. He couldn’t believe he just made the biggest mistake of his life. J.T. went through his lines without his heart in it.

  Court caught up with J.T. at the end of rehearsal.

  “Where’d J.T. go?” Court asked his friend.

  “Huh? I’m right here,” J.T. answered confused.

  “No, no you’re not. You screwed up your lines for once. You’ve known the play word for word ever since you went to see it for the first time 3 years ago. What’s going on with you?”

  “Court, what would you say if I asked Heidi to marry me?” J.T. asked.

  “That would be great, if she was even talking to you. I saw what happened.”

  “Her mood swings are really starting to get to me. I mean I should’ve walked out of here and gone after her, but I can’t ruin the opportunity of a lifetime. I’ve worked too hard and too long to get here. I mean, she’s the one that told me to go for it and now she can’t stand the fact that I’ve got a life and a career. I can’t go after her at every drop of the hat . . .even though I want to. Somedays, I just want to forget coming to rehearsal and spend the entire day with her, but I can’t. Career or the girl—girl or career. Man, I am screwed!”

  Kelso walked over to Court and J.T. “Can I catch a cab with you guys?”

  “Only if you want to here the drama king over here pine over Heidi.”

  “He’s sure heard my share of pining. I think I can handle it.”

  The guys walked out and Court whistled for a cab. The yellow taxi screeched to a halt in front of the trio. J.T. looked in the front seat to make sure they didn’t get his favorite cab driver. They were in luck-it was a woman with no sign of being a jerk.

  Court asked the cabbie if he could sit in the front with her. He told her he didn’t want to sit in the back with his friends who were sulking over their girlfriends. She smiled and told him to have a seat next to her.

  “Do you have a privacy window or anything?” Court asked.

  “This is a taxi, not a frickin’ limousine,” she joked.

  Court smiled at her cute smile. He liked the way her long brown hair glistened in the New York sun. If the sun hit it just right, highlights of red and blond showed up. They talked the entire way to the dorms. When the boys got out, Court gave her a generous tip. She gave Court her phone number.

  “Thanks, Angie. I’ll call you.”

  “I’m going to go find Ashleigh,” Kelso remarked.

  “And I’m going to go talk to Heidi,” J.T. said.

  “And I’m going to find some way to get Angie to my dorm tonight.”

  “Go out, man. You don’t have to stay in the dorm.”

  “Aren’t we on probation?” Court asked.

  “Not anymore. The petition went through. Go out and party until 2 A.M. We might join you.”

  “Okay, man, see ya. Good luck.” Court headed toward his dorm room. Kelso and J.T. walked toward the dorm where their girlfriends were. When they got inside, they went opposite directions.

  J.T. found Heidi in her dorm room, curled up on her bed staring at nothing. J.T. stood in the door frame and started talking.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t come after you, Heidi. I should have and I didn’t. There’s a lot of things I should do as your boyfriend, but I don’t. I know. I mean, things were so much easier when we were just best friends, but I don’t want to be just best friends anymore.” He walked over to Heidi and kneeled down so he could look Heidi in the eyes. “What are you thinking, angel eyes?”

  Heidi’s lips crept into a smile and then faded away. “I think you’re trying to sweet talk me, just like you always try to do when you know that I’m not really feeling one with the world.”

  “Is it working?” J.T. asked.

  “No. I think you should go.”

  J.T. shook his head and took Heidi’s hand. “No, I can’t do that. I did that once all ready today and that was a big mistake. C’mon, let’s go out.”

  “Why? By the time we get anywhere, we’ll have to come back.”

  J.T. hit his head with his palm. “I forgot to tell you. The petition worked. The dean has extended the curfew to 2 AM. So, c’mon, let’s go to one of the clubs and do some dancing. We haven’t danced together in a long time.”

  “I don’t feel like dancing. I feel like packing my bags and going home. I don’t belong here.”

  “Heidi, stop talking like that. You belong here just as much as I do. You’re the one that convinced me to stay here and now you’re trying to leave me here by myself. That’s not fair.”

  “Well, life’s not fair, J.T. Stop trying to sweet talk me and just leave me alone!” Heidi yelled.

  “No.” He pulled Heidi up off the bed. “I am not going to leave you alone until you talk to me. I don’t want us to end up not talking about our problems. I want to know what’s going on in that head of yours. We’re friends, Heidi. I’ve known you since this.” He picked up the picture of them in their Grease costumes. “Tell me what I’m doing wrong. I don’t want to screw this up!”

  “Fine. You want to know what you’re doing wrong?! You want to know why I’m so mad at the world.” She got up off her bed and stood inches away from J.T. She jabbed at J.T.’s chest with her finger. “Well, here it is, Jayson Tyler. Not once have you said anything close to the fact that we were meant to be together. Not once have you not looked at me like I was more than just your best friend. I might as well be Court the way you look at me.”

  J.T. grabbed her finger and guided Heidi’s hand down to her side. “I’m sorry.” J.T. leaned into her to kiss her. She backed away.

  “Don’t. Just don’t. You’re trying to make up for it and it’s not going to work. I don’t want your pity. I just want you to really look at me. Tell me what you think of me. Be honest.” Heidi walked away from J.T. and looked out the window.

  J.T. looked at Heidi. Her blue eyes carried the weight of her world. Her blonde hair cupped her face and her cheeks dimpled every time she smiled. God, he missed that smile. He’d do anything to see her be happy again.

  He went up to her at the window. J.T. pushed her hair off to the side so he could whisper in her ear. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Don’t lie to me,” Heidi said. “Why would you say that now considering how long we’ve known each other?”

  “I’m not lying.” He spun her around and took her face in his hands. “You’ve always been beautifu
l. And, if I wasn’t such a nice guy, I would jump all over you and let you know that.”

  “Exactly, why don’t you jump all over me?” She pushed his hands down away from her face.

  “C’mon, Heidi, you and I both know I’m not that type of guy. I just want you to be happy. I want you to go out, let your hair down, and have some fun.”

  “And I want something more, but you won’t do it, because you don’t think I deserve it. I’m not beautiful. I’m just the girl next door.”

  J.T. slammed his fist down on Heidi’s desk. “Stop it! Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You are the most beautiful girl I know. You are right, that I’ve never looked at you than more than just a friend. But, just a minute ago, I did. I don’t know what to say anymore or do anymore to make you happy. I want my friend—girlfriend, Heidi back. I want you to be able to look me in the eyes when I talk to you. Those eyes that sparkle and dance and hang on every word. Would you please just let me have that? I don’t want to jump all over you. I want you to love me the way I love you.”

  There was a silence and Heidi reached over and put her hand on top of his clenched fist.

  “You love me?”

  J.T. looked over at Heidi and saw the sparkle come back in her eyes. “Yes. Why do you think I try so hard to make you happy?”

  “You love me?”

  “Everything about you.” He started to hum and softly started to sing “You Are So Beautiful to Me.”

  When he was finished, Heidi flashed her smile at her boyfriend. “I love you, too,” she said with dancing eyes. They kissed.

  Heidi pulled away and J.T. looked at her confused. She had a sly grin on her face. “C’mon, let’s go dancing.” She grabbed his hand and dragged him out the door.


  Kelso and Ashleigh thought they were the first ones to arrive at the club.

  “Where is everyone?” Kelso asked over the blasting music.

  “They’ll be here. Are you ready for this?”

  Kelso pulled Ashleigh closer to him so they were only millimeters apart. “Yes. I’ve never been more ready in my life.”

  “Are you sure this is how we want to do this? I mean, my family wanted to be at my wedding.”

  “If you want to do something different, we will. I will do whatever makes you comfortable,” Kelso remarked.

  “I’m comfortable right now,” Ashleigh said. She leaned in for a kiss.

  Someone cleared their throat behind them. Ashleigh turned around.

  “Um, hi, Court.”

  “Hey, Ash. This is Angie. Angie, these two lovebirds are Kelso and Ashleigh.”

  Everyone exchanged their hi’s and nice to meet you’s.

  Court looked in front of him. “Well, look who finally came back from the dead.”

  “What?” Kelso asked.

  Court pointed over to Heidi and J.T. on the dance floor. They were grinding their hips into each other and stealing kisses at every moment they could.

  “Whoa, I’ve never seen them do that before,” Ashleigh said.

  “Well, I think the Swing King may have got lucky,” Court remarked.

  Dashelle, Sam, Brady, Parker and Freedom walked over to the table where most of their friends were sitting. The music had stopped and J.T. and Heidi walked hand in hand over to their friends.

  “So, J.T., need a cig?” Court asked.

  “Huh?” J.T. asked.

  “C’mon, you two were practically having sex with your clothes on,” Court remarked.

  Heidi blushed. “Court!”

  “She’s blushing. Something must be up,” Ashleigh noticed.

  “We were just having fun, that’s all,” J.T. said. He scratched the back of his head. “And now, I need to go douse my face with cold water or I’m going to be in big trouble later.” He gave Heidi a peck on the cheek and walked towards the restrooms.

  “Wait up, man. I want to talk to you,” Court said. He started to walk away and turned back around. “Sorry, Angie, this is everyone. Everyone this is Angie. I’ll be right back.” He pushed his way through the crowd.

  “Is everyone going to be here all at the same time tonight? Kelso and I have something really important to tell you guys.”

  “We can fill the boys in. Just tell us,” Freedom said.

  Kelso and Ashleigh looked at each other. “We’ll wait.”

  “Actually, I’ll go see what’s taking them so long.” Kelso walked away from the table.

  “Are we the only group of friends that we know where the guys have to go in a group to the bathroom?” Freedom asked.

  Everyone shrugged. “So, Angie, how did you meet Court?” Dashelle asked.

  “I gave him a ride.”

  “I’m sure you did,” Brady said under his breath before he took a drink from his bottle of beer. Freedom backhanded him in the gut.

  “I’m a cab driver. I took him home from rehearsal. Sheesh, some men are so immature,” Angie retorted looking directly at Brady.

  “Well, some girls are too overdramatic,” Freedom said staring Angie down.

  “You mind saying that again?” Angie sneered.

  Brady slid in between the two girls. “Whoa, ladies. Let’s not fight. I should have known to keep my big mouth shut.”

  “Exactly. So, why don’t you just run off and leave this little argument between her and me.”

  “Freedom. My name is Freedom in case Court didn’t fill you in on it.”

  “What are you, some kind of hippi freak?” Angie asked.

  “Court better get back before his date wigs out on us,” Parker leaned over and whispered to Heidi.

  Heidi nodded.

  “So, what’s going on with you and Heidi? Did you ask her?” Court asked.

  J.T. wiped off his face with a paper towel. Court didn’t think he was serious about having to cool off, but apparently, Heidi had done something to his best friend.

  “Just taking baby steps, man. I haven’t asked her, but if you think about it, you know when I will. I’ll need your help, though.”

  Court scowled. “What?”

  J.T. put his hand on Court’s shoulder. “Fifth grade, remember. Let’s go.” He walked out of the bathroom with Court behind him. They bumped into Kelso.

  “Good, you guys are done. There’s something that Ashleigh and I need to tell everybody. Come on.”

  The three walked over to the rest of their circle of friends. Brady was still trying to run interference between Angie and Freedom. They were two insults away from a cat fight.

  “Court, do something, please,” Brady asked desperately.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  “This she-devil over here insulted me and my boyfriend,” Freedom remarked.

  “Oh, please. We rib you two all the time and you take it with a grain of salt.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t know her and she doesn’t know me. No one should talk like that if they don’t know us.”

  “I’m so sorry for trying to make conversation,” Angie snapped. “I thought you’d have the intelligence to catch on.”

  Freedom ripped her large hoop earrings off and slammed them into Brady’s hand. “That’s it, girl. We’re going rounds.”

  “Oh, no, you’re not,” Brady said picking up Freedom around her waist and moving her away from Angie. Freedom struggled to get away from Brady, kicking and yelling.

  “I think we better get on the dance floor,” Court told Angie.

  “I don’t dance,” Angie told Court point blank.

  “You do now.” Court grabbed her wrist and dragged her onto the dance floor.

  “Wait!” Ashleigh called after them. “We have something to tell you. Can’t any of you stand to be inches from each other anymore?” Ashleigh asked. “Kelso and I need to talk to everyone.”

  Court walked back over to the group with Angie close behind. He made sure Angie and Freedom were nowhere close to each other.

“Make it quick, Ash. For your friend’s sake.”

  “Okay, all right, here goes. Kelso and I are going to get married tomorrow. We talked a lot about it and we want everyone who is close to us to come with us. So, please come with us out to the ocean tomorrow.”

  “I’ll be there,” Dashelle remarked.

  “And I do believe that since tomorrow is the big day, this should be an impromptu bachelor and bachelorette party,” J.T. remarked.

  “Oh, no, J.T. I’ve been to one of your parties before,” Ashleigh said.

  “Then, you’ll know what I’m up to. Let’s go, Court. We’ve got some evil planning to do.”

  Court rubbed his hands together. “MWahahahahaha.” He followed behind his best friend.

  Heidi watched J.T. as he sweet talked the DJ at the front of the club. He was always good at getting people to do what he wanted. He turned around and saw her staring at him. He winked and mouthed something she couldn’t quite understand. She smiled and nodded, but didn’t say anything. He mouthed it again and motioned for her to come over to where he was.

  “Hey, Heidi, where are you going?” Ashleigh asked.

  She pointed over to J.T. “I’ll be right back, I swear.”

  “That’s okay. I know you’ve got to take care of something.” Ashleigh smiled. “Get some ice water on me.”

  “Ashleigh! What is with everyone tonight? J.T. and I were just having fun.”

  “I believe what you were doing out there is called foreplay,” Parker informed his friend.

  “No, no it wasn’t. Just good old fashioned F-U-N.”

  “The only thing old fashioned about that was it didn’t lead on to anything more on the dance floor,” Ashleigh said.

  Heidi blushed. She grabbed Freedom and Ashleigh by the arms of their shirts. “Come with me, please. You come, too, Dashelle.”

  “Okay, all right.” The girls walked with Heidi.

  “Some bachelor party this is. Where’d all the girls go?” Kelso asked.

  “Believe me, they will be back,” Sam said. “But, until then, I’m gonna go scope out the action. Want to come?”

  “Nah, I’ll stay here.” Kelso sat on the barstool.

  “Your loss. Parker, you coming? There’s a girl over there making cow eyes at you.”

  Parker turned and saw the girl his friend was talking about. “I’m game.” He walked over to the table with the girl.