Read Hearts for Rent Page 2

  “I’ll be there with bells on. Thank you so much for your help.”

  “We do what we can at Julliard. Do you need anything else?’

  “No, ma’am, I think I have it covered.”

  “All right. Bye.”

  J.T. hung up the phone and a smile took over his face.

  I’m in!” J.T. exclaimed.

  Heidi screamed and Court gave J.T. a manly hug.

  “Great! Now you can help me with my problem,” Court reminded J.T.

  “Oh, yeah, your problem . . .” J.T. repeated.

  “What’s your problem, Court?” Heidi asked.

  “I can’t afford to go to Julliard. I didn’t get the scholarships I applied for,” Court told Heidi.

  “Sucks to be you,” Heidi joked.

  “Thanks for your support,” Court sneered not realizing the orneriness in his friend’s voice.

  “You know I was just kidding. I’ll help you out. Hey, what about your parents? Won’t they help you out?”


  “And why didn’t Julliard give you a scholarship?”

  “They said my parents made too much money and I could get by without a scholarship.”

  “Oh, that’s easy to fix, Court. Just get your parents to write a letter telling financial aid that your parents will not financially support your education,” J.T. explained.

  “That would be a good idea, except my parents are never on the phone long enough with me that I can ask them to do that! Typical convo with Dad. Hi, Dad, its Court. Couldyouwritealetter—click.”

  “Ouch,” Heidi said. “That’s low.”

  “Wait a second. You don’t live with your parents, they can’t claim you, therefore their money shouldn’t matter to your education,” J.T. said.

  “Yeah, what J.T. said,” Heidi agreed.

  J.T. shoved the phone into Court’s hands. “Your turn, Court. You get to call the dean.”

  “Oh, I think she’s had enough pleading calls for today. I’ll call her tomorrow.”

  “O.K., your loss. So, Heidi, why are you here?” J.T. asked.

  She pulled out a script from her bag. “I need some help rehearsing my lines for the next T.V. episode I’m doing. I get to be Joey’s blind date on a reunion show of Friends.”

  “And how many episodes is that going to be?” Court asked.

  “Just one. He realizes he’s in love with Rachel.”

  “Man, that girl gets around,” J.T. joked.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Heidi shoved the script into J.T.’s stomach. “So, are you going to help me or not?”

  “Sheesh, talk about pushy actors,” Court remarked.

  “I believe the term is actress,” Heidi remarked. “Okay, J.T., you be Joey and Court you can be Chandler. He’s visiting from New York.”

  “This could be interesting considering I’ve never seen the show before, but here goes –“

  Court and J.T. went over lines with Heidi for about an hour. Heidi finally memorized her lines after laughing hysterically at J.T.’s and Court’s interpretation of the Friends characters.

  Court left with Heidi and told J.T. he’d call the Dean tomorrow so he could go to school.

  After his friends left, J.T. realized he hadn’t called Beverly back. He quickly dialed the phone and left a message on her voice mail. He was only a month away at becoming a Broadway star and the most recognized Julliard student in his class.


  Heidi, Court, Ashley, Dashelle, Parker, Brady, Freedom, and Sam sat in the large auditorium waiting for role call. They all wanted J.T. to be a part of this day, but he had other obligations. Heidi missed him the most. In a month’s time, the two had gotten the nerve to finally date each other. She couldn’t wait for role call to be done with so she could catch a cab to watch him rehearse.

  Dean Harlow walked to the center stage. Her high heels thumped on the hardwood of the stage. The mound of papers she held in her hand echoed when she plopped them on the podium. She took the half circle glasses on a chain around her neck and slid them on to the end of her nose.

  “Good morning, prospective students if Julliard. Before I take role call, I need to tell you the expectations we have for you here at Julliard. As you know, Julliard is a very prestigious school and we accept only the most qualified and hard working students. Your schedules will be filled with hard work, strenuous practices, and strict rules. At Julliard, you are expected to attend every class. After all, you are paying for it. Second, no one will get below a C in any course. If you receive a lower grade you will have a hearing and put on academic probation until the matter is cleared. Third, you are to be in this building by 10 P.M. sharp—no exceptions. Failure to make curfew will also result in a hearing and in some cases—expulsion. If you aren’t able to meet these standards, please get up and walk out now. Are there any questions before I take role?” Dean Harlow peered over her glasses at the nervous crowd. No one raised their hand. The students were too taken aback to say anything.

  “All right, without further ado, let’s take role. When I call your name, please acknowledge that you are here. I would advise you to take out a pen and paper so you may write down your room assignment.”

  Students rustled to fulfill Dean Harlow’s command. They did not want to do anything wrong at this point. After the noise subsided, she began role call. Those students who cheered on their friends were scoped out by the dean and received her now famous glare she had instilled earlier in their minds.

  The crew couldn’t wait to get this ominous task completed. They wanted to set up their rooms and leave as soon as possible so they could see J.T. in action.


  “How many of you have seen RENT?” the producer asked his new stars. All of the cast raised their hands.

  “Great. Now put those performances out of your memory. You are a fresh, young cast. It is up to you to make people laugh, cry, and applaud. Everyone here has a unique quality that will provide the flavor of RENT. It was quality that helped you make the cut. I want to see this musical performed like it never was before. I want each one of you to put your heart and soul into your performance. Make Jonathan Larson proud!”

  After the producer finished, the cast broke out in applause. He smiled.

  “Yes! That’s what I like to hear. Now, before we get started, I’d like each one of you to introduce yourselves and tell us something interesting about you and the part you are going to play in this amazing production. Let’s start with you on the left. Don’t worry, I’ll get your names down soon, but be prepared to be called by the name you play. So, go ahead, person on the left.”

  J.T. looked befuddled. He hadn’t really prepared to tell anyone about his life. But, hey, he was actor; impromptu got him into this mess and impromptu was going to get him out of it. “Hi, I’m J.T. Sumtrane and I’ll be playing Mark. My friends say I’ve been preparing for this role since birth, but I’ll let the cast and audience be the judge of that. I’m also really excited to be here and I didn’t know what I was going to do when I got a call that I got the part and an acceptance letter from Julliard. But, it all worked out and I’m performing in RENT and going to Julliard. But, don’t worry, I won’t get bogged down. I live for the fast life.” He paused. “And that’s all I have to say for now.”

  “Great. Next.”

  “Hi, my name is Amber Leigh. I’ll be playing Maureen. The most exciting thing I’ve done in the past year is bungee jump.” She turned to the next person in line

  “Hola, my name is Pablo Gonzales and I’m playing Angel if you haven’t figured out, yet.” He let his high feminine voice carry to everyone before he finished. “This role is really a big step for me because I’m married and have three children. So, it’s going to be a challenge and a learning experience, but I’m ready for it! So, bring it on!”

  All eyes moved to the person next to Pablo. “Hey, my name is Kelso Stark and I’m play
ing the role of Roger. This play is sort of a life story for me. I really am a struggling musician whose girlfriend died a year ago. And, yes, I am HIV positive. So, if you have any questions feel free to ask. I don’t bite and I’m not contagious.”

  “Okay, well, who is next?” the producer asked.

  “Me. My name is Clarissa Legati and I’m playing the part of Mimi. This is my first performance on Broadway and I’m really excited to be a part of this production.” She turned to her right.

  “Hi, I’m Nelson Afton and I’ll be playing the part of Tom and I don’t really have any interesting life story to tell, so . . .”

  “Hiya, my name is JoAnna D’Aria and I’m playing the part of JoAnn.”

  The rest of the cast and crew introduced themselves. After these introductions, J.T. and Kelso began singing RENT together for the first time. At the chorus, J.T.’s friends snuck into the back of the dark theater and listened. They didn’t want to draw attention to themselves and began whispering back and forth.

  “That Roger guy is kinda cute,” Dashelle told Ashleigh.

  “I was gonna say the same thing. I wonder if J.T. will introduce us.”

  “I’m sure we can convince him,” Dashelle remarked.

  “Okay, let’s take a break, I think we have visitors,” the producer remarked.

  “Uh-oh, I think we’re in trouble,” Heidi mumbled.

  J.T. walked to the back of the theater. “What are you guys doing here?! I could get in big trouble for this,” he remarked.

  “We just wanted to see how you were doing . . .and get introduced to Roger,” Ashleigh remarked.

  “I don’t think that’s such a great idea, right now, Ash,” J.T. said.

  “Why not?” Dashelle whined.

  “I just don’t.” J.T. paused. “So, how was role call? Did Harlow call me out?”

  “No,” Heidi said. She rubbed up against J.T. “But, I sure wouldn’t mind calling you out.”

  J.T. sheepishly grinned. “Later, Heidi. I gotta get back to work.” He jogged back to the stage while Heidi and the rest of the intruders sat back in the back row.

  “I think I’ll sneak on stage and meet Roger,” Ashleigh said to Dashelle.

  “You’re not serious, are you?!” Dashelle practically screamed.

  Heidi brought her finger to her lips to shush her friends. She wasn’t going to get kicked out of J.T.’s rehearsal on her friend’s account.

  “Serious as a severe heart attack,” Ashleigh whispered.

  “I’ll cover for you,” Dashelle started, “on one condition. We both check out the goods and then flip for it,”

  “My gosh, you two. You sound like he’s a piece of meat waiting to be cut for selling,” Court remarked.

  “Admit it, Court. You’d like it if a girl fought over you for once,” Ashleigh said.

  “Been there, done that, got the credit card bills to prove it,” Court joked.

  Ashleigh and Dashelle rolled their eyes. The two girls vaguely remembered the ex-girlfriend Court joked about. If you looked in the dictionary and looked up “gold digger,” you would find a picture of her. He was head over heels for the girl, but she only wanted material things. But, Court finally came to his senses and was now the voice of reason for the girls when they seemed to be getting in too deep.

  “So, you’re telling me that if an incredibly gorgeous girl was up on stage and you had the connections to meet her that you wouldn’t go for it?” Dashelle asked.

  “First, I wouldn’t jeopardize my friend’s career just to meet a girl. Second, I’ve learned that I can’t find a good girl on looks. And finally, no, I wouldn’t, now that I’ve lived and learned.”

  Ashleigh shook her head. She wasn’t going to be stopped. She was going to meet “Roger” even if she had to do it alone. While she was scheming, the music cued to be playing Glory and her ears perked and hung on every note that “Roger” belted out. When, the song was over, she stood up and clapped. The rest of the crew slumped in their seats in embarrassment for themselves and for J.T.

  “All right, let’s take five,” the producer said. Ashleigh excused herself because she needed to get some fresh air. J.T. walked back to his friends.

  “What is with Ashleigh?” J.T. asked Heidi.

  “Boy crazy,” Heidi answered.

  “More like boy loony,” Court said. “She’s got the jones’ for Roger.”

  “Sheesh. I told her once that wasn’t a good idea. Girls just don’t listen to me, do they?” J.T. shook his head and sighed.

  “Why isn’t it a good idea?” Heidi asked.

  “It just isn’t, right now. Go find her and tell her that I’ll introduce her to Kelso when I get to know him better,” J.T. said.

  “All right, but we could be too late.” Court said pointing to Ashleigh who was headed toward the group.

  “And where were you?” J.T. asked.

  “I told you I just needed to get some fresh air. Can’t I do anything by myself?” Ashleigh asked frustrated.

  “Just do me a favor and stay away from Kels-Roger. Stay away from Roger until I get to know him better. I’m just looking out for you,” J.T. said.


  J.T. looked behind him and saw that most of the cast was on stage again. He said goodbye to his friends and headed to the stage. His friends left and went out to celebrate their first day at Julliard.


  J.T. walked into the sterile reception area of the dean’s office and tried not to slam the door. He was being too careful and the door slammed shut behind him. He sheepishly smiled at the others in the waiting area. Nonchalantly, he walked over to the secretary.

  “Hello, I’m Jayson Sumtrane. I’m here to get my schedule and room assignment for the year.”

  “You’re late, Mr. Sumtrane,” Burnetta remarked.

  “I made arrangements to meet with Dean Harlow today,” J.T. remarked.

  “Yes, Mr. Sumtrane, I know, but you are late. You should have been here ten minutes ago.”

  J.T. glanced at his watch. It read 9:00 a.m.—the exact time he had worked out with Dean Harlow. He looked puzzled, but he didn’t want to argue with the secretary. The secretary looked at J.T. and smiled.

  “Sorry, Mr. Sumtrane. The dean likes to see that her students arrive early and not exactly on time. She’s a stickler that way. I know she is expecting you, but try to be early next time. Take a seat over there and I’ll let her know that you’re here.”

  J.T. nodded. He walked over to a seat and sat down. He tapped his fingers on his leg and hummed the songs he had been rehearsing that morning. The people sitting around him either rolled their eyes or started humming along.

  “What are we humming?” a young woman sitting next to him asked.

  “Stuff from RENT. I just got back from rehearsal and it’s stuck in my head,” J.T. said.

  “You already got a part in town and you just got here?” the young woman asked again.

  “Yea, a major part. I’m playing Mark at the Madrid Theater,” J.T. said.

  His conversation partner squealed. “You have to get me tickets!” she exclaimed.

  “If I can, I will. It would be helpful if I knew your name,” J.T. said.

  “Oh, Petra. Petra Harper.” She extended her hand for J.T. to shake. He shook it and Burnetta cleared her throat.

  “Mr. Sumtrane, Dean Harlow will see you now.”

  “Thank you.” He headed toward the office.

  “Good morning, Mr. Sumtrane,” Dean Harlow greeted. She peered over the top of her glasses at the new student.

  “Good morning, Dean Harlow,” J.T. greeted back.

  “Let me explain something to you. There are three degrees of time frames that I go by. If you are hear early, you are on time, if you are on time, you’re late, and finally if you are late, then you are wasting my time. Is that clear, Mr. Sumtrane?” Dean Harlow asked.

  “Yes, sir—ma’am, ye
s, ma’am, very clear.” J.T. stood with his hands in his pockets nervously waiting to be asked to sit down. He didn’t think he was going to get that comfort.

  “What is your reason for being late?”

  “Uh, I . . um. . .rehearsal ran late. We had to get some kinks out of one of the scenes we were having trouble with.”

  “Well, that is not acceptable. The producer needs to know that he cannot jeopardize my student’s academic career because there are “kinks” as you said. What is his name? I’ll have to talk to him.” Dean Harlow got a pencil and waited for an answer she could scribble down.

  “Gregory Treneli.”

  The dean scrawled the name on a post-it.

  “All right. Now that we have that out of the way, let me make sure we have a few things straight. Just because you are working on a major Broadway production, you are still expected to be at your classes on time and ready to work. You will not get any special treatment because of your status. Do not expect any free rides here at Julliard. Is that clear?”

  J.T. nodded his head.

  “Also, if your grades start slipping, you will have to decide what is more important. If you get any grade at a C or below, you will be put on academic probation. If the grade slips while you are on probation, you will be expelled. Any questions?”

  “No, ma’am,” J.T. answered.

  “All right. Here is your class schedule; you have several independent studies because of your situation. Do not let these classes slide.” She handed him the paper with his schedule typed on it. “And here is your room assignment. You will be in room 215. Your room mate is Mario Vander sickle. Here is your key and please get to work. I’ll be calling your producer shortly.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Thank you for seeing me today. I appreciate being able to be a student at Julliard.”

  “Well, thank you for being a part of Julliard. Now, go.”

  “Yes ma’am.” J.T. turned around and went to open the door. He realized he still had his hands in his pockets and practically smacked himself in the face when he took his right hand out to turn the knob. He walked out, his face pale. The others in the waiting area had worried looks on their faces as they watched him leave the office.

  J.T. walked across the street to the dorms where he would be staying. He thought he was going to room with Court. He had packed up all his belongings from his flat and left them on a moving truck with half of Court’s stuff and half of his. Court hadn’t told him any different when he had talked to him yesterday. J.T. wondered what was going on.