Read Hearts for Rent Page 6

  J.T. rolled his eyes. “What I’m trying to say is that we have to get these girls to have a reason to be out later than 10. Call up the guys and have them meet over at my room in 30 minutes. See you then.”

  Court, Brady, Sam, Parker and J.T. stood at a table in the front lawn of Julliard. They had put on their “woman-ogling” shirts that were sure to get attention. J.T. wore a tight fitting short sleeved T-shirt that accented his muscles well. Court, who defied the weather, wore a white sleeveless T-shirt and tied his trademark plaid shirt around his waist. His tattoo of the logo of RENT caught the attention of the girls that walked by.

  “You know, you look exactly like the guy who plays Roger,” one of the girls remarked.

  Court smiled. “Well, I haven’t heard that before.” He leaned over on the table. “I’m doing a poll and I need your opinion. Who do you think I could get a date with easier—you or your friend that hasn’t taken her eyes off my friend over there.”

  The girl glanced over at her friend who stared at Brady who had his shirt off. “Oh, definitely me.”

  “Would you mind putting that in writing?” Court shoved the petition over to the girl he was flirting with.

  “Hold on just a minute,” J.T. interrupted. “My mischievous friend here hasn’t told you what you are signing. This is a petition to get the curfew changed from 10:00 to a later time. You have to sign your name and pick one of the times that you would prefer to have as a curfew. Then, you can continue to reel him in,” J.T. explained.

  “Well, it’s about time somebody did something with the curfew,” the girl said. She scrawled her name down and chose the time she would rather be in.

  Court peered over to check her name. “Thank you, Erika Latchki,” Court said.

  “You’re welcome, guy that looks like Roger.”

  “Court. Court Ashton.”

  Erika took a piece of paper from her purse. “Here’s my number. Let me know how the petition goes.”

  “I will.”

  Erika walked away without her friend.

  “Hi, I’m Brandi,” she finally told Brady.

  “Hi, there, Brandi, I’m Brady. Would you like to sign our petition?”


  Brady shoved the petition over to Brandi and she scribbled her signature on the line below Erika’s.

  “When you get done with this, why don’t you give me a call.” Brandi took Brady’s hand and wrote her number on his palm. “Bye.” She winked and walked away.

  “C’mon, Court has two girls after him, J.T. already has one, and Brady just got one of the shy but forward ones. When am I going to get my turn?!” Sam complained.

  “Probably when I get mine,” Parker remarked. “That would be next to never.”

  “I think your luck is about to change,” J.T. said. He nodded his head toward a leggy brunette walking their way. She was talking to Freedom and didn’t notice the table in front of her. She ran into it and cursed.

  “Excuse you,” Sam remarked.

  “Sorry. I’m just a little clumsy,” the girl said and flashed a blinding white smile.

  “Nice to meet you Clumsy, I’m Desperate.” Sam held out his hand for a handshake.

  Freedom shook her head. “Sam, be nice. This is m friend, Gretchen. Gretchen, this is Sam.”

  “Hi. Would you like to go to a movie tonight?”

  “Sure. What time?” Gretchen asked.

  “Oh, anytime before 10, since that’s when the warden wants us locked down.”

  Freedom winked at Sam. “Don’t you wish there was something we could do about that?”

  “Oh, but you can.” Sam grabbed the petition from Brady. “Just sign this paper and we could stay out as late as one in the morning.” He sounded like a game show host or a guy on an infomercial.

  “What’s the catch?” Gretchen asked suspiciously.

  “No catch. Well, you will catch me,” Sam remarked.

  “Oh, yeah, about that. I just broke up with my boyfriend and I don’t think I’m ready for anything serious right now. But, the movie would be nice.” Gretchen leaned over on the table and signed the petition. Sam bit his lip and glared at Freedom.

  “So, I’ll get your number from Freedom and call you later. Bye.”

  Gretchen walked away with Freedom who gave Sam a wave and blew him a kiss.

  “Ouch. Someone just got burned,” Court remarked.

  “No kiddin,’” Sam snapped.

  “One of these days, you are going to find out that Freedom is your counterpart in just about everything you do,” J.T. said.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Sam asked dumbfounded.

  “You’ll end up with her in the long run,” Court explained.

  “No, no, no. That is not going to happen. She’s not my type—I mean as a girlfriend. As a friend she is, but other than that, there is no way that could happen.”

  “You just wait. She’ll come back to haunt you,” Court said.

  “Whatever. Let’s just get this petition signed, so I can go out and party again.”

  The boys stayed in the front lawn until the sunset and they couldn’t see anymore. Then, they packed up and told Heidi the news.


  Ashleigh sat in her room having an internal debate whether or not to call Kelso. She knew that he had something very important to tell her, but he thought she all ready had heard it. She wondered if it would be hard for him to repeat it. What was she going to do?

  The phone rang and it broke her concentration. She grabbed it hoping it was someone besides Kelso.


  “Hey, Ashleigh, it’s Kelso.”

  “Oh. Hi.” Disappointment coated her voice.

  “Well, nice to hear from you, too,” Kelso said sarcastically.

  “Oh, no, that’s not how that was supposed to come out. I was just thinking about something and you sort of were the reason.”

  “Uh-oh. I think I know what you’re thinking about,” Kelso said.

  “You do?” Ashleigh asked surprised.

  “Yes. I thought about what I said to you the other night before you left and then I realized you probably didn’t hear what I said through the fire alarm. So, how about we have dinner after my rehearsal tomorrow? You could just meet me at the theater, since I know you know where that is.”

  “That would be great.” Ashleigh’s voice had a tinge of relief in it. “What should I be prepared for?”

  “A night of laughter, actually. We’re having our costumes fitted tonight.”

  “Not that. I mean should I be ready for good news or bad news?”

  “That? I don’t know. It all depends on how you look at it.”

  Ashleigh sighed. “You sure are a secretive person.”

  “Hey, I’m trying to tell you something, aren’t I? Don’t blame me for not trying. It’s the fire alarm’s fault.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow. What time?”

  “Around 8. Bye, Ashleigh.”

  Ashleigh loved to hear him say her name. It rolled off his tongue so well. So, she returned the favor. “Bye, Kelso.”

  She hung up the phone and sat on her bed still in confusion.


  Court sat in a booth waiting for Juliet to show up. He wasn’t sure what he was getting into, but he didn’t mind testing it out. He glanced at his watch. She was all ready 15 minutes late. He wondered whether or not he should leave or give her a little more time. When he decided to do the former, Juliet ran inside searching the café for him. She spotted him and hustled over to him before he could get away.

  “I am so sorry. I was caught in a meeting with Aunt Stacy. She wanted to know how I was doing and all that kind of stuff. I had to nod my head and say everything was going okay, which was a bold face lie because I’m not doing okay. I can’t stand my professors, my dorm room still smells like burnt rubber and my boyfriend and I aren’t o
n speaking terms. Well, he isn’t really my boyfriend anymore, but I still wanted to be able to talk to him. Guess, that’s not going to happen.” She plopped down on the seat of the both. “So, how are you?”

  “Not so excited about this class we have to act in. I can’t stand Romeo and Juliet.”

  Most guys can’t.”

  “No, I mean I really can’t stand it. My ex-girlfriend used to read it to me all the time and asked me why I couldn’t be more like Romeo and I told her because I’d rather live than die for some lovestruck girl.”

  “Oh.” Juliet looked down at the table with disappointment.

  “So, let’s just find a scene and get it over with. I pretty much know the lines by heart thanks to her.”

  “Well, then, you pick.” Juliet shoved the book over to Court.

  Court shoved the book back. “You really don’t want me to,” he snapped.

  Juliet glared at Court. “What is with you? You seemed like a nice guy when I asked you to help me out, but now you’re all . . .all moody.”

  Court inhaled and exhaled deeply. “Oh, boy, here it comes.”

  “Here what comes?” Juliet sniffed as she dabbed her eyes with a napkin.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to act this way. Its just that, well, you were late and you didn’t call me to tell me you were running late. The last time a girl ran late on me was because she was on a date with another guy. I know we’re not dating, but it would’ve been nice for you to call me.”

  “I couldn’t. I was with my Aunt Stacy. She would have gone crazy if I told her that I had to call a guy to tell him I was running late. She knows who you are, Court.”

  “Well, duh. My friends and I are practically in her office everyday for breaking some pud rule of hers.”

  “Sheesh, you have an attitude.”

  “If you don’t like it, then find somebody else to help you out.”

  “Nah, I like it. It’s kind of sexy.”

  Court rolled his eyes.

  “And I told you not to worry about Aunt Stacy, anymore. She won’t bother you if you are with me.”

  “You don’t get it. That’s all the more reason to bother me. If she is so lenient with you and she finds out you’re with one of the hoodlums she tracks, I’m in more trouble than any of my friends.”

  “Whatever. One day you’ll understand. Let’s just find a scene and get it ready for Dr. Graham.”


  Court was not happy with Juliet. It seemed he was talking to a brick wall. He listened to her talk, but only could think about the other girls that kept walking by his table and smiling. He wanted to get up from where he was and go flirt, but he felt obligated to stay with the whiny little girl he had flirted with earlier. Too bad that he couldn’t just walk away. He was nicer than that and his girl friends would have killed him if they knew he did that. Why did he have to be so nice?


  Heidi paced in the lobby of the dean’s office. She was rehearsing what she was going to say about the petition she was hugging to her chest. Hopefully, the dean would overlook what had happened a few days earlier when she had wound up in J.T’s dorm. If she had let him off the hook, why shouldn’t she be let off the hook?

  “Dean Harlow will see you now,” Burnetta announced to Heidi.

  “Thank you,” Heidi remarked. She walked into the familiar office she had seen on the first day of Julliard.

  “Good afternoon, Ms. Wiers. So, we meet again.”

  “Yes, I suppose we do.”

  Dean Harlow took off her glasses and motioned for Heidi to sit down.

  “It seems to me that your RD found you missing from you room around midnight and another RD found you in the boy’s dorm at the same time. What do you have to say for yourself?”

  Heidi clenched her teeth. She didn’t want to get on Dean Harlow’s bad side by telling her that her niece drove her out of the room, but she didn’t want to lie either.

  “It’s true,” she finally answered.

  “And whose room were you in?” Dean Harlow asked.

  “My boyfriend’s,” Heidi mumbled.

  “Pardon?” Dean Harlow cupped her ear, so she could hear Heidi confess again.

  “J.T.’s—I mean Jayson Sumtrane’s room—my boyfriend.”

  “Oh, I see.” Dean Harlow picked up her pen and began writing down something.

  “No, he’s not like that. He would never do anything like that. I just needed some sleep because I had a 7 o’clock class the next morning. Things were pretty hectic over at my dorm since the fire had broken out over there. I offered to let someone sleep in my room since she lived on the top floor, but she didn’t sleep. Instead, she kept talking to me and I couldn’t get her to stop. Finally, she fell asleep, but she snored so loud that it woke me up. So, I called J.T. because I knew he wouldn’t have a problem with me coming over and sleeping in his room. In fact, he put a sleeping bag on the floor for himself and let me sleep in his bed. Please, Dean Harlow, don’t expel me. I worked too hard and too long to get here. I need this more than anything. Please don’t expel me.” Heidi wiped the tears that were streaking down her face after her explanation.

  Dean Harlow sat in silence. She looked at the girl sitting across from her who was having an emotional break down. She didn’t want to expel her, but she needed to know that what she did was unacceptable behavior.

  “Why didn’t you go to another dorm room in your dormitory?” Dean Harlow asked.

  “They were full. My friends had all ready taken in some of the girls from upstairs and I didn’t want to get in the way.”

  “You’re an awfully selfless person, aren’t you, Heidi?”

  Heidi looked up surprised. This was the first time Dean Harlow had used her first name since she had talked to her.

  “Yes, ma’am, I guess I am.”

  Dean Harlow contorted her lips into a smile. “I’m not going to expel you—“

  “Thank you.” Heidi started to stand up.

  “But,” Dean Harlow interrupted. Heidi sat back in the chair. “I am going to ask that you do some community service for the school. You need to realize what you did was unacceptable at Julliard and remember not to let it happen again. So, for one month, you are going to work with Madame Rischkev at the community center and give dance lessons to the underprivileged children that come there. You will not be getting paid and I expect that you sign in and out with Madame Rischkev so I know that you are not taking this lightly.”

  Heidi nodded her head.

  Dean Harlow looked at the papers in Heidi’s lap. “Is there anything else, Ms. Weirs?”

  Heidi looked in her lap and realized she was going to leave without explaining what had happened with the petition. “Oh, yes. I just wanted to let you know, that 50% of the school population has signed the petition for a later curfew. Well, I think so, anyway. I need to check a list of the students to make sure there is no double signing or fake signatures. Is there anyway you can help me with that?”

  “Certainly.” Dean Harlow pushed a button on the phone and told Burnetta to print out a student list for her. “You’ll have to check your petition in the office. I don’t want the student list to leave here for confidentiality reasons. There’s an empty conference room next door. You can use that for the time being.”

  “Thank you.”

  “No problem.” Dean Harlow stood up from her chair and Heidi did the same. She walked Heidi to the reception area and told Burnetta to give her the student list. Then, Heidi went into the conference room and checked her petition.


  Ashleigh knocked on the door frame of Dashelle’s door.

  Dashelle looked up from the thick book of plays she was studying. “Hey, stranger, come on in.”

  “Stranger? Have I not been around as much?” Ashleigh asked concerned.

  “No, I haven’t. I’ve been busy with studying and stuff, that I just have
n’t had time to talk to any of the gang,” Dashelle remarked.

  “Oh, yeah. Guess I haven’t noticed.”

  “Gee, thanks. You don’t even notice that your best friend is gone.”

  “That’s not what I meant, Dashelle. You know that. Why do you think I came over here?”

  “To borrow my clothes,” Dashelle joked.

  Ashleigh smiled and rolled her eyes at the comment. “I need to talk to you.”

  “So, what are we doing now?”

  “This is serious, Shell. It’s about Kelso.”

  “Oh, boy. You’ve fallen hopelessly in love with the guy and you want to tell him that, but you’re afraid to because you don’t want to seem too forward. Right?”

  Ashleigh shook her head.

  Dashelle looked at her friend concerned. She had never seen the look on Ashleigh’s face before. She got up from her chair, walked over to Ashleigh, and put a hand on her shoulder.

  “What’s wrong, Ash?”

  “I don’t know. He was trying to tell me something the night of the fire, but I didn’t hear it. And now, he wants to tell me tonight at dinner. I don’t understand why he won’t tell me over the phone. I’ve tried to get him to tell me, but he says he wants to explain in person.”

  “Well, at least he wants to see you again,” Dashelle remarked.

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “Yeah, I guess?” Dashelle repeated. “You were dying to meet this guy, hoping he would like you and all you have to say is ‘yeah, I guess?!’ He practically spent all night with you, obviously getting to know you better and when he thought the time was right, he was going to tell you something. Stupid fire alarm didn’t help his cause at all, did it?”

  Ashleigh snickered. “Guess not.”

  “You know who’s to blame for this, don’t you?”

  “No, who?”

  “J.T. He got you into this mess and he’s going to get you out of it.” Dashelle picked up the phone and dialed J.T.’s cell phone.

  “J.T. here.”

  “J.T. –Dashelle. What’s up?’

  “Just on my way to rehearsal. What’s going on?”



  “Apparently, Kelso is supposed to tell her something tonight that seems very important and she’s all bent out of shape about it. Any suggestions as to why?”

  “I have no idea, Dashelle. I’ll see him in a few, though. I can ask him then.”