Read Hearts for Rent Page 8


  “Dashelle,” Freedom sang outside her door. “I know you’re in there. I can see the light’s on.”

  “Go away,” Dashelle ordered.

  “Don’t think so,” Freedom said.

  “And just how to you plan on getting in here if I don’t let you in?” Dashelle asked.

  “I have my ways.” Freedom took a bobby pin out of her hair, slipped it in just the right spot of the lock on the door and swung it open.

  “How did you learn to do that?” Brady asked.

  “Brothers,” Freedom answered. She looked over at Dashelle and saw that she had been crying and now she had a scowl on her face.

  “What happened?” Freedom asked Dashelle. She walked over to her desk.


  “Oh, that’s a big, fat lie,” Brady remarked.

  “Stay out of this, Brady. I’m not in the mood to talk to any male species right now.”

  Brady hissed like a cat and backed away. “I’m just going to be cowering over here in the corner if you need me.”

  Freedom shot him a warning with her eyes. She looked back over at Dashelle. The pictures of Ashleigh on Dashelle’s desk caught her eye. They were all heads.

  “Uh, is there a reason you have shrunken heads of Ashleigh all over your desk.”

  “Oh, just doing a little remodeling of my pictures that’s all.”

  “What happened?”

  “I told Ashleigh what I thought of her always waiting for someone to do something for her and she got mad at me. I don’t blame her, but we’ve decided not to speak to each other anymore. I blame Kelso.”

  Brady sighed from the corner of his room and shook his head. “Glad I’m not a girl.”

  “And so are we, Brady. So are we,” Dashelle remarked.

  “Uh, don’t you think that’s a little drastic not talking to each other? I mean you two have been best friends since eighth grade,” Brady said.

  “Well, it’s time to move on. We’re doing different things and we have different ideas and its time I stop helping her out and not doing what I want,” Dashelle said.

  “So, move on. We’re going out with everybody that isn’t currently occupied and you’re first on the list to kidnap,” Freedom said. She was trying to put the pictures of Ashleigh’s heads back into the correct picture.

  “I can tell you Ashleigh’s occupied. She’s out with that boy. Court’s around somewhere. I saw him on my way back from stranding Ashleigh. I don’t know about Sam and the others.”

  “J.T. and Heidi are alone tonight,” Dashelle said. “Don’t think we should bother them.”

  “Well, then, let’s go get the guys and see how much trouble we can get into,” Brady said.

  “Let’s go.”


  Ashleigh washed off her face and wiped away the tears. She had been in the bathroom for about five minutes. Most of that time was spent crying and uncontrollably sobbing. She didn’t know what to do. She liked Kelso and she wanted to get to know him better, but she didn’t want to get so involved that she would watch him deteriorate. She didn’t know how to handle this situation.

  “Hey, honey, you all right in there?” the waitress asked as she tapped on the door. “Your man wanted me to check on you.”

  Ashleigh sniffled. “I’m fine,” she whispered.

  “What? Speak up.”

  Ashleigh had been crying so much that her voice was gone. She walked over to the door and cracked it open. “I’m fine. Could you tell him I’ll be out in a minute?”

  The waitress shrugged. “I guess.” She walked away and yelled to Kelso what Ashleigh had asked her to say.

  Ashleigh looked at her cell phone. She wanted to call someone and ask what she should do. Dashelle would have been the easiest to call earlier in the day, but now she would just tell Ashleigh that she needed to figure it out on her own. Freedom wouldn’t understand. She didn’t have these kinds of problems after she made a vow to herself to stay single and just have fun. So, Ashleigh put her cell phone back in her pocket and walked over to Kelso. He looked frustrated and confused. She walked over, but didn’t sit down.

  “I thought you might have crawled out the bathroom window,” Kelso remarked.

  “Oh, no. I just had to collect my thoughts. You laid some pretty heavy info on me, ya know.”

  “Yeah, I know. Sorry, but I didn’t want to get you into a situation that you couldn’t handle.”

  “Well, I’m not sure how to handle it, Kelso.”

  “Do you want to go somewhere else and talk about this?” Kelso asked hopefully. “I paid the bill while I was waiting for you.”

  “Yeah, let’s go to my place. We can talk about it there. Although, I don’t know how much talking it’s going to take to get me to understand what’s going on with you.”

  Kelso stood up next to Ashleigh. He put his hand on her shoulder and looked into her sad eyes. “You’ll understand. I promise.” His hand slid down her arm and he held her hand. She leaned into him and tears soaked his shirt. “No, don’t do that. You’re too beautiful to cry about me.” He kissed the top of her head.

  Ashleigh stepped back. Kelso handed her a napkin to dab the tears. “Let’s go, before I start doing this again,” Ashleigh requested.

  They walked out of the diner and walked until they could find a cab to take them to Ashleigh’s dorm.


  “So, where shall we go?” Freedom asked no one in particular. She was standing amidst Brady, Court, Sam, Parker and Dashelle.

  “Let’s go to the place that got us in trouble the last time we were out,” Brady answered.

  “Heidi would freak out if we did that,” Dashelle said.

  “Oh, come on, live a little. Heidi isn’t here and she doesn’t control you,” Brady remarked. He raised his eyebrow and looked at Dashelle. “Or does she.”

  “No, she doesn’t. I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions.”

  “Well, then, let’s go get our groove on,” Court said. “I’m on the prowl. The last girl I had a date with couldn’t stop talking about herself and I’m ready to find a girl that will listen and shut up every once in a while.”

  “Watch it, Court. You don’t know what you’re asking for,” Brady said.

  “Oh, I know exactly what I’m asking for,” Court said. He hailed for a cab and the crew slipped in and was off to find romance and fun.


  J.T. sat in Heidi’s room watching her mull over the figures she had come up with from working with the school roster.

  “I don’t get it. Why would people write fake names on a perfectly rational survey? Don’t they want out of this prison?”

  J.T. smiled. “Maybe they’re used to rules and aren’t old enough to see that they have minds and ideas of their own.”

  “Yeah, well, they should listen to me.”

  “That won’t solve the problem.”

  Heidi grunted and threw a pillow at J.T.

  “Oh, great, repress your anger and take it out on me. That makes me feel a whole lot better.”

  “I just want to be able to go out without having to report to Dean Harlow every time I have to sneeze or take a crap.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa. A little TMI, for me.”

  “What?” Heidi asked confused.

  “Sorry, Mario-ism. TMI means too much information.”

  “Oh, yeah, Mario. There’s another issue I’d like to address.”

  “He’s not your issue. He’s mine. And I think I may have a solution to that problem, but let’s get back to your problem. How are we going to get this petition signed and ready for the warden?”

  “Don’t call her that. She’s a nice person once you get on her good side.”

  “That’ll take awhile for me,” J.T. groaned.

  Heidi looked at her watch. “Oh, no. I’m supposed to be at the community center in five minutes.”

“And now you’ve gotten on the Dean’s bad side once again.”


  Heidi grabbed a few things in her hand and headed out the door. She grabbed J.T.’s wrist and took him with her.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “With me. You said you wanted to spend some time with me and this is the only chance I have.”

  “Oh, great. Inner city rug rats and dancing sounds like an awfully romantic evening.”

  J.T. was running to keep up with Heidi. He wasn’t sure if Heidi was the right choice for a girlfriend about now. He had always been good friends with her since they met while rehearsing for Grease in their high school, but right now she seemed to be overwhelmed with college and didn’t have any time for a real relationship. He wanted to talk to her about what he thought, but he didn’t want to put more on her plate as it was. So, he followed her into oblivion and into the community center.


  Court walked into the Nocturnal rubbing his hands together.

  “All right, ladies, I’m single, I’m hot, and I’ve got what you want,” he said.

  Freedom rolled her eyes. “Ashton boys. They don’t make them any other way, do they?”

  “Probably a good thing they don’t,” Brady said. “C’mon, Court, let’s get you something cold to drink so I can pour it on your head when the testosterone gets to be too much.”

  “Good idea,” Dashelle said. She looked around the club and noticed that there wasn’t any action. “I vote we get this party started, Freedom. What do you think?”

  “I approve your message.” Freedom grabbed Dashelle’s hand and dragged her onto the dance floor.

  “You’re not going to go after her?” Court asked Brady.

  “Nah. I got plenty of choices here, don’t want to eliminate anyone.”

  “Chicken,” Sam remarked. He imitated the sounds of a chicken and flapped his wings.

  “Shut up, Sammy boy,” Brady snapped. He scanned the club and noticed a leggy blond staring at him. She started to walk over. “Incoming. Hot chic coming our way.”

  The girl stopped in front of Brady. “Hiii! Wanna dance?” the girl’s nasal voice stung in Brady’s ears.

  “Um, sure.” He went with the girl onto the dance floor.

  Court looked at Sam. “Charity work.”

  “Oh, come on. He’s got a plan. He’s going to dance with the girl, making sure he’s next to Freedom to make her jealous. The next thing you know, he’ll drop the girl and get things going with Freedom.”

  “Sure,” Court remarked. “I need a drink.” Sam and Court walked over to the bar and ogled at the bartender.

  Parker went onto the dance floor to see if he could find anyone desperate enough to “teach” him how to dance. He always had a plan.

  “I bet you ten dollars I can get her number,” Court said.

  “Bet you twenty I can get it first,” Sam said.

  “You’re on.”

  The bartender walked over. “What can I get you two tonight?”

  “MGD,” Court ordered.

  “Rum and coke,” Sam said.

  “Interesting combination,” the bartender said.

  “Were you expecting us to get some kind of girly drink?” Sam asked.

  “No, I was expecting you to get my number,” the bartender said. “My name is Lily, by the way.”

  “Well, maybe you can settle a bet for us, Lily. One of us said we could get your number first, so who’s it going to be,” Court asked.

  “I vote that guy over there.” She pointed to a tall, muscular man who was the bouncer at the club.

  “Oh, come on, now,” Court remarked. “We’re just having a little fun.”

  Lily smiled and leaned over the counter. “So was I.” She set the boys’ drinks in front of them. “I’ll make you a deal.” She took a pen from behind her ear and a piece of paper from her pocket. “I’m gonna write down my phone number and tear it in half. That way, you two won’t fight over who got the number first.” She scrawled her number on the paper, ripped it in two, and handed Court one half and Sam the other half.

  “See you later.” She walked away.

  “How dumb was that. There has got to be some better goods around here.” Court got up from the barstool and walked towards the dance floor.

  Sam stayed where he was. There was no way he was going to get up and dance to get a girl. He thought his luck would change if he stayed at the bar.


  Kelso and Ashleigh sat in Ashleigh’s room staring at each other. They had been silent since they got into her room.

  Kelso sneezed.

  “Are you okay?” Ashleigh asked.

  “Yeah. Just some allergies.”


  “Listen, Ashleigh. You don’t have to walk on eggshells around me now that you know what’s going on with me. Just treat me the way you would any other boyfriend you would have.”

  “Boyfriend?” Ashleigh asked. “I didn’t know that’s what you thought about us.”

  “Of course I do. I knew it the minute I met you,” Kelso said.

  Ashleigh’s shy smile sneaked onto her face.

  “Oh, great. She’s gonna quit talking again,” Kelso joked. He flashed a toothy smile at her.

  “I’ll talk. I just have to take in the compliment.” Ashleigh sat with a smile and then quickly went to a straight face again. “So, about this boyfriend/girlfriend stuff. What exactly should we be doing?”

  “Well,” Kelso said. He slid closer to Ashleigh on her bed and turned her head toward his. “I think we should be doing this-“ Kelso planted a tender kiss on her lips.


  Heidi sprinted into the community center. J.T. followed behind.

  “So sorry, Madame Ricshkev, I was doing school work and didn’t notice the time.”

  “Well, Ms. Wiers, as long as it was schoolwork, you are excused.” Madame Ricshkev examined J.T. “Who is this fine young specimen?”

  J.T. extended his hand so he could shake Madame Ricshkev’s. “Jayson Sumtrane. I just tagged along to see what kind of help I could be.”

  “Do you know how to dance?”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “Well, let’s get started people. Ms. Weirs, I would like you to take these girls and teach them a simple combination. Mr. uh, Sumtrane, is it? Take a few of the girls and work with them. Sorry that we don’t have any young gentlemen, yet.”

  “They’ll learn one day. Male dancers get the girls,” J.T. joked.

  “Jayson!” Heidi exclaimed. Her cheeks blushed.

  “I was just making a joke, Heidi. Take it down a few decibels.”

  “Please quit arguing and get to work.”

  “Madame Ricshkev, I would feel more comfortable if Heidi and I worked with the girls together.”

  Madame Rischkev nodded. “That’s fine. Get the girls together and teach. Chop, chop.” Madame Rischkev clapped her hands together twice and walked away.

  J.T. and Heidi looked at each other with blank stares.

  “You have a class with this woman?”

  Heidi nodded.

  “I’m sorry, I had no idea that Julliard rented out the loons.”

  “J.T., hush! There are little ears around.”

  “I’m sure they think the same thing that I do.”

  At that moment, five girls walked into the room.

  “You’re pretty.”

  “Thanks,” J.T. answered. He smiled.

  The girl rolled her eyes. “I wasn’t talking to you.”

  J.T. rolled his eyes, too. “It was a joke.”

  The girl put up her hand to form a brick wall sign and walked away.

  J.T. shaded his mouth with his hand. “She’s going to be a fun one,” he muttered to Heidi.

  “All right, girls, my name is Heidi and this is J.T. We are going to be teaching you some dance moves the next few weeks.”

?I hope they aren’t lame. The last teachers we had taught us ballet,” a girl with a nametag that read BreeAnne sighed.

  “Trust me, they won’t be,” J.T. said.

  “Will you teach us hip hop?” Jolene asked.

  “Well, this is your hip,” J.T. began and pointed to his hip, “and this is how to hop.” He hopped on one foot.

  “You’re not funny,” the “brick wall” girl remarked. Her name was Danielle according to her name tag.

  “Did it look like I was trying to be?” J.T. asked.

  Heidi shook her head. Obviously, J.T. did not do well with children. She was going to have to run this show by herself and he was going to be the comic relief. She butted into the conversation before any more damage was done.

  “Let’s get started, I’m going to teach you a simple jazz combination.”

  “I’ll let you do it,” J.T. said. He threw up his hands and backed into the corner to watch his girlfriend in action.


  Brady stayed on the dance floor with the leggy blond for two songs. She talked on and on, but he was too busy watching Freedom’s gyrations with other guys on the dance floor. He finally got up the nerve to ditch the leggy blond before the third song started.

  “You want something to drink?” Brady asked his “date.”

  “Yeah, a Corona would be great.”

  “Great. I’ll be right back.” Brady walked away from blond girl. When she wasn’t looking he slipped away out of sight and found Freedom dancing with a Latin man.

  He cleared his throat. “What are you doing?” Brady asked Freedom.

  “I’m dancing. What are you doing, besides making a fool of yourself?”

  “I’m not a fool. You’re the one dancing.”

  “Listen, Brady, if you want to dance with me, just ask.”

  Brady looked at the Latin lover dancing with Freedom. “Do you mind?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Whoa. Wait a minute. If my friend whom I’ve known for at least 6 years wants to dance with me, he can. Be a man and back off, Romeo.”

  “Okay. Guess I won’t be getting your number tonight.”

  “Guess not. Bye.” She waved the man away and grabbed Brady.

  “Thank goodness. I thought I was going to have to listen to him all night.”