Read Heartstrings Page 4

  Chapter Four

  Now that the first week of school was over, Eroica was ready to settle into a routine and get to work. Her classes were demanding, but she felt equal to them. She had just finished practicing and was putting away her music when AnnaMaria knocked on her back door.

  “I thought that you were finished,” she said. “Can I come in? Charlie and Joshua are sound asleep, and John is trying to fix my rocking chair. I can’t bear to watch him. It will never be the same after he messes with it, and I just loved that rocking chair.”

  “You know John always pulls through for you. He keeps your car running, doesn’t he?”

  “Yes, but doesn’t the fact that he is always fixing it suggest something to you?”

  Both girls laughed, but Eroica knew that AnnaMaria thought everything John did was wonderful. Even after almost four years of marriage.

  “Well, Eroica, tell me about your classes. What are you taking? Who are your teachers?”

  AnnaMaria was a graduate of the Deseret College of Music, so she was naturally curious. Unlike Eroica, AnnaMaria loved to perform. Her technique wasn’t as strong as Eroica’s, but because she didn’t battle stage fright the way Eroica did, her performances were much more brilliant. This didn’t bother Eroica, though. She was always excited when AnnaMaria did well in performances and competitions.

  “My piano teacher is Dr. Fife,” Eroica began. “The same teacher that you had. He remembered you and how dedicated you were. He said that you were an exceptional pianist.”

  “He was an excellent teacher,” AnnaMaria said. “I never practiced so hard in my life. You will learn a lot from him.”

  “I also have to take instrument appreciation this year,” Eroica continued. “I’m in a class with a bunch of freshmen. I avoided this class for as long as I could. I have been dreading it. In two semesters I have to learn to play the flute, clarinet, oboe, trumpet, trombone, french horn, violin, viola, cello, and string bass.”

  “It’s not so bad, Eroica. I thought it was a good class. After all, you and I have never even touched another instrument. Some musicians know how to play several of them. Look at what the jazz students can do. Some on them can play the piano, all the saxophones, the flute, and the clarinet.”

  “That’s just my point,” Eroica protested. “I can only play one instrument. I haven’t been a beginner since before I can remember. That class is going to embarrass me all year long. But I really enjoy the class after that. It’s orchestral conducting. I’ll never have another opportunity to play conductor like I will in this class. It’s actually fun.”

  “I remember taking orchestral conducting, and it was not fun. It was so hard to keep track of what all the instruments were doing.”

  “But you did well in your theory classes, and that’s where I struggle.”

  “You always did have a hard time with music theory,” remembered AnnaMaria.

  “It’s not just the class that’s going to be difficult. It’s the teacher too.”

  “Oh? Is it a hard teacher?”

  “No, it’s not that. It’s more that he has a difficult personality.”

  “Who is it?”

  “His name is Mark Wallace. He just started working on his doctorate.”

  “I don’t know him,” AnnaMaria thought back. “What about your music history class?”

  “It’s going to be tough. But it’s tough for everyone. And I just got a job as the faculty accompanist. That will be interesting. I suppose now I will find out if professional musicians are as temperamental as legend has it.”

  “You know they are. Look at our father, Dr. Karloff Hamilton, baritone. Does it get any more eccentric that that?”

  “I never thought of him that way. He seemed like any other father, sort of. Well, maybe not.” Eroica and AnnaMaria burst into laughter as they thought about all of their father’s oddities.

  “But, Eroica,” AnnaMaria managed to stop laughing, “With teaching piano lessons, and taking classes, and keeping up with your new job, when are you going to find time to date?”

  “If the right guy comes along, believe me, I’ll find time for him.”

  “And how are you going to find the right person if you don’t go out with anyone? I’m going to have to set you up with some of John’s friends who aren’t married yet.”

  “Give me a chance first,” cried Eroica. “The semester has just begun. You are more anxious about this than I am.”

  “That’s because you don’t appear worried at all.”

  “Why should I worry about something that God is controlling?”

  “You are right. I will try to quit pestering you.” She stood up and gave Eroica a hug. “I missed you while you were in Germany. It’s so nice to have you living next door. I guess I had better go back and see what has become of my rocking chair.”

  Eroica was a little sad to see her go. They used to stay up half the night, just talking. Now AnnaMaria had other responsibilities. She could no longer just be Eroica’s big sister. Eroica went to bed that night wishing she had someone who would dismantle a rocking chair for her, purely out of love.