Read Heat Page 19

Moon leads me through his oasis in the desert. We left by an outside door off the kitchen. We walk around to the front of the house first so he can show me the fountain, which is lit up with multi-colored lights. It’s beautiful, and we stand and admire it for several minutes. Moon holds my hand the entire time.

  “Come on, I’ll show you the rest.”

  The sprinkler system comes on when we reach the side of the house. Water sprays the flowers and shrubs, circulating the amazing natural smells of the Arizona outdoors. I feel like I could be strolling through the Botanical Gardens right now, making it easy to forget why I’m here. The colorful accent lights add a bewitching quality to the trails. Yes, I said trails. There are several. The one we’re on is paved with flagstone. The others appear to be fine rock or possibly shale. The outside temperature is hot, but not sun-beating-down-on-you hot. I’d say the upper eighties or low nineties. With the low humidity it’s downright comfortable.

  We walk silently past an Olympic-sized pool that looked almost too inviting to resist. About five minutes into our walk, we cross paths with one of Moon’s men, who is walking the inside perimeter about twenty feet from us. He nods and continues his patrol. I notice a slight bulge on his hip and know that he’s armed. What surprises me is that he’s not carrying a semi-automatic rifle or light machine gun. Those weapons seem more in tune with Moon’s lifestyle.

  “How many acres do you own?” I ask to take my mind off why he needs guards in the first place. My voice is loud in the quiet night.

  “A little over twenty. There’s a hundred-yard perimeter outside the fence.”

  I store that info in the cop slot of my brain. “I’ve driven past here a thousand times and always thought of it as a compound. Something like Warren Jeffs’ place in Texas.”

  That earns me a chuckle. His arm sweeps up and he gestures around the area. “Hmm. No school houses or churches, so I don’t think my home qualifies.”

  “I can’t help my thoughts,” I chide gently. “You were the subject of one of my police academy classes. I pictured you as a villain with retractable horns and a spiked tail.”

  His laughter fills the night, causing tingles to run across my skin. He squeezes my hand a little tighter, and I want him to stop walking, take me in his arms, and kiss me. To my disappointment, we continue our stroll. “I’m the soul of propriety—every woman’s dream and I have no idea how those thoughts entered your pretty little, thumb twiddling, brain.”

  “Modest too,” I tease. This conversation is so… normal.

  My teasing earns a reward. In one fluid move, he stops and pulls me into his chest. We’re in the shadows and even though I know he has guards, I feel that we’re the only two people inside his walled paradise. His lips are gentle. His hands go to my ribcage beside my breasts while he licks and tastes my lips. His thumbs glide across the material of my shirt in a soft caress over my breasts, though not quite touching my nipples. The kiss remains playful and I want sensual. I try to angle my head, but he moves with me and keeps things light and flirty. I moan into his mouth and receive a small answering groan.

  “Why are you doing this?” I ask throatily after he releases my lips and places light kisses along my jaw.

  “Because you always taste so damn good,” he says on a slow breath. His teeth scrape where his lips left a burning trail of fire. “Here too.” He bites down on the tendon of my neck and my body heads into the danger zone. The zone that says, Fuck me and please make it good.

  I lift my hands to his jaw and run my fingers over the sexy scruff. It sidetracks me from what he’s doing until he slides his hands between us and cups my breasts. Now, his thumbs rub across my nipples, tightening the stiff peaks. My entire body is at attention. He moves one leg between mine and pulls me closer so my crotch is riding his thigh.

  Fucking hell.

  The friction of our clothes and the pressure of his leg drive me wild. My clit swells as I rub myself against him. Moon’s right hand slides down and he gains access beneath my shirt. I react with a shudder when he touches the bare skin on my side. His fingers are so damn hot, they burn. His other hand goes to my ass and he pulls me tighter against his leg. I need to be naked and not standing outside with clothes separating us. I need to fuck him instead of humping his leg. I need so many things at once—more pressure, nipple action, him inside me.

  It’s only been about two minutes since he started this and my blood is roaring through my body while Moon’s heat consumes me. His lips return to mine with more light nibbles. He’s controlling my body and keeping me from ending this slow torture. Then, like he’s reading my mind again, his fingers slip beneath my bra and tease over my nipples. His mouth leaves mine and he rakes his teeth down the sensitive skin of my throat. His large hand cups my other breast and his fingers squeeze until I’m on my toes and panting in his ear. I’m holding onto his waist for dear life. The pulsing ache spreads from the juncture of my thighs to my nipples and back again. The two points are a circuit of energy.

  Then, he’s back at my mouth and he’s done playing around. I place my hand at the front of his pants and press against his erection. He moans while his tongue delves deep into my mouth. He squeezes my nipple with slow steady pressure. It hurts. It’s delicious. It’s exactly what I need. He moves his hand down so he can cup my ass again. He grinds me against his leg. The sensations are overwhelming. I can’t breathe. I can’t think. But fuck do I feel. My orgasm jolts through me. I’ve never felt this way before. I get off on control even when it comes to my orgasms. Moon takes me over the top with nothing but the pressure of his leg and his damned fingers that have switched to my other nipple, so both are sore and needy.

  My blood is pumping through my veins in ragged pulses. I fall against his chest and his arms surround me as I ride out the waves. When the last ripple fades, he kisses me again before allowing me to bury my face in his neck. Why the hell did he give me that? I’m too undone to think of a possible answer.

  “You okay?” he whispers in my ear, raising chill bumps on my skin. A fine sheen of sweat covers me, and I can feel the dampness of his shirt as I breathe in his incredible scent. Moon eases his leg from between my thighs, and his hard length presses against my belly. His hands drop and his fingers grasp mine. He brings them up between us and gently kisses the backs of my knuckles on one hand and then the other.

  We’re in the shadows, but I can still detect the color of his eyes. I see blue—steamy—heat. “Your eyes change color,” I say instead of answering his question.

  He searches my gaze for a moment. “It’s the curse of blue eyes. They change with what color I’m wearing. My mother loved it, and I wanted her beautiful brown ones. She and my father had brown eyes but his mother and sister had blue.”

  My words come out breathy as I try to control my breathing. “A recessive gene. They’re beautiful.” I don’t think he understands that his eyes change with his mood.

  “That’s exactly why I hated them as a child. Boys should not be beautiful.”

  I laugh at his pouty words. It’s a breathless, sated laugh. “It’s not only your eyes, Moon. You’re beautiful—every part of you.” What’s come over me? I don’t see him the same way I did a day ago. He’s my hero. The man who rescued me. The man who just got me off with his mouth, fingers, and hard, delectable thigh. His actions prove there is good in him.

  He’s looking deep into my eyes, and I can tell that something he sees disturbs him. His expression changes. His tone becomes hard and inflexible. “You’re taken in by the outer facade. The darkness I carry is hidden on the inside.” His fingers thread through my hair and he tightens the strands within his fists to make a point. “The things I do are cold and calculated. Don’t be fooled and think I’m good, baby.”

  I don’t believe him. “Tell me about your mother.” I need Moon to be my knight in shining armor. I need him to be good and worthy of the feelings that are raging through me.

  His expression doesn’t change, but his words surprise me. “She w
ould have liked you.”

  I laugh because he has no idea. “Mothers never like me,” I tell him. I’m not putting myself down, just stating fact. I see it in their eyes when I’m introduced. My large breasts and curvy body give me a voluptuous, sex kitten look—aka trampy. Moms know exactly what their sons see in me. They don’t feel I’m a good candidate as the mother of their future grandchildren.

  “My mother would have,” he says with finality. “She was a strong woman and had no problem speaking her mind. Some thought she ran right over my father, but he loved that she stood on her own two feet. My father would have liked you too.” Moon’s gaze shifts away for a moment before he looks at me again. “They spent so much time caring for my brother. He had needs, day in and day out. Regardless of this, they never forgot me. If my mother held my brother and sang to him when he was having a difficult night, she would do the same to me after he eventually fell asleep. I remember her sleepy eyes and how she took time so that I always knew I was loved.” Moon inhales and my hair slips from his fingers. I gently rest my lips against his neck. His salty skin tastes amazing. I want so badly to soothe his pain. “Until my brother died, my mother always smiled. After his death, they were rare and usually only for me or my father. She carried her sadness every minute of each day.”

  His eyes are so dark I would swear they’ve gone black. “You don’t need to hear the rest. It’s nothing good, only tragedy. I’ll say it again, though—my mother would have liked you. I’m sure she would have easily grown to love you. She always wanted a daughter.”

  He’s killing me with words. Wrapping me up in tangled knots of indecision. I’ve always yearned to belong. I always wanted a circle of friends who had my back. But as an introvert, I was too shy in school. The police department was different. To make it to the academy, you’re in the top ten percent of those who apply. The psyche test, polygraph, and physical requirements weed out the rest. Then the academy weeds out more. Only two-thirds of my original class graduated. When I finally put on my uniform, I was automatically accepted into the club of brotherhood and sisterhood because I wore a badge. That dream is lost now and I can’t pretend anymore. They no longer want me in their exclusive club. Moon is slowly weaving another dream. One where we leave everything behind and ride off into the sunset together.

  Standing here now, I would go. So utterly stupid, but I would. I don’t know why my usually rational mind has changed so quickly. I’m making excuses for his lifestyle. Maybe it’s because I’ve only heard about it and I’ve never actually seen the brutality of his criminal empire. Knowing about his father’s death and the possible reasons behind Moon’s actions help me romanticize who he is. “What happened to change your life, Moon?”

  He grasps my fingers with his other hand and squeezes a little too hard. Turmoil plays in his eyes and his voice sounds tortured. “You don’t want those answers, Madison. Don’t ever think my kindness with you does anything but hide a dark, vicious heart. I live by a code that you will never understand, and I’ll die by that code.”

  The words are almost hokey, but I understand the code. Maybe not his. It’s the code of blue that I lived and was willing to die by. What he’s saying still pisses me off, though. “You don’t need to live or die that way, Moon. You choose this life.”

  He releases my hand and takes my chin within his steel grip. His strength can’t be denied, and I feel small and almost helpless in comparison. His attitude has turned cold. Unforgiving. I want the heat back and for the freeze that has entered his eyes to leave. “Need has nothing to do with who I am. You…” His eyes rake downward and stop on my breasts. “I desire. If I were a good man like my father, I would let you go. I wouldn’t bring you into my world of death and greed and blood and sacrifice. In less than one week, my ambitions spilled over onto you. Four days and you’re infected with the disease that is my world.” It’s the coldness in his eyes that brings me up short. I feel like a sexual object, his available toy.

  I can’t hold back my anger and I twist my face from his grasp and step back. “Penny’s death is on me. My job spilled over onto you. You saved me because your heart isn’t as black as you claim it is.” I’m desperate for this to be true. It needs to be because I don’t want him to ruin my dreams so quickly.

  I cringe when he laughs this time. He quickly grasps my hair and pulls until I wince. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. That shit is on me. Your friend died because of what I put into play. Dixon Connor said exactly what he was told to say. I could give a fuck about Dandridge’s wife. The only part that shouldn’t have happened was your involvement.”

  I space into what’s known as tunnel vision. I hear the words, but my brain is frozen on Dixon Connor. “How the fuck do you know Dixon’s name?”

  Moon leans in farther, his voice low as he grinds out the next words. “Because I set it up. I’m taking down Kennedy. I’m weeding out the cops who are loyal to Manuel Estephon and keeping the ones who are loyal to me. It’s war. I’m taking New Mexico away from Estephon.” Moon releases my hair and his hands drop to his sides. I stumble back a step. “You get me, Madison? Do you understand that I’ve pulled you into my deadly mess? I’m far worse than any devil you’ve imagined. Don’t for one second think I’m anyone but exactly who you were told about in that academy class of yours. The death toll is about to rise and the blood of each life taken will be on my hands.”

  Chapter Eighteen