Read Heat Page 2

The throb wakes me and the last thing I want is to open my eyes. Maybe someone set off explosives in my brain. I can hear the soft whir of a ceiling fan while the cool air cascades over me. My head actually thumps to the whir. While I’m contemplating opening my eyes, I use my other senses to give me a clue about what’s happened.

  I’m not in my own bed. Mine has a lumpy mattress. The bed I’m lying on is firm and comfortable. The ceiling fan in my bedroom twirls with a loud, steady hum. This one is finely balanced and it’s only the generated wind that makes noise.

  Like a remembered nightmare, I suddenly recall Dandridge’s hairy dick, a silver bat, and several men with guns. My eyes pop open. The room, thankfully, has muted light, though I still squint as I look around. I give a small scream when I see a man sitting in a large chair in the shadowed corner of the room. He’s watching me. My head objects to the scream, so I slam my jaw shut, roll to my side, and cover my face with my forearm. A soft moan caused by the pain escapes my throat. The man doesn’t make a sound. It’s a minute or two before I can peel my eyes open again.

  He’s still there.

  His arms are stretched along the armrests of the chair and his fingers wrapped over the ends. I can tell he’s tall because I can’t see the back of the chair behind the top of his shoulders and head. His legs are long and clad in suit pants similar to the ones the thugs wore. They must keep Thugs-R-Us in business.

  “Miss Kinlock.” His smooth whiskey voice fills the room.

  “Who…” I croak and try again, “Who are you and where am I?” A sudden ache travels behind my head and I wince.

  “Lift up.” His voice startles me because it’s directly in my ear. I never heard him move. His hand slides beneath the pillow under my head and he helps me sit up slightly. The cool rim of a glass meets my lips. “I have something here for pain, but take a drink of water first.”

  He smells good—in a musky, delicious cologne and man kind of way. It’s such a stupid thing to think about when my last memories are of Dandridge’s dick and thugs with guns. I take a sip of water and then have two pills slipped between my lips. There’s this strange jolt of pleasure at his touch. It throws me off balance, more than a blow to the head has, and like an idiot, I swallow. I have no idea what kind of pills I’ve just taken. My brain is quite slow on the uptake, and I decide if I swallowed illegal drugs, I’ll live with the consequences as long as they take away my damn headache.

  I inhale slowly and open my eyes just in time to see the man lean his hip into the mattress and sit beside me. The sheet covering me stops just below my breasts, and his movement pulls it down a bit farther. He doesn’t so much as sneak a peek at my breasts. I’m impressed.

  “You are?” I ask in a low voice that doesn’t distress my brain too much.

  He has such an intense look of concentration on his face. I feel like a puzzle he’s attempting to put together. He moves a section of my hair off my cheek. His eyes follow the movement of his hand and I think he’s actually surprised at what he’s done. “Call me Moon.”

  Damn. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that I’m in a bad situation. I can’t believe I didn’t recognize him. It’s the shadows of the room and the damage to my brain cells. Or, at least that’s the story I’m feeding myself. I’ve seen countless pictures of him. He’s usually escorting some woman to a ritzy fund-raising event, though he somehow manages to turn his face from the cameras. If not a public appearance, the pictures are taken with a telephoto lens trying to catch him in illegal activity.

  His low voice fills the room when he says, “I’m turning on the light to check the dilation of your eyes.” He speaks in clipped, precise English. No heavy accent, but there’s something not quite American English about his voice. I grab his hand to stop him as he reaches for the lamp beside the bed. It feels like lightning meeting a body of water. The sizzling current skims across my flesh. When I glance up, I see he’s focused on our hands too. Even without the light, my white skin is offset by his darkness. I wonder if he felt the same jolt I did. The thought is silly; I must have imagined it. I relax my fingers and pull my hand away. He looks up and our eyes meet. His expression is impossible to identify. He gives nothing away. It’s as if the air is heavy and it’s pressing against my chest making it difficult to breathe.

  This man is deadly and dangerous. Every part of me knows it.

  I’m startled when his rough fingers slide across my neck and over my jaw. Talk about electrical currents. I’m frozen by his touch and yet I want to jump up and run from the room screaming. His fingers stop at the source of my pain and I flinch.

  An “Awwwe” escapes me. He lifts his hand away and gently lets me rest back against the pillows.

  “Do you know what day it is?” he asks.

  A bit of my apprehension recedes. You don’t make a cement pillar out of someone after asking them questions that determine the extent of brain trauma.

  “Wednesday?” It comes out as a question.

  “The date?”

  I need to think about it for a moment. Fourth of July was last Saturday. “July eighth.” This time it’s not a question. I’m gaining my bearings. My eyes are also adjusting to the shadows and I can make out more of Moon’s features.

  No pictures do him justice. He looks like a dark version of an Italian mob boss. I can’t help but remember the bits and pieces that came through about him while I was an officer. He’s of mixed heritage—African American and Mexican National. Seeing him up close and personal makes me wonder more about his heritage because he’s fucking gorgeous.

  I took notice of him while I was a cop due to the way he leads his life. His criminal empire encompasses all of Arizona and extends to the border towns within Mexico. His list of criminal activities is extensive. He’s also accepted within the echelon of the rich and famous. From athletes to movie stars to musicians, he’s part of their world. It’s his money and good looks. Of that, I have no doubt.

  He intrigued me from the first time I heard the rumored stories about him. His private life is very private so I’ve never been sure what to believe and what to throw in the trash. The story told is that Moon’s American father was a plastic surgeon who died in South America while providing facial reconstruction to children in need. It’s also rumored that Moon’s criminal career began after he sought revenge against the rebels who killed his father. Somehow Moon manages to stay ten steps in front of the feds. Mix in his philanthropy with the poor and you have a modern day Robin Hood who kills, sells female flesh, keeps the illegal drug and gun supply-train running, and also takes excellent care of the people who support his criminal activity. Law enforcement hates him, and I’ve never been exactly fond of the legend he’s created.

  So why is my body responding to his touch, his voice, and his damn scent? My headache should keep these thoughts at bay, but the rush of heat that has flooded my veins, the flutter low in my belly, and the sudden awareness between my legs are not a good sign.

  “Why am I here?” I ask while trying to control my rapid breathing. It’s most likely not the best question. With my throbbing head and over-active libido, intelligence is a luxury.

  His fingers twine in my hair without the slightest pull on my scalp. We both stare at his fingers as my hair slides across his skin. “My men weren’t sure what to do with you. They went for Dandridge and apparently you stepped in the way.” He speaks offhandedly like he’s unaccustomed to being questioned.

  Shit, Dandridge. “Is he alive?”


  “Maybe you shouldn’t answer that so once I’m able to walk, you’ll be more amiable to allowing me to leave.” My words are rushed. My nervousness skyrockets. I hope he thinks I’m joking.

  His gaze moves back to mine and he doesn’t ease my mind with so much as a grin.

  “Gomez will drive you home as soon as I’m assured your concussion doesn’t require a physician.” He continues holding my hair, which I find very odd. “Dandridge is in a bit of pain, but he’ll surviv

  I’m not sure what to make of this. “Will he be leaving with me?”

  Moon’s intensity increases and his fingers tug a bit on my hair. I don’t breathe. “He’s been dropped at his car, and if he can’t drive himself home, he’ll call a cab.”

  “You hurt him?” I need tape over my mouth. I’m asking too many questions.

  Moon’s voice turns hard. “Dandridge hurt one of the girls. He got off lucky.”

  Dandridge’s wife, Penny, told me to be careful because her husband gets a little heavy-handed when mad. If Harry’s still breathing, I can live with him getting his ass beat. I think.

  “My camera?”

  He takes his time answering each question. He’s so focused on me that it makes me very uncomfortable. “On the dresser,” he says as he nods across the room. “Your pictures of Dandridge are worth a small fortune.” Without giving me time to stop him, he releases my hair, leans over, and turns on the light.

  It blinds me. I bury my head into the pillows. “Why did you do that?” I whine, my fear entirely forgotten.

  He doesn’t speak. His fingers thread into my hair again after he moves the pillow away from my face. His thumb slides over my temple in a slow circle that feels heavenly. The soothing touch makes me want to purr. My sexual awareness increases tenfold. It’s a moment or two before I’m willing to risk opening my eyes. When I do, Moon’s sinful gaze is locked on mine.

  Holy fuck.

  He has deep, intense blue eyes with shards of silver that are accented by his mocha skin. He’s literally Dwayne Johnson gorgeous with a tumbler of blue eyes thrown in to make a woman’s panties combust. I don’t know how to explain what happens as I fall into his eyes. Not fall—dive. My insides turn to slush. It’s like I’ve inhaled a narcotic that causes psychosis. I can’t seem to stop staring or get my bearings. With a solid blink, I jerk myself from the blue sea and absorb the rest of him.

  He’s wearing a white, button-down shirt with the cuffs hanging loose. The top three buttons at his neck are undone displaying a bit of his chest and flawless skin. The material of the shirt stretches over his heavily muscled biceps and forearms and across his equally defined torso. He untangles his fingers from my hair and rests his hand beside my hip. His other hand is on his knee. His fingers are long and powerful. A heavy gold ring with a large black stone is on the ring finger of his right hand. A simple gold band circles his thumb. His left hand is bare. I’ve never been fond of men wearing jewelry, but on Moon, it makes a statement. I’m just not sure what that statement actually is.

  He allows my appraisal and I still don’t get a smile or even a leer that says, I know you like what you see. My gaze moves to his lips. They’re full and lush—totally kissable lips, and there’s not a woman alive who wouldn’t want those lips on her. A small scar about a half-inch long is at the corner of his lower lip. It does nothing to diminish his attractiveness. It actually does the opposite and adds a dangerous, bad boy, all-man quality.

  “Have dinner with me,” he murmurs. The question startles me.

  The Moon-induced fog clears slightly from my brain. “I’m a cop,” I say, and immediately I know I should have said retired or former. “Retired,” I add on stupidly.

  His lips press a little more firmly together, subtly changing his expression. “I know exactly who you are, Miss Kinlock.” My name on his lips sounds incredible which is stupid and somehow I must gain control of myself.

  How does he know my name? My identification was in my back pocket. I slide my hand beneath the sheet to see if it’s still there. My heart rate jacks up ten notches. Not only is my wallet missing, so are my pants.

  “Where are my clothes?” I demand in rising panic. He’s too damn close for me to be lying here with no pants.

  He moves in closer and he’s way in my personal space. “Settle down. They’re on the dresser.” His warm breath fans my face and it’s all about his lips again. What the hell is happening to me? All I want to do is slide my tongue across his mouth and taste him. Instead, I glance up and meet his gaze. Death, my brain says. Irresistible, my heart snaps back. I would swear all the blood in my body has settled between my thighs. He raises his hand and trails his fingers down my cheek and farther. His thumb and forefinger close around my chin and his head dips lower.

  He’s going to kiss me.

  “Stay as long as you need. Press zero on the house phone and Gomez will drive you home.” His lips briefly touch my forehead. “Hasta que nos encontramos de nuevo,” he whispers.

  Chapter Three