Read Heat Page 38

There are so many things to discuss, but I’m too shaken to ask questions. I need time to absorb the revelation that I have fallen in love. I drift off to sleep with no solution to the equation ex-cop meets crime boss equals love. A slight noise beside my head wakes me. I open my eyes and see a blurry glass of orange juice. The side of the bed dips when Moon sits beside me. He’s dressed in a T-shirt and a pair of ragged shorts that look like sweats that have been cut off above the knees.

  His gentle voice is hard for my foggy brain to comprehend. “I’d like you to take a run with me.”

  A run? The man is crazy. “What time is it?” I ask groggily.


  This means we’ve had two and a half hours of sleep. I have no idea why I smile. There’s just something normal about this. My new normal, I guess. “You’re fucking killing me, you know that, right?” His laughter slides over me. This is a normal I can live with.

  “I won’t be around today and we need to talk. I also need to work off some pent up energy and thought we could do both.” He lifts my hair off my face and smiles down at me. His eyes don’t appear tired, though I know he’s exhausted.

  I rest my hand on his thigh. “As long as I can come back to bed after the run.”

  “After our shower,” he insists.

  “After our shower,” I confirm.

  He assists me into a sitting position so I can drink the juice. After a quick kiss, he says, “I’ll meet you downstairs.”

  I grab clothes that will suffice as running clothes and head into the bathroom. I desperately need a hair tie. This is solved when I use a pair of small manicure clippers and place a cut at the bottom of the tee I’ve chosen. I rip the material and use the cloth to tie up my hair. The shirt is ragged at the ends, but I don’t care. After brushing my teeth, I walk back into the bedroom to put on my running shoes, which were collected from my apartment along with my gear belt and then I head downstairs.

  I’m tired and grumpy and relieved Moon woke me up. The front door is open about six inches, and I roll my eyes at the waste of electricity even though it lets me know where Moon is. I walk outside and he’s stretching on the front steps. I usually run a short ways to warm up my body and then stretch. This morning I do it Moon’s way.

  A few minutes later, we’re running the inside track of his perimeter fence. I hadn’t noticed that there was a paved track that circles the entire property. Moon adjusts to my pace. I have shorter legs and appreciate that he has slowed down. It’s hot no matter that it’s only a little after six in the morning. The sun beats down on us, which actually feels good.

  Without the slightest huffing of breath Moon tells me what’s happening, “Estephon is backing down. He says he’ll back off from his ties with the drug cartel. His compliance was too easy and I don’t believe a word of it.”

  I feel the same way. This is all too easy.

  “As good faith, I asked him to handle Kennedy.”

  I stop running. Moon stops a few steps ahead of me and turns around so we’re facing each other.

  “By handle, you mean kill?” My legs are spaced with one slightly in front of the other and my knees are bent. This is a fighting stance and I’m ready for a knock-down drag out.

  I can see that my actions haven’t gone unnoticed. Moon’s expression is hard steel.

  “Kennedy tried to kill you. His retribution was coming one way or another.”

  “Fuck no,” I yell. “You are not telling me this. What the hell is wrong with you? Did you think because I came back after you took out Dandridge that I would be okay with killing a cop? I’m not fucking okay with killing Dandridge. I will never be okay with that. There’s a reason I went into law enforcement and that’s because I believe in the law.”

  Moon, like an idiot, takes a step closer. “Your law is corrupt. This is about checks and balances. As long as Kennedy is out there, you’re unsafe.”

  I lift my hand, palm out. It’s a warning. If he moves closer, I will deck the motherfucker.

  “You will call Estephon and stop whatever he has planned for Kennedy. I will find something on him that I can prove and let the legal system deal with his ass. I won’t be part of another murder.”

  Moon’s voice goes deathly quiet. “You still think this world is hearts and flowers, don’t you?”

  “What I think is that I’ve made the worst decision in my entire life.”

  We stand staring at each other, neither giving an inch while so many thoughts swirl through my mind. I’m in this—part of Moon’s world. My shoulders sag, a stupid tear rolls over my cheek. Moon takes my hand and I’m too despondent to fight him.

  He kisses the tear without saying a word and then turns and pulls me forward so I’m jogging. He releases my hand when he realizes I’m willing to run beside him again. This was his plan. Work off my pent-up anger by running. It’s not a bad plan, but we’re talking about someone dying, and no amount of running will change my feelings on that.

  “I’m clean.”

  I have no idea what he’s talking about. “What?” I huff as I increase my stride needing the intense burn that slow jogging won’t give me.

  “Sex, baby. I’m clean.”

  We’ve gone from killing a cop to STDs. Only a man could take this leap. I’ll be damned if I play this game. “Call Estephon,” I say and kick my speed up another notch. “For me.” The stretch in my stride eats up the ground beneath my feet. Moon easily keeps up. “I’ll find something on Kennedy. Give me a week.”

  We pound the pavement and circle the house several times. We keep running.

  “He’s dangerous. Bad cops always are,” Moon finally says with the first signs of breathlessness. I agree with that statement, and I’m also relieved. There’s a change in Moon’s tone. “Estephon will think I’ve got something going with Kennedy and that’s likely to get Kennedy killed one way or another.”

  That, I don’t care about. Kennedy’s dealings with Estephon are on him. “Please,” is all I say. I’m huffing loudly.

  “Done,” is Moon’s answer.

  It was that simple. I don’t know all it means to be part of Moon’s life. I’m learning that he will compromise, and just maybe, we can find middle ground. I’ve never killed anyone. I’ve been prepared to but never had to. Death is not a means to an end unless there is no other option and you’re faced with life or death. Moon’s world is different. A difference so large, we may not be able to overcome the obstacles.

  We run.

  Moon finally pulls me to a stop. “Shower and then I need to leave for my meeting.”

  “Boardroom or back alley?” I ask to lighten the mood. I’m bent double and look up at him.

  “I wouldn’t wear a suit if it was in a back alley.” His lips quirk, and for now it’s as close to a smile as he will give me.

  I stand tall and face him. Even sweaty he’s fucking gorgeous. I doubt the same can be said for me. His eyes say differently. Maybe sweat does it for him too. We head inside and hit the shower, my sweaty hand held tightly in his.

  It’s the first time I go down on Moon. The taste of his cock in my mouth is everything I imagined. I haven’t had enough practice to deep throat successfully but I give it everything I have. Moon’s expression shows I’m doing something right. Giving this to him makes me feel powerful. He returns the oral favor after he comes over my breasts, and my release is blissful and sweet.

  I’m dressed in his bathrobe when I walk downstairs with Moon. There are slices of fruit waiting on the center island in the kitchen. We stand at the counter and eat a few slices. Moon’s goodbye kiss is sweet and fruity. A delicious combination. I head upstairs, take off the bathrobe, and put one of Moon’s dress shirts on. I fall into bed and I’m asleep within minutes.

  I wake up a few hours later feeling better. Five hours of sleep will keep me going throughout the day and I have a list of things I need to do. Terry is at the top of that list. The asshole will explain why he pulled the case from me, and if I don’t like the explanation, I??
?ll deck him. The violence associated with Moon is rubbing off on me.

  There’s a note from Gabriella in the kitchen. It tells me there’s a large platter with bacon, muffins, and fruit in the refrigerator just for me. The note also explains she won’t be here today. I had planned to ask her about a vehicle because I don’t have transportation so now I need to consider other arrangements. I eat all the food Gabriella made for me without bothering to warm it. I’m that hungry.

  I walk to the security room to check on my second option concerning transportation. Philip stands when I enter. Cal barely gives me a glance and continues watching the monitors.

  “I need a car. I don’t suppose you know where my rental is, do you?”

  Philip gives me a look that says I’m one bullet shy of an empty magazine. “Moon would rather you remain here.”

  “Try again,” I tell him.

  He rolls his eyes. “The Cadillac is at your disposal as long as I’m driving it. I’m your security detail for the day.”

  Should I be disgruntled or seriously pissed off? I don’t need a babysitter. “What if I tell you to go to hell and shove the Caddy up your ass?” My voice is sugary sweet.

  Philip’s eyes flash with challenge. “Moon said to lock you down if you wouldn’t cooperate. He also said to remind you that he doesn’t trust Estephon.”

  Neither do I. “Who runs the controls while you’re tagging along with me?”

  Philip’s shoulders relax and I fight a smile. I guess he wasn’t looking forward to this confrontation, and I don’t blame him. “Cal can handle it. We have additional men on perimeter.”

  I noticed two men this morning during my jog with Moon. “I’m ready whenever you are.”

  Philip doesn’t bother saying goodbye to Cal. He walks me out and we head to the garage.

  “Where are we going first?” he asks as soon as he backs out of the garage.

  “Sunnyslope. I need to speak with an attorney there.”

  “Moon won’t be pleased,” he says.

  I sharpen my voice so it has an “I don’t give a fuck” inflection. “I’m armed and willing to carjack this vehicle if my driver doesn’t cooperate. I didn’t get much sleep and Moon does not pay my bills. I do. If you’re not offering to pay my bills, please shut the fuck up and drive.”

  Philip gives a Neanderthal grunt and drives.

  Chapter Thirty-Six