Read Heat Page 43

Seven months later…

  We’re driving up to a mountain cabin that Moon purchased near Flagstaff. It’s our getaway, and we both need a break for a few days. Gomez isn’t with us and I get to play Moon’s bodyguard. Gomez doesn’t like that much, but we don’t care. He’s left in charge of the main house.

  I’m now a working member of Moon’s organization. The lines I’ve crossed can never be undone. I’ve accepted that. I have never regretted killing Kennedy. Bodies have a way of disappearing in Arizona. His is only one of many, including Estephon’s.

  Philip was buried in Mexico in the village where Maria, Moon’s mother, grew up. A Catholic priest presided. Al burned in an airplane accident, and his body was buried at a private funeral that I wasn’t invited to. I have no idea how Moon pulled off a plane crash with the pilot and Al dead. I never asked. Maybe he has someone on the payroll inside the NTSB. Like the identity of undercover cops—it’s need to know and I’m good with that.

  I’m no longer an active PI. Terry calls me from time to time and I have no trouble saying no. He doesn’t understand that my life is now dedicated to Moon and his organization. He knows I’m with Moon, and like the sleazy attorney he is, he gave Moon his card.

  Fucking Terry the Fairy.

  We now hold New Mexico, which has doubled Moon’s work. He’s often gone and he doesn’t like the fact that I rarely come along. His frequent trips don’t fit into my daily schedule.

  I run the escort service now. Moon’s aunt took a permanent vacation to some place in the Caribbean. Moon assured me she is alive and well. I have no doubt he wanted her dead. If I wasn’t willing to pull the trigger, I couldn’t allow her blood on Moon’s hands.

  I get along with the girls. They respect me. There was quite a learning curve in the beginning, but I’m six months in now. Danita was skimming money from Moon. I think he knew it. I don’t skim. I gave up my apartment and live in Moon’s home. My home, actually, and it really does feel like home.

  The ladies come to the house a little more often. We sometimes have family days and the women with children bring them along. We laugh, barbeque, and drink margaritas. Moon joins us and even speaks to people now and then. Gabriella and I had a long talk. She accepts me like she does Moon. I’m not all good and I’m not all bad. She’s warming up to the ladies who work for me. Our deal is that when Lupe visits, the ladies don’t come around.

  I handle the money, the hiring, and in one case, the firing.

  I go out with Moon in public. I’m proud to be seen with him. I’m also watched closely by the FBI. They made contact with me a few months ago. I told them I wanted my attorney. They held me for two hours before releasing me. I’m not afraid of them. My demons come to me at night in the form of a blade. It doesn’t happen as often anymore. Moon’s arms scare the ghosts away. When he isn’t home, I take coffee to the guys in the security room and they keep me company.

  Moon is my best friend and Gomez comes in second. Gomez thinks I’m the shit. I think of him as the brother I never had. He travels with Moon to New Mexico. We’re looking for a person to be my Gomez. I want a woman and Moon wants a man. He’s a chauvinist in this one thing, and Gomez is on his side. For now, Moon’s security takes turns driving me around. They grumble unless we’re heading to the escort offices. They enjoy talking to the ladies.

  I don’t ask questions about Moon’s other business. I dream that someday, that end of things will disappear. Moon has legitimate businesses that make him a lot of money. I make decisions on many of the charities Moon supports. He looks the other way when I give to police causes. I don’t care. I will always believe that there are good cops.

  As we take the last turn in the road, Moon squeezes my thigh. I helped him find this place. It’s beautiful with rambling decks that wrap around all three stories. Two of his men live here full time. They live above the garage and make themselves scarce when we’re in residence. The house has a lot of security features, so we’re as safe as we can be.

  It’s February and the Phoenix weather is beautiful right now. It will be hotter than hell in a few months. That’s why we bought this place. It’s our getaway when the heat’s too much. For some reason, Moon insisted we come up this weekend. I’m not exactly fond of the heat, but I absolutely hate the cold and Flagstaff is damned cold in February. I gave in because I miss Fred. He’s the goat who didn’t have a name. When we bought the cabin, Moon had an outside pen built and surprised me. Have I mentioned that I’m in love? Yes, with Moon too.

  Flagstaff is a two and a half hour drive from Phoenix, and we don’t need to pack luggage because we keep a complete wardrobe here. It consists of jeans, shorts, and tees for both of us. We do have a few winter items because Moon insisted on it. No business suits for him, though. Those were my terms.

  Moon just returned from a two-week trip to New Mexico. He arrived home at ten in the morning and we took off shortly after that. I told him I could drive, but he just gave me one of his lip quirks. I watch him as he drives. I don’t like the weary expression on his face.

  After we arrive at the house, we walk in holding hands. He spins me around so I’m facing him the second the door closes. The man loves his wall sex. I also notice that he no longer looks tired.

  I’m laughing. At least I don’t have on my boots. I kick my pumps off as Moon slides my shirt over my head and tosses it on the floor. “If you push me through the glass, I’ll never forgive you,” I say as I breathe into his mouth because he’s already kissing me. Our front door is partial glass and I’m worried we might break it.

  “I thought we could try the couch,” he replies and leads me in that direction. The couch is comfortable, but the fact that he wants couch sex surprises me. At least until Moon bends me over the back, locks my fingers into the cushions, and pulls my leggings and underwear down my legs so my ass is displayed. His fingers dig into my waist and his cock slides home. Couch sex has just replaced wall sex as far as spectacular goes. This position does it for me. I was jacked for sex when Moon arrived home three hours ago. Sitting beside him in the car was pure torture. He nips across my shoulders and down my back. I go to my toes as he drives in and out. This isn’t slow like when he wants to make me wild. This is crazy fast with animal grunts. Fucking that shows how much Moon missed me. It’s rough and quick. It takes little to get us both off. This happens each time we’re apart.

  That evening, we’re lying naked on a blanket in front of the fireplace. Moon fills two champagne flutes and hands one to me. We’re curled on our sides, his body behind mine. “Is this a special occasion?” I ask.

  “Sí, Señorita Kinlock. Te cararias conmigo?”

  As promised, I’ve been taking Spanish lessons. I suck at speaking it, but my understanding is growing. Or at least I thought it was. I don’t think he asked what I think I heard. Moon disentangles himself from me, stands, and walks to his discarded clothes. I watch his sexy stride and enjoy looking at his naked ass.

  He returns with a small velvet box.

  Oh my fucking hell. Moon—naked—takes a knee as I scramble to come to mine. He opens the box and an exquisite, large solitaire diamond is resting inside.

  “Will you marry me?” he repeats in English.

  “Sí, sí, sí,” I say as I launch myself at him and we tumble to the blankets. He laughs as I rain kisses over his face. It’s that beautiful sound that overwhelms me each time I hear it.

  He has somehow managed to hold onto the ring box in my enthusiasm. He lifts my hand from his chest and slips the ring over my finger.

  “I love you,” I tell him as I lean in and kiss him again.

  “Te amo,” he says. He rolls us over and kisses me deeply. Tears stream from my eyes. I will have this man for the rest of my life.

  And he will have me.

  Chapter Forty