Read Heather's Gift Page 14

  He closed his eyes and when he opened them he could have sworn he caught a flash of amusement in her eyes before it was quickly hidden.

  “I owe you big time,” he growled, unable to still the thought of maybe, just maybe, catching Heather in the act of using the intimate devices.

  His hand ran up the outside of her thigh as he leaned forward, giving her a lingering kiss before he pulled back. “Brock’s a bear today. Fuck him out so he’ll quit bitching at me.” He grinned. “Now I’m gonna shower. I’ll see you later.”

  He hurried away from her before his urges could get the better of him. He strode quickly up the stairs and to his own room and a cold shower that he prayed would still the heat in his body.

  * * * * *

  “He’s such a goner.” Marly stepped from the doorway of the study, a huge grin splitting her face as she peeked around the wall to the stairway.

  “Shh, Brock and Cade will be here in a minute.” Sarah was having trouble stilling her own laughter. “We’ll take them to her this evening. Just make sure Cade knows we’re doing it, too. The three of them are driving me nuts.”

  Marly shook her head, her blue eyes filled with such mischievous laughter that she resembled a teenager more than she did an adult.

  “Marly, have you considered the fact that we are deliberately setting her up to be fucked by Cade and Brock?” Sarah suddenly shook her head at the thought. “I would have never believed anyone if they had told me I could have accepted this.”

  Being with the three brothers herself, and seeing their interaction, the knowledge that it wasn’t sexual so much as it was truly loving, had eased any jealousy she would have felt. Brock often had sex with Marly, either with the other two present or alone, whenever the need was there. Just as Cade and Sam would come to Sarah as they needed. The unique relationship that was evolving among them all often surprised her. She had three lovers, and she loved them all, but Brock held her soul, just as she knew she held his.

  Marly shook her head, her rioting black curls rippling to her hips. “We love them.” She finally shrugged. “Just as they love us. I couldn’t imagine anything else now, Sarah.”

  Sarah admitted that she couldn’t either. Knowing Brock was with Marly no longer caused her jealousy or hurt. It was no more than a hug, a kiss on the cheek. It was a sharing of the bond he had with his brothers, and with her.

  “Well, let’s take her the gifts then.” She grinned, more than a little curious as to the reactions that the men of the house would have. She felt a little naughty, a little nervous, but she would be damned if she wasn’t looking forward to it.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “The Snake?” Heather blinked down at the carefully wrapped adult toy. The deep purple color was bad enough. It was nearly seven inches, slender and extremely supple. Nearly an inch and a half beneath the flared head, in the middle of the supple device, there appeared to be a small, metal motor.

  “What does it do?” she whispered as she stared at Marly and Sarah, afraid to speak too loudly in case someone would hear her.

  Marly laughed gently. “It vibrates,” she whispered back, her eyes widening with amused naughtiness.

  Heather swallowed nervously. “Vibrates?”

  “Uh huh.” Both women nodded.

  “Why?” She asked then, frowning at them as they watched her expectantly.

  “Why does it vibrate?” Sarah looked at her in surprise.

  “No.” Heather said slowly. “Why are you giving it to me?”

  Sarah and Marly glanced at each other before Marly sighed deeply.

  “Because sometimes, Sam needs a little push to realize what an ass he can be.” She smiled. “Besides, it will hold you over until he gets his common sense back.”

  “Oh, he gets his common sense back?” she asked curiously, not really believing it. “Strange, I haven’t seen any proof of it.” She laid the wrapped dildo carefully on the bed.

  “Oh, we have more.” Sarah reached into the tote bag she had carried into the room.

  “More?” Heather stepped back, wondering what in the hell they were going to come out with next.

  “The Rabbit,” Marly explained as they handed her the box.

  Heather stared down at it in shock. “You guys have a thing for critters, right?”

  Marly sighed as she rolled her eyes. “Heather, if you don’t want the toys, we won’t be offended.”

  And she wouldn’t be. Heather saw the understanding, the compassion in the younger woman’s eyes as she stood before her. She blew out a hard breath and sat down on the end of the bed, careful to keep some distance between her and the erotic “snake.”

  “I wasn’t expecting this, ladies.” She tried to smile as, unselfconsciously, they pulled the chairs at the side of the room closer to the bed.

  “It’s not exactly something we were expecting either.” Sarah relaxed into the high backed chair, her hands lying loosely at the end of the chair arms. “The situation here is unique, Heather, as you know. Sam is important to us, too.”

  Suspicion washed over her then. “Are you afraid I’m going to try to take Sam away from the two of you?” she asked them. The impropriety of the discussion was nearly laughable.

  Marly grinned. A smile of such confidence, such loving assurance, that Heather felt vaguely ashamed of herself.

  “Heather, Sam will always be a part of us, even if he never touches us again. Whatever makes him happy, makes the shadows ease from his eyes, makes us happy. This isn’t about the sex. Not in any way.”

  Heather shook her head. “Excuse me, Marly, if I pause to consider how ridiculous this whole situation is becoming. You are aware that Cade intends to fuck me. Right?” A thread of anger moved through her voice, despite her attempts to keep it covered.

  “Heather…” Marly stopped and glanced at Sarah as though for support.

  Sarah shook her head in denial as a light laugh escaped her throat. “Not me. You see if you can explain it.”

  “I am very well aware, Heather, that Cade intends to fuck you,” Marly answered softly. Heather was amazed that there was no jealousy, no anger in her words.

  Heather watched both women, confusion building within her until she couldn’t stand it any longer.

  “Marly, he’s your lover,” Heather whispered. “I know you love him. Why do you allow it?”

  Marly’s head tilted as she stared back at Heather curiously. “You know I fuck Sam. You saw us get out of the limo, and you knew I had, Heather. Yet, you weren’t filled with fury. Why was that?”

  “There’s no commitment between us.” She shook her head, coming to her feet, refusing to admit to the point Marly was making.

  “But you love him, and you can’t deny it,” Marly pointed out. “I saw your face, Heather. You knew. You knew, and for one brief moment jealousy flared, then something dimmed it. Why?”

  Heather shook her head. She couldn’t answer that. She wouldn’t answer it.

  “We’re not here to convince you either way, Heather,” Sarah spoke up. “We have no intentions of trying to convince you. We brought you the toys for two reasons. One because we know you have to be horny as hell. Two, because the thought of you having them will make Sam insane with need. There are few things that turn him on more than the toys do.”

  Heather turned back to them, tucking her hands into her jeans pockets nervously as she watched them. They were relaxed, friendly. They watched her with understanding, with sympathy.

  “I love him,” she admitted, shaking her head. “But I won’t beg him.”

  “You won’t have to, Heather,” Marly said gently. “Sam is just as much in love as you are. But he hurts so deeply. When the stalker attacked you, he placed scars on you that remind Sam, when he thinks of them, of his belief that it’s his fault you were attacked. Until he deals with the past, until they all do, that pain will always be there.”

  “As will the sharing?” Heather hunched her shoulders, fighting the shiver that fought to race up her bac
k at the thought of it.

  “The sharing.” Marly frowned thoughtfully. “I don’t think it will ever change, Heather. If you ever see them together, sharing, you’ll understand what I mean. They are an extension of each other, as I told you. Their every thought centered on whichever of us they are with. Every touch, every kiss, made for our pleasure, our satisfaction. I don’t think it’s because of the pain. I think it eases the pain though.”

  It was no more than Heather believed herself. “They’re too much alike,” she muttered.

  “In some ways,” Sarah agreed. “In others, they’re completely different. I love Brock with all my heart and soul, Heather. I don’t know if I could stand it if I lost him. But I love Sam and Cade as well. It grows when you don’t realize it, and they become a part of you even when you try to separate yourself from them. You can’t help it. You can’t fight men who want nothing more than your safety, your happiness and your pleasure.”

  “You could want fidelity,” she said softly.

  “But we have that, Heather.” Marly’s voice was low, yet filled with conviction. “We have their complete fidelity. Cade and Brock would have no desire for you at all if Sam didn’t love you. You’re a part of Sam, so you’re a part of them as well. That’s not cheating, that’s loving.”

  “It’s an excuse,” she sighed wearily.

  The two women looked at each other, then rose to their feet.

  “The toys are a gift. With no ulterior motive, Heather,” Marly said, as they placed their chairs back in their proper places by the window. “Use them or throw them away. Teasing Sam with them would be pretty damned effective, though.” She grinned. “If you need to talk to us, anytime, you know where we are.”

  “Heather.” Sarah turned to her. “Think about something. Is it our excuse? Or are you attempting to judge something that convention and morality has taught you is wrong? Think about it long and hard, then come and tell me where the excuse lies.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Heather stared at the toys after the two women left. She paced her room, she fretted and she worried until she felt as though she would go insane from it. She opened the toys and inserted the required batteries that had been left as well. She washed them, she looked at them, but she didn’t use them. She wanted to. Her pussy clenched at the thought of it, because she knew damned good and well Sam would hear the distinctive buzz through the thin panel of the door.

  Unlike the walls and the outer doors of the bedroom, the connecting door was damned near as thin as paper. You could hear everything through it. He would hear, and he would know.

  Would he come to her? Would she want him to? Her need kept rapid pace with her pride, until she could barely stand the pressure from it. It was a relief to finally go to dinner. Until she got there. Sam watched her heatedly. Of course, he would have heard the toys as she held them, feeling the vibration beneath the flexible latex that covered their motor packs.

  Conversation flowed around the dinner table as Rick, Cade and Brock discussed the lack of clues on the stalker, and the close call in the pool area the night before. Sarah and Marly discussed the next day’s appointments, and teased the men whenever the chance presented itself. Sam was quiet. Heather was silent.

  After the meal was over, the family retired to the family room, and Heather escaped to the dark kitchen. A pot of coffee waited for her there, and a dark lonely night stretched out ahead of her.

  She sent up a silent prayer that if family fun occurred in the other room, they would at least have mercy and muffle the noise a bit. She was riding on her last nerve, and her arousal level was reaching meltdown. If she didn’t do something soon to relieve the pressure building in her pussy, then she was going to explode. The only problem was, she was uncertain how to do so. Her Pocket Rocket seemed to only make the situation more desperate, and from her previous experience with vibrators, she doubted the dildos, no matter how much they wiggled and squirmed, would help.

  Quietly she checked the locks on the back door, the ones on the kitchen window, then made certain the dark, rubber-backed curtains were completely closed. The incident more than a month ago, where the bullet proof glass had been shattered, had terrified them all, Heather knew. No chances were being taken now.

  Reasonably certain that the room was safe, she flipped on the small light over the sink after securing the curtains there and fixed a cup of the strong coffee. A recliner sat in the far corner of the kitchen now, a comfortable resting place for whoever guarded the back door. Rather than sitting in it, she leaned against the counter and sipped at her coffee as she leafed through one of the ranching magazines that had been left lying on it.

  She glanced over her shoulder as she heard the door swish open. As she began to turn around, a large male hand patted her ass affectionately as the broad form passed her.

  “Excuse me.” She turned as Cade reached over her head for a coffee cup in the top cabinet.

  His large, muscular body had her pinned against the counter as his hips pressed intimately into her lower abdomen. There, the distinct feel of a thick, fully erect cock could be easily felt.

  “Coffee still fresh?” His deep voice was a rough rumble as he flicked her a heated glance while moving away from her.

  She didn’t know whether to kick his ass or scream bloody murder.

  “Don’t try my patience, Cade,” she bit out instead. “It’s extremely low at the moment.”

  He poured his coffee, then leaned against the counter as he watched her. His eyes were gray, not blue-gray like the twins’. His face was harder, more chiseled and set into lines of stubbornness. He didn’t smile as much as the others did, but as the months had passed, Heather had watched as the shadows in his eyes seemed to lighten.

  “Yours isn’t the only one,” he grunted. “Sam’s pacing like a caged cat.”

  She narrowed her eyes warningly. “Do not suggest that I fuck him again.”

  She had the distinct impression from the look he was giving her that it was all he could do not to roll his eyes in exasperation.

  “I wasn’t going to suggest anything of the kind. When he can’t handle the pressure anymore, he’ll take care of it.” He shrugged.

  “Which means?” she asked as she fought not to grit her teeth.

  His lips kicked up into a smile. “Which means, Heather, I hope you’ve been practicing with that plug I know he’s left you by now, because you can bet you’ll be wishing you had.”

  Shock washed through her body. “What is with you men and anal sex?” she bit out furiously. “Maybe I believe that’s an exit only. It’s not exactly natural. And why the hell am I even discussing this with you?” she hissed, wondering if she were finally losing her senses as well. “You guys are driving me crazy.” She wasn’t about to admit that she had indeed, and even now, was using the little device.

  He chuckled. The sound was rich and warm, and laced with arousal. He watched her with those hot eyes of his, his face drawn into lines of sensuality, and it nearly sent her running. Did he know, she wondered, could he tell somehow, that she was using the plug his brother had left for her?

  “You’ll get used to us in time,” he assured her, and she wondered if he had any idea how close she was to just shooting them all.

  “Why are you even in here?” she asked with exaggerated patience. “Shouldn’t you be in there doing the family thing or something?”

  The heat of arousal seemed to flare brighter in his eyes. “Marly wanted to relax tonight. She headed on to bed.”

  Which didn’t answer her question. “And Sarah?” she asked, wondering if even now the other woman was enjoying Sam’s heated touch.

  “Sarah too,” he grinned. “She and Brock just went up.”

  “Where’s Sam?” She couldn’t stop the question from rolling past her lips.

  He leaned closer as he set his cup in the sink behind her, but he didn’t draw back when he was finished. He was close, so close she could smell the clean male scent of his body, so lik
e Sam’s. She could close her eyes, and almost convince herself…

  “Sam’s in the family room, watching TV,” he whispered, his lips too close to hers, his heavy body too warm, too tempting.

  “Stop.” She drew in a ragged breath as she moved back from him. “You’re trying to seduce me.”

  His eyes widened as he straightened. “Actually, I was just flirting a little.” His lips kicked into a slight grin. “I must be getting old, or out of practice.”

  “You’re plenty practiced,” she bit out as she edged away from him.

  “You act frightened.” He frowned then. “Do you think I’d hurt you, Heather? Or take anything from you that you don’t want to give?”

  She shook her head, fighting the impossible, traitorous desires that coiled in her womb. Her cunt gushed with need, spasming with arousal as he watched her broodingly.

  “No.” Her breathing was rough, and she knew he could see the desires pulling at her.

  “I won’t even try to touch you without your permission, Heather,” he promised her, and he meant it. She could see it in his eyes. “It doesn’t work that way, you know that.”

  “Did Sam send you?” She wanted to sound angry, but she knew she only sounded needy. Damn them. All of them. What they were doing to her body, to her heart, should be outlawed. She could see the need in his eyes, his arousal, his emotional response, and it was tearing her apart. He wasn’t Sam. She loved Sam. Not his brothers.

  But her breasts were swelling, her nipples peaking, and between her thighs, her clit was throbbing from the excess arousal pouring through her body.

  “Did Marly and Sarah bring you the toys today?” he finally asked her curiously, throwing her body further into its rioting confusion.

  Heather’s face flushed. She knew her whole body must be a perfect shade of red by now.

  “That’s none of your business,” she strangled. “Geez, Cade. Isn’t there any privacy in this damned house?”

  She crossed her arms over her breasts, praying to hide the desperate hardness of her nipples.