Read Heaven at SETI's Doorstep Page 7

  * In 2009 NASA confirmed abundance of water deposits on the moon

  Back to the moon project ••• ••••

  As time passed, the Phase 1 satellite program was seen to be making smooth, steady and rapid progress. The replacement satellite was given the name “Hi!” as its purpose was to say “Hi” to the moon signal source anticipating a positive response. The reconnaissance satellite was named “Buddy” and the “Relay or Go-Between-Unit” at L4 was named “GBU”.

  Though a rigorous evaluation process was employed on a range of possible alternatives, the experts were unable to come up with an easy to implement “Language” or system to communicate with the signal source. However, as a basic first step, capabilities were incorporated into the satellites to produce basic “dot” and “dash” signals. The team’s intention was to start with a simple system using these signals and to scale it up to an advanced mode depending on the actual needs that might arise. The computer in the satellite had built-in capability to cater to such need. The necessary upgrading programs were to be uploaded from NASA control center as required. Many advanced technologies that NASA acquired from the Mars programs were used extensively. The team decided to restrict their initial signal bursts to “dot”, “dot”, “dot” and “dot”, “dot”, “dot”, “dot” patterns as they thought these two sequences would be sufficient to attract attention if there were any intelligent beings to interpret them. These were akin to someone knocking at the door. If you were paying attention, it would be very simple to understand that it was a deliberate call. In Morse code, the “dot”, “dot”, “dot” sequence is “S” and “dot”, “dot”, “dot”, “dot” is “H”, but these were not relevant considerations at all as the basic idea was different in this case. In fact the team thought this would be the simplest form in which intelligent beings could reciprocate to indicate that they had ‘heard’ the signal. The frequency and bandwidth of the radio signal to be transmitted was chosen to match the frequency of the moon signal. The satellite also carried a LASER beam generator which could create and transmit the same “dot” and “dash” message bursts to the moon’s signal source. This was suggested at a later stage for incorporation into the designs as an alternative method of communicating with the signal source. The team believed that this could become handy as absolutely nothing was known about the Moon’s signal source. Some team members opined that if the moon signal was produced by living beings, then the LASER signal would have a greater chance of drawing their attention than a radio signal, due to its visibility. The LASER beam was designed to have a diameter around 0.3 inches.

  All these preparatory tasks and many other details of this mission were not secrets to the public due to the wide and persistent media coverage. Details were disseminated especially through the internet and televised documentary programs. The SETI-NASA joint website updated their information daily, indicating the latest status of the special events and other interesting things that were happening around the project. Meanwhile there was no disruption in receipt of the regular moon signal. Like the rising of the sun every morning, without default, the signal was received on every fourteenth day. The data that reached the earth through the existing two satellites had the same unvarying radio characteristics. In spite of long expert hours spent, the intelligence encoded in the signal was still a mystery and resisted all attempts at decoding. As time passed, to everybody’s disappointment, almost all the scientists working on the signal were inclined to conclude reluctantly that there was nothing more they could do. However, they strongly believed that the coding pattern in the signal was not randomly generated, but had a specific purpose.

  The final week for the Phase 1 satellites launch arrived almost unnoticed by all but the few engaged in de-activating and jettisoning the first monitoring satellite at L2. As explained earlier this had to be done eight to twelve days ahead to make way for the larger and smarter replacement satellite “cousin Hi”. Time had indeed passed very, very quickly. The rocket carrying the satellites “Hi” and “Buddy” lifted off from the Kennedy space center without a glitch. Both satellites were ensconced in the same rocket and would be launched into their individual trajectories later on. As expected, full TV coverage and publicity was a feature of this event. Public interest was enormous and insatiable. It would take another four to five days to position “Hi” at the correct moon orbit and at the exact pre-defined spot occupied by its predecessor. The team in charge of Buddy were awaiting day 3 to separate “Buddy” from “Hi” and locate Buddy in its own independent trajectory.

  Satellites are put into the moon’s orbit by using the gravitational pull of the moon. When this is done, the satellite goes into an elliptical orbit, first. To change the elliptical orbit to a circular orbit many small and gradual adjustments are required. The NASA ground control station commands small onboard rockets on the satellite to fire and adjust the orbital path. These rockets are fired when the satellite is in the apogee i.e. at the pointed part of the ellipse which is its most distant point from the moon. Applying rocket thrust thus in the direction of the flight path makes the perigee i.e. the flattish part of the ellipse which is its nearest point to the moon, to move further out and make the ellipse shaped orbit get more rounded. By repeating this procedure a few times, NASA was able to gradually nudge the new satellites into circular orbits and then position them at the exact Luna-Synchronous point for “Hi” and the precise orbit that “Buddy” was to occupy. However, there were two more days for the scheduled 14th day moon signal. During this waiting period SETI-NASA linked the new satellite with the other Luna-stationary satellite “GBU” that had line of sight with earth. This was already in place from the earlier mission. The course adjustments required were a bare minimum to interlink the communication systems together. The team in charge of “Buddy” handled their task of preserving it in its orbit flawlessly and ensured that it stayed linked to both “Hi” and “GBU”. “Buddy” commenced its tasks as soon as it was settled in, in its ‘patrolling’ orbit. Already, the SETI-NASA team was looking at some high definition pictures “Buddy” had relayed back to earth. Meanwhile, the team in charge of “Hi” was busy testing all the vital instruments to ensure that they were all in optimal working condition. Several test signal busts were fired at the Moon’s signal area, back and forth from earth to the satellites to verify that all systems were fully functional.

  Using the prior records, SETI-NASA predicted the time that the moon signal could be expected. The countdown started. The moment arrived to receive the signal. As predicted and now expected the signal was received within a time deviation of less than 5 minutes. “Hi” was now picking up the signal and the staff at SETI-NASA center exploded with cheers, smiles and high fives. SETI-NASA spent the next fifteen minutes in tweaking the instruments to achieve the highest possible level of refinement and clarity of communication.

  This time, a lot was expected from the mission!

  The Moon ••• ••••

  The following news will take you very, very much by surprise.

  It is not proper to keep you guessing any further. Here it is!

  “The moon is another world with a human habitat”.

  Can you believe it? Yes, this is the truth!

  In the moon, the “people” do not live above the ground as we do on earth but down inside under the surface. They live in an enormous inner space naturally formed as a labyrinth of gigantic caves below the surface crust. This surface crust forms the roof of the caves and varies in thickness from a minimum of three feet up to a maximum of around a hundred feet. In spite of so many manned missions to the moon, nobody was able to discover that the moon was the closest world to earth with a wide variety of life forms, including people in very many ways similar to us. These people have been living sub-terra or underground in the moon for millions of years. They also arrived at their present form after going through an evolutionary process similar to what took place on earth. They encountered as we
ll, causes to form ‘disproportionate’ sized brains like us with resulting ability to develop tools and establish skills in scientific inquiry, discovery and formulation of laws of nature. Marconi’s investigations resulted in the discovery and use of radio waves on earth in 1895. The people in the moon have only just now begun to experiment with and arrived at the first stage of creating and transmitting radio waves with a significant intensity. The situation of moon scientists in the context of discovering radio waves, right at present, is very similar to the situation that the scientists on earth were in when they discovered the radio wave. They did not know what it was or have any idea of what to do with it. According to historical records there have been many interesting incidents associated with new discoveries on the earth. In most cases the people who made such discoveries were overwhelmed and confused by their findings. The moon scientists might have been in similar situations, as many times. As a comparison of the technical capabilities of the moon people with ours, it would not be wrong to say that they are only about a few hundred years behind us. This comparison is valid only in the area of knowledge of science and not in other areas such as their traits etc. Their social structure and behavioral traits are unimaginably different from those of the people on earth.

  The news of people living in the moon will cause a barrage of questions to arise in everyone’s mind. The following segments of this narration are an attempt to answer some of the common questions readers would have.

  The moon’s internal geological structure is very strange and unique. It has vast areas of hollow underground caves. This is because the moon passed through boiling and molten states before it cooled down to its stable present day temperature. Some caves are miles and miles in length and breath. The heights from floor to roof inside these caves range from several feet to hundreds of feet. These caves exist at varying depths below the moon’s surface. However, variations in thickness of the top roof cover of the caves are very large from cave to cave in a somewhat random pattern. Some caves are only a few feet below the moon’s surface and some are a few hundreds of feet below. Almost all the caves are internally connected to each other and it is possible to trace many paths through interconnected caves to fully ‘circumnavigate’ the moon without ever stepping on its outer surface. The tops of the caves that form the crust of the moon’s surface are supported on massive vertical rock pillars that protrude out of the bottom surface or base of the caves. These vertical support structures are very hard and rocklike and naturally contoured in shell like formations endowing them with heavy load bearing capabilities. The cave system is integrally connected all along the moon’s subsurface thus providing ample stability, strength and structural integrity, to sustain surface impacts resulting from falling meteorites and similar space objects. To visualize the interior of these caves a comparable earth structure would be the NFL football domes. They would compare in size with some of the smaller caves but none of the caves in the moon are formed in a particular shape, pattern, length, breadth or height, and are quite irregular in shape. Surface terrain is also to a large extent irregular and variable, however vast flat areas are also found at many locations.

  To review some of the facts given earlier about the moon, there are many references to the hollowness of the moon. As an example, re-read the following; “On November 20, 1969, the Apollo 12 crew jettisoned the lunar module ascent stage causing it to crash onto the moon. The Lunar Module’s impact (about 40 miles from the Apollo 12 landing site) created an artificial moonquake with startling characteristics - the moon reverberated like a bell for more than an hour. This phenomenon was repeated with Apollo 13 (by intentionally commanding the third stage to impact on to the moon), with even more startling results. Seismic instruments recorded that the reverberations lasted for three hours and twenty minutes and traveled down to a depth of twenty-five miles, thus leading to the conclusion that the moon has an unusually light core or even none at all”. This is concrete proof of the real status of the moon’s internal structure, though scientists on earth could not realize this fact even after landing twelve people on the moon since 1969.

  Read more details!

  Many surface crusts are made of a material known as lunar regolith. Lunar regolith transforms into translucent forms through a process called agglutination when the regolith is subjected to high heat. In many places, parts of the moon’s surface consist of translucent material embedded in the moon’s outer crust. These surfaces allow a substantial degree of sunlight to penetrate into the caves. Most of this glass like surface material has been naturally formed, millions of years ago. Amongst the translucent surface areas, there are also many areas of near clear-glass transparency. Some of these areas are vast to the extent of spreading over several square miles. Though these large transparent areas are very limited compared to the total surface area of the moon, moon astronomers of the caliber of Galileo Galilei, have been using these windows as gateways to observe objects in outer space. Nevertheless, their knowledge of the planetary system and universe is very limited and cannot be compared to the discoveries made by Galileo. These moon astronomers can probably be compared to people on earth around 600 to 1000 years ago, who were interested in the heavenly bodies.

  Due to refraction of the sunlight that penetrates into the caves, massive rainbow like color beams frequently appear in very many places inside the caves. Due to the vastness and the complexity of the spectrum of rainbow colors intermingling with each other, there is a stunningly beautiful visual effect inside the caves. The glow from the moon’s outer surface when seen from inside the caves, gives a further dimension of beauty for the visual enjoyment of the people of the moon. However, where there are no transparent cave roof surfaces, the caves are gloomy and would be pitch dark if not for a small amount of light reaching them from adjacent caves.

  Just as happens on the earth, the sunlight that penetrates through the transparent crust helps the growth of vegetation in the caves to a substantial extent. However sunlight is not the main light source in the caves. These are described later. The types of vegetation found in the moon are markedly different from the ones on earth. The plants commonly seen in the caves are quite short and look very much like the miniature trees, bushes and shrubs grown using Japanese “Bonsai” techniques. The total range of plant varieties does not exceed 5000 different types.

  Though the moon has no atmosphere on the outside, the caves are filled with ‘air’ well suited to supporting the respiratory needs of life forms. Surprisingly, 90% percent of the moon’s internal atmosphere comprises oxygen which exceeds the corresponding oxygen proportion in the earth’s atmosphere. The moon’s internal atmosphere also contains significant quantities of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, methane and a very small quantity of other gases. The eco-system sustaining life is different to that on earth. The moon’s cave system is not fully hermetically sealed as there are openings from the caves leading to the moon’s outer surface. But these openings are few in number. The people of the Moon are well aware of the barren, austere conditions and the life threatening dangers on the moon’s surface. As very orderly and self-disciplined citizens or as their brains have been programmed to do so, the people of the moon always keep away from those egresses and never attempt to go out to explore the surface.

  Similar to the great lakes in North America, there are massive lakes in the hollow underground cave system. However unlike the great lakes, the caves roofs over the lakes of the moon are supported by the natural array of vertical pillars protruding through the waters like a massive cluster of Mangrove roots. The underside of the roof above the lakes and also the vertical pillars protruding through the waters are ‘coated’ by a gel like material. This gel shows many of the signs of being a living substance. It also emits light and carries out the function of ‘cleaning’ the moon’s atmosphere by absorbing impurities which it assimilates as a nutrient. It rejects some part of the absorbed impurities as balls of waste exited into the lakes. The waste in turn is e
aten by the fish or absorbed by plants in the lakes. The reflection of the softly glowing gel on the water enhances the lighting in the area of the lakes. At all places in the moon, the water in the lakes is clean, not salty and is suited for use directly for drinking. The waters of these lakes are however subject to massive tidal effects. These are due to the fluctuation of the nett gravitational tugs of the earth and the sun as the earth spinning on its own axis and carrying the moon in orbit in turn orbits the sun. Because of the low moon gravity, the tidal effects are checked weakly and the water levels rise and fall by hundreds of feet. The tides force the water to spread hundreds of miles along the vast underground areas thus wetting the dry areas of the caves in a cyclic pattern. Because of these vast latitudinal and longitudinal fluctuations of water spread, there are artificial water stream formations all over the geological-structure of the moon. The streams of water flow over the cave surfaces and create huge waterfalls at some places. These waterfalls last for many days and appear and disappear in a cyclic pattern, following the tides. Rounded boulders can be seen all over the streams, indicating that they have been subjected to heavy erosion over millions of years. The water streams formed below the sub grade of the caves cause the formation of complex hydro geological patterns. Depending on the moon’s geological conditions at each specific spot, the complexity of the hydrogeology varies from location to location.

  The age and composition of the moon’s geology is somewhat similar to that of the earth. But unlike the earth’s crust, the moon’s crust is stable and does not rest on a moving set of Tectonic plates. No active volcanoes are found on the moon; but there are many hot spots located throughout the bottom surfaces of the caves, indicating the closeness of those spots to the molten inner core of the moon. Due to the fully enclosed nature of the cave system, the cave interior always features high humidity.

  The temperatures around the equatorial and mid latitude surface at daytime and in the night are around 225oF and minus 298oF respectively. This is a very wide temperature range. The temperatures at the bottom of the craters and the areas of the craters in shadow are extremely low. In fact there are hyper-cool areas featuring Arctic conditions. As the moon day is approximately 28 earth days, heating and cooling of the moon’s surfaces affects the inside cave temperature significantly. For example, when one side of the moon’s surface receives direct sun light for 14 earth days (say the east side), the opposite side reaches a minimum temperature of minus 298 degrees Fahrenheit (i.e. the west side). As a result of having these huge temperature differences for very long periods of time, the interior of the caves get either cooled or heated correspondingly. The lakes in some of these areas are permanently frozen. The temperature difference in the opposite side of the moon makes the air in the cave move from one area (east side) to the other (west side), creating complex wind movements. When high speed wind flows across the vertical rock structures, it makes turbulent sounds in the caves, resulting in eerie or weird echo effects. The blowing wind helps to mitigate the high humidity conditions in the caves to some extent. It is known that the tops of a few craters situated at the lunar South Pole receive sunlight almost totally uninterruptedly. Due to this fact, people on earth have identified these as the ideal areas in which to establish bases on the moon, if they would ever be able to do so.

  Many gigantic meteorite impacts on the moon have created massive craters that can be seen from the earth. Most of the major impacts have taken place millions of years ago. Some of these impacts have left devastating effects on the cave system. When such impacts created deep craters, sometimes the depths of these crates reached even below the water levels of the lakes in the sub-surface of the moon. When this happened, the water from the lakes gushed into the low level areas to fill them up instantaneously. However, when this water got exposed to very low temperatures the water transformed into solid ice. Once the ice formed, it remained as ice permanently. The surfaces of some craters never get sunlight as they are permanently shielded by the shadows of the mountains around them. These craters sustain hyper cool temperatures. On the other hand, even if the sunlight falls onto the bottoms of the craters, the heat delivered by the sun is not sufficient to melt the ice. Many deep places in the moon’s craters have permanent layers of ice. The self-sealing effect of caves by the water as explained above helps to maintain the integrity of the cave system, preventing large quantities of air escaping to the surface. Millions of years ago, there may have been occurrences of large quantities of air escaping from the caves due to meteorite damage. However the present cave structure has retained the cave atmosphere intact for thousands of years without any major leakage. The quantum of oxygen generated by the plants might probably be sufficient to make up for the gases leaking out to the exterior.

  As is the case on the earth, the moon is also a habitat for mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects and other life forms. As direct sunlight does not fall into the caves in significant quantities, the eyes of all creatures including those of the humans are naturally evolved to possess the common attributes of nocturnal animals. Similar to the situation on the earth, the animals in tropical areas and in very cold areas of the moon have their own evolutionary traits adapted to the specific environment. The grazing mammal species are limited as grassy lands are not abundant. There are very many species of bats. Some are very much like the leaf-nosed bats and funnel-eared bats on earth. The bird population is abundant and diverse and is spread over more than 300 species. Most of these species are however very different from those found on the earth and are territorial. Many birds of species that can be taught to talk are kept as pets by the moon people.

  This description has been restricted to a very brief outline as it would run into thousands of pages if all details of the moon animals were to be expressed here. However the following exceptional fact about a particular animal is worth stating. Just as on earth, there are a few varieties of primates that live in the caves. As with the moon people, the principal source of diet of these primates is the vegetation found in the lakes - as the leaves of shrubs and grasses in the savanna in the moon do not replenish rapidly unlike on the earth. Among the few species of primates on the moon, a very unusual species is the great ape as it uses a word based language to communicate. Though the anatomical structure of the larynges of the apes does not enable them to make the extensive range of sounds typical to the humans, this specific variety of ape is unique. They have over 70 words for vocalization and use them to communicate with each other. When they talk, the vocalized words are generally followed with supporting body gestures and hand movements to support the communication. Many of these words feature in their communications when they socialize or show affection and also are used to warn other members of the group of the approach of predators. When moon people use the apes’ words to talk to apes, the apes completely ignore the people and show no response whatever. It appears, this “pay no attention act” is a deliberate one as their body language and behavior indicate very clearly the message “we respect you; please mind your business; leave us alone”. The moon people including the children understand this message very well and hence do not bully them. Contrasting with the tendency to ignore the moon people, if any food is offered by the moon people it is readily accepted as is typical of the ape behavior. The clear difference between these apes and the apes on earth is that, as soon as they receive the food these apes gather into a group and share all food amongst them, evidencing an extraordinary social trait not found in other animals. This might be one more trait that these apes have inherited in the evolutionary process for their survival.

  By nature, moon people are extremely kind and sensitive. They love and look after the animals. As on earth, the felines and other carnivorous animals kill and feed on other animals for their survival, without such a mode of interactive controls it would have been difficult to maintain balance in the moon’s eco system.

  The evolutionary process has produced many light producing creatures in
the caves. These creatures are commonly found on lakes, on land and in the mountainous areas of the caves. Bioluminescent organisms in the moon are not at all similar to those on earth. They are much more efficient light producers. People living in the moon have found ways to promote the growth of bioluminescent organisms on a mass scale. Though not very significant in terms of contribution, these organisms are part of the light sources. People in the moon also had developed devices to divert the sunlight from the bright areas to many dark regions by ingenious light reflection methods. The scientists in the moon have made much progress in the field of photo-luminescent or glow in the dark material. Photo-luminescent products are very widely used for many purposes. Though their knowledge base is still not advanced to understand the atomic or molecular structures to analyze material in finite terms, the moon people have made significant advancements in materials science by trial and error experimentation using naturally occurring substances as additives and pigments.

  On a very much higher scale than all these light resources, the primary lighting source in the moon is a glowing, light emanating material that is unique to the moon. This material is quite unknown to the people on the earth. It occurs as huge crystals called “Babaloniums”. This material is not a science fiction precious material like the one that was in the movie “Avatar”. This is a real natural substance and is found in many places in the moon. The moon people have been aware of the existence of this material for thousands of years. Other than the sunlight coming through the translucent moon surfaces, Babaloniums is the other major light producer in the caves specially to provide light during the night time of the moon which lasts 14 (earth) days. The moon people harvest the Babaloniums whenever they come across them. As these have been collected from wherever they were found, by their ancestors for thousands of years, new ones are usually only discovered by accident. The few discovered in the recent past were found near the narrow alley ways leading from the caves to the outside of the moon’s surface. The enormous risks involved in venturing into these alleys, are a naturally discouraging factor in looking for new Babaloniums. Babaloniums usually occur in chunks ranging in weight from as little as 5 to as much as 100 pound crystals. The moon people have strategically located these glowing crystals to illuminate their cities and other public places. There is a unique way of activating the Babaloniums to produce light, as virgin material found in the ground does not glow at all. The process involves having direct sun light fall onto these crystals for a period of 2 to 3 days without interruption. At some point of the two to three day interval, the crystals get self-triggered and start to glow. At first the glow is quite faint, but the brightness keeps on increasing gradually on its own. Once the triggering has taken place, sunlight is no longer required. Within a few hours the crystals reach their maximum brightness which is very intense and penetrative. Once this stage is reached, the glowing becomes permanent and unvarying and seems to assume the status of an eternal light source. As such most of the Babaloniums providing light at present have been those collected over the past thousands of years. When moon people find non-glowing Babaloniums, the process of triggering them is within access without much difficulty; the secret of triggering has been passed on from generation to generation. However the moon people have not found any method of suspending or stopping the glow, other than by using an external barrier or covering to control the brightness. Babaloniums do not produce heat or any other form of energy - only light. There are naturally triggered Babaloniums crystals in many mountainous parts within the caves. Some of these locations are impossible to access, and hence one might wonder how these were triggered. Probably these areas would have somehow been exposed to sunlight thousands of years ago. These glowing bodies on the tops of distant cave mountains produce panoramic sceneries, emulating lighthouses and LASER shows on earth. The light that the Babaloniums emit varies from crystal to crystal but is mostly of pale blue or purple color. Though this material is very hard like diamond, if a big crystal is broken into small pieces, the glowing effect diminishes immediately. The moon people are aware of this. The reason for the glow in these amazing crystals may be linked to some form of high molecular weight radioactive material, but this is a mere assumption. The real reason is not known. People on earth would love to have the Babaloniums as it will make a true revolution in the lighting industry, as light no longer radiates from a filament or any other external energy source, but from the material itself. Just like sunlight, the lights produced by the Babaloniums assist the growth of vegetation in the habitat; especially the water plants that grow in the lakes.

  The moon people have been using fire for thousands of years for cooking and lighting. Man-made lamps and torches are used for illuminating the dwellings and public areas as an additional light source. However, the total light produced by all the light sources mentioned above is nowhere close to the luminosity of the dimmest evening on earth. Probably the best light condition in the caves may be equated to the hazy light at late sunset during winter time. But living beings in the cave system including the people are so used to the low light conditions it is not an issue or a barrier to their daily activities.

  The lakes are the main supporting source sustaining life in the moon. The lakes support an array of living organisms including fish of various varieties and some small sized aquatic mammals also, like on the earth. Only a limited range of water plants grow in the lakes and these are all found in all the lakes in the moon. The most abundant water plant variety resembles seaweeds, but is very much thicker and stronger than the earth’s variety. These water plants which grow very rapidly and proliferate in vast quantities are the primary source of food and nutrient for the moon people.

  Nitrogen rich minerals which are an essential component of nutrition of all moon organisms and also help in growth of the plants are recycled in the lakes by the cyclic tidal action that occurs. The moon people, process the water plants manually to make their food, various types of fabrics, building materials, fuel, construction materials etc. Over thousands of years of trial and error and intelligent projections, have resulted in the development of techniques for utilization of these materials for a wide range of uses. The transport machinery such as boats, barges, carts etc., which are of simple basic shape and function are made of various categories of compounded raw materials developed from the water plants.

  A type of Algae very similar to blue green algae grows in abundance in the lakes. Strangely, the principal mechanism of the growth of the moon’s algae is not photosynthesis, but the aquatic organisms living in the lakes. The algae communities grow in massive colonies which have the ability to enclose small aquatic organisms and absorb all the nutrients from the live microbial they prey on. This is comparable very closely with the processes adopted by carnivorous plants found on the earth. Because the algae cells have a special attribute of a very high ratio of surface-area-to-volume, they can absorb nutrients very quickly. Over the past thousands of years, moon people have developed techniques to extract oil from the algae. This oil serves a wide range of purposes depending on how it is processed and is used to make medicines, food, fuel for illumination and many other purposes as well.

  Moon people have ingrained traits whereby they deeply care for the environment that live in. They make a very thorough investigation of effects on the environment before embarking on any activity and they would never exploit the resources around them in a way that would disturb the ecosystem. Due to the very nature of their approach, the waste that they generate is a minimum and does not introduce any toxicity at all to the environment. Only a few different types of metals are known to the moon people. Metals are not extensively developed or widely used, unlike on earth.

  The social structure of moon people is very vastly different to that of the people on the earth. The entire populations of moon people can be pictured as groups of hermits living in secluded massive enclosed habitats. They are extremely friendly to each other and socially structured to live a form of community l
ife. Though different personalities exist, conflicts are extremely rare. They always have non-confrontational solutions to situations where seemingly opposing requirements arise and naturally respond to each other in such a manner as to leave no room for conflict. They are very united and work in harmony with each other as is seen among the bees in a beehive. They care for each other and are fundamentally oriented only towards “purposes of the moment” and do not have long term plans. They share all possessions that they have with others as everybody owns everything and nobody owns anything. They seem like fun loving serious people. Moon people do not seem to possess anything other than a few personal effects.

  Dating back to ancient days, they have a calendar, a written language and their own type of art and music. All aspects of the lives of moon people are governed by commonsense rules made known to them by the elders. These rules have been taught to them verbally for generations and are typically introduced at their childhood. Most governing principles have been in place for centuries without appreciable change. These guidelines have worked very well and are secular in nature and are not written down in any document as such. Forms of written books on various subjects exist at the academic facilities, but there are no books on rules for people to follow or for reference. The standard norms that all people ought to obey are well understood by all the moon people including the children. It seems as if they have been brain washed with all these ideas and behavioral patterns from their birth.

  The children are nurtured in community based centers. The children from the level of infants are raised in these institutional centers. These are the day care centers, preschools, primary, secondary, high schools, colleges and research institutions in the moon; all in one single locality. Children at these centers treat all adults with utmost respect and regarding them as mentors and as no different from their parents.

  A more or less common sense approach is followed by the moon people in their day to day affairs. This helps to keep the harmony and close bonding of the community that they treasure very much. They always act on the principle of carrying out “What needs to be done?” at a particular moment and get engage themselves promptly on such task, rather than wait for someone to give directions. In instances, where guidance is necessary, it is the elders who provide it. Notwithstanding very minor personality differences amongst the elders, their basic or fundamental ideas do not differ very much. Conflicts never arise amongst the elders who are well recognized community leaders living like ordinary people, among the population. Leaders respect each other’s seniority on the basis of their age or their knowledge on a particular subject. This is the principle they adopt whenever they encounter issues to determine who should take the key leadership decisions. In each city, there is a common place for the leaders to gather at when major issues come up for review.

  The behavior of moon people if observed from outside, might appear to imitate the interaction of a number of pre-programmed robots working in harmony. There has never been any clash or differences amongst the moon people. Words such as fight and war do not exist in their vocabulary. Symbolically, they have only one style of clothing. Their dress is of very simple style covering the full body including the head, with face kept open. These clothes closely resemble the ceremonial Jedi robes seen in the Star Wars movies. Men, women and all children wear the same type of clothing. The color is desert sand brown. The fabrics for clothing are made of none other than the fiber extracted from the water plants that grow profusely in the lakes. The physical structures of men and women, very much resemble that of the people on earth. The entire population talks the same language. Men and women do not have hair on the head from birth. But men have beards, but no mustaches. They are very fair in complexion, so much so, that most blood vessels can be seen through their skin. They walk in a swinging style, resembling chimpanzees walking upright. The women and men are treated equally though men have a slight edge over the women in leadership roles. Girls rarely seek to pursue higher studies or research work.

  The entire cave dwelling system is made up of a very large number of cities. Distinct areas are demarcated for various community functions, community operations and dwellings within the cities. Neither money nor other form of currency is used among the moon people. There is no need to use money due to the way the community is structured to operate. Neither food nor other commonly used or consumable items belong to anyone specifically but to all the people, as was also set out in the well-known speech by the Native American or Red Indian Chief, named Seattle in America.

  Food supplies come directly from various water plants that grow in the lakes in abundance. The moon people consume a mix of raw food as well as cooked food. The flowers, seeds, leaves, stems and the bulbs of the water plants are their staple diet. These foods contain all the proteins and other necessary ingredients necessary for healthy living. The water plants are processed in many ways to make a great variety of delicious cuisine. The moon people cultivate limited varieties of subsidiary food crops in the fields. They domesticate a cattle-like animal to obtain its milk. Ritualistically, when moon people drink milk, they practice a custom of kneeling down and chanting certain words and phrases. This ritual is meant for thanking the animal for providing the milk as well as to say sorry to the calves for taking part of their share of milk. The moon people are not meat eaters and are pure vegetarians. As such, they do not raise animals for meat. The specific reason why they do not eat meat is not known. However, taking life from any living creature is absolutely unthinkable for them. The children are taught to treat the animal that provided milk to them as of equal status as their own mothers who provided breast milk to them when they were babies.

  Though a moon day is equivalent to 28 earth days, surprisingly, the biological day cycle of the moon people is 24 earth hours. This shows that their biological clock or the day cycle has nothing to do with the sun rise and sun set in the moon. Perhaps the 24 hour period of time is a unique biological ‘interval of renewal’ that nature has given to all human species. Usually moon people sleep about eight hours a day at “any time of convenience” and remain active during most of the remaining hours. The “time of convenience” varies for each individual. As a result of not having a particular day or night time, there are always people awake and active all of the time. Therefore, all community based activities take place all the time on a continuous basis without stoppage. There are no holiday systems practiced in the moon. Every day is a working day and every hour is an active hour. Every hour is also a sleeping hour if someone desires to consider it that way.

  Births and deaths are considered natural events in life and hence emotional situations at the levels experienced on the earth are unknown in the moon. Burial of bodies takes place a few hours after death. The persons, who happen to be the companions of the dead person at the time of death, get the assistance of others in the vicinity to wrap the dead body in fabric as in mummified bodies and prepare for its burial in an assigned area. Sometimes, the graves are hand dug if the soil is sandy and burial takes place without any elaborate ceremonies. There are no eulogies. The moon people believe that all persons are equal and hence have no notion of high or low status in this regard, other than for the special respect that they have for elders. No special burial ceremonies exist even for elders. It is the common belief that all dead persons go to heaven instantaneously after death. Because of this ages old belief, the people are generally happy for the dead ones rather than sad.

  Unlike on earth, no behavioral differences are found amongst people in the various localities. As a normal practice the vast majority of people do not reside at a fixed location. Living in a particular locality is not the habitual practice and around 90% of the adults are on the move all the time in groups of thousands. This is very similar in occurrence to the migrations of herds of animals in the African continent. While in the moon, migration is an ever ongoing event that never ends. The actual reason for this habitual behavior is not known. Coming down from the distant past,
the resident time at any one place is fixed at an interval of fourteen earth days. After stay at one place for fourteen days, the journey continues on to the next destination. The period of walking to the next destination also lasts another fourteen earth days, thus equaling the number of days of stay at a place. As a result of this particular walking and staying pattern, most of the city centers have naturally got established at equal distances apart. The cities are approximately 150 miles apart, reflecting the distance that the groups can cover in fourteen days. As you might have seen how Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, walking seems to be a pretty easy and fun activity for the moon people.

  Once they are in a city, the members of a group have the option of deciding on their next destination city. The adjacent cities are situated in seven radiating directions from each city. For thousands of years the groups have ritualistically dispersed in seven directions for some reason not actually known. Selecting the next city, and therefore the new direction to continue the journey are individual choices. Because of this unique ancient habitual selection of traveling along the seven directions all city centers were situated at the corners of a heptagonal interwoven spherical grid configuration. It somewhat resembled a 3D spherical beehive formation with heptagonal shaped grids, around the moon. Such shape was possible as the cities were located at different elevations. Because of the mass movement of people along the winding tunnel like pathways for thousands of years, all the pathways have eroded and evolved into extremely smooth and clean surfaces, just like pathways in anthills but to a very large scale. The vertical structures along these pathways bear very many historical records left by the ancient travelers, by way of wall paintings, poems, graffiti, carvings, etc. Historical ruins or anything of that nature having any archaeological value are not generally found. The terrains of the pathways are very irregular as they are naturally formed. Some places are narrow while others are wide. The elevations vary as well, with a lot of uphill and downhill stretches. Moon people have done the barest minimum alterations by way of construction to make these natural paths. Along these pathways, at intermediate points, there are natural chambers, like niches. Moon people use these chambers as their resting places during their journeys. At some locations there are large sized chambers that connect to each other through tunnel like passageways.

  By about the 6th to 8th days into their intercity traveling, each group comes across others traveling in the opposite direction. When this happens they greet each other, pass gestures like “high fives”, share their food, chit chat, nudge and push each other gently to have a little bit of fun and to acknowledge their togetherness.

  All the cities conduct ceremonial functions to welcome incoming visitors and to bid farewell to the outgoing visitors. As everybody either leaves a city or reaches a new city on a particular fixed day, these ceremonies are held at predetermined venues. As the logistics stand, this ceremonial function repeats on every fourteenth day in every city center. The day long ceremonies create good meeting opportunities for the people who come to the city from seven directions and the people who will be heading to new cities located in seven directions.

  As a startup event in the agenda of the ceremony, all adult participants (men and women), consume a cocktail made of mushrooms. None of the adults ever miss it. The recipe of this cocktail has been coming down from the ancient days and is the same in all the cities. The moon people love it! The hallucinatory agents in the cocktail probably transport the minds of the people into a different realm and help them socialize, perform dances and enhance their inner bonding. Speculating on this further, the cocktail drink may be the core impetus driving their propensity for intercity traveling. The ‘travelers’ are assured of the reward of a dream making cocktail once every fourteen days at all the cities. Some people may be unconsciously addicted to this! People did not take this special drink or any form of alcohol on the other days. However, it was an accepted norm also that the people who stayed permanently at one location lost the eligibility to have this drink. Without exception everyone observed this rule strictly without having to be policed by others.

  The ceremonies generally included playing of games, beating of drums, singing, dancing, storytelling, dining and chit chat. The whole community actively took part in the ceremonies. The dances they performed seemed like a huge network of dance groups changing from one array to another every few seconds, following very thoughtfully choreographed rhythmic patterns. This was done very skillfully and with many flourishes. The people were in physical contact with each other during the entire dancing act. Vivid dancing patterns were accompanied by appropriate sound effects. The songs that were sung and the dances that were performed were the same at every city center of the moon where these parties were held. These have not changed over the many thousands of years past, just like the seasonal Christmas songs played on the radio every year.

  On the day following the ceremony, the people who were due to leave the city commenced their new journeys. Those who arrived at a particular city got engaged in the chores that formed their site duties. Those who travel carry only the bare essential items including the food they need for the next 14 days of travel. The food parcels for them to take are prepared in advance. Personal musical instruments are one of the ‘extra’ items that people carried with them when traveling. As a means of avoiding monotony and making it interesting, walking patterns of the ‘travelers’ were of diverse, rhythmic styles and were almost always accompanied by appropriate sound effects. Some people also had their pets such as parrots, with them.

  The specific aspect of “Fourteen days” travel and “Fourteen days” residence is not a hard and fast rule of any kind, but it is the practice that had come down from the past thousands of years. It might have something to do with half-moon day or the intervals of tidal waves that were experienced. The post ceremonial arrangements were so arranged that every person who reached a city understood what community functions they would need to be engaged in from the very next day. During their stay they attended to regular community work such as cooking, cleaning, farming, field work, gathering food from lakes, attending to various community based construction works, teaching children, day care work, etc. Nobody gave them directions as to what to do. But they sought out exactly what work was there to be done for the next fourteen days. These procedures have been repeatedly taking place over the past centuries and hence it is not difficult to understand how all these interrelated tasks were being carried out so smoothly.

  When moon people moved from one city to another, the moving group always mixed with others who had arrived there from the other six directions. At every new occasion, they always merged into new groups without seeking to stay with their original group. The mixing up of groups was a continuous process that took place at every city center. As a result of mixing into groups and splitting their journeys into seven directions at each city center, after a few years, it was always difficult to find another person from one’s original group. This was not applicable at the individual level to a couple of a male and female as such couples always stayed together. By constantly moving from one area to another, the people were exposed to almost the entire vast area of their habitat during their life time and also gave them the opportunity to intermingle with the entire noon population of around 2 million persons. The birth and death rate has been almost equal over many thousands of years and as a result the population of people in the moon has attained a steady state. The average life span of moon people is over 100 earth years and this might be due to the type of food they ate, the ritualistic walking habit they perform for more than half their life time and perhaps the greatest influence might be the conflict and stress free lives that they lead.

  As people got older, they preferred to stay in areas of choice. Elders naturally settled into self-assumed roles of providing community advice. As all the people were fully independent while being strongly bonded to each other, they did not have a practice of keeping close contact with their immediat
e relatives or children or parents. They were firmly possessed of a true sense of brotherhood and sisterhood, and unwaveringly held with this concept in their dealings with their fellow citizens. Moon people have a long established history of taking care of the elderly members of the population in a compassionate manner. They do not have special retirement communities or nursing homes or hospitals caring for elders. When any person gets sick, the others take care of him without need for a request to be made. All assistance that is needed on any matter is always available around them all the time. This is due to a unique sense of ‘ownership’ where all persons are considered as one’s own; every child is regarded as one’s own; every City Park, road, house, community center is considered as one’s own. The sense of belongingness to the community and the community itself are inherent and inseparable parts of the social system.

  When once a man and woman get together, their bond is maintained permanently. If a child is born, the mother stays with the baby for three months. During this time the baby is usually breast fed by the mother or sometimes by other mothers. Children including infants are brought up in the community centers mentioned before. Hence children do not develop social bonding to their parents. In fact nobody knows who their parents are. The moon people laid a very strong emphasis on educating the children and the children are kept in the community education system until they reach 16 years of age. The children learn academic subjects as well as all domestic practical work required for community activities. There are also chores that have to be carried out during non-study time. From a very early age, children are assigned specific responsibilities. The chores are selected suitably by community leaders with due regard to the age of the child. The children select their own names during the school period according to their sole choice. However the first part of the name carries the name of the city. For instance children from the city of “Vaaadi” will have names like Vaaadi Tukuuu, Vaaadi Bekiii, Vaaadi Zukooo, etc., - short names but pronounced with a long dragging accent. Written records of births or any other type of identification mechanism does not exist. Extremely brilliant children are encouraged to join exclusive sets of scholar community groups involved in scientific research. Inventions and knowledge resulting from engaging in such research are shared with the community elders and utilized appropriately for the benefit of the community. None of the research is geared to business oriented purposes and is all purely focused on community benefit and knowledge development. These research based institutions form a higher sector of the community schooling system but they are limited to a few cities and are not many in number.

  Contrary to the pattern that existed in the past, the research facilities have been expanding rapidly in recent times. This is seen to be due to the younger generation’s increasing interest in scientific adventure. Recent research findings of the moon people have permitted significant advances into many scientific discoveries following the history of those on earth. However, the elders have adopted a very cautious attitude, being averse to any technology that might weaken their social structure. As they have come to be very comfortable with their prevailing lifestyle, they naturally exercise utmost care before introducing the applications of any scientific discoveries into their daily life. The network of elders was responsible for decisions on what was good or bad before changes were introduced to the community. Inexplicably, discoveries such as battery powered lights were restricted to the research laboratories as there was an attitude of ultra-conservativeness in the use of new technologies. The elders collectively believed that the people could well get along without modernity. The moon people value simplicity over comfort, convenience and leisure. Their lifestyle was based on a deliberate balance of avoiding a pleasure world while maintaining self-sufficiency. The networks of elders who have the responsibility to take decisions are not rulers of any kind. These groups actually function as groups of elders convened by specific situations to take decisions to deal with any new circumstance. The sets of decision making groups vary from day to day, from subject to subject and from city to city. Conflicts do not arise amongst any of these elders as they are all very broadminded and also have similar frames of mind. As elders in each city took appropriate decisions on communal matters pertaining to their particular city, intercity communication was not an absolute necessity. However in the instances where they had to consult the other prominent elders in adjacent cities, it took place at a very slow pace as avenues for advanced communication, such as telephones were not known in the moon.

  The moon people had a unique system of beliefs. They did not know how the brain functioned just like people on earth 500 years ago and they believed in a soul. They presumed that all the memories that they remember are borne by an external soul associated with their physical body. So, they believed the soul was a separate entity from the body and that this soul could transmigrate. They identified the soul as their “Self”. They did not have a concept of God, unlike the comparative situation with many religions on earth. However they firmly believed that the soul would instantly “Teleport” to a heaven immediately upon a person’s death. They also believed that they would have youthful physical bodies when they took up their abode in heaven. They believed that heaven was an extremely beautiful place of pleasure with very many fun things to do and look around and enjoy. They believed that once they were in heaven, they would not age, fall ill, feel pain or have sorrowful feelings of any kind.

  They believed that heaven was a community based place without a leader, or elders, and that it had a social structure identical to the one they enjoyed in the moon. They did not have a concept of “Hell” and probably did not have a word meaning “sin” or any word with a meaning even slightly resembling it. Words such as sin, cruelty, evil, jealousy, anger, crime, fight, aggression, war, etc., were totally unknown to moon people.

  From ancient times, through the transparent areas of the moon’s crust the people of the moon have seen a beautiful planet like object in the sky. They believed that that was heaven (meaning “pleasure place” in their language)… the place that they will be born in after death. This heaven was visible only from certain cities of the moon. The entire moon population was aware of this heaven from their school education and also from reports by people who had seen it. Like certain religious pilgrimages on earth, part of the purpose of the “moon people’s continuous movement habit” was to observe this heavenly body during their lifetime. Most people have seen the heaven when they arrived at cities from which it was visible. However, it should be understood that the primary purpose of the movement habit was not to satisfy a need to see the heaven. The primary purpose of the habitual journeying is really not known. When the moon people were approaching an opportunity to see this beautiful heaven in space for the first time, they had the knowledge that getting to heaven was an event that would take place just at the end of their life time. They were therefore very excited about it and overwhelmed. However, when they actually got to look at the object which was heaven they would glare at it for long hours without blinking as it was so utterly beautiful and enjoyable to look at – like a glowing blue colored gem hanging by itself. Just to look at it gave them a sense of deep fulfillment. The city centers from where heaven could be seen had more ceremonial events and cocktail drinks than other cities. The moon people’s migratory journey did not end at these cities or other place and continued in a closed and never ending chain. Because of the continuous nature of the movement pattern, none of the moon people could remember where they spent their childhood or any other place specific details of their journey. This did not matter to them because the life pattern at all parts of the moon was similar, routine, efficiently structured and very pleasant. The moon people had no doubt at all that at the end of their lives, they would all end up at heaven - the pleasure place. To the reader of course there is no awe associated with the object the moon people see as heaven but to the moon people it is a fundamental fact on which their whole life purpose is pinned.

here have been prominent philosophers, artists, poets, scientists and other scholars in the moon. They have contributed a wealth of benefits to the moon community by spreading their knowledge and ideas. The old generations have kept the harmony of the moon community intact. The elders in the moon at present have been somewhat perturbed in the recent past with the present generation of children, who seek to express their reasoning as to how they wish to move forward into the future. The elders have observed trends of some individuals tending to deviate from the traditional social system and attempting to adopt different living styles. But up to now the elders have been able to address such situations and have managed to keep the traditional systems intact. Since some time now a common vision has arisen amongst many elders that an upheaval of colossal proportions could occur in their social lifestyle in the near future; not due to natural phenomena but due to idealistic inclinations of present day youth.

  Similar to primitive hunter gatherers on the earth, who observed the sun, stars and other heavenly bodies over thousands of years, the moon people have observed these objects over thousands of years. However, they had to make these observations through the limited areas of moon surface that was transparent. There are many mythical stories as well as valuable observations that the ancestors of the moon have passed on to succeeding generations. After invention of the telescope by the moon people, their knowledge of astronomy has widened, but their knowledge of the universe is very limited and cannot be compared at all to any discoveries made by our pioneering astronomers of even way back as the fifteenth century. The moon astronomers were lucky not to have religious authorities to upset them unlike what Galileo and Kepler had to face when they proclaimed their discoveries. The moon astronomers did not know about the planets in the solar system or how the planets were kept moving relative to each other by the dynamic forces between them. It is quite understandable that they did not know more about astrophysics, having had to spend their lives within a system of caves. To have an opportunity to view stars and other objects shining through clear glass like surfaces, on the roofs of their cave world was considered a great treat by the moon people, as these were rare occasions for them. However, they got opportunities to see outer space, usually several times, during their constant routine of travel from city to city. As such, most people were aware of the outside world and the fact that they were living within a system of caves.

  The clarity of space objects depended on the clearness of the transparent moon surfaces. Though there were many relatively clear moon surfaces these were not at all as clear as colorless glass on earth. The varying thicknesses and the irregularities on the surfaces made the clarity of the space objects seen through the ‘clear’ moon surfaces relatively poor. Apart from the clear areas, there were vast areas of transparent moon surface covered by dust like material hindering outer space visibility. The moon people had no way of clearing the dust from these surfaces as these areas were beyond access to them. As a very useful practical outcome, clearing of these dust covered areas would increase sunlight penetration into the caves thus enhancing illumination and the growth of vegetation. In the recent past the moon astronomers had acquired a deeper interest in seeing more and more of the outside worlds from different parts of the moon. As a further step they explored avenues to expand their total viewing area. Sometimes nature would help to clear dust from viewing areas. This happened when solid bodies, such as asteroids or comets collided on nearby surfaces. These objects that fell at high velocities created shock waves along the surface, thus helping sometimes to dislodge dust from viewing areas. As the moon did not have an external atmosphere to burn out these objects, these collisions were more frequent on the moon than on earth. Though millions of scarred impact craters are found on the moon, meteorite impacts were very rare. Sometimes these events worked negatively as well; destroying the existing clear areas by the deposition of dust and debris, arising from collisions.

  There are less than two hundred institutions that work on pure research and development in the entire moon. The locations of these institutions are spread over the moon far apart from each other. Knowledge sharing amongst these institutions does occur but at a low scale due to lack of fast communication capabilities. These research and development centers are led by very keen intellectuals dedicated to expanding their realm of understanding of specific scientific fields that they are working on. The research institutions are staffed by very intelligent children, identified when they were at the community schools. As directed by elders in the community schools, these children are encouraged to join the researchers when they become adults. But after joining these institutions over 95% of these intelligent children leave the researchers and join the common traveling society as they have been pre-programmed to do so. Millions of years of evolution of the brain have made traveling their inherent natural choice. Probably their genes are etched to stay with this social trend. However, a minority of intellectuals stay on to pursue research as a serious dedicated group.

  About two hundred years ago after the invention of the telescope, the scientists in the moon realized the benefit of developing optical lenses and mirror systems further. The research over the last 200 years on this field has made progress toward developing and improving compound optical lens configurations that can concentrate light into very narrow beams. Though these light beams are not as advanced as LASER beams, the moon scientists have been contemplating their use as an intercity communication medium. In fact they have installed these compound-lens systems to keep contact between research organizations separated by a distance exceeding 150 miles. Success has been achieved in sending a light beam from one institute to the other. These beams are relayed along the pathways that moon people travel on from city to city. A number of compound lens devices have been installed at many junctions to receive and direct the beam appropriately to follow the required path. The light source of the system is the material “Babaloniums” which produces adequate intensity light suited to the purpose. After the scientists established the system, it was recognized as an enormous success and development is now in progress of a “Code Book”, similar to the “Code Book” of torch telegraphy that the ancient Greeks and Romans developed. Light signals are probably the oldest method for transmitting messages between hilltops over distances on earth. Coded messages have long been transmitted from ship to ship with lights. Moon scientists are still working on the codes to perfect the system for communication between the two research facilities.

  After the moon scientists developed electrical magnets and a subsequent discovery was made of electromagnetic waves - commonly called radio waves - they did not know what to do with their new discovery. But as things happened in the earth’s history, sometimes accidents lead to discoveries. As an accidental discovery, the scientists in the moon found that when electromagnetic instruments were energized, they caused a physical disturbance of nearby dust particles. Some particles were attracted and others were repelled as is the case with static electricity. They also observed that the particles responded even at substantial distances of separation, and also by-passing the physical barriers between instrument and particles. This observation caused them to make more powerful units which could generate more powerful waves. The leading scientist who had invented the system directed the waves towards the moon’s surface with the idea of checking the response of the moon dust on top of the moon’s crust. The moon dust covering thin transparent surfaces was seen to be projected up and down thus making it possible to see through the transparent surface. Though it did not yield perfect transparency of the moon’s crust, this was a big success. By experimenting further on this and fine tuning the apparatus, they realized that electromagnetic waves could help them to clear the dust on top of the transparent sections of the moon’s surface. After several repeated applications, some small areas achieved near complete elimination of the dust cover. Obviously this was a huge discovery for the moon people as they needed to maximize sunlight penetration into the caves and a
lso achieve as much visibility of outer space. However, powering the equipment was a problem. The type of batteries that were being used was not adequate in capacity to power the equipment for more than a few hours.

  Upon discovering a mechanism for removing the dust on the moon’s surface, elders of the city gave their blessings to proceed with these experiments further. The name of this particular city was “Daaadi”. A scientist from the same city Daaadi was the pioneer in establishing the optical communication link mentioned earlier. The communication link was from city Daaadi to a city nearby named “Laaahi”. In the city of Daaadi the ceremony that was conducted every 14 days, acquired an additional feature now. This was the demonstration of their new equipment in clearing the dust on the surface of the crust of the moon. The scientist who invented it demonstrated the capability of his invention to the amazement and delight of all the people. Each time they energized the instrument, a greater area at the top of the caves got cleared. Though the new cleared area was like a 20ft diameter patch, it brought more sunlight to the cave during 14 day long daytime. They could now see more of outer space. Some people loved this demonstration while others did not show much of an interest. The scientist was able to clean an additional 6 square foot area at each occasion of demonstration. However, the scientist had to stop the demonstration after about 80 minutes due to the inadequacy of battery power. The batteries had to be switched from one set to another during the demonstration. These batteries had to be painstakingly reconditioned and recharged before the next ceremony.

  Now you can understand what was causing the emanation of radio waves from the moon.


  Let us see what was happening on the earth and how they were going to investigate the mysterious moon people. We have to now get back to the time when “Hi!” received the moon signal (15 minutes ago). Let’s refresh our memories.

  This will be interesting!