Read Hector Page 11

  “Can he really be that outrageous?” Charlee asked, looking away from Abel and the others in his group as Hector and the two girls reached them. “Walking in here like that with both of them?”

  Charlee welcomed the flames she felt ignite inside her and all the way up her neck as she sipped her wine. This was a good thing. It was better that she lose all respect for him—hate him. She had no business fantasizing about this guy, even before she knew anything about him, and she certainly didn’t anymore, especially now. Watching him Saturday even as he made out with these girls, she’d been disgusted, but she hadn’t felt what she felt now.

  Doing what he’d done with them in a dimly lit parking lot was one thing. Everybody had skeletons in the closet—sordid little secret fantasies. Charlee knew this firsthand. Some people were just brave enough to act on them in real life. She’d already cut him some slack yesterday when she got to be so close to him and was back to feeling mesmerized. Certainly most guys at some point in their lives had fantasized about not only getting the opportunity to be with more than one girl at once but to actually be able to handle it. Not surprisingly, Hector was one of the fortunate few who got the opportunity but apparently seemed more than capable of handling it.

  Still, these fantasies should remain just that—secret. Or at the very least keep them discreet. To walk in here flaunting what he was doing was just appalling to say the least. Obviously, he was one of those types of guys. And those girls were those types of sluts. Good. All this was good. Drew had nearly succeeded in making Charlee believe Hector might actually have a thing for her.

  She felt her face flush suddenly. The very idea was embarrassing now. While she’d watched Abel with the women who flirted with him, she’d done it with a purpose. Feeling her face flush even more, she sipped some more of her wine. To think she actually thought she might pick up a few pointers. In no way did she want to be slutty or pathetic like those women, but they all seemed so self-confident. Charlee yearned to pick up on a little bit of that. She should’ve known after being around Drew for all these years that wasn’t happening.

  “You guys enjoying yourselves?” Charlee had been so busy doing her best to look in any direction but Hector and his girlfriends’ that hearing his voice so close startled her.

  He stood two people away from her without the girls he’d walked in with, looking and smelling amazing. She let the rest of them answer his question while she nodded. When their eyes met, she saw that hardened look he wore yesterday, and immediately she regretted having come. Then to her relief, it eased slowly into a smile. Letting out a measured breath, she smiled back and took another sip of her wine. It was nearly gone now.

  Hector motioned to one of the passing waitresses, and in the next second, she was there. “Let’s get another round of whatever everyone is having here,” Hector said, smiling even bigger now.

  With the same twinkle she’d seen in just about any girl’s eyes that looked at Hector, the young waitress smiled, nodding, and pointed quickly at everyone to make sure she remembered what each of them had ordered previously. She did and she rushed off to get their drinks.

  Charlee wasn’t sure she should have a third glass. She was already feeling a little light-headed. That last drink, or maybe it was seeing him finally and the fact that he was being pleasant, had her feeling much better now.

  “Did you guys see the fight?” Hector addressed the group in general, but Charlee had begun to notice what Drew had been talking about.

  The guys commented on the fight and how awesome his win had been. Even as he answered their questions and continued talking to them about boxing, he kept doing it—his eyes would go full circle and pause on her every time. At first, Charlee thought maybe she was just imagining it, but it kept happening. The wine had given her the courage to not look away this time like she had last Saturday and all the times he’d looked at her yesterday.

  Was this his thing? Was this how he seduced women by giving them that burning heavy lidded stare? Charlee stood up straight, lifting her chin. She wouldn’t give him the upper hand, not tonight—not again. Her heart fluttered as their eyes met again for a moment. Okay, maybe this wasn’t going be so easy, but she was determined to at least try.

  The waitress arrived with all their drinks, and Charlee took hers but made it a point to take tiny sips now. The times her eyes and Hector’s were meeting were becoming increasingly longer each time. She sensed something was off. Did he intend to do to her again what he had yesterday? Humiliating her once hadn’t been enough?

  All the more reason to slow down on the alcohol. She didn’t think it possible that he’d look even better than all the times she’d seen him before. While he looked athletic and sexy before, she could now add sophisticated perfection to the list. And here she’d argued with Drew about being too dressed up. She was just glad her pushy best friend was the most persuasive person in the world now. If not, she might’ve worn jeans like she first intended to.

  Drew had talked her into wearing a dress. She’d even used her power of persuasion to get Charlee to wear one of Drew’s sexier dresses—something so unlike Charlee. Or maybe Charlee was just a pushover. Just like yesterday, she was so ready to condemn Hector before he’d walked over to them, and now here all he had to do was smile at her and lift his beer her way and she was ready to swoon.

  “To an incredibly impressive win,” she heard herself say and lifted her glass toward him.

  Gulping hard and unable to believe what she’d just done, she put her glass to her lips after everyone else lifted their drinks as well.

  “Mine?” he asked, flashing that amazing smile before taking a drink of his beer. “Or do you mean yours yesterday?”

  The guys all chuckled, and suddenly she had what she’d always hated—everyone’s attention. Even Drew was smiling, very pleased and looking at her.

  Taking a bigger sip than she should have, she smiled back with a shrug. “I was talking about yours, but you have to admit mine was pretty impressive too.”

  She held her breath, waiting to see if that breathtaking smile went flat, but surprisingly, he smiled even bigger. Then after glancing at Walter, his smile waned a little. He did his own version of a shrug, lifting and dropping his big shoulder. “I can admit it. We were impressed. Right, Walter?”

  Walter smiled. “That was a heck of a move. I didn’t see it coming either. I thought he had you.”

  Some of the other guys agreed, saying they’d thought the same thing. Charlee did her best not to freak out about being the center of attention for a few minutes. Thankfully, it didn’t last too long. The topic switched to talk about Abel.

  “So your brother is really gonna fight Hammerhead McKinley?” Dempsey asked.

  Hector nodded proudly. “Yep, it’s official. He’s gone pro and he signed earlier this week. Next year, Vegas baby.”

  Hector clinked his bottle against Dempsey’s. Dempsey was still hesitant looking. “Isn’t he afraid? McKinley’s in his prime, man. His last seven fights in a row he’s won by way of knockout.”

  Hector shook his head, his face souring a little. “But why? Look who he’s fought. Nothing but bums. Why do you think they signed my brother so quick? He thinks Abel’s a bum too.”

  His eyes were back on Charlee every few words, and she was done even pretending to drink her wine for fear just the smell would make her feel even braver than she already did. She couldn’t look away now, and she’d stopped making an effort a long time ago.

  “I’ll tell you what,” he continued. “This guy’s in for a big surprise.” Once again, even though he was talking to Dempsey, he kept glancing at Charlee. A smile escaped her after the third time. She couldn’t help it. She was enjoying the attention. “Abel . . .” he stopped and smiled at her, too, then shook his head and glanced at Walter. He turned back to Dempsey, speaking a little faster. “The guys Abel’s been fighting are just as much bums as the ones McKinley’s knocked out, and you know what? Abel’s been knocking ’em all out too.
Bad. The last guy had to be taken out on a stretcher.”

  Seeing his big chest puff even bigger and his smile brighten made her smile bigger too. “You really think he has a chance then?” she asked.

  Just like that, she had Hector’s attention again. She was beginning to feel a little like the attention whores across the room standing with his brother. Already, she was getting so used to having his eyes on her, that the moment he turned them away from her, she mustered up the nerve to ask a question again so that she would have his attention again.

  Breathing in deeply in reaction to his big smile, she waited for him to respond. “I don’t just think he has a chance, Charlee. I know he’s gonna win.” His smile turned into that sexy smirk she’d witnessed so often yesterday when she’d been sure he was flirting with her. “It’s what happens when you catch your opponent sleeping. You know all about that, right?”

  Charlee gulped hard again. This was the second time he’d referenced yesterday’s game, and both times he’d done so with a smile. Maybe he didn’t hate her after all. But what the heck happened to her hating him?

  Chapter 9

  The timing couldn’t have been better. Even though he managed to catch himself every time so far, Hector was beginning to lose control—stumbling off his train of thought time after time. So he couldn’t have been more relieved when everyone’s attention was called to the small podium at the front of the room.

  Hector took advantage of the distraction to regroup and gather his thoughts. He had to get a hold of himself. Why couldn’t he have stayed angry like he’d felt the entire time he showered and got ready? Even as he’d been interviewed by the local media and the Spanish radio broadcaster over the phone, he’d been tense. Dealing with that would’ve been easier than what he was dealing with now.

  He’d wondered the whole time if she possibly could be here looking to confront him: tell him off about yesterday—a confrontation that couldn’t wait until Monday. Then Miriam and Leticia had walked into the gym just as he was wrapping up his final interview. They’d been a slight diversion from his ongoing speculation about Charlee’s unexpected presence here tonight, but the diversion from those thoughts had been fleeting. The moment he entered the party, he saw her. He’d hoped to be there for a few minutes before having to see her and have a few drinks to calm the irritation he’d begun to feel just thinking about what she might be up to this time.

  After his fight when he’d spotted her in the crowd, it was her hair that stood out. His eyes had been drawn like a magnet to the almost-glowing crimson locks in the crowd. It was more than that now. He was sure his eyes weren’t the only ones being drawn to her. She looked spectacular. When he’d walked in and gotten a closer look at just how different she looked tonight, he couldn’t dump Leticia and Miriam off with his brother’s group fast enough. He was getting this over with now—the sooner the better.

  He’d walked over to where she and his other chess teammates stood with one purpose only—to face off with her. Then to his surprise, she’d been nice, more than nice. Even when she congratulated him on his incredibly impressive win, it came off genuinely sincere. To make matters worse, she’d been playful. And if he weren’t mistaken, she was having just as hard a time of keeping her eyes off him as he was keeping his off her.

  Hector knew he was treading dangerous waters here, and he could already feel it. If he got some time alone with her, even just a moment, he might do or say something he shouldn’t.

  Glancing at Walter, who was listening to the exclusive announcement of Abel’s signing as the next contender for the heavyweight title, he was hit with reality again. Walter was making the first real effort in his entire life to get into shape, and he was doing it for Charlee. As hard and as embarrassing as Hector knew it had been for Walter, he bit the bullet and asked Hector for help.

  The big guy had nearly collapsed yesterday from the workout Hector gave him. But he said he’d be back today to work out again alone before Hector’s fight, since Hector wouldn’t be able to join him. Surprisingly, Hector had seen him in there before his fight, pushing hard on the treadmill. Being a part-time trainer, Hector knew the enthusiasm a client has when they first start working out is what keeps the momentum going. Nothing would kill Walter’s momentum faster now than to stomp on his motivation.

  Who knew? Maybe if Walter did drop a lot of weight, he just might have a chance with Charlee. The two did have a lot in common. Both were brainy and very good at chess. And while Hector couldn’t be sure, because he didn’t know too much about her, Charlee seemed a bit shy like Walter. At the very least, she was far more reserved than any of the girls Hector usually hung out with.

  Unable to help himself even after he’d pretty much mentally made a case for why he should put any further thoughts of pursuing anything with Charlee to rest, he casually glanced in her direction. Like everyone else, her attention was focused on the front of the room where Abel was now speaking about next year’s bout for the title. Hector should really be paying attention to his brother. This was huge. But he already knew all about what Abel was letting everyone else in on, and at the moment he couldn’t tear his eyes away from Charlee’s dress.

  It was a simple enough dark blue wrap around that came together at her small waist with a thick belt. It was similar to the one Leticia wore so boldly that same night. Only as he’d observed before, Charlee’s was far more reserved. While Leticia’s was shorter and tighter and boasted a plunging neckline, Charlee’s was a bit longer, and though it was snug enough to show off her cute but breathtaking little figure, it wasn’t quite as body hugging as Leticia’s.

  The neckline of Charlee’s dress wasn’t nearly as low as Leticia’s, but it was low enough to indulge Hector’s probing eyes with a nice tease of her milky white skin. Visions of the perky bare breasts just under the soft fabric of her dress inundated Hector. They’d be just as white and feel just as soft as he imagined the skin his eyes now traced from the open neckline up her delicate neck to that stubborn but sweet chin would be. His eyes stopped at her lips, the very lips he’d been so close to tasting yesterday, and he gulped. As his eyes traveled upward, they met hers. She was watching him size her up, and surprisingly, the corner of her lips curved ever so slightly.

  Hector knew he should look away—at least try to save face. He had no idea how long she’d been watching him, but her tiny smirk was all too telling. She’d seen enough, and as cold as she’d been toward him up until tonight, she seemed amused. Was it possible that what he’d thought he picked up on earlier was actually happening? Was the ice princess actually coming around?

  Noticing the tinge of pink that colored her cheeks, he broke their stare. He had to. Abel was done talking and the music was back on.

  “I changed my mind,” Walter whispered, leaning into him.

  “About what?” Hector asked, turning full circle and away from Charlee.

  Walter rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “About asking Charlee to dance tonight.”

  Hector had forgotten all about that. When they talked about the party yesterday and Hector mentioned ways of making the most of it, one of the things he mentioned was they’d have a D.J. and a dance floor. Hector had even demonstrated the simple two-step he could do to any tune. Now that the announcement was out of the way, the lights had been dimmed, and people were already making their way onto the dance floor.

  Wondering if he should encourage Walter to what more than likely would be a letdown or embarrassment or both, Hector thought for a moment then felt a small but firm hand slip into his. “Did you forget about me?”

  Turning to see Leticia’s smiling face looking up at him, he forced a smile. It was a strange and unfamiliar feeling, but he suddenly worried that Miriam was close behind. Typically he had no qualms about being seen with one or more girls. Tonight, however, his take on this was oddly altered. Walter had already made it clear what he thought happened with Hector and the girls Saturday once they all left together. He’d ribbed Hector about it
the day he showed up at the gym. Hector hadn’t bothered explaining, letting him think whatever he wanted. What difference did it make?

  Now he was glad Charlee hadn’t stuck around to see him leave with them. She already hadn’t been very discreet about her distaste for Leticia Saturday night. Hector was sure she wouldn’t have approved of what almost happened that night, not that he needed her approval. He just preferred her friendly demeanor to the indifferent one, and he didn’t want to go back to that.

  “I told you I was going to be busy tonight, sweetheart. He glanced up just in time to see Noah and Gio wave him over.

  Nodding, he glanced back at Leticia. “You remember Walter from Saturday, right?” Walter’s alarmed expression made Hector almost laugh. “I gotta go, but he’ll keep you company until I get back.” Walter’s eyes went wide and Leticia’s didn’t even try to hide the disappointed pout. Any other time, Hector might’ve leaned in and kissed her just to make up for having to leave her again, but he didn’t. Instead, he just squeezed her hand before letting go of it. “I won’t be long. I promise.”

  He started off toward Noah and Gio purposely not looking in Charlee’s direction. He had to snuff that flame out before it went wild. Charlee was not someone he should be getting involved with, aside from the obvious most ponderous reason: Walter. There were even more reasons now.

  For one, she was totally not his type, not that he really had one, but all he knew was she wasn’t it. She was nothing like any of the girls he ever hung with, and besides chess, he doubted they’d have anything else in common. Two, if he thought she’d be like Leticia, willing to have some fun and then just leave it at that, maybe he could consider it. But he could already tell she wasn’t. Walter mentioned she was quiet, shy, studious, and very sweet. Even though she hadn’t been very sweet to Hector so far, he did see the shy. He’d seen it in her eyes yesterday when he’d nearly kissed her. That kind of heavy sexual tension was a first for her. He wasn’t even sure how she would’ve reacted if he had kissed her, but he was certain it wouldn’t have been like most girls he kissed.