Read Hector Page 14

  Gulping hard as he continued to remove the vest then pull off the tie altogether, she nodded, knowing full well if she attempted to talk, there likely be no sound. Good Lord, she’d have to dig deep for any poise if he dared remove even one more piece of clothing.

  Chapter 11

  What the hell was wrong with him? Hector should’ve just let her go when he saw her walk out of the party. Charlee was not the type of girl he should be messing with. He saw this in her eyes yesterday when he’d nearly kissed her—felt it earlier when he held her on the dance floor. Keeping her at a necessary distance was easier when he thought she was just another brainy girl with better, more important things to think about than the new guy on the chess team: the unimpressive winner of the speed tournament—speed chess something apparently beneath her. But he’d been wrong. She had taken time to think of him and his game—lots of time. And he saw it in her eyes yesterday then over and over again tonight that she had been impressed.

  So what? This wouldn’t be the first time Hector had impressed a pretty girl or even a highly skilled chess player. What was it about her? Why did he care so much? Why was he so damn fascinated with her? Fascinated enough to come chasing after her when he knew it was a bad idea.

  She was an enigma, one he had no business trying to figure out. He knew this already. He’d gone through the list of whys so many times, and the conclusion was always the same. Forget about it. Yet he’d gone after her, and now here he was dangerously alone with her.

  When he left the party to see if he might catch her, even though she’d been gone for a few minutes, he had no idea what he would do or say if he did. But he did know exactly what he shouldn’t do—the very thing that was already clouding his senses. Seeing those big blue eyes go even bigger when he realized she’d been watching him strip the layers of stuffy clothes off had done it.

  Pushing away the all too fresh memories of holding her soft warm body against his, how good it felt to hold her hand and wrap his arms around her, he smiled, tilting his head. “So why are you and Drew leaving so early?”

  “We have somewhere to be early tomorrow morning.”

  “Early on a Saturday morning? Where you going?” he asked, trying to sound more curious than prying.

  “A marathon in Long Beach.”

  Hector raised his brows a bit surprised. “Really? So you’re a chess genius and a runner?”

  She shook her head, smiling. Even though her face tinged a little with color, Hector was glad she seemed to be calming. He could tell after catching her off guard she seemed more than unnerved.

  “I’d hardly call myself any kind of genius.” She tucked a red strand of hair behind her ear with a timid smile. “And no, I’m not a runner. I volunteer for the Special Olympics. They’re having a marathon tomorrow.”

  “Oh, yeah, yeah, my partner, Gio, was just talking about that. He runs the youth program here at the gym and a few of them are special needs. He mentioned a couple of them running in that this weekend.” He peered at her as she looked around the room at the photos on the wall. “So you and Drew are giving up your Saturday morning for this, huh?”

  She turned back to him and nodded with that little timid smile he was becoming so fond of now. “It’s not a sacrifice at all. I’ve been doing it for years back home. Drew didn’t start until just last year, but after volunteering just one time, she was hooked. She’s been doing it with me ever since.”

  Hector liked hearing her talk. There was something so soothing about her sweet voice. He hadn’t really noticed that about her until earlier in the party. “And where is back home?”


  “Really? Wow. You’re a long way from home.”

  She walked around now, taking in the photos on the wall again. “Tell me about it.”

  Hector liked how the longer he was around her the more relaxed she became. He liked how fast and easily she went from all tensed up to relaxed. Just like earlier on the dance floor when he first put his arms around her, she’d frozen up. But within minutes, he felt her giving into the moment, and damn, what a moment that had been.

  “So who do you stay with out here?”

  He’d come in here a little worried that he might do something he’d regret, but all he could think about was he wanted to know more about her.

  She turned to him with that tiny smile again. It was almost as if she were afraid to smile too big. Though she’d come around a little, the evidence of her shy demeanor was still very much there. “With Drew and her dad. Though her dad is rarely around. He’s a commercial pilot, so we pretty much have the house to ourselves most of the time.”

  He nodded. Good to know, but he wanted more now. He took a few steps toward her, aware that he’d invited her in the room to show her the “cool stuff” in there and he was yet to show her any of it. Still, he knew his time alone with her would be brief, and he still had so many more questions.

  “Why’d you decide to go to school so far from home?”

  Her brows pinched for a second, and she glanced back at him again, only this time minus the smile. “It was Drew’s idea actually. She had to coax me into the idea.” Now she smiled. “She does that a lot.” She bobbed her head a little, but it was nothing like when Walter’s dumb ass did it. Charlee looked cute doing it. “If it weren’t for Drew, there’d be a lot of things in my life I wouldn’t have done.”

  “She must be pretty persuasive. Moving from Maryland to California, that’s huge.”

  For the first time, he heard her laugh. And, of course, it had to be the sweetest laugh ever. “Oh, you’d be surprised. The girl could talk an atheist into believing with little effort. But it wasn’t just that. The chess scholarship I was offered to ESU was a big incentive. So when Drew said she’d apply to ESU and got in, that sealed the deal.”

  That reminded Hector of something. Getting back to her earlier comment about not being a genius, he felt almost stupid now about being so pissed over what she’d done yesterday. “A chess scholarship? Impressive. Not that I’m surprised. I’d say only a chess genius could come up with what you did to me yesterday.” Her timid smile flatlined immediately. “I’m not mad, okay? I mean I’ll admit I did feel a little stupid—”

  “I wasn’t trying to make you feel stupid,” she said quickly then added in a lower voice, shaking her head softly, “I swear.”

  He smiled even bigger, hoping to reassure her. “I know that now, Charlotte.” He saw it yesterday when he called her that: a flicker in her eyes he didn’t know what to make of then and still didn’t now. “Do you not like being called Charlotte?”

  Those big blue eyes looked up at him as she shook her head. “No, I don’t mind. I just . . . I’m just a little surprised you remember.”

  Going against everything he’d been telling himself since he walked into that party tonight, he took a step closer to her. “Yeah, I remember,” he said, taking yet another step closer to her. “I also remember you having more freckles. You cover them up?”

  She nodded, staring at him the same way she had yesterday, the very way she had on the dance floor. As if she wanted to say more but wouldn’t—couldn’t. “Why?” Unable to hold back anymore, he touched the soft flesh of her cheek with the back of his hand gently. It felt as soft as he’d imagined, and the fact that she didn’t protest or even move away from him made his heart pound like it had when he held her earlier. “You don’t like them?”

  Clearing her throat but not looking away, she stared right at him. “No, I don’t.”

  “I like them.” Feeling intoxicated by the touch of her skin against his, he continued to caress the few freckles that weren’t concealed around her lips with the tips of his knuckles.

  He knew he should stop, but he couldn’t now. The tips of his knuckles moved over her lips, and she closed her eyes, her lashes fluttering along with the very subtle but undeniable tremble of her body. She breathed in deeply and so did he. He had to. He was beginning to lose it. Staring at her lips for a moment, he
tried one last time to convince himself he shouldn’t. Nothing in him, not his pounding heart, not his hungry lips, not his aching, growing need—none of it was cooperating here.

  Leaning in slowly, he brought his hand around the back of her neck, touching his lips to hers and waited. Waited—his breathing growing heavier with anticipation—the need to taste her mouth insatiable now. He kissed her once, waiting again for a reaction. Then she parted her lips, and it was all he needed. Cradling her head with both hands now, he kissed her deeply, toying with her tongue, stopping only to suck her bottom lip before ravenously going back in for more.

  Feeling her arms come around his back now, he took a few steps until they were leaning against the wall. A bit surprised that not only did she not object but she kissed him back eagerly, he wondered how far he should let this go. Sliding his mouth off her lips, he traced kisses down her jaw line to her soft neck. She smelled so damn good it made him feel crazed, and he sucked a bit harder than he anticipated. Then hearing her moan in response only made him suck harder. Pulling away when he remembered just how fair her skin was, he examined the area. He’d already left a mark. Luckily it was far back enough her hair would cover it. But not wanting to make it any darker, he kissed the spot one last time and went back to her lips.

  To hell with Walter. He’d had his chance more than once, and he chose grubbing over dancing with Charlee. The guy had to be out of his fucking mind.

  Pressing his body onto hers, feeling her soft breasts push up against his chest, Hector pulled back. As much as that drove him crazy, something in him wanted to make this very clear to her. This wasn’t just about sex. Sure he had the biggest throbbing painful erection he could remember ever having, but that’s not what this was about. A part of him would love nothing more than to pull her dress up and fuck her right there if she’d let him. The way her body was responding to his, something told him she just might. There was a bigger part of him making him hold back: the same part of him that had him tossing and turning the whole damn night last night.

  Finally there was a sign of restraint on Charlee’s part. She brought her hand to his chest and placed her open palm against it, pulling her lips away from his for the first time since he’d begun kissing her. Breathing heavily, Hector searched her eyes.

  “Those girls,” she said, breathlessly then licked her lips. “The ones you were dancing with . . .”

  Hector shook his head. He had a feeling that’s why she’d left. “They’re just friends.”

  “They came here with you.”

  Still trying to catch his breath, he shook his head again. “No, they walked in just as I was done my last interview, and we just so happened to walk in together.”

  “I’m not like them.”

  “I know,” he agreed quickly. God, did he know. She was completely different in every way.

  She frowned. “I know that must sound really stupid too because I’m here with you now, but—”

  “Trust me, Charlotte,” he said, gently lifting her chin with his finger. “I know you’re different.” He kissed the small crease that had formed between her eyes from her frowning then kissed her lips softly again. “So different,” he whispered then kissed her again. “So sweet.” He felt her exhale softly then smile against his lips.

  Dropping her hand from his chest and then bringing it around his neck, she kissed him and gave into him completely again. Groaning, he kissed her as deeply as he had the very first time, feeling utterly crazed again. Every time they stopped for air, they were both panting now as if they’d both just had a very long drink of water—an incredibly delicious taste of water after days of going without. Coming up again, he had to laugh a little. This was insane. She laughed too, biting her lower lip.

  “You’re beautiful.” The words flew out of his mouth before he could catch himself.

  Her big blue eyes opened wide, confirming what he’d just said like they had when he said her eyes were beautiful earlier. She was beautiful.

  “Thank you,” she said with that same apprehensive smile that had caught his attention that very first day she thanked him for knocking out the asshole beating on Walter.

  “You’re welcome.”

  She stared at him for a moment, then her eyes lifted a bit and she touched his brow. Even something as simple as feeling her fingers caressing his brow felt incredible. Her touch was so gentle, so sweet. “Is this a boxing scar?”

  He nodded, unable to take his eyes off her lips. “I got it last year.”

  “Will it ever go away?” she said, continuing to run her fingers over it gently.

  “It might if I stop reopening the gash.”

  Now she focused on his eyes. “But you’re so good. I don’t think I saw that guy land even one punch on your face tonight.”

  “That’s what scars are for. You learn from them. I don’t let my guard down nearly as much as I used to before I got it. But it’s not that. The wound has been reopened a few times since then.” He shrugged. “I’m getting better. Eventually it’ll heal completely.”

  Unable to go even another moment without tasting those lips again, he went in for another kiss. The door flew open just as his lips touched hers, and she pulled back immediately.

  Miriam stared at them wide-eyed. “Oops.”

  “Did you find him?” Leticia was at the door now with Miriam staring at them as well. Though she was obviously surprised, she played it off with a smirk, “I guess you did.”

  Charlee moved away from the wall, understandably looking uncomfortable by the interruption. She walked around Hector and out of the compromising position they’d been found in. “I, uh . . .”

  Hector touched her arm. He didn’t want her fretting or worse leaving because of this. Before he could say anything to them, the door opened further and Drew walked in. Since Charlee no longer stood against the wall, and Hector wasn’t pressed up against her anymore, she didn’t appear as stunned as Leticia and Miriam, but there was no hiding the surprise. “I was getting worried. You weren’t answering your phone.”

  “Yeah, she was a little busy for that.” Leticia said with a clearly forced smirk before walking out of the room. Miriam sneered, following Leticia out.

  “I’m sorry,” Charlee said. “I turned it off when we got here and forgot all about it.” She turned to Hector then back to Drew again. “He was showing me the trophies and stuff, and I forgot about the time. I have to go,” she addressed Hector now. “I told you we gotta be up early tomorrow.”

  Hector nodded. The disappointment of knowing he wouldn’t be kissing her goodbye weighed heavily. If it were up to him, he’d do it regardless of who was in the room, but her he-was-showing-me-the-trophies comment was an obvious indication that she didn’t want her friend to know what they’d really been doing. He’d let that simmer for now. She was obviously a shy girl, and he wasn’t even sure where this would go, if anywhere. He still didn’t know a whole lot about her other than he couldn’t get enough of kissing her, and he hadn’t lied when he told her she was different. She was. He just couldn’t put his finger on exactly what it was, or maybe it was just everything.

  He walked them all the way to the door, Drew taking the initiative after they’d walked a few feet in silence. She began telling them about her encounter with the talkative older man she ran into while looking for Charlee. Hector tuned her out, opting instead to sneak smiles at Charlee the whole way. He’d been in such a cloud, still thinking about everything that had happened that night. It wasn’t until he was on his way back to turn off the lights they’d left on in the trophy room that he realized he hadn’t asked for her number. Now he wouldn’t talk to her until Monday afternoon at the earliest. He didn’t even know where she lived!

  “Damn it,” he muttered, shutting off the lights in the room.

  Asking Walter, the only person that might have that information in the meantime, was out of the question. He was just going to have to wait until Monday. Feeling the smallest pang of guilt, he pushed it to the back
of his head. Walter didn’t deserve Charlee, not with the little effort he’d put into trying to even talk to her. Sure he was trying to lose weight, and he’d cut his hair and trimmed his brows as Hector had suggested, but that was hardly enough.

  Hector wasn’t sure if anything would become of this or if he even wanted it to. For now, he’d keep things on the down low and continue to help Walter get in shape.

  Obviously, Hector wouldn’t be helping him with his efforts to win Charlee’s affection anymore. Even before tonight’s turn of events, Hector wasn’t sure how to help him there anyway. The guy was oblivious about how to even talk to a girl. There was only so much Hector could do or had time for. He’d help Walter get into shape because it’s what Hector did on a daily basis anyway, but he was on his own when it came to Charlee.

  Unbelievably, Leticia and Miriam were in the lobby when he walked out of the hallway on his way back to the party. He thought for sure they’d left. They both smiled now. Apparently seeing him alone had changed their moods.

  “Hey,” he smiled back but not in the normal flirtatious way he would’ve. He didn’t want to encourage anything. The sweet taste of Charlee’s mouth was still on his lips, and he’d like to keep it like that as long as he could.

  “Didn’t mean to barge in on you like that,” Leticia said as they walked toward him.

  The second she was close enough to him, Leticia reached for his hand. “Are you free for the rest of the evening, or did she stake her claim for tonight?”

  Both of their eyes were telling of how much they’d had to drink tonight. Before he could begin to even think of a good enough response, Miriam slid her hand into his other one. Thankfully the doors to the banquet room opened and out walked Walter and the other guys from the chess club. The guys did their best to not gawk, but Hector knew this was not something any of them could ever imagine doing, so he saw the reserved humor in their eyes. Walter all out smiled, waving. “Thanks for having us, Hector.”