Read Held Fast For England: A Tale of the Siege of Gibraltar (1779-83) Page 6

  Chapter 6: The Rock Fortress.

  On the third day after her arrival at Lisbon, the Antelope's anchorwas hove up, and she dropped down the river. Half an hour later, abarque and another brig came out and joined her; the three captainshaving agreed, the day before, that they would sail in company, asthey were all bound through the Straits. Captain Lockett hadpurchased two 14-pounder guns, at Lisbon; and the brig, therefore,now carried three guns on each side, besides her long 18 pounder.The barque carried fourteen guns, and the other brig ten; so thatthey felt confident of being able to beat off any French privateerthey might meet, on the way.

  One or two suspicious sails were sighted, as they ran down thecoast; but none of these approached within gunshot, the three craftbeing, evidently, too strong to be meddled with. Rounding Cape St.Vincent at a short distance, they steered for the mouth of theStraits. After the bold cliffs of Portugal, Bob was disappointedwith the aspect of the Spanish coast.

  "Ah! It is all very well," the first mate replied, when heexpressed his opinion. "Give me your low, sandy shores, and letthose who like have what you call the fine, bold rocks.

  "Mind, I don't mean coasts with sandbanks lying off them; but acoast with a shelving beach, and pretty deep water, right up to it.If you get cast on a coast like that of Portugal, it is certaindeath. Your ship will get smashed up like an eggshell, againstthose rocks you are talking of, and not a soul gets a chance ofescape; while if you are blown on a flat coast, you may get carriedwithin a ship's length of the beach before you strike, and it ishard if you can't get a line on shore; besides, it is ten to onethe ship won't break up, for hours.

  "No, you may get a landsman to admire your bold cliffs, but youwon't get a sailor to agree with him."

  "We seem to be going along fast, although there is not much wind."

  "Yes, there is a strong current. You see, the rivers that fall intothe Mediterranean ain't sufficient to make up for the loss byevaporation, and so there is always a current running in here. Itis well enough for us, going east; but it is not so pleasant, whenyou want to come out. Then you have got to wait till you can get abreeze, from somewhere about east, to carry you out. I have beenkept waiting, sometimes, for weeks; and it is no unusual thing tosee two or three hundred ships anchored, waiting for the wind tochange."

  "Are there any pirates over on that side?" Bob asked, lookingacross at the African coast.

  "Not about here. Ceuta lies over there. They are good friends withus, and Gibraltar gets most of its supplies from there. But oncethrough the Straits we give that coast a wide berth; for theAlgerine pirates are nearly as bad as ever, and would snap up anyship becalmed on their coast, or that had the bad luck to be blownashore. I hope, some day, we shall send a fleet down, and blow theplace about their ears. It makes one's blood boil, to think thatthere are hundreds and hundreds of Englishmen working, as slaves,among the Moors.

  "There, do you see that projecting point with a fort on it, and atown lying behind? That is Tarifa. That used to be a great place,in the time when the Moors were masters in Spain."

  "Yes," the captain, who had just joined them, said. "Tarif was agreat Moorish commander, I have heard, and the place is named afterhim. Gibraltar is also named after a Moorish chief, called Tarikibn Zeyad."

  Bob looked surprised.

  "I don't see that it is much like his name, captain."

  "No, Master Repton, it doesn't sound much like it, now. The oldname of the place was Gebel Tarik, which means Tank's Hill; and itis easy to see how Gebel Tarik got gradually changed intoGibraltar."

  In another two hours the Straits were passed, and the Rock ofGibraltar appeared, rising across a bay to the left.

  Illustration: View of Gibraltar from the Mediterranean.

  View of Gibraltar from the Mediterranean.

  "There is your destination, lad," the captain said. "It is astrong-looking place, isn't it?"

  "It is, indeed, Captain," Bob said, taking the captain's glass fromthe top of the skylight, and examining the Rock.

  "You see," the captain went on, "the Rock is divided from themainland by that low spit of sand. It is only a few hundred yardswide, and the sea goes round at the back of the Rock, and along theother side of that spit--though you can't see it from here--soanything coming to attack it must advance along the spit, under thefire of the guns.

  "There, do you see that building, standing up on the hill above thetown? That is the old Moorish castle, and there are plenty ofmodern batteries scattered about near it, though you can't seethem. You see, the Rock rises sheer up from the spit; and it isonly on this side, close to the water's edge, that the place can beentered.

  "The weak side of the place is along this sea face. On the otherside, the Rock rises right out of the water; but on this side, asyou see, it slopes gradually down. There are batteries, all alongby the water's edge; but if the place were attacked by a fleetstrong enough to knock those batteries to pieces, and silence theirguns, a landing could be effected.

  "At the southern end you see the rocks are bolder, and there is nolanding there. That is called Europa Point, and there is a batterythere, though you can't make it out, from here."

  The scene was a very pretty one, and Bob watched it with thegreatest interest. A frigate, and two men-of-war brigs, wereanchored at some little distance from the Rock; and around themwere some thirty or forty merchantmen, waiting for a change in thewind to enable them to sail out through the Straits. White-sailedboats were gliding about among them.

  At the head of the bay were villages nestled among trees, while thecountry behind was broken and hilly. On the opposite side of thebay was a town of considerable size, which the captain told him wasAlgeciras. It was, he said, a large town at the time of the Moors,very much larger and more important than Gibraltar. The ground rosegradually behind it, and was completely covered with foliage,orchards, and orange groves.

  The captain said:

  "You see that rock rising at the end of the bay from among thetrees, lads. That is called 'the Queen of Spain's Chair.' It issaid that, at a certain siege when the Moors were here, the thenQueen of Spain took her seat on that rock, and declared she wouldnever go away till Gibraltar was taken. She also took an oath neverto change her linen, until it surrendered. I don't know how shemanaged about it, at last, for the place never did surrender. Isuppose she got a dispensation, and was able to get into cleanclothes again, some day.

  "I have heard tell that the Spaniards have a colour that is calledby her name--a sort of dirty yellow. It came out at that time. Ofcourse, it would not have been etiquette for other ladies to wearwhite, when her majesty was obliged to wear dingy garments; so theyall took to having their things dyed, so as to match hers; and thetint has borne her name, ever since."

  "It is a very nasty idea," Bob said; "and I should think she tookpretty good care, afterwards, not to take any oaths. It is hotenough, now; and I should think, in summer, it must be bakinghere."

  "It is pretty hot, on the Rock, in summer. You know, they call thenatives of the place Rock scorpions. Scorpions are supposed to likeheat, though I don't know whether they do. You generally find themlying under pieces of loose rock; but whether they do it for heat,or to keep themselves cool, I can't say.

  "Now, Mr. Probert, you may as well take some of the sail off her.We will anchor inside those craft, close to the New Mole. They maywant to get her alongside, to unload the government stores we havebrought out; and the nearer we are in, the less trouble it will beto warp her alongside, tomorrow morning. Of course, if the landingplace is full, they will send lighters out to us."

  Illustration: View of Gibraltar from the Bay.

  View of Gibraltar from the Bay.

  The sails were gradually got off the brig, and she had but littleway on when her anchor was dropped, a cable's length from the endof the Mole. Scarcely had she brought up when a boat shot out fromthe end of the pier.

  "Hooray!" Bob shouted. "There are my sister, and Gerald."

  "I thought as much," the capt
ain said. "We hoisted our number, assoon as we came round the point; and the signal station, on the topof the Rock, would send down the news directly they made out ourcolours."

  "Well, Bob, it gave me quite a turn," his sister said, after thefirst greetings were over, "when we saw how the sails were allpatched, and everyone said that the ship must have been in action.I was very anxious, till I saw your head above the bulwarks."

  "Yes, we have been in a storm, and a fight, and we came pretty nearbeing taken. Did you get out all right?"

  "Yes, we had a very quiet voyage."

  The captain then came up, and was introduced.

  "I have a box or two for you, madam, in addition to your brother'skit. Mr. Bale sent them down, a couple of days before we sailed.

  "At one time, it didn't seem likely that you would ever see theircontents, for we had a very close shave of it. In the first place,we had about as bad a gale as I have met with, in crossing the bay;and were blown into the bight, with the loss of our bowsprit,fore-topmast and four of our guns, that we had to throw overboardto lighten her.

  "Then a French lugger, that would have been a good deal more than amatch for her, at any time, came up. We might have out sailed her,if we could have carried all our canvas; but with only a jurytopmast, she was too fast for us. As you may see by our sails, wehad a smart fight but, by the greatest good fortune, we knocked themainmast out of her.

  "Then we were chased by a French frigate, with the lugger to helpher. However, we gave them the slip in the night, and here we are.

  "I am afraid you won't get your brother's boxes, till tomorrow.Nothing can go ashore till the port officer has been on board, andthe usual formalities gone through. I don't know, yet, whether weshall discharge into lighters, or go alongside; but I will haveyour boxes all put together, in readiness for you, the first thingin the morning, whichever way it is."

  "We shall be very glad if you will dine with us, tomorrow," CaptainO'Halloran said. "We dine at one o'clock or, if that would beinconvenient for you, come to supper at seven."

  "I would rather do that, if you will let me," Captain Lockettreplied. "I shall be pretty busy tomorrow, and you militarygentlemen do give us such a lot of trouble--in the way of papers,documents, and signatures--that I never like leaving the ship, tillI get rid of the last bale and box with the government brand onit."

  "Very well, then; we shall expect you to supper."

  "I shall come down first thing in the morning, captain," Bob said,"so I need not say goodbye to anyone, now."

  "You had better bring only what you may want with you for thenight, Bob," his sister put in, as he was about to run below. "Thecart will take everything else up, together, in the morning."

  "Then I shall be ready in a minute," Bob said, running below; andit was not much more before he reappeared, with a small handbag.

  "I shall see you again tomorrow, Mr. Probert. I shall be here aboutour luggage;" and he took his place in the boat beside the others,who had already descended the ladder.

  "And you have had a pleasant voyage, Bob?" Captain O'Halloranasked.

  "Very jolly, Gerald; first rate. Captain Lockett was as kind ascould be; and the first mate was very good, too, though I did notthink he would be, when I first saw him; and Joe Lockett, thesecond mate, is a capital fellow."

  "But how was it that you did not take that French privateer, Bob?With a fellow like you on board--the capturer of a gang ofburglars, and all that sort of thing--I should have thought that,instead of running away, you would have gone straight at her; thatyou would have thrown yourself on her deck at the head of theboarders, would have beaten the Frenchmen below, killed theircaptain in single combat, and hauled down their flag."

  "There is no saying what I might have done," Bob laughed, "if ithad come to boarding; but as it was, I did not feel the least wishfor a closer acquaintance with the privateer. It was too close tobe pleasant, as it was--a good deal too close. It is a pity youwere not there, to have set me an example."

  "I am going to do that now, Bob, and I hope you will profit by it.

  "Now then, you jump out first, and give Carrie your hand. That isit."

  And, having settled with the boatman, Captain O'Halloran followedthe others' steps. It was a busy scene. Three ships weredischarging their cargoes, and the wharf was covered with boxes andbales, piles of shot and shell, guns, and cases of ammunition.Fatigue parties of artillery and infantry men were piling thegoods, or stowing them in handcarts. Goods were being slung downfrom the ships, and were swinging in the air, or run down to thecry of "Look below!"

  "Mind how you go, Carrie," Captain O'Halloran said, "or you will begetting what brains you have knocked out."

  "If that is all the danger, Gerald," she laughed, "you are safe,anyhow.

  "Now, Bob, do look out!" she broke off as, while glancing round, hetripped over a hawser and fell. "Are you hurt?"

  "Never mind him, Carrie--look out for yourself. A boy never getshurt.

  "Now, keep your eyes about you, Bob. You can come and look at allthis, any day."

  At last they got to the end of the Mole. Then they passed under anarchway, with a massive gate, at which stood a sentry; then theyfound themselves in a sort of yard, surrounded by a high wall, onthe top of which two cannon were pointed down upon them. Crossingthe yard, they passed through another gateway. The ground here rosesharply, and a hundred yards further back stood another battery;completely commanding the Mole, and the defences through which theyhad passed.

  The ground here was comparatively level, rising gradually to thefoot of the rock, which then rose steeply up. A few houses werescattered about, surrounded by gardens. Hedges of cactus lined theroad. Parties of soldiers and sailors, natives with carts, andwomen in picturesque costumes passed along. The vegetation on thelow ground was abundant, and Bob looked with delight at thesemi-tropical foliage.

  Turning to the right they followed the road, passed under anarchway in a strong wall, and were in the town, itself.

  "We are not living in barracks," Carrie said. "Fortunately therewas no room there, and we draw lodging allowance, and have takenthe upper portion of a Spanish house. It is much more pleasant.Besides, if we had had to live in quarters, we should have had noroom for you."

  "The streets are steep," Bob said. "I can't make out how theselittle donkeys keep their feet on the slippery stones, with thoseheavy loads.

  "Oh! I say, there are two rum-looking chaps. What are they--Moors?"

  "Yes. You will see lots of them here, Bob. They come across fromCeuta, and there are some of them established here, as traders.What with the Moors, and Spaniards, and Jews, and the sailors fromthe shipping, you can hear pretty nearly every European languagespoken, in one walk through the streets."

  "Oh, I say, isn't this hot?" Bob exclaimed, mopping his face; "andisn't there a glare from all these white walls, and houses! Howmuch higher is it?"

  "About another hundred yards, Bob. There, you see, we are gettingbeyond the streets now."

  They had now reached a flat shoulder; and on this the houses weresomewhat scattered, standing in little inclosures, with hedges ofcactus and geranium, and embowered in shrubs and flowers.

  "This is our house," Carrie said, stopping before a rickety woodengateway, hung upon two massive posts of masonry. "You see, we havegot a flight of steps outside, and we are quite cut off from thepeople below."

  They ascended the stairs. At the top there was a sort of wideporch, with a wooden roof; which was completely covered withcreepers, growing from two wooden tubs. Four or five plants,covered with blossoms, stood on the low walls; and two or threechairs showed that the little terrace was used as an open-airsitting room.

  "In another hour, when the sun gets lower, Bob, we can come and sithere. It is a lovely view, isn't it?"

  "Beautiful!" Bob said, leaning on the wall.

  Below them lay the sea front, with its gardens and bright foliageand pretty houses, with Europa Point and the sea stretching awaybeyond it. A little to the right we
re the African hills; and then,turning slightly round, the Spanish coast, with Algeciras nestledin foliage, and the bay with all its shipping. The head of the baywas hidden, for the ground behind was higher than that on which thehouse stood.

  "Come in, Bob," Captain O'Halloran said. "You had better get out ofthe sun. Of course, it is nothing to what it will be; but it is hotnow, and we are none of us acclimatized, yet."

  The rooms were of a fair size, but the light-coloured walls gavethem a bare appearance, to Bob's eyes. They were, however,comfortably furnished, matting being laid down instead of carpets.

  "It is cooler, and cheaper," Carrie said, seeing Bob looking atthem.

  "This is your room, and this is the kitchen," and she opened thedoor into what seemed to Bob a tiny place, indeed.

  Across one end was a mass of brickwork, rather higher than anordinary table. Several holes, a few inches deep, were scatteredabout over this. In some of these small charcoal fires wereburning, and pots were placed over them. There were small openingsfrom the front, leading to these tiny fireplaces; and a Spanishgirl was driving the air into one of these, with a fan, when theyentered.

  "This is my brother, Manola," Mrs. O'Halloran said.

  The girl smiled and nodded, and then continued her work.

  "She speaks English?" Bob said, as they went out.

  "She belongs to the Rock, Bob. Almost all the natives here talk alittle English."

  "Where do these steps lead to? I thought we were at the top of thehouse."

  "Come up and see," Carrie said, leading the way.

  Following her, Bob found himself on a flat terrace, extending overthe whole of the house. Several orange trees--in tubs--and manyflowers, and small shrubs in pots stood upon it; and three or fourlight cane-work lounging chairs stood apart.

  "Here is where we come when the sun is down, Bob. There is no finerview, we flatter ourselves, anywhere in Gib. Here we receive ourguests, in the evening. We have only begun yet, but we mean to makea perfect garden of it."

  "It is splendid!" Bob said, as he walked round by the low parapet,and gazed at the view in all directions; "and we can see whateveryone else is doing on their roofs, and no one can look down onus--except from the rock over there, behind us, and there are nohouses there."

  "No, the batteries commanding the neutral ground lie over thatcrest, Bob. We are quite shut in, on two sides; but we make up forit by the extent of our view, on the others. We are very lucky ingetting the place. A regiment went home in the transport thatbrought us out. Gerald knew some of the officers, and one of themhad been staying here, and told Gerald of it; and we took it atonce. The other officers' wives are all quite jealous of me and,though some of them have very nice quarters, it is admitted that,as far as the view goes, this is by far the best. Besides, it is agreat thing being out of the town, and it does not take Gerald morethan three or four minutes longer to get down to the barracks.

  "But now, let us go downstairs. I am sure you must want somethingto eat, and we sha'n't have supper for another three hours."

  "I dined at twelve," Bob said, "just before we rounded the point,and I could certainly hold on until supper time Still, I daresay Icould eat something, now."

  "Oh, it is only a snack! It is some stewed chicken and some fruit.That won't spoil your supper, Bob?"

  "You will be glad to hear, Bob," Captain O'Halloran said, as thelad was eating his meal, "that I have secured the services of aSpanish professor for you. He is to begin next Monday."

  Bob's face fell.

  "I don't see that there was need for such a hurry," he said,ruefully, laying down his knife and fork. "I don't see there wasneed for any hurry, at all. Besides, of course, I want to see theplace."

  "You will be able to see a good deal of it, in four days, Bob; andyour time won't be entirely occupied, when you do begin. The daysare pretty long here, everyone gets up early.

  "He is to come at seven o'clock in the morning. You have a cup ofcoffee, and some bread and butter and fruit, before that. He willgo at nine, then we have breakfast. Then you will have your time toyourself, till dinner at half past two. The assistant surgeon ofour regiment--he is a Dublin man--will come to you for Latin, andwhat I may call general knowledge, for two hours. That is all;except, I suppose, that you will work a bit by yourself, of anevening.

  "That is not so bad, is it?"

  "What sort of man is the assistant surgeon?" Bob replied,cautiously. "It all depends how much he is going to give me to do,in the evening."

  "I don't think he will give you anything to do, in the evening,Bob. Of course, the Spanish is the principal thing, and I told himthat you will have to work at that."

  "I don't think you need be afraid, Bob," his sister laughed. "Youwon't find Dr. Burke a very severe kind of instructor. Nobody butGerald would ever have thought of choosing him."

  "Sure, and didn't you agree with me, Carrie," her husband said, inan aggrieved voice, "that as we were not going to make the boy aparson, and as it was too much to expect him to learn Spanish, anda score of other things, at once; that we ought to get someone whowould make his lessons pleasant for him, and not be worrying hissoul out of his body with all sorts of useless balderdash?"

  "Yes, we agreed that, Gerald; but there was a limit, and when youtold me you had spoken to Teddy Burke about it, and arranged thematter with him, I thought you had gone beyond that limit,altogether."

  "He is just the man for Bob, Carrie. That boy will find it mightydull here, after a bit, and will want someone to cheer him up. Ipromised the old gentleman I would find him someone who could pushBob on in his humanities; and Teddy Burke has taken his degree atDublin, and I will venture to say will get him on faster than astiff starched man will do. Bob would always be playing tricks,with a fellow like that, and be getting into rows with him. Therewill be no playing tricks with Teddy Burke, for he is up to thewhole thing, himself."

  "I should think he is, Gerald. Well, we will see how it works,anyhow.

  "Go on with your fowl, Bob. You will see all about it, in goodtime."

  Bob felt satisfied that the teacher his brother-in-law had chosenfor him was not a very formidable personage; and his curiosity asto what he would be like was satisfied, that evening. After he hadfinished his meal, he went for a stroll with Captain O'Halloranthrough the town, and round the batteries at that end of the Rock,returning to supper. After the meal was over, they went up to theterrace above. There was not a breath of wind, and a lamp on atable there burned without a flicker.

  They had scarcely taken their seats when Manola announced Dr.Burke, and a minute later an officer in uniform made his appearanceon the terrace. He wore a pair of blue spectacles, and advanced ina stiff and formal manner.

  "I wish you a good evening, Mrs. O'Halloran. So this is our youngfriend!

  "You are well, I hope, Master Repton; and are none the worse forthe inconveniences I hear you have suffered on your voyage?"

  Carrie, to Bob's surprise, burst into a fit of laughter.

  "What is the matter, Mrs. O'Halloran?" Dr. Burke asked, looking ather with an air of mild amazement.

  "I am laughing at you, Teddy Burke. How can you be so ridiculous?"

  The doctor removed his spectacles.

  "Now, Mrs. O'Halloran," he said, with a strong brogue. "Do you callthat acting fairly by me? Didn't you talk to me yourself, half anhour yesterday, and impress upon me that I ought to be grave andsteady, now that I was going to enter upon the duties of apedagogue; and ain't I trying my best to act up to yourinstructions, and there you burst out laughing in my face, andspoil it all, entirely?

  "Gerald said to me, 'Now mind, Teddy, it is a responsible affair.The boy is up to all sorts of divarsions, and divil a bit will heattend to ye, if he finds that you are as bad, if not worse, thanhe is himself.'

  "'But,' said I, 'it's Latin and such like that you are wanting meto teach him; and not manners at all, at all.'

  "And he says, 'It is all one. It is quiet and well behaved that youhave got to be, Teddy. The
missis has been houlding out about theiniquity of taking a spalpeen, like yourself; and it is for you toshow her that she is mistaken, altogether.'

  "So I said, 'You trust me, Gerald, I will be as grave as a doctorof divinity.'

  "So I got out these glasses--which I bought because they told methat they would be wanted here, to keep out the glare of thesun--and I came here, and spoke as proper as might be; and then,Mrs. O'Halloran, you burst out laughing in my face, and destroy thewhole effect of these spectacles, and all.

  "Well, we must make the best of a bad business; and we will try,for a bit, anyhow. If he won't mind me, Gerald must go to thechaplain, as he intended to; and I pity the boy, then. I wouldrather be had up before the colonel, any day, than have any matterin dispute with him."

  "You are too bad, Teddy Burke," Mrs. O'Halloran said, stilllaughing. "It was all very well for you to try and look sensible,but to put on that face was too absurd. You know you could not havekept it up for five minutes.

  "No, I don't think it will do," and she looked serious now. "Ialways thought that it was out of the question, but this badbeginning settles it."

  But Bob, who had been immensely amused, now broke in.

  "Why not, Carrie? I am sure I should work better, for Dr. Burke,than I should for anyone who was very strict and stiff. One isalways wanting to do something, with a man like that: to playtricks with his wig or pigtail, or something of that sort. Youmight let us try, anyhow; and if Dr. Burke finds that I am notattentive, and don't mind him, then you can put me with somebodyelse."

  "Sure, we shall get on first rate, Mrs. O'Halloran. Gerald says theboy is a sensible boy, and that he has been working very well underan old uncle of yours. He knows for himself that it's no use hishaving a master, if he isn't going to try his best to get on. WhenI was at school, I used to get larrupped every day; and used tothink, to myself, what a grand thing it would be to have a masterjust like what Dr. Burke, M.D., Dublin, is now; and I expect it isjust about the same, with him. We sha'n't work any the worsebecause, maybe, we will joke over it, sometimes."

  "Very well, then, we will try, Teddy; though I know the wholeregiment will think Gerald and I have gone mad, when they hearabout it. But I shall keep my eye upon you both."

  "The more you keep your eye upon me, the better I shall be plazed,Mrs. O'Halloran; saving your husband's presence," the doctor said,insinuatingly.

  "Do sit down and be reasonable, Teddy. There are cigars in that boxon the table."

  "The tobacco here almost reconciles one to living outside Ireland,"Dr. Burke said, as he lit a cigar, and seated himself in one of thecomfortable chairs. "Just about a quarter the price they are athome, and brandy at one shilling per bottle. It is lucky for thecountry that we don't get them at that price, in Ireland; for it ismighty few boys they would get to enlist, if they could get tobaccoand spirits at such prices, at home."

  "I have been telling Gerald that it will be much better for him todrink claret, out here," Mrs. O'Halloran said.

  "And you are not far wrong," the doctor agreed; "but the nativewines here are good enough for me, and you can get them at sixpencea quart. I was telling them, at mess yesterday, that we must notwrite home and tell them about it; or faith, there would be such anemigration that the Rock wouldn't hold the people--not if you wereto build houses all over it. Sixpence a quart, and good soundtipple!

  "Sure, and it was a mighty mistake of Providence that Ireland wasnot dropped down into the sea, off the coast of Spain. What acountry it would have been!"

  "I don't know, Teddy," Captain O'Halloran said. "As the peopledon't kill themselves with overwork, now, I doubt if they wouldever work at all, if they had the excuse of a hot climate for doingnothing."

  "There would not have been so much need, Gerald. They needn't havebothered about the thatch, when it only rains once in six months,or so; while as for clothes, it is little enough they would haveneeded. And the bogs would all have dried up, and they would havehad crops without more trouble than just scratching the ground, andsowing in the seed; and they would have grown oranges, instead ofpraties. Oh, it would have been a great country, entirely!"

  The doctor's three listeners all went off into a burst of laughter,at the seriousness with which he spoke.

  "But you would have had trouble with your pigs," Mrs. O'Halloransaid. "The Spanish pigs are wild, fierce-looking beasts, and wouldnever be content to share the cottages."

  "Ah! But we would have had Irish pigs just the same as now. Well,what do you think--" and he broke off suddenly, sitting upright,and dropping the brogue altogether--"they were saying, at mess,that the natives declare there are lots of Spanish troops movingdown in this direction; and that a number of ships are expected,with stores, at Algeciras."

  "Well, what of that?" Mrs. O'Halloran asked. "We are at peace withSpain. What does it matter where they move their troops, or landstores?"

  "That is just the thing. We are at peace with them, sure enough;but that is no reason why we should be always at peace. You knowhow they hate seeing our flag flying over the Rock; and they maythink that, now we have got our hands full with France, and theAmerican colonists, it will be the right time for them to join inthe scrimmage, and see if they can't get the Rock back again."

  "But they would never go to war, without any ground of complaint!"

  "I don't know, Mrs. O'Halloran. When one wants to pick a quarrelwith a man, it is always a mighty easy thing to do so. You cantread on his toe, and ask him what he put it there for; or sit downon his hat, and swear that he put it on the chair on purpose; ortell him that you do not like the colour of his hair, or that hisnose isn't the shape that pleases you. It is the easiest thing inthe world to find something to quarrel about, when you have a mindfor it."

  "Are you quite serious, Teddy?"

  "Never more serious in my life.

  "Have you heard about it, Gerald?"

  "I heard them saying something about it, when we were waiting forthe colonel on parade, this morning; but I did not think much ofit."

  "Well, of course, it mayn't be true, Gerald; but the colonel andmajor both seemed to think that there was something in it. Itseems, from what they said, that the governor has had letters thatseemed to confirm the news that several regiments are on the marchsouth; and that stores are being collected at Cadiz, and some ofthe other seaports. There is nothing, as far as we know, speciallysaid about Gibraltar; but what else can they be getting ready for,unless it is to cross the Straits and attack the Moors--and theyare at peace with them, at present, just as they are with us? Imean to think that they are coming here, till we are downright surethey are not. The news is so good, I mean to believe that it istrue, as long as I can."

  "For shame, Teddy!" Mrs. O'Halloran said. "You can't be so wickedas to hope that they are going to attack us?"

  "And it is exactly that point of wickedness I have arrived at," thedoctor said, again dropping into the brogue. "In the first place,sha'n't we need something, to kape us from dying entirely ofnothing to do at all, at all, in this wearisome old place? We arefresh to it, and we are not tired, yet, of the oranges and the wineand the cigars, and the quare people you see in the streets; butthe regiments that have been here some time are just sick of theirlives. Then, in the second place, how am I going to learn myprofession, if we are going to stop here, quiet and peaceful, foryears? Didn't I come into the army to study gunshot wounds and,barring duels, divil a wound have I seen since I joined. It'sgetting rusty I am, entirely; and there is the elegant case ofinstruments my aunt gave me, that have never been opened. By thesame token, I will have them out and oil them, in the morning."

  "Don't talk in that way, Teddy. You ought to be ashamed ofyourself. It seems to me that you are making a great to-do aboutnothing. Some soldiers have been marched somewhere in Spain, andall this talk is made up about it. They must know, very well, theycan't take the Rock. They tried it once, and I should have thoughtthey would not be in a hurry to try it again. I shall believe in itwhen I see it.

You need not look so delighted, Bob. If there should be anytrouble--and it seems nonsense even to think about such athing--but if there should be any, we should put you on board thevery first vessel sailing for England, and get you off our minds."

  Bob laughed.

  "I should go down and ship as a powder monkey, on one of the shipsof war; or enlist as a drummer, in one of the regiments; and then Ishould be beyond your authority, altogether."

  "I begin to think you are beyond my authority already, Bob.

  "Gerald, I am afraid we did a very foolish thing in agreeing tohave this boy out here."

  "Well, we have got him on our hands now, Carrie; and it is early,yet, for you to find out your mistake.

  "Well, if there should be a siege--"

  "You know there is no chance of it, Gerald."

  "Well, I only say if, and we are cut off from all the world, hewill be a companion to you, and keep you alive, while I am in thebatteries."

  "I won't hear such nonsense talked any more, Gerald; and if TeddyBurke is going to bring us every bit of absurd gossip that may bepicked up from the peasants, he can stay away, altogether."

  "Except when he comes to instruct his pupil, Mrs. O'Halloran."

  "Oh, that is not likely to last long, Dr. Burke!"

  "That is to be seen, Mrs. O'Halloran. It is a nice example you aresetting him of want of respect for his instructor. I warn you that,before another six months have passed, you will have to confessthat it has been just the very best arrangement that could havebeen made; and will thank your stars that Dr. Edward Burke, M.D.,of Dublin, happened to be here, ready to your hand."