Read Helium3 Box Set Page 7

  Chapter 7

  The big viewscreens, now in full working order thanks to Loren’s skill with bioelectronics, were about to come in very handy, if only they could clear the room. It was impossible to concentrate on a race with ‘The Girls’ chattering away in the background. The Jensis team, their team, was on a winning streak this season. There was no way they could miss this race.

  ‘What we need,’ Mervyn said. ‘What we really need, is something that’ll scare them away.’

  ‘Got it,’ Tarun said and dived into his cupboard. He emerged with a metallic green lump which fitted neatly into the palm of his hand. ‘It’s a Skitterbug,’ he explained and placed it gently on the desktop. You programme it through your biolink.’ An emerald green glint appeared in the bug’s eyes, and its wing casings slowly opened. ‘Watch this, but stand very still – it’s programmed to respond to movement.

  The bug’s wings twitched, then began to vibrate as it lifted nimbly into the air. It buzzed slowly round the room, those malevolent green eyes searching steadily for movement.

  ‘Now wave your hand,’ Tarun instructed.

  The moment Mervyn began to move, the buzzing Skitterbug banked and dived straight towards his hand.

  ‘Ow,’ the bug ricoched off Mervyns hand, leaving it stinging, then circled round and came at him again. He ducked his head and it thudded into his skull, ‘Ow.’

  Loren tried to cover her laugh with a hand, but the bug spotted her. ‘No, not me. Get away. Ow.’ Now it was Mervyn’s turn to laugh.

  Someone pounded on the door, ‘Less noise please, we’re trying to have a serious discussion out here.’ Aurora thrust the door open and stuck her head through.

  Tarun killed the bug, snatched it out of the air, and hid it behind his back, ‘S… s… sorry.’ He spluttered. Aurora glared at each of her team-mates, unsuccessfully trying to suppress their giggles.

  Somehow, Aurora’s disapproval just made it worse. Mervyn could feel his shoulder’s shaking and tears stinging his eyes as he tried to hold his breath.

  ‘Blah ha ha ha ha,’ he roared pointing at Aurora’s poker face, unable to contain his laughter any longer.

  Aurora slammed the door shut and the three friends dissolved into uncontrollable laughter.

  Some while later, Mervyn managed to calm his heaving chest. ‘Wow. Mega,’ he panted, wiping the tears from his eye. Chrissie would have loved this, Mervyn thought, sobering up fast. But his sister was far away on the Starlight asteroid with the rest of the family. He had deliberately exiled himself, cut himself off from them to pursue his single-minded dream. He missed them, but there was no way back. He sighed heavily.

  ‘Great, Tarun,’ Loren grinned, ‘how does it work?’

  ‘Work?’ Mervyn groaned, ‘who cares how it works. Let’s just use it.’ He snatched the Skitterbug from Tarun and moved towards the door.

  ‘Wait!’ Loren stepped across the room and threw her weight against the door, ‘that thing hurts. I think it should make low passes rather than actually hit anyone.’

  Mervyn glared at her with those piercing eyes, ‘Let’s just get on with it.’

  ‘I know you, Mervyn Bright. I’ve known you most of my life, and I know what you’re like when you are in a mood.

  ‘I’m not in a mood - I’m happy, I’m laughing.’

  ‘You were happy, now you’re brooding.’

  ‘Just get out of my way.’

  ‘See - you’re brooding.’ She turned to Tarun, ‘When he’s like this you can’t get him to listen to reason. His Father’s the same.’

  ‘I am not like my Father,’ Mervyn snarled and tried to shove Loren out of the way, but she stood firm.

  ‘Bruising could be used as evidence against us,’ she insisted, still talking to Tarun. ‘Make the change!’

  ‘Agreed,’ Tarun said and his eyes glazed momentarily as he reprogrammed the Skitterbug. ‘Ok, do it.’

  Loren moved away from the study door and let Mervyn silently opened it just enough to push his fist through the crack. Fleetingly, he felt a bit guilty, then he remembered how important the race was to the Jensis team and opened his hand. The Skitterbug lifted quietly into the air in the common room. Mervyn closed and locked the door.

  For a few minutes there was silence. Then an hysterical scream rent the air from the main room. The friends grinned.

  More screams followed; shouts, scuffles, then stampeding feet. Someone tried the door, then pounded frantically on the other side.

  ‘Tarun. Tarun, there’s something out here,’ Aurora shouted. Then she screamed and Mervyn could picture the Skitterbug diving towards her and his brooding mood suddenly lifted.’

  A moment later she was back, ‘Tarun. Help!’

  ‘What are ‘The Girls’ playing at now, your Grace?’ Tarun shouted back, grinning to the others. Loren stifled another giggle.

  ‘It’s a bug, Tarun. Look out, Sinita, it’s coming your way. Duck!’

  ‘I’m sure you can deal with an incy-wincy bug, Aurora,’ Loren shouted through the door.

  Pandemonium reigned in the common room of apartment twenty-five.

  ‘It’s huge. You’ve got to help us.’

  ‘Oh, ok, I’m coming out,’ Tarun shouted stifling another laugh with his hand. ‘Straight faces guys.’

  Tarun rushed out into the common room to a scene of utter confusion. Girls, mostly in various shades of pink, ran and dived in every direction, screaming hysterically.

  Loren made to push her way out the study door, but Mervyn caught her shoulder, ‘Thanks.’

  ‘I know,’ she replied seriously, before they both leaped into the confusion.

  ‘Tarun, Loren, see if you can distract it. Everyone else, leave the room!’ Mervyn ordered above the din. He stood by the viewscreens and waved frantically. The bug dutifully flew towards him. Tarun opened the apartment door and held it for ‘The Girls’ to make their escape. They bolted and piled into the corridor.

  ‘Best if you all go back to your own rooms,’ Tarun shouted after them. ‘This could take a while.’ He slammed the door shut behind Aurora.

  Loren ducked as the bug plunged furiously towards her, ‘You can turn it off now, Tarun. The race is about to stat.'

  The trio settled in front of the big screen to watch the start of the race. The common room was theirs. Mervyn held the bug absently in his hands, as the countdown to the race began.

  Suddenly, Aurora returned. ‘They have all gone back to their rooms.’ She looked suspiciously at the trio seated calmly on the sofa, ‘What’s happening? Did you get the bug?’

  ‘We ah… we dealt with it,’ Mervyn said. ‘Shame everyone’s gone though, they could have watched the race with us.’

  ‘Hey, are Jensis at the top of the league?’ Aurora gushed, pointing to the big screens.

  ‘Yeah, why?’ Mervyn asked. ‘Don’t tell me you follow sledding.’

  ‘You bet I do. Jensis are the best,’ Aurora said, and settled herself further along the sofa to watch the race.

  ‘Well if we’d known you were a fan, we wouldn’t have had to chase the girlies out,’ Mervyn laughed, and lobbed the bug. ‘Catch!’

  Aurora shrieked as the bug landed in her lap, then glared menacingly as she realised it was a toy. The cacophony of noise, as the sleds launched, and the trio cheered on their heroes, drowned out Aurora’s opinion of their trick.