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Remember the old Showcase Cinema

  By: Keith Helinski

  National Amusements Showcase Sterling Heights Cinema has had many visitors and families throughout the years. In fact, for three straight decades it stood the test of time as this area’s most-beloved movie theater

  I had the distinct pleasure of both playing the role of patron and employee the last decade or so of Showcase’s life. I vividly remember going to Showcase Sterling and seeing what became my ultimate favorite movie for nearly more than 10 years, Jurassic Park, back in ’93. And I had the honor to be a part of Showcase Sterling’s family as usher in ’99 through ’02. Like many others, Showcase Sterling has impacted my life more ways than one. The memories I had both, as a guest and worker will never leave me.

  Showcase Sterling’s last huge attraction was Titanic, back in December ’97 and through most of the beginning and mid-half of ’98. That 10-week stretch will not be copied ever again. Not even the last remaining Sterling Heights theater, AMC Forum (or as Sterling locals call it, ‘the forum’) can live up to Showcase’s 30-year legacy.

  It’s unfortunate that Showcase had to close its doors in mid-March. Anyone who had worked at Showcase the last five years or so knew it was unavoidable. In fact, there were some close calls a few times and many rumors of its demise throughout the years. Many of the rumors indicated that either the theater would get a complete makeover or would expand. Neither happened, as we all can see. But nonetheless, talk is still occurring among former workers and Sterling Heights residents.

  And now local newspapers in Sterling Heights report that the theater might have another life. How I would go about reviving the old theater? It depends on what is happening. The talk among a lot of people is not so much what is going to happen, but whether or not a theater will replace a theater that in the end couldn’t survive. What company would open a theater there? I can’t see AMC doing it. I can’t see Star Theaters doing it either. Ideally, I have a feeling it’s either an independent company or a company that isn’t well known in the metro Detroit area. But we’ll have to wait and see what happens. All of us (from former workers to former guests) are in the dark to what the future holds on Showcase Sterling.

  Another factor is the economy. Let’s face it – the economy isn’t that great these days. It has become a depressing scene to drive up and down Van Dyke and notice every other building is closed. Is it even worth replacing a theater with a theater? Do we need it?

  I’m pretty selfish so I, myself, think it’s needed for us who live closer to the old Showcase Sterling than the Forum. I was able to roller blade and ride my bike during the summers to Showcase. It’s not like I don’t have a way to get to the Forum. It’s just that the idea of convenience was the main attraction the last couple of years at Showcase.

  Whatever happens, if anything happens – we shall be the audience as the powers-that-be decides what is best for both them and us. I just hope the rundown but lovable building doesn’t sit there and rot. There is some life that can be done in that area. We just have to figure out what and soon.