Read Hendricks the Hunter; Or, The Border Farm: A Tale of Zululand Page 6



  The three lads, accompanied by old Gozo the Kaffir, set off in highspirits at daylight, expecting to have a magnificent day's hunting.Denis, from having more experience than his companions, took the lead.Lionel, who, though much younger, had spirits enough to carry himthrough anything, kept up with him; but Percy, although he did his best,being less inured to the heat of the climate, soon began to feelfatigue, and expressed his fears that he should have to turn back.

  "Don't say that; come along, come along," cried Denis. "You won't mindthe heat or feel tired, directly we get sight of the game. Gozo saysthat about five miles farther on there's a broad stream, running througha wide valley or rather a plain, and that at the ford to which he willconduct us we shall be certain to meet with large animals, elephant andrhinoceroses, quaggas and pallahs, and other deer."

  Percy, thus encouraged, pulled himself together, and tried to forget theheat. They rode on, however, for several miles, without meeting with aliving creature. Nothing was to be seen on either hand but wildmountain-sides and arid plains dotted here and there with giganticant-hills and occasional groves of tall trees.

  At length, having surmounted a low ridge, they came suddenly in sight ofa herd of wildebeests or gnus, grazing quietly about a mile from them.Denis was about to dash forward, when Gozo called to him and advised himto make a circuit so as to come upon the herd on the lee side. Turningtheir horses' heads, therefore, they descended the hill they had justmounted, and keeping under its shelter, made their way northward. Theywere thus able to get round until they found themselves within a fewhundred yards of the herd, in which there could not have been less thansixty or eighty animals. Suddenly, however, the leader of the herd, afine old fellow with a flowing mane, and a beard descending down hisbreast, perceived them, and off they dashed at a slashing pace, a cloudof dust marking their course, while the young hunters pursued. Denisled the way, Lionel keeping close after him. Gozo galloped off to theright, intending apparently to get ahead of the herd, and turn them, soas to drive them back and enable the lads with more ease to shoot one ortwo down. The chase was exciting in the extreme. The wildebeests atfirst ran well ahead of their pursuers.

  "We shall soon be up to them!" cried Denis. "They'll not keep at thatpace long together, you'll see."

  He was right, for after a run of a couple of miles the animals began toslacken their speed, and at length Gozo was seen far away in thedistance, and well ahead, gradually nearing them.

  "We'll stop here," cried Denis, as they came to some thick bushes. "Wecan conceal ourselves, and the wildebeests won't mind the horses, evenif they see them."

  He and Lionel dismounted, placing their horses behind the bushes, withtheir reins on the ground, a sign to the well-trained animals that theywere not to move from the spot. Percy soon came up, and followed theirexample. They then knelt down so as to be completely concealed. Theherd, now turned by Gozo, came galloping back, not apparentlyfrightened, and in no hurry, for Gozo having accomplished his object,had pulled in his rein so as to allow them to move at a moderate rate.On the animals came, lashing their sides with their flowing tails.Sometimes their leader would break away from the ranks, paw the ground,apparently determined to make a headlong charge, should an enemy appear;then suddenly he would face about and rejoin the herd. Then the whole,which had stopped for a short time, would again dash off in wildconfusion, enveloping themselves in a cloud of dust which almostcompletely hid them from view. The young hunters waited with no littleanxiety, lest they should take another direction, but on they cametowards the bush, which they were about to pass when Denis whispered toLionel to fire at the second, while he would take the leader.

  "Percy, do you aim at the third; I feel sure you'll hit him in thebreast."

  Percy could not help smiling, for he felt far from sure of doinganything of the sort, anxious as he was to succeed. The lads held theirbreath. Denis was the first to fire, and a loud thud told him that hisshot had taken effect. Directly afterwards Lionel and Percy pulledtheir triggers, but with what effect they could not tell, for the herd,frightened by the report, began kicking up the dust, as they scamperedoff, in a way nearly to conceal them from view. All that could be seenwas a confused mass of prancing heels, whisking tails, and occasionallya few heads.

  "Hurrah!" cried Denis; "my fellow is down." Not far from them, wherethe leader had been seen when Denis fired, it now lay struggling on theground.

  Denis reloaded, and another shot quickly put it out of its misery.Whether any of the others were hit could not be ascertained, as they allwent scampering off together; but Gozo was seen pursuing them, and thereport of his rifle showed that he, at all events, considered himselfwithin range of one of them.

  Denis at once set to work to skin the animal. Neither Percy nor Lionelcould render him much assistance, and he was very glad when Gozo madehis appearance. The Kaffir had shot a wildebeest, he said, but he hadcome to assist them in disposing of theirs. It was agreed that theparts of the flesh which were worth preserving should be left in thebush, covered up with branches, so as to prevent the hyenas and jackalsfrom getting at it until their return.

  It took them some time, and their task accomplished, they sat down toenjoy some of the food they had brought in their holsters. Althoughthey might without shame have returned to camp, satisfied with theirmorning's sport, they had a wish to secure some larger and more valuablegame. Their patient horses stood all the time cropping the leaves andherbage near them; for grass, properly speaking, there was none.

  Their lunch over and their thirst quenched with some water which theyhad brought, although there was none for the horses, they again mounted,and continued in the direction they were before going.

  They had applied so frequently to the water bottles, that their stockwas soon exhausted; but supposing that they should speedily arrive atthe river, they did not trouble themselves much about the matter, untilthey began to feel the unpleasant sensations of extreme thirst. Percy,less accustomed to the climate than his companions, suffered greatly.

  "When shall we reach the river?" he exclaimed at last. "My throat feelslike a dust bin. I shall choke if I can't pour some liquid down beforelong."

  "Never fear," answered Denis; "just try not to think about it. I'll askGozo how far the river is off. It cannot be more than half a mile now,I should think."

  The Kaffir, however, did not give a satisfactory answer. It was sometime since he had been in that direction, and it might be farther thanhe supposed.

  "Then the faster we push on the better," cried Denis."Whollop-ahoo-ahoo! on we go;" but although he whipped his unfortunatesteed, the animal refused to move at a quicker pace. All the horsesshowed signs of suffering. They opened their mouths, turned up theirnostrils, and the foam was seen gathering on their lips. They wereriding on when, as they were approaching a thicket, a sound, as if abattle was going on between some of the brute creation, reached theirears--roarings, snortings, and bellowings.

  "What can produce that tremendous uproar?" cried Percy.

  "Gozo says it is a lion belching," answered Lionel; "but there's someother animal, and we must be ready to fire or get out of its way."

  They again cautiously rode on.

  "A lion! a lion!" cried the Kaffir, and looking over some bushes, theysaw in an open space a large buffalo cow engaged in battle with themonarch of the wilds. Not far off lay the body of a buffalo calf, whichat once explained to them the cause of the battle. The lion had takenup a position not far from some trees and thick bushes, whose brancheswere elevated but a short distance from the ground. The buffalo stoodwith her horns ready to receive her antagonist. Suddenly the lionbounded forward, fixing his powerful claws on the face and neck of thebuffalo, when instantly, in spite of his weight, she turned, and rushingat the boughs, in a moment the lion was thrown off, and lay on his backwith his claws in the air. Furiously the buffalo charged at him,pounding away with her horns in a m
anner which made it seem impossiblethat any life would be left in him. While the buffalo was retreating tomake another charge, the lion, managing to roll himself over, recoveredhis feet. The buffalo received him as before, on her head. He in vainendeavoured to reach her hinder quarters, and once more she bore himinto the brushwood. In an instant he was knocked off with a crash whichit seemed must have broken every bone in his body; but he was soon againon his feet. This was more than the lion could stand, and, coward as hewas at heart, finding himself thus defeated in his object, he took toflight, pursued by the buffalo, who went dashing away after him throughthe bush.

  Gozo immediately dismounted, and stealing forward, dragged the calf intothe bush.

  "Gozo is determined that the lion shan't benefit, even if he escapes thebuffalo's horns," observed Denis. "Let's keep out of the way, and weshall see what will next happen." Presently the buffalo came back,looking about everywhere for her calf; but not observing it, naturallysupposed that the lion had carried it off, and consequently away shedashed again in pursuit of the still fugitive king of the wilds.

  "The big cowardly cat! I wish that she may overtake him, and give him apounding which will knock the breath out of his body entirely!" criedDenis.

  "What! do you call the lion a cat?" exclaimed Percy.

  "To be sure I do. What is he but `Felis leo'? which means the cat lion,as you know, in Latin. He is more cowardly, too, than most cats, forhe'll never attack either a man or a beast unless he thinks he has agood chance of coming off the victor. I have not forgotten anunpleasant morning I spent once up a tree, with a couple of lions andtheir cubs rampaging round me; and if it had not been for my father andHendricks, I should have been there still, at all events my bones would,for nothing would have induced me to come down and be torn to pieces bythe brutes. It was a day or two after Hendricks found you, Lionel, andour friends Mangaleesu and Kalinda made a wonderful escape from theirenemies which you have heard of."

  "What do you mean by finding Lionel? I thought he was the son ofHendricks," said Percy.

  "So I am his adopted son," answered Lionel. "At first Hendricks thoughtthat my parents might be Dutch boers; when Denis however tried to teachme English, I remembered so many English words that he was convincedthey were English people; but although he has endeavoured to discoverthem for my sake rather than for his own, he has never yet succeeded infinding even the slightest clue as to who they could be."

  "How very curious!" said Percy. "When I get home to my father andmother, I must tell them all about it. They will be much interested,and I hope, Lionel, that you will come and see them."

  "I should like to do so very much, if Hendricks will let me," saidLionel. "But he wants me to accompany him on this expedition, that Imay become as great a hunter as he is, and that is just what I shouldlike to be. I am sure, therefore, that he will not allow me to staywith your family longer than the one night we shall outspan at the farm,as we have had so many delays that he is in a hurry to push on."

  The conversation was interrupted by a loud crashing of the underwood,and the lion was seen bleeding from numerous wounds, springing on overall impediments, with the buffalo in the distance, still pursuing him.

  He took no notice of the party on horseback, except to turn slightlyaside as he came near them. He was too far beyond range to enableeither Denis or Gozo to hit him. Although the buffalo came much nearer,Denis would not injure the noble brute; but the Kaffir would have triedto kill her, had not he and Lionel shouted out to him not to fire. Thelion had not made many bounds forward when he fell. He managed,however, again to get himself on his feet, and was once more going onwhen the buffalo got up to him, and striking his hinder quarters withher horns, sent him flying, heels over head; then dashing forward, shestruck him again and again before he had time to bring his claws intoplay.

  "Hurrah! she's done for him!" cried Denis, as the brave animal was seenbutting and then trampling on the carcase of the lion. "We had betterlet her enjoy her victory without interference; for probably, being in acombative mood, she may run a muck at us, and we shall be under thepainful necessity of shooting her."

  Just as he was speaking, Lionel shouted--

  "Look out! look out!" and the brave buffalo, catching sight of thehorses, and probably fancying that they were fresh enemies, came dashingthrough the underwood towards them. Denis had only just time to throwhimself from his horse, Gozo having already dismounted, when the enragedanimal was close upon them. Percy galloped off on one side and Lionelon the other. Denis fired, aiming at the buffalo, as did Gozoimmediately afterwards, but Denis's bullet flattened against her hardskull, and although Gozo wounded her in the neck, she came on. Denisfully expected to be tossed into the air or trampled to death, whenLionel's horse standing stock still, he raised his rifle and pulled thetrigger. The bullet struck the buffalo, and must have entered herheart, for she at that instant fell so close to Denis, that he narrowlyescaped an awkward prong from her horns directed towards him.

  "Bravo, Lionel! you did that well, and many thanks to you for it," heexclaimed. "Hendricks will be as delighted to hear of it, as I am thatyou took so true an aim."

  "I am very glad I brought the beast down," said Lionel, "though I wouldrather she had shown her discretion by keeping clear of us. Poor brute,she deserved a better fate."

  Gozo, however, who was influenced by no such feelings, immediately setto work to cut up the buffalo, and to preserve some of the more valuableparts of the meat, but Denis suggested that in consequence of the stateof irritation the creature had been in, it could not be wholesome.

  The Kaffir, however, laughed at this notion, and declared that it wouldmake no difference. Denis begged that he would be quick about it, asPercy especially was suffering from thirst.

  The Kaffir suggested that he should drink some of the blood, but Percynaturally shuddered at the idea, and declared that the very thought ofit made him feel less thirsty.

  "A proof that you are not dying of thirst," observed Denis. "However,you are perfectly right. The chances are, had you followed Gozo'sadvice, you would have been made very ill."

  The Kaffir having secured a portion of the meat in a tree, and coveredit over with part of the hide, some boughs being placed on the top ofall, they rode on as fast as their tired horses could go in thedirection of the stream. They carried some of the meat, both of thebuffalo and wildebeest, with them, but to eat it would have beenimpossible until they had quenched their thirst.

  At last Gozo shouted out, "See, see! there is the water!" and theycaught sight below them of a stream glittering in the sun as it woundits way through the broad valley. Their horses appeared to have seen italso, for they moved forward with more alacrity than heretofore.Presently, as they rounded a thicket, up sprang just before them a herdof waterbok.

  "Whollop-a-hoo!" cried Denis, his usual hunting cry, and he dashedforward. "Venison will be better than tough wildebeest or heatedbuffalo meat."

  Reining in, as he was close to the animals, he fired, and brought one ofthem down.

  "Hurrah!" cried his companions.

  "We must have another!" he exclaimed. "Lionel, see what you can do.Gozo, stop and look after the beast I have shot;" and he rode forward,loading as he went.

  Lionel got ahead of him, and also pulling up fired, and stopped thecareer of another of the herd.

  "Capital!" cried Denis. "If we kill nothing else to-day, we shall havedone very well."

  There was certainly no chance of their catching the rest of thewaterbok, which, dashing down to the river, swam across, and werehalf-way up the opposite bank before the horsemen had reached the brink.A little higher up was a ford, and they might have crossed at once, butneither they nor their horses were inclined to do so without drinking.Their steeds rushing in, soon had their noses in the refreshing liquid.They all three dismounted, although they had to step into the water; butas the bottom was hard, no mud was raised, and they lapped up the liquidin their palms. They were soon joined by Gozo
, who had thrown thesecond waterbok killed by Lionel across his horse. As he had no shoes,and his legs were bare, he walked farther across the ford, and he andhis horse followed their example. Presently he shouted out in Kaffir,and Lionel exclaimed--

  "He says that he sees a crocodile, and there may be more near. We hadbetter get out of the water as fast as we can, or one of us or a horsemay be caught hold of."

  Percy, who, although as brave as any fellow, had a great horror of thevoracious creatures, quickly led his horse out of the water.

  "Come away, come away!" he shouted. "I see one of the brutes on theopposite side eyeing us, and he'll be making a dash in this directionpresently, if we don't get on shore."

  Lionel and Denis laughed, and deliberately led their unwilling steeds tothe shore.

  "Tell Gozo to make haste. The crocodile is moving--it is coming towardshim. I'm sure it is!" cried Percy.

  Gozo, looking round, seemed to think the same, for throwing himself onhorseback, he urged on his animal to the bank. He was only just intime, for the crocodile came on rapidly.

  "Shout, shout!" cried Denis, and they all shouted together.

  He took also still more effectual means of stopping the animal by firingat its head; with what effect he could not tell, except that thecreature swerved from its course, and away it went swimming down thestream, probably frightened as much by the shouts as by the tap of thebullet on its skull.

  "Now I vote we have some dinner," cried Denis. "We have plenty of food,that's a good thing to be thankful for; but we will be prudent, and notpitch our camp close to the stream, or one of those gentlemen may take afancy to interrupt us while we enjoy our meal, and make a meal of us."

  Matches having been introduced in those days, and there being anabundance of dry wood about, a fire was quickly lighted, a couple ofhundred yards or so from the bank, on a stony spot where there was norisk of igniting the herbage. The horses were knee-haltered and turnedloose, and the young hunters set themselves diligently to work to cooktheir venison and warm up some mealy cakes which they had brought intheir saddle-bags; a small kettle was put on to boil, and tea was made.Pepper and salt were not wanting, and although they had no milk, theyagreed that they could very well dispense with that luxury, especiallyas they had plenty of sugar.

  "Well, this is what I call jolly," cried Percy. "Although my throat nowfeels as if a flowing stream had run down it, pleasanter than being likea dust bin, I'll trouble you, Denis, for another cup of tea."

  They were too hungry to wait until their meat was cooked, so theynibbled their cakes and sipped their tea while waiting, till Denispronounced the venison fit for the table. It was very juicy, andcertainly not overdone. Gozo had in the meantime disposed of a coupleof slices before they were well warmed through.

  "I say," said Percy, "we must not spend much time here, if we are to getback before dark. I had no idea how fast time had gone by; it is twoo'clock already. Fortunately we have more game than we can carry homeon our horses, and we need not be ashamed of ourselves."

  "I should like first to knock over another wildebeest, or an elephant,if one were to come in our way," said Denis. "The tusks would be ofmore value than all the meat we have obtained, as I have no doubtHendricks will have brought in more than we shall."

  As he spoke, he leant back to enjoy that rest which a hunter can bestappreciate.

  "Still I advise that we should not delay," said Percy. "Hendricks toldus to get back before dark, and we promised to do so. It would be novalid excuse to say that we were tempted to stop longer than weintended, for the sake of hunting even the most valuable game."

  "Your are right," answered Denis. "Just hand me another cup of tea,there's a good fellow. I don't feel I have had quite enough liquid tosupply the amount evaporated during the morning."

  "That was a curious story you were telling me of yourself, Lionel,"observed Percy; "I am more interested than you may suppose. Should youlike to find your real father and mother?"

  "Indeed, I should," answered Lionel; "for young as I was, I fancy Iremember my mother. I have often in my sleep seen her standing by mybedside and watching over me. I was very fond of Aunt Susannah. StillI never looked upon her as my mother. She was very different to thelady I remember."

  "Then you think your mother was a lady?" asked Percy.

  "I am certain of it," answered Lionel; "and a very charming lady, too.I am as sure of that as I am of my own existence."

  While they were speaking, Gozo, who had been looking about him, criedout in a low voice, pointing to the river, "See, see!"

  As they sat up, they observed a troop of elephants approaching the fordfrom the opposite side.

  "We must try and get a shot at one of those fellows," exclaimed Denis,looking round to ascertain where the horses were feeding. Satisfiedthat they were well away from the track the elephants were likely totake, he began creeping along towards some bushes close to the river, atno great distance from the ford.

  "The young master knows what he is about," whispered Gozo to Lionel, asthey followed behind Percy, who had kept close to Denis.

  They reached the bush without the elephants having observed them. Theanimals came on, and arranged themselves along the bank, some going intothe ford, while others kept on dry ground, near enough to dip theirtrunks into the water. Having satisfied their thirst, they commencedsquirting the water over their backs, so as to give themselves apleasant shower bath that hot day, appearing to be in no hurry toproceed. The party in ambush began to fear that they would move backthe way they had come, and that there would be no chance of getting ashot at them.

  "The time is passing, and we ought to be on our way to camp," whisperedPercy. "Would it not be better to give up the chance of killing anelephant to-day? We could not carry home the tusks, and it would be along distance to send for them."

  "Hendricks won't mind that. We might carry them between us part of theway, and they are too valuable to be lost," answered Denis; "but see,what is that fellow about?"

  He pointed to one of the elephants who had gone farther into the fordthan the rest. He was slowly moving across; now he stopped and lookedback at his companions, then he went on again: from the way he liftedhis legs it was evident that he was dragging something attached to oneof them. Another elephant followed the first, the largest in the herd.As the former got into the more shallow water, near the bank where theyoung hunters lay concealed, what was their astonishment to perceivethat he had a huge crocodile clinging to his leg, just below the knee!The saurian seemed to have fixed its sharp teeth so securely in thetough skin of the elephant that it could not withdraw them. At allevents, it made no attempt to get free. Perhaps it held on under theidea that it would be able to bring the elephant to the ground and feastoff its body. If so, it was greatly mistaken. The elephant seemed inno way alarmed, but went on dragging the creature along with it. Whenit reached the bank, it uttered a peculiar cry and stood still. On thisthe largest elephant came hurrying up, and winding his trunk round thebody of the crocodile, which he pressed against his tusks--he dragged itby main force from the leg of his companion, then lifting it in the air,walked with stately pace--the creature vainly struggling to freeitself--till he reached a stiff forked, thorny tree of moderate height,and without more ado, raising the crocodile as high as he could, hebrought its body down with a tremendous crash on the pointed branches,where he left it impaled, struggling, but ineffectually, to free itself.Its escape was as hopeless as a poor cockchafer pinned by a cruel boyto a board.

  The elephants regarded its struggles with evident satisfaction. Theywere little aware of the danger they themselves were in from the bulletsof the hunters. The leader at length gave vent to a triumphanttrumpeting, and moved on, followed by his companions, at a leisurelypace; but instead of coming near the bush where the hunters layconcealed, they turned in the opposite direction. To fire would havebeen utterly useless. The tough hide of an elephant will turn a bullet,unless discharged at a short distan
ce, and even then it can onlypenetrate at certain parts with any chance of killing. The hunterswaited still hoping that one of the hindermost elephants might turnaside and come nearer to them. But the last went by, following thefootsteps of the leader, and all chance of getting a shot was over,unless they were to start up, and by going ahead of the herd, have timeto conceal themselves in another ambush until the animals came pastthem.

  Denis wanted to do this, but Percy reminded him that they were alreadylate, and that after all they might miss the elephants.

  "I suppose you are right," answered Denis, reluctantly; "but I vote,before we start, that we take another slice of venison. I have scarcelyhad enough, and it may be a long time before we get any food in thesewild regions. It is always better to eat when we can, in case we shouldhave nothing to put into our mouths later. You will see that Gozofollows my principle."

  The fire had kept burning, and probably caused the elephants to turnaside away from it. As there was no necessity for further concealment,the party returned to their camp. Gozo proved that Denis was right, bycutting off some huge slices, which in spite of the quantity he hadbefore eaten, he quickly stowed away in his inside. The horses werefeeding at no great distance off, so that they could keep watch overthem. They had hitherto been perfectly quiet, notwithstanding theproximity of the elephants, cropping such tufts of grass as they couldfind here and there, or the tender shoots of trees. Suddenly they beganto move about uneasily. First one lifted up its head and gazed around,then another and another did the same Gozo observing them looked anxiousand said something to Denis. At that instant, before they could rise totheir feet, a dozen Zulus, who had crept up unperceived, suddenly sprangup as if from the ground, holding their assegais poised in their hands,and completely surrounded them.

  Lionel, who was rapid in all his movements, lifted his rifle to fire.

  "Don't do that!" cried Denis, in time to stop him; "it would be thesignal to them to kill us. We are in for it, and must try to makefriends with them."

  Percy, who was looking towards the horses, cried out,--"They have gothold of them all."

  Several Zulus had in the meantime caught the animals, and were nowleading them up towards the camp.

  It was evident that an attempt to escape would be useless, so the younghunters sat still, as did Gozo, who looked very much astonished, notbeing able to make out why the Zulus had captured them. They werefierce-looking fellows, some of them being apparently chiefs, for theywore kilts of monkey or cat skins round their waists. Their breasts andbacks were covered with ox-tails, while their heads were adorned withcaps of monkey skins, in which were stuck tall plumes composed ofostrich and crane feathers. The rest of the men had very littleclothing beyond a small kilt of skins round their waists. They allcarried shields on their arms and a bundle of assegais in their hands.Denis was the first to recover from his astonishment, and turning towardone who appeared to be their leader, he asked in as quiet a tone as hecould command--

  "Why have you thus come suddenly upon us, while we were enjoying ourrepast? Such is not the way the Zulus behave towards their friends theEnglish."

  "We knew not whether you were English or boers, and we found you huntingin our territory," answered the chief.

  "The English have never been prevented from hunting wherever they choosethroughout Zululand," answered Denis.

  "That matters not at present," said the chief. "You are our prisoners;you must accompany us to our king, and beware that you make noresistance or attempt to escape."

  Denis interpreted what the chief said to Percy, who was naturallyanxious to know the result of the conversation.

  "We must put the best face we can on the matter," he added, "and I onlyhope that they'll let us keep our guns."

  This seemed very doubtful, for from their looks the Zulus certainly didnot regard their prisoners with any affectionate feeling. Lionel hadnot hitherto spoken, and as they found that Percy was unacquainted withtheir language, they supposed that he was so likewise.

  "Don't speak to them, Lionel," said Denis. "I'll act as interpreter,and then you may be able to find out why they have taken us prisoners,and what they intend to do to us."

  "It will be wise to do so," answered Lionel; "and if I am able to getaway, I will let Uncle Hendricks know what has happened, and he willvery soon be down upon these gentlemen, and rescue you."

  "A good idea, and I hope that you may succeed," said Denis. "In themeantime the best thing we can do is to pretend to be as much at ourease as possible. I don't think the fellows intend to kill us, or to dous any harm."

  "They look fierce enough," said Percy. "I only hope, Lionel, thatyou'll be able to carry out your plan; but you must run no unnecessaryrisk. I should think that Hendricks is sure to search for us, when hefinds that we do not return; whereas, should they find you trying to runaway, they might, in very wantonness, send an assegai through you."

  "If I try to run, it will be at night, when there will be very littlechance of being discovered," answered Lionel; "I hear the men sayingthat they are about to carry us off. Should we be separated, we mustkeep up our courage, remember that."

  As he spoke, two Kaffirs seized each of the lads somewhat roughly by thearms, to make them get up, and at the same time snatched their riflesout of their hands. This done, the chiefs, squatting down, appropriatedthe remainder of the venison, which they quickly ate up, while theirfollowers stood holding their prisoners at a little distance. Thechiefs then rising, ordered the men who had charge of the horses tobring them up, and mounting, rode forward, while the rest of the party,holding fast the young Englishmen, followed behind.

  They first ascended the hill, down which Denis and his companions hadcome, but they soon altered their course, and proceeded first to thesouth, and then turning due west continued their march.

  "I can't say that I quite like the way they are treating us," saidDenis. "It shows that they are not animated by any friendly spirit, orthey would not have ridden our horses while they make us walk. Itpuzzles me to say to what party they can belong. I am nearly certainthat King Panda and his son Cetchwayo would not treat us in thisfashion, as they have always shown a tolerably friendly feeling towardsthe English."

  "I have been trying to listen to what the men have been saying, but Icannot make out what they intend to do with us," observed Lionel.

  "At all events, it is a comfort that we are allowed to keep together,"said Percy. "It strikes me that perhaps their object is to hold us ashostages for some purpose or other, but what purpose that is I can'teven guess."

  Poor Gozo looked very crestfallen, as he was led along at some distancefrom his young masters; he, apparently, fully expecting to be put todeath.

  They proceeded for some way at a rapid rate, which, active as the threefriends were, they found it very difficult to keep up with.Occasionally the chiefs looked back to see that they were coming, andDenis thought he saw them laughing and casting scornful looks at him andhis companions. They went on without stopping to rest or take any food;sometimes up hill, sometimes down, across valleys, and over rockyground, until, as evening was approaching, the hum of human voices washeard. Some little distance ahead a kraal was seen on the side of ahill, while in the valley below were assembled a large concourse of menemployed in various ways; some formed into regiments were marching hereand there, others collected round fires were engaged in cooking, while aconsiderable number were employed in putting up huts.

  "Who can they be?" asked Percy.

  "I suppose that they must be Cetchwayo's followers, and if so we shallfind him there. He, at all events, is not likely to do us any harm, if,as is generally supposed, he wishes to be friends with the English. Iknow that he sometimes holds a sort of court by himself, away from theking, although he is said to have almost as much power in the country ashis fat old father," answered Denis. "I'll try and find out from ourguards."

  When Denis, however, put the question to the Zulus, they, notunderstanding, or not wishing to
give him information, made him noanswer.

  "Never fear, it will be all right," said Denis. "When Cetchwayo findsthat we belong to Hendricks, whom he knows well, he will set us atliberty, and soundly rate our captors for carrying us off."

  They were still, however, left in doubt as to how they were to betreated. The chiefs on horseback proceeded down the hill, and directedtheir course towards one end of the valley, where a large hut had beenput up, before which was seated a tall, rather stout personage, withseveral chiefs standing near him.

  "That must be Cetchwayo," said Denis, pointing him out to Percy. "Inever saw the black prince, but he answers his description."

  On reaching the neighbourhood of the hut, the chiefs dismounted, andgiving their horses to some attendants, advanced on foot. After goingthrough the usual ceremonies, they stood on one side, and their leadermaking a sign to his followers to come forward with their prisoners, theprince cast a frowning glance at them; perhaps it was habitual to hiscountenance.

  "Can either of you speak the Zulu tongue?" he inquired in a gruff voice.

  "I can," answered Denis in the same language, stepping forward. "Whatdoes the Prince require of us?"

  "To whom do you belong?" was the next question.

  "To Hendricks the hunter and trader. He is well known to you," answeredDenis.

  "I care not for your relatives or friends. Whom do you hold to be thechief person in Zululand?"

  "Surely who else but King Panda and his son Cetchwayo?" replied Denis,in a confident tone.

  "In that respect you have not answered wisely. Panda is king it istrue; but Cetchwayo, who is he?"

  "I thought that you were Cetchwayo," said Denis.

  "In that you are mistaken, young Englishman; I am Umbulazi, a better manthan Cetchwayo, and have more right to be the prince than he has."

  "I beg your pardon," answered Denis, in no way abashed.

  "Understand, Prince, that we are travellers through the country, that wehave come to trade and to hunt, but we do not pretend to have moreaffection for one ruler than another. We were on a hunting expeditionto obtain some meat for our camp when your followers seized us andbrought us here. All we now ask is to be set at liberty, and to beallowed to return to our friends who are anxiously waiting us."

  "Such cannot be allowed," answered Umbulazi. "You will carryinformation of what you have seen to Cetchwayo, who will then be inducedto attack us before we are ready for him."

  "We promise to give no information which will in any way injure you,"said Denis.

  "I shall take very good care of that," answered Umbulazi. "Whether theEnglish intend to be friends to me or not, it matters little. I havemany followers, some of whom you see here, and many more will join meere long; so that we shall soon drive Cetchwayo out of the country, andUmbulazi will some day be king of Zululand."

  Denis had heard that a son of King Panda, Umbulazi, had been supplantedby a younger son, Cetchwayo, and that, being destitute of talents andability, he was not likely to attempt to interfere in the affairs ofstate, but to remain quietly at his kraal, attending to his herds, andcultivating his mealy grounds. It was now evident that he was in openrebellion, and it was very important not to offend him; for, like otherZulu chiefs, he was utterly regardless of human life. Denis thereforefeared that should he say anything to excite his anger, he might orderhis guards to cut him and his companions to pieces, or might give themleave to amuse themselves by throwing their assegais at them. Hetherefore assumed as humble a manner as he could, and replied, "WhenUmbulazi is king, all Englishmen who come into this country will pay himreverence, and abide by his laws, as I and my friends now wish to do.Again I ask that we may have permission to proceed on our way, as ourleader, Hendricks, the great hunter, is waiting for us; and as we shallin a short time pass the borders of Zululand, we cannot trouble Umbulaziby our presence."

  The prince said something not very complimentary to the speaker,signifying that he was talking nonsense. He then ordered some of hisattendants to carry the three prisoners to a hut close by, and to placea guard over them until he had determined how they should be disposedof.