Read Henrietta Temple: A Love Story Page 3


  _Arrival of Glastonbury._

  ADRIAN GLASTONBURY was a younger son of an old but decayed Englishfamily. He had been educated at a college of Jesuits in France, and hadentered at an early period of life the service of the Romish Church,whose communion his family had never quitted. At college youngGlastonbury had been alike distinguished for his assiduous talents andfor the extreme benevolence of his disposition. His was one of thoseminds to which refinement is natural, and which learning and experiencenever deprive of simplicity. Apparently his passions were not violent;perhaps they were restrained by his profound piety. Next to hisdevotion, Glastonbury was remarkable for his taste. The magnificenttemples in which the mysteries of the Deity and saints he worshippedwere celebrated developed the latent predisposition for the beautifulwhich became almost the master sentiment of his life. In the inspiredand inspiring paintings that crowned the altars of the churches and thecathedrals in which he ministered, Glastonbury first studied art; and itwas as he glided along the solemn shade of those Gothic aisles, gazingon the brave groining of the vaulted roofs, whose deep and sublimeshadows so beautifully contrasted with the sparkling shrines and thedelicate chantries below, that he first imbibed that passion for thearchitecture of the Middle Ages that afterwards led him on many apleasant pilgrimage with no better companions than a wallet and asketch-book. Indeed, so sensible was Glastonbury of the influence of theearly and constant scene of his youth on his imagination, that he waswont to trace his love of heraldry, of which he possessed a remarkableknowledge, to the emblazoned windows that perpetuated the memory and theachievements of many a pious founder.

  When Glastonbury was about twenty-one years of age, he unexpectedlyinherited from an uncle a sum which, though by no means considerable,was for him a sufficient independence; and as no opening in the serviceof the Church at this moment offered itself, which he considered it aduty to pursue, he determined to gratify that restless feeling whichseems inseparable from the youth of men gifted with fine sensibilities,and which probably arises in an unconscious desire to quit thecommonplace and to discover the ideal. He wandered on foot throughoutthe whole of Switzerland and Italy; and, after more than three years'absence, returned to England with several thousand sketches, and acomplete Alpine Hortus Siccus. He was even more proud of the latter thanof having kissed the Pope's toe. In the next seven years the life ofGlastonbury was nearly equally divided between the duties of his sacredprofession and the gratification of his simple and elegant tastes.He resided principally in Lancashire, where he became librarian toa Catholic nobleman of the highest rank, whose notice he had firstattracted by publishing a description of his Grace's residence,illustrated by his drawings. The duke, who was a man of fine tasteand antiquarian pursuits, and an exceedingly benevolent person, soughtGlastonbury's acquaintance in consequence of the publication, and fromthat moment a close and cherished intimacy subsisted between them. Inthe absence of the family, however, Glastonbury found time for manyexcursions; by means of which he at last completed drawings of all ourcathedrals. There remained for him still the abbeys and the minstersof the West of England, a subject on which he was ever eloquent.Glastonbury performed all these excursions on foot, armed only with anashen staff which he had cut in his early travels, and respectingwhich he was superstitious; so that he would have no more thought ofjourneying without this stick than most other people without theirhat. Indeed, to speak truth, Glastonbury had been known to quit a houseoccasionally without that necessary appendage, for, from living muchalone, he was not a little absent; but instead of piquing himselfon such eccentricities, they ever occasioned him mortification. YetGlastonbury was an universal favourite, and ever a welcome guest. In hisjourneys he had no want of hosts; for there was not a Catholic familywhich would not have been hurt had he passed them without a visit. Hewas indeed a rarely accomplished personage. An admirable scholar andprofound antiquary, he possessed also a considerable practical knowledgeof the less severe sciences, was a fine artist, and no contemptiblemusician. His pen, too, was that of a ready writer; if his sonnets beever published, they will rank among the finest in our literature.

  Glastonbury was about thirty when he was induced by Lady Barbara Armineto quit a roof where he had passed some happy years, and to undertakethe education of her son Ratcliffe, a child of eight years of age. Fromthis time Glastonbury in a great degree withdrew himself from his formerconnexions, and so completely abandoned his previous mode of life, thathe never quitted his new home. His pupil repaid him for his zeal ratherby the goodness of his disposition and his unblemished conduct, than byany remarkable brilliancy of talents or acquirements: but Ratcliffe, andparticularly his mother, were capable of appreciating Glastonbury; andcertain it is, whatever might be the cause, he returned their sympathywith deep emotion, for every thought and feeling of his existence seemeddedicated to their happiness and prosperity.

  So great indeed was the shock which he experienced at the unexpecteddeath of Lady Barbara, that for some time he meditated assuming thecowl; and if the absence of his pupil prevented the accomplishment ofthis project, the plan was only postponed, not abandoned. The speedymarriage of Sir Ratcliffe followed. Circumstances had preventedGlastonbury from being present at the ceremony. It was impossible forhim to retire to the cloister without seeing his pupil. Business, if notaffection, rendered an interview between them necessary. It was equallyimpossible for Glastonbury to trouble a bride and bridegroom with hispresence. When, however, three months had elapsed, he began to believethat he might venture to propose a meeting to Sir Ratcliffe; but whilehe was yet meditating on this step, he was anticipated by the receipt ofa letter containing a warm invitation to Armine.

  It was a beautiful sunshiny afternoon in June. Lady Armine was seated infront of the Place looking towards the park, and busied with her work;while Sir Ratcliffe, stretched on the grass, was reading to her the lastpoem of Scott, which they had just received from the neighbouring town.

  'Ratcliffe, my dear,' said Lady Armine, 'some one approaches.'

  'A tramper, Constance?'

  'No, no, my love; rise; it is a gentleman.'

  'Who can it be?' said Sir Ratcliffe, rising; 'perhaps it is yourbrother, love. Ah! no, it is--it is Glastonbury!'

  And at these words he ran forward, jumped over the iron hurdle whichseparated their lawn from the park, nor stopped his quick pace untilhe reached a middle-aged man of very prepossessing appearance, thoughcertainly not unsullied by the dust, for assuredly the guest hadtravelled far and long.

  'My dear Glastonbury,' exclaimed Sir Ratcliffe, embracing him, andspeaking under the influence of an excitement in which he rarelyindulged, 'I am the happiest fellow alive. How do you do? I willintroduce you to Constance directly. She is dying to know you, and quiteprepared to love you as much as myself. O! my dear Glastonbury, you haveno idea how happy I am. She is a perfect angel.'

  'I am sure of it,' said Glastonbury, seriously.

  Sir Ratcliffe hurried his tutor along. 'Here is my best friend,Constance,' he eagerly exclaimed. Lady Armine rose and welcomed Mr.Glastonbury very cordially. 'Your presence, my dear sir, has, I assureyou, been long desired by both of us,' she said, with a delightfulsmile.

  'No compliments, believe me,' added Sir Ratcliffe; 'Constance never payscompliments. She fixed upon your own room herself. She always calls itMr. Glastonbury's room.'

  'Ah! madam,' said Mr. Glastonbury, laying his hand very gently on theshoulder of Sir Ratcliffe, and meaning to say something felicitous, 'Iknow this dear youth well; and I have always thought whoever could claimthis heart should be counted a very fortunate woman.'

  'And such the possessor esteems herself,' replied Lady Armine with asmile.

  Sir Ratcliffe, after a quarter of an hour or so had passed inconversation, said: 'Come, Glastonbury, you have arrived at a good time,for dinner is at hand. Let me show you to your room. I fear you havehad a hot day's journey. Thank God, we are together again. Give me yourstaff; I will take care of it; no fear of
that. So, this way. You haveseen the old Place before? Take care of that step. I say, Constance,'said Sir Ratcliffe, in a suppressed voice, and running back to his wife,'how do you like him?'

  'Very much indeed.'

  'But do you really?'

  'Really, truly.'

  'Angel!' exclaimed the gratified Sir Ratcliffe.