Read Her Mountain Baby Daddies Page 6

  Between my legs, Dallas drove his cock to the hilt inside of me, grinding against my clit as his thick cock suddenly throbbed deep inside. I could feel his hot cum splash against my womb, pumping me full with spurt after spurt, and spurt after spurt of his seed. I cried out again, my body trembling and shaking and coming apart at the seams as another climax rippled through me, leaving me limp and breathless and completely spent.

  Slowly, I was aware of them pulling out of me, pulling me into their arms, and laying down in the soft grass and pine needles under the trees.

  “That…” I groaned, laughing weakly as I turned and kissed one and then the other slowly. “That was…whoa.” I panted, watching the both of them sucking down air themselves, their muscles rippling and tensing as they both growled and pulled me close.

  “I…” I blushed before I pushed the heat away and looked them both right in the eye.

  “I want more.”

  The guys growled, pulling me close and sliding their hands over my body.

  “We don’t live that far,” Austin murmured. “If you’re okay for a hike.”

  I bit my lip, my eyes sparkling. “I could be persuaded.”

  “Oh, I can promise you we’ll make it worth your while, baby girl,” Dallas groaned into my ear, his hand sliding between my legs and cupping my pussy, making me gasp quietly.

  “Plus, we’ve got a hot spring.”

  My eyes flew open as I stared at Austin.

  “A what now?”

  He grinned widely. “A hot spring — a natural hot water pool, right next to our ranger station.”

  “Well way to bury the lede on that one.” I grinned, winking at him.

  The two of them laughed deeply, the sound rumbling through me as they pulled me tight.

  “So, the two of us making you feel like a queen and worshiping every inch of your body with our mouths isn’t enough of a draw? Man, good thing we’ve got the hot springs, Austin.”

  I giggled, kissing him as my pulse raced.

  “Hang on, what’s this about your mouths and me being a queen?”

  “Oh, no, I think we’ll skip that for the hot springs you’re so interested in.”

  “So mean,” I fake pouted.

  “Or maybe,” Austin growled, pulling me close. “Maybe if you’re a good girl, you’ll get both.”



  As far as we knew, only a handful of people even knew about the ranger tower Dallas and I had found to live in up here on the mountain. There was old man Wyke, who’d sold us the land it was on when we’d come up here. Braun and Vlad knew about it, though they’d never actually been. And Axe? Well, who the fuck knew about that guy. If the rest of us were loners up here on Blackthorn, Axe was a fucking ghost. No one knew his damn story.

  But, that was about it. And it’s just how we liked it. It also meant bringing Stella there was a big deal, but then, there was nothing hidden from her — no part of us she couldn’t be a part of.

  The ranger tower had been used in the forties to look for forest fires, and as a general lookout post, but it’d been abandoned decades ago. Sam Wyke, who owned the parcel of land it was on had given it up for a fair price, and I think he understood that we valued his silence on the deal. The tower rose from the top of the ridge-line, towering about fifty feet off the ground with — I have to admit — fucking spectacular views of the mountains and valleys around us.

  The only way in was up about five flights of winding metal and wood plank stairs. The cabin at the top itself was smallish, but it suited the two of us just fine. We’d actually uncovered the old power lines up here, and we’d contracted out some tight-lipped old-timers that Sam knew to run electricity down up from dummy shack at the base of the mount, where the bills came, up the old conduit line to our tower. It meant we had lights, a working fridge, and a flush toilet.

  …Hell, we were mountain men, not fucking savages.

  But we weren’t showing her the place just yet. Instead, we stopped at the base of the tower, where the hot springs made a natural pool basically right next to the stairs. It made for a sweet little natural hot tub steps away from our front door, and I gotta admit, it was one of the reasons we’d bought the place.

  The three of us stripped right back down after the hike over from Rayburn Falls, and Dallas and I could barely keep our damn hands off of her as we all climbed into the hot water.

  “Oh fuck that’s good,” Stella gasped, the pleasure from the heat of the springs melting over her face as she sank into the water.

  “Oh, you ain’t seen nothing yet,” I grinned.

  Dallas rolled his eyes. “He’s been dying to show this shit off. Just watch.”

  I grinned, turning to the edge of the pools and moving a rock aside to show the small, hidden, wood-paneled door. Stella raised a questioning brow before I pulled it open with a flourish.

  She laughed.

  “Okay, now I’m impressed.”

  The door opened to a small fridge full of beer. Yeah, I was pretty fucking proud of myself for that one. Living up on the mountain had made us pretty damn handy, and hiding the mini-fridge next to the spring and running a power cable down from the tower had been one of my first projects.

  I cracked three, passing one to her and one to my brother before I raised a toast.

  “To the wedding.”

  Stella grinned, knocking her bottle to mine. “To the wedding. May they be forever happy.”

  We sipped our beers, and I could see that she was mulling something over. Dallas beat me to it though.

  “What is it, beautiful?”

  She took a deep breath. “Look, you don’t have to answer, but I was just wondering why you’re here.”

  “For the wedding.”

  She turned and rolled her eyes at me as I grinned.

  “No, I mean living on Blackthorn.”

  I sighed. “It’s a long story.”

  “That’s okay,” she said quickly. “You don’t have to—”

  “I want to,” I said quietly.

  I glanced at my brother, who nodded. I turned back to her, sitting across the small steaming pool from me with the water swirling around her breasts and the steam curling around her.

  Damn, she was beautiful.

  And then I told her our story. I told her about our dad, and about Uncle Richard, and stealing our father’s company away. I told her about his leverage over the board, how he’d tarnished our names, and about how we’d left to get away from it all.

  …I left out the part about how there may have been an ongoing open investigation into us about our father’s death.

  Fuck, I don’t know why I did it. Maybe I was scared of freaking her out, or of her looking at us differently. As strong as I was, and as firm as I’d lived my life, I was scared — more scared in that moment than I’d ever been before. And I was scared of losing her, so soon after we’d found her.

  I looked at Dallas, and I could see the same war going on inside his own head. And I knew, even if we both hated ourselves for withholding it from her, we both knew it wasn’t quite the time to spring that on her. We would, I knew that, just not yet.

  Some things just took time.

  When I was done with the part about coming back here to Blackthorn and buying this land to get away from our uncle, she was quiet for a long time. Finally, she let her breath out slowly, her eyes wide as she shook her head.

  “That’s so fucked up.”

  “It is what it is,” Dallas growled. “And someday, we’ll deal with him. For now though, we’re okay here. For now, this place and this mountain, and…” He locked his eyes on her. “And you are all we need.”

  Stella blushed that adorable shade of pink and quickly took a sip of beer.

  “So what about you? Why are you here?” I held a hand up, seeing that impish glint in her eye. “And do not say ‘the wedding,’ I already used that one.”

  She laughed, shaking her head. “I guess I just needed to get away too. I’ve just
had too many hits recently, you know?” She sighed. “I got cheated on a year ago by this guy I’d been with for a little while.”

  My jaw tensed, and I could feel my hand curling into a fist under the water. The thought of any other man laying a finger on this girl made my fucking blood boil. And the thought of some piece of shit cheating on her? And hurting her?

  Fuck, I wanted to kill him for touching her. But I wanted to piss on his fucking grave for the second part.

  She told us everything — how the piece of fucking garbage had been banging her damn secretary. What a fucked up cliché. But damn there was even more to Stella than we knew. Her being a hotshot lawyer made me grin, and even if she’d been passed over for a job she deserved, she’d stuck with it and kept working her ass off for the firm. I respected the shit out of that.

  She paused, and I could see her mulling it over, but then she told us the rest — about wanting kids, and about the failed IVF treatments.

  “Fuck, I’m sorry, beautiful,” I said quietly, sliding around the edge of the pool and wrapping my arm around her. My heart hurt, because hers hurt. It was that simple.

  “Okay, but, hang on,” she laughed nervously, glancing at us. “Just so you know, I’m not some bat-shit baby-crazy chick, okay? I promise you, I’m not the crazy girl going around trying to get a baby.”

  Dallas laughed deeply, sliding around to her other side and kissing the top of her head.

  “Not just using us for our sperm?”

  “No, just for your cocks.”

  We both chuckled as she grinned at us.

  “Well, you can use us any time, love.”

  Her face flushed at the word I hadn’t even meant to say, but she said nothing.

  “Don’t worry, I went back on the pill after the last round failed, so—”

  “We don’t think you’re that girl, Stella,” Dallas said gently, kissing her softly. “You don’t have to worry.”

  She smiled, biting her bottom lip before she kissed him back.

  “Well, we don’t have kids,” I chuckled. “But if we ever did? Man they’d have a hard time finding a more beautiful mom than you.”

  Stella went red, her eyes sparkling before she turned and kissed me slowly.

  “You don’t have to say that,” she said quietly.

  “It’s not a line,” I growled back. “It’s the damn truth.”

  I crushed my lips to hers, kissing her slow and deep, and feeling her melt into me. Dallas moved behind her, kissing her neck, and slowly, that one kiss got hotter and hotter. She started to moan into my mouth and suddenly, this wasn’t just a kiss anymore.

  It was foreplay.

  My cock swelled rock hard, throbbing and aching for her. I started to pull her into my lap, when I stopped. I swallowed, glancing at her and then my brother.

  “I think it’s time to take you upstairs.”



  I wanted to remark on the incredible view as we tumbled into the cabin at the top of the tower. But honestly, I was too busy falling into them to mention it. The door slammed shut and the three of us stumbled across the large living room area, through a doorway into a bedroom. Big windows filled one wall, looking out over the entire valley below.

  I gasped as the two of them pushed me down across the big, soft bed, crawling up onto it after me with hungry looks on their faces.

  “Oh, you two share a bed? That’s so cute,” I teased, biting my lip and grinning at them.

  “Oh, hilarious,” Dallas growled, grabbing my knees and making me gasp as he pushed my legs wide apart. “This is my room. Austin’s is up in the loft area above.”

  “Oh, so he gets the top bunk?”

  I giggled as the two of them groaned, and then squealed as they tackled me.

  “I think you like being a little tease,” Austin growled into my ear, his thick cock throbbing against my thigh. “I think you like teasing and tempting the two of us.”

  “Maybe,” I gasped quietly, my heart racing as the two of them pinned me to the bed.

  “Then maybe it’s time you found out what happens when you tease two big, rough mountain men who’ve gone without a woman for far too long.”

  I whimpered, my body aching for them.

  “Awww, so long without a girl? You mean you’re all pent up?”

  “I mean we’re going to fuck you like bad girl,” Austin growled. “We mean maybe you need to get taught a lesson.”

  “Yes please,” I moaned, kissing him hungrily as their hands slid over my body.

  “Maybe this little bad girl needs two big cocks making her come until she can’t stand it,” Dallas purred into my ear. “Maybe she needs the both of us to fill her up with every drop of our cum until it leaks down her legs.”

  I gasped, moaning as I kissed one and then the other, my whole world spinning.

  “You—” I glanced at them both. “You don’t get jealous, do you?”

  “Nope,” Austin said plainly. “We share everything. Always have.”

  I started to open my mouth, but he stopped me with a slow kiss.

  “Whatever happened before, beautiful? I can promise you, it meant nothing compared to this — compared to you.”

  “Nothing has ever been like this. Like you,” Dallas growled, kissing me slowly.

  “That a line?” I said quietly.

  “Not a fucking chance,” he said quietly. “There are no lines with you, baby girl. No bullshit. What you get with us is us and nothing more.”

  “Good,” I said breathlessly. “Because you’re all I want.”

  Dallas growled as he kissed me heatedly, pulling me against his body. Behind me, Austin purred into my ear, his lips and teeth and tongue teasing my skin as I kissed his twin. I pulled breathlessly away from Dallas and turned to Austin, mashing my lips to his and feeling his coiled, muscled body rippling as he pressed it against me.

  “Lay back, baby girl,” he growled lowly.

  He pulled away from my mouth and started to kiss down my neck. Behind me, Dallas was doing the same, two gorgeous, sexy as sin mountain men claiming my skin with their mouths. They kissed lower, Dallas reaching around to toy with one nipple as Austin sucked the other between his lips. He swirled his tongue across it, making me gasp in pleasure as Dallas kissed his way down to the small of my back.

  Austin’s mouth trailed lower, down over my tummy, his hands skimming down to my leg and lifting it at the knee. I whimpered as they both moved lower, and when I felt Dallas’s big hands grab my ass, his lips trailing over one cheek as he spread me shamelessly open for him, I moaned deeply.

  When Austin’s tongue dragged across my pussy, I cried out. And when his twin’s swirled across my most private place, teasing my asshole with his tongue, I trembled in pleasure. They both groaned into me, the rumbling of their desire teasing through me as their strong hands held me exactly how they wanted me.

  Two tongues teased over me, making my damn brain explode with sensations I’d never in my wildest dreams ever even imagined. It was like they could reach each other’s thoughts, and mine for that matter. It was like they knew just what to do in order to drag as much pleasure from my body as possible.

  Austin pushed deep, slowly fucking my pussy with his tongue just as Dallas teased my little hole with the tip of his tongue. I screamed in pleasure, my hands sliding down into their hair and gripping tight as they drove me wild. Austin moved to my clit, sucking it gently between his lips and teasing it with the tip of his tongue. Dallas turned to slow, long drags of his tongue across my ass, his hands teasing my thighs as I slowly lost my fucking mind as the pleasure rumbled through me.

  They moved slow, but purposefully, pushing my body into places it’d never gone before. When I glanced down and realized they were both stroking their big cocks while they teased my body, the whole thing pulsed even hotter through me. The two of them began to fuck me with their tongues — both of them sliding in and out and making me scream in pleasure. And when Austin slid a finger deep
inside of my pussy while he teased my clit with his tongue, and when Dallas gripped my ass hard and spread me wide for his tongue, I started to tumble.

  I came screaming their names, moaning at the top of my lungs as the orgasm shattered through my body. I bucked against them, panting and whimpering as they both slowly licked and teased me right through it, until I was gasping for air.

  They moved up, and I melted into Austin’s kiss — tasting myself on his lips and kissing him even harder for it. I rolled into Dallas, kissing him as well, and then whimpering as I felt Austin’s hands slide down my body. He cupped my ass tightly, growling into my ear as he stroked his thick cock against my thigh, making me moan into his twin’s kiss.

  His hand slid between my legs, teasing my pussy from behind. But when he dragged a single finger back and let it swirl over my tight little asshole, my breath caught with a gasp.

  “I want this,” he growled into my ear, his finger teasing slow circles over my ass and making me tremble.

  Oh God.

  “I’ve never…” I panted, turning to glance at him over my shoulder.

  “Go slow?”

  He groaned, cupping my jaw and kissing me slowly. “I’d never hurt you, baby girl. Never. Now let me show you how fucking good you can feel.”

  Dallas turned my head, kissing me slowly and fiercely as Austin stroked his cock against my ass. I whimpered into the kiss as I felt his finger easing into me, preparing me for the much bigger thickness of his cock. As he pumped his finger in and out, I reached down and wrapped my hand around Dallas’s cock, stroking it slowly as I moaned into his mouth.

  Slowly, Austin withdrew, and suddenly, I could feel his big swollen cock head ease against my tight, virgin ass. He growled as he stroked himself, pumping thick drops of precum against my ass, making me slick for him.

  “Reach back, baby girl,” Dallas growled into my lips. “Reach back and spread that ass. Spread yourself open for him and let him push that big dick into that tight little ass.”