Read Here's Hoping Page 2

Unquenchable thirst for blood and turmoil,

  It is untreatable and sometimes sickening.

  Blood WILL boil!

  You cannot tame the animal within,

  Revenge, guilt, money, power and anger will strip you till you’re thin,

  Because inside ALL of us, the animal remains king.



  A humble life I lead,

  So juicy and super sweet,

  Sometimes sour, but it has everything I desire and need.

  What a treat!

  I take orders from my queen,

  To protect and serve!

  To collect and conserve!

  Best leave us alone, I’m afraid to get mean,

  And ultimately fade like an autumn flower.

  They attack, I retreat and cower.

  “Queen, please forgive me,

  I would have died with one hooked prick!

  I would rather cower and live, than die and give up my mortal love for you.”

  She replied hastily, “you make me feel sick…

  Get out of OUR kingdom and leave us be!”

  I dropped my eyes in shame and left… what else could I do?

  Bumbling alone,

  Fading into the darkness of the night,

  Whilst the ignorant queen sits on her throne,

  I dread she will never accept my love.

  To make her mine, I know now what must be done,

  And cannot be undone.

  I will kill her tonight,

  And she will be all mine,

  For those last moments and the rest of time.

  Mr Cloud:

  I look upon the sky,

  Wishing I could fly like thee,

  To be free,

  And to glide so, so high.

  Plump clouds,

  They look so bright,

  As they fade into the night.

  Crashing waves,

  Ocean bay,

  With you Mr Cloud, I wish I could play.

  Stay with me one moment longer,

  Before you travel forever yonder.

  Remind me again, of innocent times,

  Before I return to the dirt to pay for my mortal crimes.

  Give me one last awe,

  Until I can see you no more,

  Mr Cloud, who doesn't look around or make sound.

  Death of a Season:

  In Spring,

  They sing,

  Their cheery song,

  Of years that have come and gone.



  Pass down age old traditions,

  To the younger generations.

  They twit and tweet,

  Their music sounds so sweet.

  Small or big,

  Most build their nest from twig,

  Music to my ears, their lovely sound.

  Winter’s breath,

  Has met its death,

  For I know the warm spring air has come around.

  Death Sings a Marching Song:



  The feet move,

  To the melodies that soothe.

  Heads sway,

  Frightened faces.

  All around you, death dances,

  Present in the fray.

  March to the drums,

  Hold your ground!

  Formations grand,

  We’re rationed on crumbs.

  Here come the bullets,

  Breaking the speed of sound.

  From an opposing mound,

  Comes the conflicting melody of the damning trumpets.


  Adventures begin,

  In unconscious thoughts I live out my dreams,

  Pleasures deep, pleasures within

  Sometimes woken by frightful screams.

  Do anything!

  Be anyone!

  You can sing!

  You can chase, you can run!

  Don’t let your dreams fade like the sun,

  Wake up and chase them!

  Your life will begin,

  When you feel the passion, within.

  Death of a Raven:

  Terrible screeches haunt the night,

  Sounds so terrible, I pale with fright.

  What are those noises of troublesome woe?

  I fear it is the ghost of Edgar Allan Poe!

  A troubled soul,

  His bones lay dormant,

  His screeches in the night ever torment,

  And freeze me like an icy pole!

  Edgar rest!

  Edgar leaves!

  Lowly, non-earthly, groans I detest.

  One day, he will come back from beyond the grave!

  Moans shrill, turn the air cold;

  He rises from his tomb,

  Jealous, because I never got old!

  In the shadows he will loom,

  Till he’s had all the darkness he can consume,

  I know he’ll come for me one night,

  Then sure I, old raven, will die a fright!




  I’ll eat everything, even orange peel,

  I consume without a thought.

  Mindless eating,

  Zombie like,

  The porcelain takes a sloppy beating.

  Isn’t it time to get on your bike?

  Life can be hectic,

  But surely you don’t want to become a diabetic?

  Static potato,

  You need to swap that potato for a tomato.

  Little piggy, eat clean!

  And exercise lots and one day you’ll grow, and become strong and lean.


  Forgotten truths, buried in lies.

  A troubled past,

  We try to disguise,

  When did you lie last?

  Lies decay with time,

  Just like all things, even this rhyme.

  Never forgotten, rather lost,

  ALL lies come with a cost.

  Anxious thoughts,


  With telling lies, this coincides.

  Here’s Hoping:


  These feelings, are they worth anything?

  Equal throughout the planet,

  Always searching for something,

  Life isn’t always fair… damn it!

  Wandering and for what?

  What does any of it mean?

  Doesn’t mean squat…

  Ashes to ashes, all born to rot,

  The big picture remains to be seen.

  All I want, is what I aspire to be,

  I don’t even want it for free!

  Willing to work hard and achieve a state of satisfaction,

  Are we ever satisfied? I’m unsure,

  Only one way to find out; by putting this plan into action,

  And then, only then will I know for sure.

  Darkest holes,

  Brightest lights,

  Biggest goals,

  Toughest fights,

  But hope remains, I know it all so well,

  And it burns hotter in me, than in Dante’s miserable hell!

  House Wins:


  The world spins,

  His heart flutters.

  A voice utters,

  All on this,

  How could you miss?

  He wins!

  Another go,

  I’ll win, I’m sure, I know!

  The tables have turned,

  Karma has returned.

  Impulsively he chooses.

  He loses.

  Out of home, only one house.

  Lost his life’s earnings and also his spouse;

  House is the only winner,

  Leaving you with nothing, doesn’t even buy you dinner.

  Left with one thing,

  A useless condition,

a bird with a broken wing;

  In a hole,

  He cannot control;

  And that’s his worthless, gambling addiction.


  The moon rises,

  It falls.

  Eyes close,

  Eyes open.

  A new dawn is born,

  A fresh day.

  No time to yawn,

  Too many things I have to accomplish today.

  No time to regress,

  No time to delay,

  Got to finish this work of art, or there’ll be hell to pay!

  In the final strokes I slip and make a mess.

  I can confess,

  This was meant to be my best…

  Nothing is perfect;

  Don’t expect me to be either!

  My art they deny, my vision they reject,

  It gnaws at my nerves like a piece of wood to a beaver.

  Breathe in, breath out,

  This time, I will try my hardest,

  And from the rooftops my name they will praise and shout,

  I will do my best to succeed, and that is me being both modest and honest.

  Lady of my Dreams:


  You come,

  You go.

  How fair is this?

  In my eyes you are fulsome,


  You are bliss.

  A beauty that has broken my cold stone;

  I beg you to never, ever leave me alone!


  Hazy and blurred,

  Yet my heart sings and flutters like a bird.

  Rest my head,

  In my little bed,

  Lady of my dreams, will you visit me tonight?

  And every night, for you are, my own one and only true delight.

  Lest we Forget:


  All hell has broken loose,

  For years they had seen this hatred rise to power.

  They knew under him there will be no truce.

  Flesh and blood in their millions will perish, leaving a taste so sour.

  Transported like rats in their thousands,

  Into cramped, airless carriages,

  What savages,

  Slaves to the Third Reich’s commands!

  Millions behind those fences,

  Whilst the allies fight the German defences.

  Heavy shoulders, I feel burdened,

  To think, countless of innocents will be murdered!

  “Achtung Juden,

  Into the showers you must go now,

  Or you will be beaten!”

  Tricked until death, all I can say is, how?

  How can man be so cruel?

  To treat a humans life just like a tool.


  I know, they once were there,

  In the camps of death,

  And I know, the Jews, will flourish once more,

  And I will never forget that, even, in my last breath.

  Little Red Critter:

  Shrills wake me in the middle of the night,

  Startle me at times.

  Fast asleep, swift jolt of fright!

  I peep cautiously through the curtain, nothing in sight.

  Sound pierces my heart,

  Like the Nazgûl of Minas Morgul!

  They scour the land for food, quick as a dart,

  In the dead of night, crafty, like a swooping seagull.

  Even though you do startle me awake,

  You four legged, red critter,

  I do not wish you any bitter,

  Or harm… you are my fox,

  Just like the tiger was to William Blake,

  And that will stay the same, until they shout my name, as I rest in my final box.

  Long road to Success:

  Dreams so big,

  So huge,

  Dreamt of her rouge,

  Beautiful fig.

  Just one kiss,

  Deepest eyes,

  Hair I miss,

  Beautiful long thighs.

  Climb her heavenly stairway,

  To the reach the destination,

  The longest highway,

  Will be my decimation,

  With success I want to hitch,

  But success and dreams can be a total bitch.

  Looking out the Window:

  The constant itch,

  Is unbearable!

  These four walls, I cannot stare at you anymore,

  I dream of a life outside, so beautiful, so rich.

  Staring out of my window,

  I see a colourful land,

  Of trees and birds.

  To step outside would mean punishment,

  Not from any law but from my own mind.

  Resilient desire to go in to the world,

  But I’m afraid,

  Afraid of who knows what?

  Life and all of its dangers…

  Is it better to be safe than to never live at all?

  Tomorrow, tomorrow I will venture into this land of strangers.

  I step outside,

  My world tumbles down;

  I see life for what it really is,

  Grey and full of disappointments.

  I should have stayed in, just me, my ignorance,

  Four walls and a colourful window.

  Truly, I have been punished by my own mind and desires…

  Alas my world will never be the same again.

  Mr Muscle:


  Expand and contract,

  Need more protein, which is a fact.


  And repeat.


  The end results are glorious,

  And satisfying for an ephemeral while;

  Oxygen and nutrients rushing around my corpus.

  Some may say I look vile,

  Whilst secretly they admire my gluteus maximus.

  Eat right and grow big and strong!

  But hear my heed, if you do not exercise all will go wrong,

  Your muscle will begin to waste,

  All that hard work will be worth nothing, and fat is all you’ll taste.


  A birth from his girth,

  It all ends in the earth,

  Ashes to ashes, never again will I rise…

  Oh death, I do despise.

  Ever long, eternal peace,

  With our savior, I will feast.

  From womb I came and seed sown,

  The living, talking dead forever moan.

  You can blink once or twice;

  It knows no boundaries, space nor time.

  Leave me in peace,

  To rest, to sleep,

  Because we're all on borrowed time.

  Nice Guys:

  I smile,

  There’s no response.

  This may take a while;

  They all assume I’m a ponce!

  I’m waiting that is all,

  In the end I will be victorious,

  And be triumphant, never more to fall.

  When will I meet her? My glorious…

  Patience my friend,

  Happiness could just be round the bend.

  The best go first.

  And the bad die hard.

  But nice guys will always finish last,

  And be treated with the utmost regard.

  Our Mother:

  Incessant creatures,

  Beautiful and ugly,

  Different features,

  Happy and surly.

  Selfish and yet also loving,

  Just out for themselves.

  Pulling and shoving,

  I want the chance to shine! Some don’t want to… easier in their shells.