Read Here Kitty, Kitty! Page 15

  He stared at her for what felt like forever. Looking down at her face, her arms pinned against the counter. God, his body felt good. Just one, hard, long piece of flesh.

  And, for the moment, all that flesh belonged to her.

  A hard bang against the glass doors leading into the backyard startled her away from Nik’s gaze.

  “I think they’re here for you.”

  He smiled as his two brothers pressed up against the glass. They stood on their hind legs. Big paws sliding over the smooth surface, long tongues hanging out. They were so adorable and goofy, she found it hard to believe they were deadly predators.

  Nik snarled and bared his fangs. After responding growls, the two brothers ran off.

  “I’ll be back soon.” He kissed her and Angie’s body throbbed to life. She didn’t want him to go. She never wanted him to leave. She never wanted to leave.

  Nik pulled back slightly, his lips still against hers. “The spaghetti was great, by the way.”

  Spaghetti? “Uh…thanks.”

  “Now what are you going to do while I’m gone?”

  Masturbate until my hand falls off? “Shower. Sleep. Put the dishes in the sink so you can wash ’em later.”

  His lips smiled against hers. “Good. But don’t get yourself off.”

  “What?” Oh, God! The hillbilly can read minds. Damn witch one-eyed grandma genes!

  “You heard me, sugar. Don’t you dare make yourself come.” He rubbed his mouth against hers. “That’s my job now.”

  Gee. What’s that puddle at Nik’s feet? Why, that’s Angie Santiago. She used to be an ice princess, now she’s just a sopping mess.

  “Ya hear?” Funny how controlled he sounded. ’Cause he didn’t feel like he had any control. He felt like if this woman twitched even once, he’d come all over the floor.

  Oh that would be classy, Nik.

  “Yeah. Yeah.”

  He let her go before she squirmed in his arms and he lost it. But he did give her a quick kiss on her neck. “Good.”

  He walked out, slamming into the two idiots right outside the house. He barely had time to shift before they tackled him. Nik knocked them both off, batting them with his paws. Christ, you’d think they’d grown out of this. But clearly they hadn’t.

  Knowing he would make this patrol the shortest of his lifetime, Nik charged off into the woods, his brothers barely pacing him.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Angie stepped out of the shower, grabbing one of the towels. She couldn’t believe this. Horny as she was, she couldn’t bring herself to jack off.

  What had the man done to her?

  She always controlled every relationship she’d ever been in. To the point where one ex-boyfriend referred to her as his “Nazi girlfriend”. Rude, but accurate.

  Quickly drying off, she yanked a big T-shirt over her head, and started pacing.

  Exactly how long was “back soon” anyway? She didn’t know how much longer she could wait. Not known for her patience, Angie was ready to go track her tiger down.

  Yeah, brilliant, Angie. Go wandering in the woods wearing nothing but a T-shirt, screaming, “I’m ready to get fucked now, Nik!”

  Instead of that daring plan, Angie turned out the lights in her room and wandered out onto the balcony. She rested against the railing, looking down at the woods, but seeing nothing except the outline of pine trees and tall grass. A cool breeze chilled her, but she didn’t want to go to bed. Alone.

  So, instead, she sighed.

  Nik skidded to a sliding, slipping halt. His big paws tearing up the leaf-covered ground. A good mile away from the house, he still heard that damn sigh of hers. And the wind brought her lust-filled scent down to him, stopping him in his tracks.

  Her scent triggered something in him. Something primal and dangerous. Something he couldn’t contain or control. And, apparently, neither could his brothers. They charged past him, heading back toward the house. Back toward Angelina.

  Angie watched them tumble out of the woods. She couldn’t tell from where she stood on the balcony, which tiger was which. And, at first, she couldn’t tell if they were playing or not.

  It took her less than a minute to figure out they weren’t playing.

  Two tigers headed toward the house, a third, moving faster than anything she’d seen before, came up behind them. He slashed the hind quarter of one. Tackled the other, sinking his teeth into the back of its neck.

  They rolled, the one on top eventually flinging the other away. Now, thoroughly wounded, two tigers limped off. Back into the woods and away from Nik’s house. The other spun around and faced Angie. She stepped back from the balcony. She still had no idea which one this was.

  He took a step, then leaped, easily clearing the railing. Angie stumbled back inside. Slowly, he moved toward her, a low, low growl rumbling through the room. Angie held one hand up in front of her. Oh, yeah, Ang. That’ll work.

  She took another step back. And another. “Nice kitty.” He snarled and even in the darkness she could see those white fangs. She wondered where the hell she’d left that goddamn baseball bat. If she had it, she could at least go down fighting.

  The tiger kept moving forward, even as he pulled himself up onto his hind legs. Even as his white and orange fur receded back into his body, and his black stripes became the hair on his head.

  Nik backed her up until she slammed into the wall, the door a good ten feet away. He slammed both of his hands against the wall, bracketing either side of her head. She stared up at him. His gold eyes still tiger’s eyes, his big fangs still visible.


  He closed his eyes. She could see his desperate fight to keep control and she marveled at the energy it took for him to go this far. His fangs receded back into his mouth.

  He forced a smile. “I’m going to be okay.”

  “You weren’t okay?”

  Nik shook his head. “Not for you. No.”

  What the hell did that mean? She reached up to touch his face, but Nik reared back. “No!” He took another breath. “I wouldn’t do that right now.”

  “Dude, what are you doing?”

  “Trying to keep control.”

  “Why?” He stared at her like she’d grown horns. “What?”

  He leaned into her and just as quickly pulled back. His body shaking, he groaned, “This isn’t what I wanted. Not for us.”

  Finally, she understood. If he fucked her now, it wouldn’t be all slow and delicious and Nik in total control. It would be animal fucking, only with two humans.

  She remembered when she visited Sara the first time. In the middle of the night, she came down to the kitchen for a bottle of water and discovered Sara and Zach using the kitchen table, most likely not in the way Lou’s Furniture Outlet intended. She didn’t linger, wanting to give her friends their privacy, but she witnessed enough to know animal fucking when she saw it. Raw. Dirty. Rough.


  “Oh, dude, this could totally work!”

  “Angie,” he actually whined.

  “Nik,” she whined back.

  “You need to go.”

  “Yeah, but—”


  Frustrated as all hell, she slipped under his arm, and stormed out.

  She had to be the craziest damn female he’d ever known in his entire life and if she hadn’t left that second, she’d be the most thoroughly fucked one, too.

  Nik leaned his head against the wall and let out a sigh of relief. He’d explain everything to her tomorrow. As soon as he could manage, he would call Kisa and she’d take Angie back to her place.

  By tomorrow he’d have complete control of himself. He wouldn’t be like this. Out-of-control Tiger-Nik. He wanted to seduce Angelina Santiago. Not fuck her up against the wall.

  Well…he did want to do that eventually, but not right off the bat.

  Nik heard a door open and he snapped to attention. What the hell? She hadn’t left. She was in his room. He could hear her moving
around, muttering to herself and slamming drawers.

  What was the woman doing?

  After a few moments, she came back in. Stopped by the dresser, dropping something.

  “All right, I know you’re all worried ’cause I’m much more human than you can ever hope to be, but really, don’t let that fool ya. I’m a hearty girl with great taste in shoes. And can I say I had a feeling you’d be well prepared. I have to admit. I like that in a man.” She slid back under his arm and stood in front of him.

  “What in tarnation are you doing?” My God. She smells so good.

  “Wow, do you people still say tarnation?” She shook her head. “Whatever. Anyway, I’m not waiting any longer for your pussy-teasing ass. ’Cause now you’re just starting to piss me off.”

  “Sugar, you can’t handle me like this.” She didn’t seem to realize she needed him leashed. Like one of those white Bengal tigers in Vegas. Leashed, restrained, and perhaps even sedated. This was why he didn’t fuck humans. Too damn complicated. And they broke real easy, too.

  “Handle you like what? All fanged out and cranky?”

  “You need to go.”

  “No. What I need is to get laid. By you.” She held up a condom. “Do you wanna do the honors, or should I?”

  “I don’t think you under—”

  “Fine. I’ll do it.” She ripped the package open. “I’m really good at this. I used to do demonstrations on cucumbers for Miki and Sara, ’cause Lord knows what those two would get up to if it weren’t for me. Well, I guess the way Miki is now. All pregnant and unmarried. Just a lot sooner.”

  Her hand gripped his cock, and he shut his eyes tight. He’d been hard as soon as he shifted back to human. Now it hurt. And her strong, cool fingers…not really helping.

  She rolled the condom down the length of him.


  “That’ll work.” She gave him one more squeeze. “Now do you wanna do this up against the wall? Or go for it on the floor.”

  Staring up at the ceiling, “Angelina—”

  “Oooh! I know!” She scooted away from him, pulling off the T-shirt she wore. As usual—no underwear. Dammit, why wouldn’t the woman wear panties?

  “I saw this on the Discovery Channel or PBS or something.”

  She knelt down at the foot of the bed, stretching out facedown, her arms in front of her, gripping the bedspread. She glanced back at him. “Just pretend I have a tail.” She wiggled her ass and her eyebrows at him.

  His claws ripped paint and plaster from the walls.

  Five more seconds. She would give him five more seconds. If he made her wait any longer, she would drag his sorry ass over here by that huge two-by-four he called a cock.

  Angie had never wanted to fuck so badly before. She knew he worried about hurting her, blah, blah, blah. But hell, she took on the girl’s lacrosse team that time. Their fault, though. They should have never tripped Sara. Lucky for them, Miki and Sara could pull her back. Otherwise, she would have shoved that lacrosse stick right up the team captain’s pasty ass.

  Man, he really needed to move that tight ass of his. She was so wet, she was dripping on his nice hardwood floor.

  When Angie didn’t think she could handle one more second and moved to stand up, Nik’s body knelt behind hers. His hand in her hair, snatching her head back. He kissed her and she knew she felt those fangs against her tongue. But she didn’t care. She wanted him too badly. And she wanted him just like this.

  He pulled away. “Are you sure?” His grip on her hair tightened and she moaned in response, the edge of pain taking her right where she needed to be. “Because once I start, sugar, I may not be able to stop.”

  She looked up into gold eyes glinting at her in the darkness. Cat eyes. “Let’s put it this way, hillbilly—you make me wait one more goddamn second and I’m gonna rip your cock off.”

  Nik growled, that long low growl he made when she first sat on his dresser wearing nothing but a sheet and talking to Zach. That sound had turned her on then and now it made her absolutely insane.

  He pushed her forward against the bed, one hand grabbing firm hold of her wrists while his legs forced her knees apart. Teeth bit into the back of her neck, holding her in place.

  Oh, yeah!

  His free hand slid to her pussy, two fingers pushing inside, stretching her open. She clenched those fingers tight and he growled again.

  “Damn, girl.”

  His hips slammed into her, his cock forcing its way in. Angie almost screamed “’bout motherfuckin’ time!” But her ability to speak—kinda gone. Snatched away by her lust and the hillbilly’s huge cock.

  He pushed his cock in deeper, stretching her impossibly wider until his entire length slid inside her pussy. No preamble. No flowery words. No bullshit whatsoever. Instead, he pinned her to the bed with his body and gripped her wrists tighter, restraining her from doing anything but receiving whatever he gave her. And what he gave her was fucking. No making love. No sex. This…this was fucking. Hard, rough, and exactly what Angie needed. God, maybe what she’d always needed.

  His cock pumped inside her as Angie opened her legs more to allow all of Nik in. She writhed desperately under him while she tried to pull her arms out of his grasp. He wouldn’t release her and she almost came from that alone.

  His other free hand roughly grabbed her breasts, squeezing each one tight and tugging at her nipples.

  “Oh, fuck yeah,” she moaned.

  Well that slipped out, but it kicked Nik’s lust up a notch. His cock slammed into her mercilessly as big fingers slid down to her dripping sex and rubbed her clit hard. The pressure brutal. And shit but did it feel amazing.

  She always knew she liked it kind of rough, but she had no idea she liked it this rough. Actually, she didn’t like it…she fucking loved it!

  “Fuck me harder, Nik. God, please.”

  Her body shook with impending orgasm as Nik’s fingers stroked her clit. He continued to pound into her and she felt his cock practically double in size as he neared release. She clenched her pussy around him and he growled in her ear.

  “Tricky bitch.”

  “Fuckin’ cat.” Her orgasm tore through her, ripping her apart, sending her screaming from one rush through another.

  He strung out her ride, changing the strokes of his fingers and his cock, until she thought she might black out. She finally clenched him one more time. Hard. He roared a curse, then came and kept coming, jerking inside her until done.

  They collapsed against the bed, harsh breaths mingling, sweat dripping onto the floor.

  Fangs receded. His eyes shifted back to normal. By coming, he’d put the tiger back in its cage and he realized he had Angelina Santiago, Prada-wearing princess, panting underneath him.



  Never before did he have a fuck like that. And even as he pulled out of her, his cock desperately demanded to get back in.

  “Don’t. Move.”

  Angie shrugged in response, her body still resting against the foot of the bed. Nik went to the bathroom, removed the condom, tied it off, and tossed it into the trash. He turned the water on in the sink, cupping his hand under the stream and drinking as much as he could manage. His throat burned from his harsh breathing and it took all his strength to control his raging emotions.

  Filling up one of the clean glasses on the sink with cold tap water, Nik returned to the bedroom. He stopped behind her, staring at her long body kneeling on the floor. Her head resting against the edge of the bed. Her hands clutching the bedspread. She sighed again. That little sound she insisted on making, for some unknown reason, drove him absolutely insane.

  Good God. I am like my father.

  With a grunt of annoyance and lust, he held out the glass of water to her. “Here.” She glanced back at him and, with a soft smile, took it.

  She drained the water quickly and handed the glass back to him.

  “Thanks, hillbilly.”

  He closed his eyes.
She just kept pushing, didn’t she? It’s like she couldn’t help herself.

  He dropped the glass on the side table, knelt down and picked her skinny ass up off the floor. “Come on, hellcat.”

  “Where are we going,” she muttered into his neck as he lifted her off the floor.

  “To the bed.”

  “Why? My knees were so enjoying your hardwood floors.”

  Rolling his eyes, he tossed her onto the rumpled sheets.


  “Quiet.” Nik stretched out beside her. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her into his body and fell asleep.

  Angie woke up coming. Her arms around Nik’s shoulders, her legs wrapped around his waist. She had no idea how long he’d been inside her, fucking her, but man, what a great way to wake up in the middle of the night.

  He rolled his hips and Angie’s orgasm rolled right along with him. His hot mouth had her nipple and it felt better than the first time he lashed her breast with his tongue.

  The last thing she remembered, he’d dumped her off in bed, cuddled up next to her like the giant kitten he was, and proceeded to snore. Not pretty, but a small price to pay for the fuck of her life.

  He rolled his hips the opposite direction.

  “Ah, Nik!”

  He released her nipple with a wet pop, lifting his head to look at her.

  “You finally awake, sugar?”

  “Don’t…stop. God, please don’t stop.”

  “No intention. Not for quite awhile, anyway.”

  Nik the tiger had gotten what he needed. Which left Nik the man. She got the feeling Nik the man had something to prove.

  Oh, well, a price she would just have to pay.

  His mouth clamped down on hers and his tongue slid around and in, mimicking the movement of his hips. She couldn’t help herself. She opened her legs wider, let him sink in even further. She’d never felt so filled before. Especially when he gripped her ass and lifted her just enough so he went in even deeper.