Read Here Kitty, Kitty! Page 8

  Shaking her head and smiling, Angie watched the seven-hundred-pound beast splash around like a little kid.

  “Look, Angie. Are you sure you’re okay? Really?” Miki’s concern for her bled through the phone connection and it warmed Angie’s hard heart.

  “I’m doing fine, Mik. The man took me shopping. I spent twenty thousand dollars of his money, and he didn’t even blink an eye. Nor did he ask for sex.”

  “You must have terrified another one.”

  I wish. Angie chuckled as she watched Nik pull himself out of his pool.

  She froze, that chuckle caught in the back of her throat. He’d shifted back to human. Naked human. Nik stood up, shaking the water from his hair. The bright midday sun made his skin look like the gods had bronzed it just for her. Every muscle perfectly formed and begging to be touched.

  Her mind stopped functioning. Her heart felt like it would burst out of her chest and she openly stared at him. She couldn’t help herself. She couldn’t turn away. She was mesmerized.

  Thump. Thump. Thump.

  “Angie? Are you listening?”

  Nope. She couldn’t hear a damn thing. Nothing. Everything else, even her best friend, blocked out by this man’s beauty.

  Her eyes trailed down his hard body and she saw it. His cock. And like him, it was perfect.

  She swallowed.

  “Calling Angelina Santiago! Come in, Angie!”

  Nik walked toward her, water dripping down every long, wonderful inch of him. With his long legs, it took him no time to reach her chair. He crouched next to her and gently, with one of those big hands, closed her mouth.

  “Catchin’ flies, sugar?”

  His hand slid across her chin and down her neck. Then it kept going. For an ecstatic moment, she thought he would cup her breast. But, instead, his hand petted the puppy she still had in her grip.

  Nik leaned in close, his hot breath against her ear. Softly, so only she could hear, “And, sugar, if you’re gonna sit out on that balcony at night, half-naked, smellin’ so sweet and sighing like you just had the best fuck of your life, then you might as well put a leash around my neck and call me yours.”

  He pulled away, gave her the biggest shit-eatin’ grin she’d ever seen, and went back into his house.

  “Angie! Either you answer me or I’m coming out there my goddamn self!”

  “Don’t you dare!” Whoa. She didn’t mean to yell that. Or sound so hysterical. But Jesus Christ, who was this guy? She took a calming breath and licked her lips. “I mean. The important thing right now is that Pack baby.”

  “Stop calling her that!”

  Nik pulled his front door open and his sister and cousin stormed in, carrying armloads of dresses.

  “Where is she?” Reena demanded.


  “You got some other Yankee livin’ with you at the moment?”

  “Bite your tongue. Like I’d have a Yankee in my house. She’s a Texan.”

  “Come on.” Kisa motioned to the stairs. “She’s probably in her room.”

  The two females dashed up the stairs and Nik shook his head. He didn’t know what his sisters were up to, but he saw no claws, so he wasn’t too worried.

  He started to close his front door but Ban and Aleksei walked up.

  “Hey, bro!”

  Nik closed the door in their faces and headed back to his office. He still had dead elk in his backyard.

  “That’s not funny,” Ban yelled through the thick oak.

  “Yes it is,” Nik cracked back.

  Angie stared at herself in the full-length mirror. She wore two different shoes. Both high heels, both exceptionally hot.

  She didn’t even look up when the banging on the door started.

  “Fuck off. You said we weren’t leaving ’til seven.” She debated which shoes to wear. She didn’t want to think about it too much, but she wanted to look nice tonight.

  “It’s us.”

  She frowned. There was only one “us” in her life and they didn’t sound anything like that.

  “Fuck off until seven.”

  With no locks on the doors—damn shapeshifters—nothing stopped the two women from rushing into her room.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t think I said come in.”

  The smaller one stopped and stared down at Angie’s feet. “Oh, Lord, she’s even got cute shoes. We don’t have cute shoes.”

  Turning to face them. “Who are you?”

  “Don’t you remember us? You met us yesterday before you left with Nik.”

  Angie shrugged. Very few people held her interest, especially from one day to the next.

  The bigger one spoke. “I’m Nik’s cousin Reena. This is his sister Kisa.”

  “Great. Now I’ve got the whole rootin’, tootin’ clan in here.”

  “You gotta help us,” the smaller one begged.

  “Help you? How?”

  They dumped the clothes they had in their hands on the floor. Angie grabbed the first thing she saw and held it up.

  “Going as a nun, are we?”

  Reena nodded. “Exactly.”

  “Ya see?” Kisa insisted. “Ya gotta help us.”

  “Why me?”

  “We saw those Pride whores today,” the taller one said. “They looked amazing.”

  “It’s all over town you helped ’em.”

  “That’s all over town?” Angie snorted. “Not a lot goes on around here in Shifterville, does it?”

  “Look, you reek of style,” the smaller one offered. “We, however, don’t.”

  Angie looked at the two women. The problem wasn’t their looks. They were gorgeous shapeshifters and you could barely make out those scars on their necks. But the little one could barely look her in the eye. Shy. The other one clearly a hard ass. Probably the one saddled with the constant responsibility of keeping the youngest boys in line. That task always seemed to fall to the oldest females.

  Hell, who could it hurt? And, to be honest, she kind of enjoyed helping the fashion helpless.

  “All right. Why not?” The two women smiled in relief and she gave a big grin. “But we need champagne to do this.”

  His brothers walked into his office.

  “What’s that look on your face?” Ban threw himself into one of the wingback chairs. “And what the hell are you listening to?”

  “Lords of Acid.”

  “Devil music, O-E-G would say.”

  “What’s wrong?” Aleksei sat on the edge of Nik’s desk. “And stop calling our grandmother that, Ban.”

  “There’s over twenty thousand dollars in my account.”

  “That’s all you have left in the world?” Alek demanded.

  “Bro, why didn’t you tell us? We can lend you some money.”

  “You idiots, I don’t have twenty thousand left…there’s suddenly more than twenty thousand extra there.” He checked a few more things, then leaned back in his chair. “She paid me back.”

  Kisa rushed in. “Champagne?”

  “Wine cellar.”


  “Fridge in the basement.”

  “Thanks.” She tore out of the room.

  Ban shrugged and turned back to Nik. “Who paid you back?”

  “Who do you think? And did you get your damn dog out of my backyard?” Ban was the only tiger he knew who insisted on picking up strays, even dogs. Not for a “munchie” either as their mother called it. But for pets. The local rescues loved Ban because he gave them money, helped during fund raisers, and came over to pet the cats and walk the dogs. His brother was so weird.

  “Yes. He’s back at my house. And do you mean the delectable Ms. Santiago paid you back? By the way, she can handle my puppy anytime.”

  “Angelina Santiago,” Alek sighed. “That name rolls right off the tongue, don’t it bro?”

  “I’m sure lots of things roll off the tongue when it comes to her.”

  “Sewing kit?”

  The brothers looked up to see Reena
in the doorway.

  “Aunt Abby’s room, I think.”

  “Thanks.” She disappeared.

  With a shake of his head, Nik turned and stared at his siblings. “Let’s get this straight, shall we gentlemen. You stay away from her. She’s my guest. I promised those dogs I’d take care of her. So you two idiots back off.”

  Aleksei winked at Ban. “I thought you didn’t want her.”

  Ban grinned back, and Nik felt his hackles rise in anger. “Which means, big brother, she’s fair game.”

  Kisa rushed past the room, heading back where she came from. “I took cheese and crackers too!” Then she charged up the stairs.

  Nik didn’t know what the hell the women were up to, and he didn’t want to know. Instead he focused on his brothers. “She is not fair game.”

  “Oh, come on, Nik. Ya can’t keep ’em all.”

  “I don’t keep ’em all. And I’m not keeping this one.”

  His face perfectly innocent, Ban asked, “So we can get her when you’re done?”

  He knew his brothers would never go after his leftovers, but still…even the thought of it made Nik want to rip the hides from their backs. They knew it, too. They knew they were getting to him. That they were making him dangerously angry. And they were enjoying every minute of it.

  Chapter Seven

  Nik took the snifter of brandy Ban handed him and crashed down on his couch. Ban joined him and Alek, and the three men dropped their big feet on Nik’s fifteen thousand dollar coffee table. Cut from a solid piece of wood, Nik bought it because he liked it. Yet he always knew that any furniture he brought into his home had to be sturdy enough to withstand the abuse of his entire family. Like most cats, they enjoyed being comfortable.

  Alek glanced at his watch. “It’s seven-o-five. Where are they?”

  “What is your thing with time?”

  “I don’t like to be late, is all.”

  Ban glanced at Nik. “Kind of uptight, ain’t he?”

  “Shut up, Ban.”

  Nik shook his head as he sipped his brandy. He hadn’t seen her all day. She’d been holed up in her room with his sisters for hours and, to his growing horror, he realized he’d begun to miss her. But that was her fault. Sitting out by his pool, wearing those damn shorts, and looking like she truly belonged in his home—more than any woman had a right. Without meaning to, he swallowed his brandy with one gulp.

  Physical. There was nothing more to this than physical. Angie Santiago was one hot piece of ass and all he wanted was to find out if her legs would look any better resting on his shoulders.

  The study door opened and Reena swept in. She twirled once in the extremely tiny mini-dress she wore, then looked at her cousins. “Well?”

  “Dang, girl,” Ban offered. “You clean up nice.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Nik punched his brother in the head. “He means you look nice.”

  “Well say that, then. Can’t believe no woman’s killed you yet.” She glanced back at the partially opened door. “Kisa’s coming. Now say somethin’ nice,” she whispered fiercely.

  Reena stepped back from the door as Kisa stepped in. He’d never seen his sister so elegant before in a full-length gown that swept the floor as she moved. “Aw, darlin’,” Nik said with utter pride. “Look at you.”

  “Do I look okay?” Kisa unnecessarily smoothed the dress down in front. “I feel kinda silly.”

  Nik stood up. “You look amazin’. Both of you do.”

  The two women smiled in delight and the five of them stared at each other. For the first time in a long time, they weren’t yelling, mocking, or fighting each other. Just a nice, quiet, adult moment between relaxed shapeshifters.

  “Well,” Angie strutted into the room, “let’s go people. It’s time to get this party started.”

  “Now, sugar, I—” Nik stopped. Stopped and stared. How could he not? She wore her long hair swept up off her shoulders, curly tendrils teasingly touching her shoulders and neck. The dress, an expensive number he remembered rolling his eyes at when informed of the price, slid over her curves like someone designed it specifically for her delicious frame. Yup. Definitely the best fifteen hundred dollars he’d ever spent.

  She walked over to him. Already a good five-ten, she still had the nerve to wear four-inch heels. He liked that. Her cool fingers brushed against his jaw. Gently, she closed his mouth. “Catching flies, sugar?”

  They stared at each other, everyone silent until Reena cleared her throat. “Um…why don’t we wait out in the car for you.”

  Reena grabbed Ban’s arm, yanking him out of the room. A firm hand in his back by Kisa, propelled Aleksei out the door as well.

  Angie smiled. “Get that look off your face, hillbilly.”

  “What look?”

  “The one that says I’m suddenly Ned Beatty in Deliverance.” She took a step back. “And the food at this thing better be good. I’m starving. The cheese and crackers wore off.”

  She effortlessly turned on those impossible heels and Nik almost dropped to his knees. The dress, completely backless, revealed her tattoo. A Celtic-Mayan design radiating power and protection magick that clearly showed a cat. A big one. His claws tearing across her flesh. The artist even added some red to show blood. One of the nicest pieces Nik had seen in a very long time, but on her…

  Add in the way her hips moved, and he was seconds from coming in his pants like a thirteen-year-old.

  “Well, come on, hillbilly. I don’t have all goddamn night.”

  Of course, she really had to stop calling him hillbilly.

  Angie leaned against the bar. Her eyes on her lemon martini, but her ears completely tuned to the older couple next to her. In their mid-fifties, they’d been arguing since they came up to the bar.

  She felt bad for the man. The woman wasn’t giving him an inch. In a way, she reminded Angie of Miki. Blunt, brutal, and to the point.

  “Go away,” the woman hissed again.

  “Why? You know we look wonderful together.”

  “We do not…” The woman took a breath. She towered over the man, her black hair streaked with grey, white, and red swept up off her shoulders and held by a platinum hair clip. “Stay away from me or I’ll make you regret that no one’s killed you yet.”

  She turned to walk away and he slapped her on the ass. The tigress—and really what else could you call this particular female?—stopped, growled, then stomped off.

  “She hates when I do that.”

  Angie didn’t answer him, since she really wasn’t supposed to be listening.

  “I know you’re listening.”

  Damn. She glanced at him. “Sorry.”

  He shook his head and moved closer to her. “Not a problem. We’re quite a fascinatin’ pair.”

  Angie realized if she took off her shoes, they’d be the same height. Compared to all the men in the room, he was damn-near tiny.

  He motioned to the bartender for another scotch. “You ain’t from around here.”

  “And what gave that away?”

  “That accent of yours.”

  She blinked. Being the darkest one in the room, she simply assumed that would be his problem.


  “Good. I’d hate to think anybody brought a Yankee to my party.” Angie laughed and he returned her smile. “Damn, girl. That is the prettiest smile I’ve ever seen…next to hers, of course.”

  She glanced at the woman he seemed completely lost to. “She doesn’t seem too interested.”

  “She’s a stubborn woman. Won’t just admit she loves me. Always has.”

  “I have a friend like that.”

  “So what’s your name, darlin’?”


  “That’s a gorgeous name. I’m Boris.”

  “Boris, huh? That’s a very Russian name.” They shook hands. “Have you even been to Russia?”

  “What for? It gets really cold there. Besides, I’m an American, darlin’. Bor
n and bred. Just like my daddy and my granddaddy before him. Everything I need is right here in the U-S-of-A.”

  He stood right next to her now, but not close enough to have her backing away. Good. He understood personal space. That seemed to be a problem the hillbilly hadn’t quite grasped yet.

  “So, this is your party?”

  “Yup. It’s the only way I can get money out of these rich snots.”

  “Money for what?”

  “Poor families from where I used to live. Up in the holler, not far from here.”

  Dear God, I’m near a “holler”.

  “You haven’t always had money?”

  “Oh, heck no. Lived up in the holler until I turned seventeen. Then my daddy made me join the army.”

  Based on his age now that meant only one thing. “Vietnam?”

  “Yup. Worst nightmare of my life, too. But it made me a man. When I got back, I put myself through school and got into computers real early on.”

  “And now you’re here.”

  “Now I’m here.”

  “I like that story, Boris. That’s a good story.”

  He took a sip of his scotch. “So what exactly is a full-human doing here anyhow?”

  “Got kidnapped by hillbillies.”

  “Did ya now?”

  “Yup. It’s a long sordid tale I’m not sure I’m in the mood to discuss right now.”

  “You don’t need me to rescue you or nothing, do ya?”

  Angie smiled and shook her head. “No. I can handle them fine.”

  “Which ones are they?”

  Angie glanced over her shoulder and nodded in Nik’s direction. He stood with his two brothers, a throng of gorgeous women surrounding them. Not that she blamed the females. All three men were gorgeous, but Nik outshone them all. He must have personal contacts with all the great designers. She didn’t know Armani, Gucci, and all the rest made clothes big enough to fit a man his size. And fit him they did. He didn’t wear a tux like some of the other males. Instead he wore black shoes, black slacks, and a black silk Tee. He threw a black leather mid-length jacket on over that and, if she were the drooling kind…


  “Ah. I see.” Boris’s face suddenly went stern. “They are bein’ nice to you?”