Read Hex Addict (Short Story #1 from Magic Flirts! 5 Romantic Short Stories) Page 2

  She looked into his eyes. His gorgeous, dark blue eyes. Now that’s a perfect blue to fall in love with, she thought. “Thanks.” She slipped her hands around his shoulders.

  He locked eyes with hers and took her head in his hands, stroking her cheekbones with his thumbs. “Of course. Anything for you.”

  Her knees felt wobbly again. What was happening to her? “You’re wonderful,” she cooed.

  “Eww!” Kat and Grace cried.

  “You’re right. I am. And so are you.” Then he slipped one hand around the back of her neck and pulled her lips to his, crushing her in the most incredible kiss. Their tongues clashed with a desire she’d never felt before. She feared she could never get enough of this guy.

  His other hand rounded over her hip, and he pulled her even closer. She wondered which piece of his clothing to rip off first. Why hadn’t she created a spell to instantly disrobe a handsome witch?

  When he broke away and paused to stare into her eyes, she pulled him back to her, slinking her hands over his round, hard shoulders. She moaned.

  “Get a room!” someone hollered.

  Vicky looked around her. Somehow she’d forgotten they were still in the bar. Shrugging, she grabbed the front of Drake’s shirt, yanking him back to her for another kiss.

  “Shit!” Kat hissed. “Your spell backfired.”

  “What?” Vicky managed to say between kisses.

  “Your true-blues each left the bar—alone,” Grace explained. “The spell hit you two instead.”

  Drake paused mid-kiss. “Huh?”

  “Uh, yeah. You haven’t noticed that the two of you are going at it like magic bunnies?” Kat said.

  Drake ran his hand up Vicky’s back and kissed her again. “Damn it.”

  Vicky shivered and nibbled his lush lower lip. “Sorry. Can you fix this?” She bit his earlobe.

  In a swift move, Drake ran a hand through her hair, looping a handful of it around his fist. “I can’t fix a spell that’s been cast on me.” He kissed Vicky again. “I’m going to have to contact someone from the Council.”

  Grace and Kat gasped.

  “Couldn’t we try to cast a few spells to undo this?” Grace punched a few codes into her wand with no success.

  “I’m getting grossed out watching her kiss you. She hates you,” Kat said, covering her eyes.

  “Oh, baby, I don’t hate you,” Vicky said, caressing Drake’s cheek.

  “We’re losing her! For goodness sake call the Council before she gets worse!” Grace cried. “Before I throw up!”

  Drake ignored them and kept kissing Vicky, one hand traveling south to cup her bottom. Kat slapped it away. “Get your hands off her.”

  “No!” Vicky guided his hand back to her rear. “I like it there.”

  Grace groaned. “How do we reach the Council?”

  Drake was too busy licking Vicky’s neck to answer.

  “Don’t you two want us to break this spell?” Kat asked.

  “Go away,” Vicky said as she and Drake walked out of the bar together, still entwined.

  Kat and Grace followed them.

  “Stay right there! We’re going for help,” Kat said as she and Grace ran off, their high heels clattering on the empty sidewalk.

  Drake pushed Vicky up against a brick wall. “We should stop this.”

  “I can’t,” Vicky said.

  “Me neither. And I don’t want to.” He kissed the spot behind her ear, the scruff from his chin scraping her delicate skin.

  “Oh,” she cried at his touch. “But you hate me. At least, you did before the spell.”

  He grunted. “No, I don’t. I may not like what you do, but I don’t hate you. I’ve known you since we were kids. And I’ve had a crush on you ever since you turned my frog pink in our first year of classes. I still have him, by the way, and he’s still pink.”

  “Really? Aww.” She kissed him again, fisting a handful of his shirt. “Know why that frog turned pink?” She reached for his hand and linked his fingers through hers.

  He brought her hand to his mouth for a kiss. “So you could embarrass me?”

  She swallowed hard. “I was trying to cast a love spell on you.” Why was she spilling her guts like this?

  A cocky grin split his face. “So you were hot for me back then?”

  She rolled her eyes, feeling her cheeks turn pink. “I was a moonstruck six-year-old,” she giggled. “That’s when I knew I wanted to be a matchmaker. So no one else would lose their love.”

  He looked stunned. “Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

  “I thought you hated me. You wouldn’t talk to me for months after the frog incident.”

  “It was embarrassing to have a pink pet frog. And I couldn’t figure out how to turn him back. I felt like an idiot.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “But I had a secret crush on you, too.”

  She grinned so hard it hurt. “At least my spell didn’t turn you pink this time,” she teased.

  He laughed. “I guess you’ve improved some.”

  Playfully, she pushed him. “I’m an excellent spell caster now, and you know it.”

  He sighed. “You are. I admit it.”

  “But if you liked me, too, why didn’t you say something?”

  His eyes softened and he shrugged. “We both went in different directions.”

  “But you did like me?” she asked. “I mean, you like me now?”

  “You’re beautiful. You’re kind and funny. You just happen to have a horrible job.” He held her tightly against him.

  “You’re the one with a stupid job. But you raise a good point. A caster and an enforcer? It would never work,” she said softly.

  “I’m going to keep kissing you just to stop all that nonsense.” Their lips met again, tongues thrashing, hands wandering.

  Then she pulled away. “This isn’t right. You’re only kissing me because of the spell.” Tears pricked her eyes. So many emotions were swirling through her—lust, confusion, desperation. She was a mess.

  He raised an eyebrow. “You give good spell, I’ll tell you that.”

  She whacked him then kissed him. It was impossible not to kiss him.

  “I thought the spell only worked on people who were destined for each other?” he asked.

  “It locks in their love if they’re a match. If not, it gives them a little push. But that’s with humans. I have no idea what it does to witches. We should probably be separated until someone can fix this.”

  He laced his hands through hers again. “I can’t do that. I won’t. And I don’t think you truly want to, either.”

  She sighed. “You’re right. I don’t.”

  “Your place isn’t far from here, right?”

  “You really have been checking up on me. Yes, I’m three blocks away.” Hand in his, she led him down the street, and soon they were running. Vicky’s heart had never felt this way—like it had grown wings and was about to flutter up and out of her throat. Her lips tingled, her stomach twirled. This was nothing compared to the feeling she got when she cast a spell on the humans.

  Drake was right. She did give good spell.

  “Come on,” she said in a husky voice, leading him into her apartment building.

  Once inside the elevator, he pressed her against the wall. “If I knew the evening was going to end like this, I would’ve fed my cat before I left. I don’t think I’ll be home for quite a while.”

  She ran a finger down his chest. “Poor thing.”

  He grabbed her finger and nibbled on the knuckle. “He’ll be hungry.”

  “Seems like you’re hungry, too.”

  He laughed and growled, biting her neck.

  She moaned as he kissed the hollow of her collarbone. “I’m hating every minute of this.” She smirked.

  He grunted. “I know, me too.”

  The elevator stopped on her floor, and they made their way to her door, never breaking their kiss as they hurried along.


  Drake pract
ically threw the door off the hinges trying to get into Vicky’s apartment. This was madness. Maybe if he hadn’t been harboring feelings for this witch for years, her spell wouldn’t be having this effect on him. It probably ignited the desire he’d been hiding.

  But he couldn’t be with her. He was an enforcer. She was a matchmaker. He opposed everything she did—it was his job. It would never work. Stop thinking about it, he scolded himself.

  She kicked off her shoes and took him by the hand, leading him to the couch in the middle of the apartment. She paused. “Should we be doing this?”

  “I’m wondering the same thing.” He ran his free hand through his hair. Then he got another look at her plump lips, her golden blond hair, those big green eyes. He gulped. “It doesn’t feel like we have a choice at this point.”

  “I think you’re right,” she said.

  He pulled her to him and kissed her. Once the spell was broken they’d be back to hating each other. Unable to face each other ever again, they’d avoid one another at all costs. But for now? There was nothing he could do to stop himself.

  They tumbled onto the couch, and he stroked her hair. “I always wondered what your hair felt like.” He kissed the strand coiled around his finger. “Is this all you, or are you charmed from head to toe?” he asked.

  “I was wondering the same thing about you.”

  “What you see is what you get,” he said proudly.

  “Everything? Those muscles? Those eyes?” she asked.

  He laughed. “Maybe someday I’ll need a little help, but right now this is all me. And it’s all yours.”

  She groaned.

  “What about you?” he asked.

  “It’s not my hair color. I change it from time to time.”

  “That’s right. You were a redhead when you were little. Let me see your real hair.”

  She closed her eyes and mumbled the simple spell that turned her hair from blond to its normal color.

  “I think it’s beautiful,” he said, reaching out to touch it. “Always did. It’s like a fiery halo around your face.” Damn, what had this spell done to him—turned him into a poet?

  “So, what does it feel like?” she asked.

  He rubbed her hair between his fingers. “Soft. I bet it would be like a silk sheet against my back.”

  She ran her tongue across his bottom lip. “We’ll have to find out later.”

  He nudged her nose with his. “Not too much later. Once this spell wears off, I’m sure you’ll push me out the door. How long do you think it’ll last?”

  She lifted a shoulder. “That was a true-blue love spell. It’s meant to bind soul mates together forever.”

  He blinked a few times. Forever? He’d never imagined being with anyone forever. What if the two of them were bound together for eternity? Then he’d be the luckiest witch around, he thought.

  “I suppose it’ll be broken when someone from the Council tracks us down and reverses it,” she said with a sigh.

  “Then I won’t let them through the door.” He slid his hand along her shoulder under the strap of her dress. The words were coming out of his mouth like they had a mind of their own. He had no control.

  “I’m pretty sure my friends will break down the door. They don’t like you.”

  “And neither do you,” he said. “Not these days anyway.”

  “Mmm, you’re wrong. I do like you. I just don’t like all your views on things.”

  “The only view I’m interested in right now is you on top of me, out of this dress.” He slid the strap off her shoulder, then moved to unzip it.

  “Let me help, that’s hard to reach.” Vicky closed her eyes and mumbled a spell. Her dress disappeared.

  His jaw dropped. “You’ve got to teach me that spell.”

  “And let you undress witches all across New England? I don’t think so.”

  “I don’t want any other witches,” he said, standing. Then he scooped her into his arms and headed for her bedroom. “I only want you.”

  And he meant it. He couldn’t imagine being with anyone else ever again.


  The next morning, Vicky woke to pounding on her front door and muffled voices from the hall. “Are you okay? Let us in, Vicky!” It was Kat and Grace.

  “Did he hurt you?” Grace hollered.

  Only in a very good way, Vicky thought as she rolled over in bed.

  “Did he tie you up?” Kat asked.

  “Should’ve tried that one,” Drake whispered to her.

  “We’ve got a council member here to fix everything. Open up!” Grace hollered.

  Drake looped his arm around her waist and traced a circle over her hip with his thumb. “So, it’s almost over.”

  Vicky bit her lip. Her feelings bubbled over like a brew in the cauldron of a silly young witch. She didn’t want this to be over. She’d never experienced anything like this and probably never would again. “What happens next time I see you?”

  “I tease you about your amateur spell casting skills?”

  “Hey!” she protested as the pounding at the door continued. “You have to agree I did a good job with this spell.”

  “Indeed. You enchanted me thoroughly.”

  She flopped back on her pillow and sighed. “Would you go let them in? I’m too embarrassed to face anyone.”

  He kissed her. “I’ll never forget our time together.”

  “Please try to.”

  “Impossible.” He got up and quickly dressed, then left the room.

  Vicky pulled clothes out of her closet. She put her hair in a ponytail, but took it down when she noticed a hickey on her neck. She took a shaky breath, reliving moments from the previous night. Reluctantly, she walked out of the bedroom into her living room where her friends stood with a man she didn’t know. Someone from the Council, she thought.

  Kat and Grace rushed to her. “Oh, my God. You two did it, didn’t you?” Kat cried.

  Vicky’s cheeks heated up. “We couldn’t help it. The spell was very powerful.”

  “Let me see your wand,” said a tall, gray-haired witch whose mouth seemed to be etched into a permanent frown.

  Vicky fished her phone out of her purse and handed it to him. “You can charm it back into a wand if you’d like.”

  “No, this is fine. I just need to replay your last spell to see what happened.” He punched a few codes into the phone while she sank onto the couch.

  Drake grabbed her hand and kissed her cheek. Soon, Vicky was on his lap making out with him again. “We only have a few more minutes together,” she sighed.

  “Should we go back to your bedroom?” he asked.

  Kat and Grace both shouted, “No!”

  “Quiet, please, while I assess what happened,” the council member said. A hazy image projected from the phone. It showed Vicky looking into a mirror with wet, red hair and no makeup. Suddenly, a spell transformed her into a fully made-up blonde.

  “That’s not it!” she said, embarrassed. “That was the spell before the love lock. I was getting ready to go out. I was running late and needed some help.”

  “Damn it. That’s something we didn’t get to—a shower. I’d like to feel your wet hair against me, too,” Drake whispered to her.

  “Eww!” Kat and Grace cried. Vicky figured they must’ve been using some sort of hearing enhancement charm.

  The council member punched in a few more codes, and the scene between Vicky and Drake played out. Frowning, he played it again a few times. “So this affected you both instantly?”

  They both nodded.

  “Normally we can’t stand each other,” Vicky said.

  Drake put his arm around her. “Now, it’s like we’re in love.”

  The council member shrugged. “You must be. Because this spell didn’t hit you. It didn’t hit anyone. It was misprogrammed and simply exploded in light between you. That’s why it didn’t show up as the last spell cast on your wand. It was a dud.”

  Vicky shook her head. “Ar
e you sure? I never make mistakes. I don’t do duds.”

  The council member handed the phone back to her. “I’m positive. You two aren’t under a spell. There’s nothing for me to fix here.”

  Vicky felt her eyes widen as panic took over. “I don’t know what happened with that spell. I must have been…distracted.” She sucked in a breath, remembering how Drake had been flirting with her. “But how do you explain the…the…instant lust between us?”

  “It affected both of us,” Drake said. “Rather strongly, I might add.”

  The council member shrugged. “It must be good old-fashioned attraction I suppose. Or the full moon.” He packed up his things. “There’s nothing I can do about that. But I will need to file a report when I get back to the office. And Drake, you’ll need to appear before the Council heads. Fraternizing with casters is prohibited. You know that. Vicky we’ll need to see you, too.”

  While Drake stood there saying nothing, Kat and Grace snapped their jaws shut, speechless for the first time in a while.

  Fingers trembling, Vicky punched a quick spell into her phone. She couldn’t face Drake now. Not after everything they’d done together. Everything they’d said. And it had all been real? She had to get out of there.

  She finished programming her wand and hit send. And with that, she disappeared without knowing where she wanted to go. Anywhere was fine, as long as it was far away from Drake.

  When she opened her eyes, she found herself at the beach. Probably because she’d been wishing she were at the bottom of the ocean.

  Her great aunt lived nearby, but she was too embarrassed to see her. Barefoot, Vicky walked along the sand. The breeze blew her hair back from her face and chilled her skin. She shivered. So this is my new home, she thought to herself. I’ll stay here and sell fish. Or clams. Shells instead of spells because clearly she was losing it. And she could never face Drake or her friends again.


  “Can I drop my force field spell or are you two going to start hitting me again?” Drake asked, rubbing his sore arm.

  “We’re done,” Kat said with her nose in the air. “I don’t want to break another nail.”

  He eliminated the protective bubble around him. “Thank you.”

  “But we’re still angry at you for taking advantage of her,” Grace said.

  He threw up his hands. “It was mutual, believe me.”

  “So, you like her then?” Kat asked. “That was all real?”

  Drake scratched his head. “I don’t know. I mean, it must have been. It certainly felt real. I just assumed it was the spell. I don’t understand how we both got so carried away.”