Read Hidden Page 23

  And the pain is excruciating.

  Ebony screams, calls my name, demands someone help me, but it’s already too late because here I am the next second, standing in front of Prince Luca while two Prodigies hold me upright.

  That’s better, the Dark Prince says.

  ‘Release him!’ Thane yells, his voice echoing across the ridge like thunder. ‘Your business isn’t with the boy.’

  ‘You don’t know much, do you?’

  ‘What are you talking about, Luca?’

  ‘I’m just making Ebony’s decision easier for her.’

  I can’t see Thane, but I know he’ll be frowning, suspicious, figuring it out. But Prince Luca is too fast tonight. He glances down at me. Do your job, boy, and the pain will go away.

  I whisper hoarsely, ‘What … do you want me … to do?’

  Nothing, actually. His eyes are like the sun, so bright they hurt, but a glimpse is enough to show his hard evil core, and the pain twists as if he’s turning a knife in my chest. I scream like a baby, beyond caring who hears.

  But then the Dark Prince says, Not bad, but I’m sure you can do better. Oh, and don’t expect your friends to rescue you. They won’t. They now have a dilemma, you or her, and, well, they don’t care about you enough. They only care about their own kind.

  His men have a quiet chuckle as the prince plays with my mind. And then it hits me: he wants me to cry out so Ebony will choose to go with him! ‘I … won’t do it,’ I hiss through my teeth.

  He responds by stabbing me in the head with a spike of burning energy that arcs down the nerve line of my spine, forcing me to my knees. Gripping my head, I rock back and forth, biting down on my tongue, refusing to make a sound.

  Glowering at me, he says, ‘Idiot.’ Then he hisses, ‘No matter, it seems you have had the desired effect already – impressive.’


  She’s taken the bait. I knew she couldn’t resist, bound as she is to you. Well done, Jordan.

  Around me, his men stand rock still, their eyes gleaming admiration. The way they adore him sickens me.

  That’s right, my future bride, he coaxes as Ebony takes a first step towards him.

  I try yelling at Ebony to go back, except I have nothing left. That last stab in my head has fried my brain. But I soon realise the closer Ebony gets, the less intense is my pain. Flicking the prince a quick look, I notice how he’s riveted to Ebony’s every movement, from the gentle swing of her arms to the graceful sway of her hips in the silky white dress. When she’s halfway and walking among his precious Aracals, a predatory smile appears at the corners of his mouth that makes me want to slap him.

  I glance at the angels and see Gabriel, Michael and Isaac holding Thane back.

  Forcing my legs to move, I start walking, and by sheer willpower make my legs run. ‘Ebony, Ebony, stop! What are you doing?’

  She doesn’t appear to see me. She’s in a trance of some kind. Helpless to break through it, I run to the angels. ‘Do something! Stop her, Thane!’

  His eyes remain focused on Ebony’s every step. ‘I tried,’ he whispers fiercely, finally glancing down at me. ‘She insisted, and I can’t force …’ His words fade as he turns away from me, trembling with fear and shaking with rage.

  ‘Michael!’ I turn to the powerful golden angel as he slowly releases Thane. ‘Do something! Stop her!’

  I glance at Isaac and, as though ashamed to face me, he looks only at Shae, whose eyes are closed tight. She can’t bear to watch. Tears stream down her face.

  ‘What’s wrong with you people? Isn’t she one of your own? Or have you given up on her because of a decision he coerced her into making?’

  Michael casts his look downward and I get it. ‘But you already know that. Then, why?’

  ‘You were hurting and she had to stop that,’ Gabriel says, ‘but then she asked whether, if she didn’t go, he would kill you.’

  ‘And you told her yes.’

  ‘It’s what we believe.’

  ‘And, of course, you can’t lie, even to save someone’s life.’

  Jezelle grabs my arm and spins me around. ‘They don’t have the right to stop her. And if they do, they’ll be breaking our laws.’

  Their emotional pain pulsates through me, so intense I can’t bear to be near them. I race back to Ebony and grab her shoulders. She stops, but her eyes are looking straight through me. I shake her. ‘Why are you doing this? Don’t you know what it means? How would you feel never seeing any of us again? And he wants heirs, Ebony, from you!’

  ‘I know what it means. Please, leave me, Jordan. This is best for everyone.’

  She slides from my grip, and when she starts taking those final few steps the Dark Prince smiles, his eyes raking over her, and I know he’s using a mind-link or something to keep her going.

  I can’t believe we’re just going to let her go. It all comes back to Thane. He’s the one person who has the capacity to stop her making the biggest mistake of her life.

  I race back to him and stand with my arms crossed over my chest. ‘Is it your pride? Is that it, Thane, your stupid, bloody pride?’

  He stares at me blankly, his eyes red. ‘What did you say, Jordan?’

  ‘Are you through with Ebony because she’s picking him?’

  ‘That’s outrageous. Of course not. She doesn’t want him!’

  ‘Did you just hear yourself? What’s stopping you? And don’t give me more of that “Free Will” crap. You just said she doesn’t want him. Doesn’t that mean she’s not really choosing him? Dude, you’re going to have to live with the knowledge that she sacrificed everything so you can all go home without a scratch on your perfect faces.’

  His eyes widen and I spin around to see why. Ebony is so close now, no matter how much I beg, it’s probably too late.

  ‘You know why else she’s doing this? How he got to her?’ He looks at me then and I tell him, ‘She hears his voice in her head, and not yours.’

  ‘Ebony!’ he calls out, his voice thundering across the field. ‘Ebony, please, stop!’



  A sudden silence, as if everyone is holding their breath, draws me out of a strange stupor where a red haze clouds my senses. At the same time I hear a beautiful voice call to me.

  ‘Ebony, please, stop!’

  It’s Nathaneal, his voice filled with so much passion, so much pain, I can’t do anything but what he asks.

  I hear him say softly, ‘Michael, I have to do this. Will you support me?’

  ‘Yes,’ Michael replies without hesitation. ‘It’s time, Thane.’

  ‘No!’ Jezelle screams out. ‘I do not support this foolish decision!’

  I wish I knew what she’s opposing.

  ‘If you go ahead with this, Thane, everything could change. You will make us vulnerable to attack. War between the forces of light and darkness will be inevitable.’

  Michael reasons, ‘War has always been inevitable between us, Jez.’

  She goes silent and Nathaneal says, ‘Your disapproval has been noted, Jezelle. Uriel?’

  One of the newly arrived angels replies, ‘You have my eternal support, my prince.’

  ‘Mine too,’ another one of the reinforcements calls out, a girl.

  ‘Thank you, Tash.’

  I hear three more give their support, followed by a whirl of swirling movement crossing the lawn. And then Nathaneal is beside me, lifting me into his arms.

  Prince Luca gasps, coming out of the trance he thought he still had me wrapped within. He realises his error just as Nathaneal turns to face him. ‘If you value your soldiers, send them back to Skade immediately. I will give you one tenth of the time you gave Ebony to leave this world.’

  Frowning, but not believing Thane has the power to follow through with his threat, Prince Luca laughs. ‘You don’t frighten me; you’re still young. Granted, one day you could have had what it takes to be a worthy adversary. It’s a pity you won’t be in existence to test yourself again
st me then.’ He notices Michael, who stopped a couple of metres back. ‘Had your wings clipped, have you, Michael?’

  Michael doesn’t answer.

  ‘There’s always an opening for a disgraced angel of your calibre in my army. Tell you what, Michael, cross over to my side, bring Ebony with you, and I’ll make you a general again.’

  ‘I have not lost my rank, Luca. I choose to support Prince Nathaneal, and I look forward to this meeting tonight where instead of one adversary you will have two.’

  Looking bored suddenly, Prince Luca turns to his left. ‘Ensure Lady Ebony is taken directly to my private chambers.’ And to the soldiers on his right, ‘Teach this arrogant, inexperienced young angel who is the real master here.’

  Nathaneal doesn’t hang around a moment more. With me in his arms, he flies back to where the others stand and motions to Jordan to follow us into the forest.

  Here, surrounded by tall eucalyptus trees, he sets me on my feet but doesn’t let me go. ‘Jordan,’ he says, ‘I want you to take Ebony and run deep into the forest. Head to the east-sector cabin I showed you with the safe room.’

  Jordan nods. ‘Don’t worry. I’ll protect Ebony with my life.’

  ‘No matter what you hear, or see, no matter how terrifying, you must stay where you are. Do not return under any circumstances. I’ll come find you when this is over.’

  ‘Dude, don’t worry about us, just do what you have to, and stay safe.’

  Michael appears and without saying anything Nathaneal nods. He’s leaving, and my heart trembles. He looks down at me, curled into his chest, and he strokes my hair. His touch sets my pulse racing.

  ‘Come back to me,’ I whisper. ‘Please come back.’

  He inhales a shuddering breath, tilts my face up with his thumb under my chin. His kiss is gentle and greedy, soft and fierce, everything and not enough.

  Standing on my toes, I throw my arms around his neck, push my fingers into his hair to let him know how much I want him. Forgetting Michael, forgetting everything, we kiss until we are breathless.



  I’m pretty sure Thane chose the cabin because it’s the closest shelter with a safe room. But Ebony’s refusing to budge – and of course we both know I can’t make her do anything if she’s not willing.

  I try pleading. ‘Ebony, please. Think of what Thane will do to me.’

  It doesn’t work. She pats my shoulder as if I’m a well-behaved dog. ‘He won’t do anything to you; he loves you like a brother.’

  ‘He loves you more! If something happens to you, I’m dead. Besides, I don’t want you getting hurt either. I kind of love you too,’ I add this last part softly.

  Now she smiles as if I’m her favourite chocolate bar. ‘And I love you, Jordan.’

  It’s hopeless. What chance would I have now? Telling her how I feel would be a waste of time.

  She edges closer to the sounds of voices ringing out.

  The swish of an arrow whistling through the air has me ducking. The battle has begun. I’m so tempted to watch, but I gave Thane my word. ‘Ebony, I promised to keep you safe,’ I say, reluctantly following her through the trees.

  ‘Jordan, you don’t understand.’ She turns with her hands on her hips; her cheeks are flushed red, her violet eyes glistening under the full moon while the white dress swirls around her legs. ‘This is about me. I can’t just run away.’

  ‘Oh, I get it, so you can run out and throw yourself at the mercy of the Dark Prince if things start looking bad for Thane.’

  Her stare is fierce, so I know I’m right. ‘You don’t suppose Thane wanted you far away so you wouldn’t do just that?’

  She shrugs and continues edging closer to the battle. ‘I might be able to help.’

  I give it one last try. ‘If Thane sees you, he might get distracted. Do you want that?’

  This makes her pause. She hangs her head as she leans on a tree. ‘It’s dark. He won’t see me.’


  ‘I have to,’ she whispers. We’re close to the edge of the forest now and she starts climbing a nearby gum tree. The lowest branch is metres above the ground, but she scrambles up like a koala, turns around and gestures for me to follow.

  I’ve climbed my fair share of trees, but Ebony is fast. She freezes suddenly as the screams of Aracals rend the air. It goes on for a long time, raising the hairs at the back of my neck. When they die down, Ebony goes back to climbing.

  About a third of the way up, the house and yard come into view. Finally Ebony settles into position on a sturdy forked branch, tucking her dress in around her legs, and I squeeze in behind her.

  Below, twelve of Skade’s soldiers stand in squad formation facing our way, their backs to the house. Their black wings arch behind them. Prince Luca stands out in front, an aura of terror surrounding him, his double set of black wings undulating.

  The angels’ camp is almost directly below us. Peering sideways at Ebony, I see her eyes are focused on Thane, who’s easy to pick out, standing alone and in front.

  The Dark Prince lifts his arms out before him, reaching towards Thane, and flexes his fingers.

  ‘Oh no,’ Ebony whispers. ‘What’s he up to?’

  Screams and gasps erupt from the angels below us. Ebony yelps at the same time. Fortunately I’m watching for something like this and I slap my hand over her mouth. In anguish she bites down on it, hard. But after my recent experience with an Aracal, it’s nothing. Pain is what Thane is experiencing.

  Prince Luca has set him alight! Flames encircle him from head to toe. He’s in a fight for his life, maybe even for his immortality.

  Michael and Isaac rush over to hold Gabriel back, though why they’re stopping him from helping his brother I have no idea. Thane is on fire!

  Seconds pass where no one does a thing. It’s too hard to watch and too hard not to. Ebony turns her face into my chest.

  I start to notice something incredible. The flames don’t seem to be making contact with Thane’s skin, and the reason is now becoming apparent. In the instant before the flames reached him, Thane deployed his wings, wrapping them around his body while releasing the metallic essence he once told me gives their feathers their special shine. Doing this has provided him with precious moments to counter the flames with his own powers.

  ‘Ebony. Ebony, look. I think it’s all right.’

  She allows herself a slight sideways glance.

  It soon becomes evident to everyone watching that the flames are receding, leaving Thane untouched. Michael and Isaac release Gabriel, and everyone breathes again.

  Ebony sits up and smiles nervously as the flames completely dissipate.

  ‘That was awesome, Ebony. Maybe we have a chance.’

  ‘I hope so, Jordan. I really hope so.’

  Thane unfurls his wings. He’s unscathed. He then releases his second set of wings and strides across the lawn, his four wings undulating like magnificent white and gold sails.

  The Dark Prince can’t take his eyes off Thane’s wings, especially the smaller gold pair. With only a metre between them Thane stops.

  ‘Impressive,’ Prince Luca concedes. He glances at his own double set of black ones. ‘Why would you have gold wings when I was born with black?’ he murmurs, frowning.

  If Thane knows, he’s not telling.

  Prince Luca waves his hand at Thane, trying to sound flippant but failing. Thane’s gold wings have thrown the Dark Prince. ‘This is what you thought would have me running with my tail between my legs?’ he laughs, instilling his voice with a mocking tone. ‘Being born with the four wings of a king doesn’t automatically make you a king, whether one pair is gold, white, black or pink, Nathaneal.’

  ‘Isn’t that what you believed? You thought that your double wings revealed your destiny, and that’s why you fought so hard to usurp our High King.’

  ‘The difference between us, Nathaneal, is that I was born to be king; your wings just make you a freak of your species.’
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  With this comment he lifts both his hands and points them towards the Brothers at the rear. Jets of blue flames shoot out from his fingers. Now he’s setting the Brothers on fire! But Nathaneal throws up his own hands, stopping the flames from going past his open palms. They bounce off as if they’re hitting a brick wall.

  Prince Luca tries to lower his arms but finds he can’t. He turns a venomous look on Thane. ‘Release me!’

  ‘Turn off the flames.’

  Instead the Dark Prince yells out, ‘Thorian! Ezekeal!’

  Two Prodigies charge at Thane, but they bounce back as if Thane has applied a force field around himself.

  Prince Luca hisses like a snake. It’s a creepy sound and my skin crawls, but he calls off the flames and Thane releases his arms.

  In swift retaliation, Prince Luca makes weird motions with his hands, as if he’s mixing something. He starts throwing whatever it is across the yard. Once airborne they become bolts of lightning.

  Screams pierce the air as they find their marks. One slices into a nearby tree with the noise of a jet fighter breaking the sound barrier. Man, it’s deafening. The trunk splits in two almost all the way down.

  The shockwave that follows almost unseats us both. We lock our arms around each other and our legs around the trunk as best we can until it passes.

  ‘Holy, crap! That could have been us, Ebony. We gotta get down.’

  ‘But it wasn’t us,’ she says stubbornly. Clearly she is not planning to withdraw any further yet.

  Below, Jezelle is helping the injured, sending the more critical Brothers back to the monastery.

  But the Dark Prince isn’t finished. He bellows an order to attack, and angels from both the dark and light forces suddenly take to the air.

  The opposing winged forces are an incredible sight, but it quickly turns ugly as the two sides clash. Isaac collides with a Prodigy right in front of us. They wrestle in the air, where their wings tangle and they both struggle to keep airborne. The Prodigy gets the upper hand, hurling Isaac head first towards the earth. Isaac rolls in the air, loses his equilibrium and plummets. He only just regains control in time to prevent himself smashing into the ground. I let out my breath as he starts flying upwards again. Once he’s high enough he does a somersault with his knees tucked into his chest, then he straightens out, kicking both feet into the Prodigy’s exposed gut.