Read High Sea Murder - A Kit and Kat Mystery 2 Page 9

  She headed toward a table in the corner of the mezzanine floor. No one else was around, as the line had started moving for the dinner tables. We sat down and she handed me a little box. "Happy six month anniversary."

  I opened it and saw a pair of diamond cufflinks lying there. They were square, with a diamond on each corner, with a larger one in the middle.

  "Kat, they're beautiful, but you shouldn't have." I took the ones off that I was wearing and put the new ones on.

  "Thank you, my love. Six months. Some day if the Lord's willing, it'll be sixty years." I leaned over the table and gave her another kiss . . . this one, a little longer than the one before.

  "Okay," Kat said, "let's go to dinner. I'm famished. It's lobster night . . . my favorite, and all-you–can-eat – and we're on the first sitting!"

  As she moved to get up, I said, "Sit down for a moment, Kat. I was going to give this to you after we ate, up on the deck by the moonlight. But I've changed my mind."

  I reached into my jacket pocket and also brought out a little box. I handed it to her. "Happy six month anniversary."

  She chuckled softly as she opened up the box. "Oh, Kit, you shouldn't have."

  I had a special pair of diamond earrings made for her, to match the diamond necklace I'd given to her as a wedding gift. The earrings were gold, and made into a chain with four hearts. Each heart had a diamond, and each diamond was larger than the previous one, as were the hearts. The last diamond was the largest, about a carat. It was exactly like the necklace she was wearing.

  As a tear trickled down her face, I had to swallow hard not to cry myself. She took out a tissue and patted her face very gently. She then gave me a another kiss and thanked me for loving her. We both stood up arm in arm and walked into the dining room.

  I don't know if it was my imagination because of what Inspector Rashan said, but I felt like the whole room had stopped eating and talking, and that everyone was staring at us. When I looked into their faces I thought I could almost see the jealousy in their eyes, just as the Inspector said.

  Everyone looked elegant. But as I glanced around the dining room, I realized that most were just eating and talking. I don't think anyone had really noticed us at all as we walked through to our table!

  Chapter 24

  Everyone was seated there, including Maria and Jason. We were a little surprised, as we weren't sure if Maria would feel like coming to dinner; but as well as Jason, she had her daughter Marcy for support.

  Kat asked Maria, "How are you doing? You look happy and peaceful tonight."

  "I'm doing okay. The Captain has assured me that my necklace is still on the ship, and he guarantees me that he'll find it. He said no one will be allowed to disembark until the necklace is found. And if we come to the end of our cruise and it still hasn't been found, every bag and suitcase will be thoroughly checked. And if needed, every passenger will also be strip-searched!"

  With that, she gave out her wonderful laugh. We all joined her, even though I was uncertain that the Captain's powers extended that far. But perhaps with two murders on board, he might be able to enforce such an action. Anyway, it broke the ice and helped us become more relaxed and enjoy our dinner time together.

  Nick noticed Kat's earrings and commented on how beautiful they were. She smiled. "They're a gift from Kit for our six month anniversary."

  Amy said, "Wow, I wonder what he'll give you for your one year anniversary."

  Everyone smiled in agreement.

  Maria said, "May I see one of them? I love the design, and the way the hearts and diamonds go from small to large. The last diamond looks like it's about a carat."

  As Kat took one of them off and handed it to Maria, she said, "Kit designed them for me. It matches the necklace I have on. That was a wedding gift from him."

  I smiled at Maria. "You're correct, Maria, about the diamond. You sure know your jewelry."

  Nick asked, "When you're through looking at it, and of course with Kat's permission, may I see it?"

  Maria looked at Kat, and Kat smiled and nodded. As Nick was looking at it he remarked, "These diamonds are very high quality. They're perfect blue white diamonds, and the settings are made extremely well."

  We all looked at him, and Kat touched my leg. I looked at her and knew exactly what she was thinking. Our jeweler. I shook my head, remembering what Inspector Rashan had said. "There are no jewelers on board."

  Then Nick said, "Before I became a teacher I owned my own store of diamonds, gold and precious stones. I became quite a connoisseur of diamonds."

  Kat again touched my leg. This time I nodded my head back at her, but very cautiously.

  Nick handed the earring back to Kat, but as she was putting it on, it fell from her hand and went under the table. Everyone at the table took in a deep breath.

  "It's okay, I can see it," I said, as I got out of my chair.

  The earring had gone further under the table than I thought, so I got down on all fours and retrieved it. I was glad all the ladies had on long dresses, otherwise I would have been rather embarrassed – and so might they!

  Nick asked, "Did you find anything else under there?"

  "Nope, just the earring."

  Everyone laughed again. I handed the earring to Kat, and while she was putting it back on I showed everyone my beautiful cuff links.

  We had a fun time, and it was obvious that everyone enjoyed themselves. We all had two rounds of the lobster. Kat wanted to go for three, but everyone said, "No, one steak and two lobster tails are all we can take."

  And since it was dessert time, Kat didn't want to be the only one eating three lobster tails. So she declined the third. They brought Kat and me a special dessert, and the servers and our new friends all sang happy anniversary to us.

  After we ate, we went back to our cabin to change our clothes. We were going to meet everyone at the Disco Lounge. Tonight was Who Wants to be a Millionaire? We were all hoping that one or two of us would be chosen to be a contestant.

  When we were changing, Kat picked up one of her shoes. "Kit, look I've lost a bow. It must be in the dining room by my chair somewhere. Would you please go look for it? They're special decorations for my many different shoes, and I'll probably never find another pair just like them again."

  "Of course. You wait here, and I'll go see. I'm already changed, so I'll wait to meet you at the Disco Lounge if that's okay with you."

  "Good, I'll see you there. And thanks, Kit . . . I love you."

  I walked over to her and gave her one of those short kisses. "I love you too."

  I hurried as quick as I could. I wanted to get to the dining room before the second seating began. I knew I would feel awkward if I had to crawl under the table when everyone was already seated. I told Charles the maître d' about my dilemma, and he graciously said okay, but to please hurry.

  I looked around Kat's chair and mine, but couldn't find the bow. So again I got down on all fours and crawled under the table. I could see what I thought was it, but it was right in the middle of all the chairs. I couldn't quite reach it, so I crawled further under the table. I reached for it by stretching out my arm and hand. It felt soft and slimy. It was a big black olive!

  Since I was under there, I did a further search and saw the bow toward the end of the table. I picked it up and backed out. Then I bumped my head and shouted out loud, "Ow!"

  I rubbed my head where I'd hurt it, and then looked up to see where I had hit it. That's when I saw the manila envelope taped under the table.

  I wondered why anyone should have done such a thing. Then I noticed a little hole in the corner of the envelope and a sparkling diamond protruding from that hole.

  That's when I knew that I had found Maria's necklace.

  Chapter 25

  I slowly crawled back, keeping my eyes on the envelope. I got up and sat on a chair, which was Kat's. The first thing I thought of were the words, "Did you find anything else under there?" I tried to remember who had said that while I wa
s retrieving Kat's earring. Then it came to me. It was Nick, the connoisseur of diamonds who had become a teacher. I wondered why he would say that, unless he knew about the envelope and was watching my reaction to see if I'd spotted it.

  I got up walked over to the maître d' and asked him to please call the Captain and tell him to meet me at table nine with Inspector Rashan. And to come as quickly as possible.

  He made the call, and told me, "In twenty minutes we'll start seating the second group of guests."

  I responded with, "You'd better hold off until the Captain gets here."

  "Why? People will be waiting and they'll be wanting to eat. Many will become impatient and then I'll have a bunch of unhappy guests."

  "If the Captain gets here soon, perhaps they'll be able to come in and enjoy their dinner. But please wait for the Captain. It's very important that you wait."

  He looked up and I saw him give a great big smile. "Oh thank goodness, here's the Captain now."

  He and Inspector Rashan were rushing in.

  I said, "Captain, please tell this fine young man to wait until you give him the okay to start seating the second group of guests for dinner."

  Without asking me why, the Captain turned to the maître d'. "Charles, please wait until I give you the okay."

  "Yes of course, Captain." And turning to me he said, "I'm so sorry for my reaction to you. Please forgive me."

  I smiled to put him at ease. "It's all right, Charles. I know you're just doing your duty, and you all do such a fine job."

  I motioned for the two of them to follow me. I sat down and asked them to sit in the chairs opposite me.

  I said, "Under this table, and taped to it, is an envelope. I was under the table looking for Kat's bow for her shoe when I found it. She lost one of them at dinner. The envelope has a hole in it and through that hole I could see a diamond poking out. I believe it's Maria's necklace."

  Inspector Rashan said, "Did you touch the envelope? That's a silly question. Of course you didn't."

  "That's right Inspector, I didn't touch anything. Would you like to go under the table and retrieve it yourself?"

  "Yes, yes." With that he took out a pair of very thin Playtex gloves from his pocket. "I'm always prepared for moments like this," and again that smile.

  The Captain and I both smiled back. Before Inspector Rashan got on his "all fours," we heard a commotion up front. It was Kat. Over a half hour had gone by and she was worried. She was looking for me, and Charles the maître d' was insisting she stayed back. With all of the excitement in finding what I thought was Maria's necklace, I'd had forgotten I'd told her I'd meet her in the Disco Lounge.

  The Inspector looked up, and said to Charles, "It's perfectly alright for Mrs. Brown to come in. And, Charles, please have everyone else leave the room. And keep watch outside the door making sure no one else comes in."

  I explained to Kat as quickly as I could about all the events up to this moment. She listened intently as to how I'd found the necklace. And while telling her this, I handed her the bow.

  "Thank you, Kit. I'm so glad you found it – and the necklace. Unbelievable!"

  The Inspector started to crawl under the table. I'd shown him the location where it was, by pointing on the top of the table. We heard him say, "I've found it!" Then the sound as he tore the tape away from the table.

  "I think you're right, Kit," came his muffled voice. "It could very well be the missing necklace."

  As he backed out we heard "Ow!" He'd bumped his head, and I wondered if it was the same spot where I had done exactly the same thing. We helped him up, and since no one was around he opened the envelope, turned it upside down and emptied the contents carefully onto an open napkin the Captain had already spread out on the table.

  Out fell a necklace of diamonds and emeralds.

  Chapter 26

  I told Inspector Rashan that Nick had once owned a jewelry store, and of his knowledge of diamonds. I also mentioned the comment that Nick had made, asking me if I'd found anything else under the table when I was looking for Kat's earring. The Inspector said he'd look into it, and also thought it strange that Nick would ask that question.

  He frowned. "I am wondering now if there is more than one person involved in our murder case."

  Kat said, "When you tell Maria that you've found her necklace, can Kit and I be there? I want to see the look on her face. I'm sure it'll be wonderful and she'll be very thankful and happy."

  "Yes, let's go to their penthouse, but I cannot give it to her right now. It's possible forensic evidence in a murder, and the Captain will have to store it in the ship's safe. But we should definitely tell her. She will be very relieved, knowing it's been found. I'm sure she will be understanding, and realize that we have to check it for fingerprints and other evidence before we can return it to her."

  The look on Maria's face was indescribable. There was first amazement! Then joy! Then appreciation! Then many tears! Even Jason had tears in his eyes when he saw that his wife was so happy.

  On the way to their cabin I'd told the Inspector what Jason had told me in the hot tub about being a property developer. He seemed to be interested, and said he'd talk to Jason. He intended to get the information so he could be satisfied that Jason had his own money and didn't need or want any of Maria's. Also he'd need to check to see if his story was true, and would look deeper into the character of our fellow guests, Nick and Amy.

  "But right now," he said, "I'm going to celebrate that the necklace is found. Thank you, Kat, for losing your bow. And thank you, Kit, for crawling under the table and hitting your head. You two are going to make great detectives."

  He said this in a tongue and cheek tone, which made us laugh. We all agreed the most important thing was finding the jewelry. The look on Maria's face when Inspector Rashan told her that we'd found her family heirloom made it worth crawling under the table and hitting our heads!

  We joined our table friends in the Lounge, where Chad had just been called up to be a contestant on Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

  We all cheered him on. He won an hour and a half massage and a bottle of Champagne. When he returned to our group we stood up and applauded his efforts. He gave the massage certificate to his mother and the bottle of Champagne to his father. Since Inspector Rashan had told us we could inform them that the necklace had been found, but with no details, we gave them the good news.

  With that, Mark opened up the Champagne and we all celebrated. We each had less than half a glass full, except for Chad. Mark gave him a mouthful to swallow. We all laughed again and thanked Chad for the Champagne.

  Everyone was going to the Showroom. Kat and I bowed out. We told them that we had to go over some of our notes, and that even though we'd found the necklace, the thief was still somewhere on board the ship. When we got back to our cabin I asked Kat to get her notes on the interviews with our three servers.

  Before we began, I told Kat that Inspector Rashan had said that he and the doctor were looking more into the weapon of Barsha's death, and that a nine iron was a definite contender for being the murder weapon. With all that had happened, I'd neglected to tell her about that.

  Kat said, "That might mean that our number one suspect could be Alex our server, or even the doctor. They both have golf clubs with them."

  "Yes, I'm leaning toward both of them myself, although we don't know yet who else has clubs with them. I'd still like to go over all of your notes. Let's look at Alex's first."

  Kat read Alex's interview notes out loud. When she got to the part where Alex said that he saw James, our other server, occasionally outside of the ship but that it was very rare, I said, "Stop there please, Kat. I wondered at the time what he meant when he said, 'Occasionally I see James outside the ship.'"

  "Kit, are you thinking that perhaps 'occasionally' meant they might be playing golf together?"

  "Well it's possible, but it sounds more like we're drawing straws out of a haystack."

  "I see those wheels tu
rning in your head, Kit. What do you have in mind?"

  "There were a couple of things James said that bothered me at the time. But before we go any further into your notes I want to check to see what Alex meant. Let's go see if we can find him."

  We went up to the pool area. We'd seen Alex there one evening serving the people drinks and snacks. Sure enough he was there now. We sat down and he came right over and asked if we'd like something to drink. We ordered our usual.

  When he brought them back, I asked, "You said on occasions you see James outside of the ship. What did you mean by that?"

  "Like I said before, I don't see him often. Just once in a while. We've played golf together two or three times. He has the most beautiful set of golf clubs I've ever seen. His bag is something someone would die for. But he's not that much fun to play with, so when he asks me I try to beg off. Why do you ask?"

  "Kat and I were going over her notes, and we were wondering what you meant when you made that statement. So thanks for being so helpful."

  We finished our sodas and went back to our cabin. I told Kat, "I want you to read Berta's notes next. If I'm not mistaken, I think somewhere in the notes she said something like, 'I've never talked to James.'"

  Kat looked over her notes. "Here it is. Berta said, 'Well I don't know James too well. The other night actually was the first night I've worked with him at table nine or any other place. He seems like a nice person, but we've never had a conversation together.'"

  "That's it. That's what I was looking for. I remember James said that Berta told him that she and Barsha were best friends. Why would Berta tell him that, especially since she said she hardly ever talked to him?"

  "Yes, I remember that also."

  "Kat, get your notes on James. There's one other thing James said that bothers me. That night, when George King arrived late for the interview, James told him that everyone thought it was he that was murdered. Why did he use the word murder? Inspector Rashan told everyone it was a suicide."

  Chapter 27

  Kat turned to the interview with James. But before she started reading it she reminded me of how it all began. "Remember, Kit, you went to the door and James was there alone. He apologized for being late. You told him we were sorry to hear about his friend, George. His words were, 'George, what happened to him?'