Read Highlander Hellcat PG-13 Version Page 10

  Chapter 8: Payday

  At seven o’clock in the morning, Charming’s voice awoke Garth from his dreams and recollections. “Ahem. I hate to ask you for this favor, but since I don’t have a body right now, Sasha’s pets need to be fed and she needs to have her breakfast made for her. There’s a kitchen you can use down here in the lab.”

  Garth’s eyebrows rose up to his hairline. “Whoa, let me get this straight Tin Man. You want me to feed Sasha’s monster pets and cook her breakfast?”

  “That is correct.”

  Garth smiled lopsidedly. “What’s the magic word, Mr. Perfect Boyfriend?”

  Charming grit his teeth. “P-Please.”

  Garth chuckled at the robot’s plight. He may have been enjoying this a little too much. “Alright, I’ll do it. Just tell me what to do.” He gently set Sasha down on the floor and Charming began to give him instructions.


  Sasha awoke to the sweet smell of pancakes. “Mmm.” Charming must have been cooking her breakfast again. She stretched her arms over her head. Charming…but Charming was in pieces! Sasha’s eyes flew open, and she sat up, peering around her laboratory.

  “Finally awake, my love?” Charming’s voice drew her attention and Sasha spotted his head sitting on the nearby worktable. “Garth is cooking you breakfast. Why don’t you go take a shower, get changed into some clean clothes, and join him for breakfast.”

  Sasha pushed herself up off the floor and straightened. “A shower?” She looked down at her blood-soaked dress. The veterinarian covered her mouth with her hand as bile rose up her throat, and tears stung her eyes. Her beloved pets…

  In a dazed state, Sasha made her way to the bathroom that was located on the basement level. Sasha pulled a lot of all-nighters in her lab so it was not unusual for her to need to take a quick shower down there. That is if she remembered.

  Sasha took a quick shower, brushed her teeth and changed into a clean lab coatdress. She left the steaming bathroom and went to go find Garth. He was setting two plates of pancakes down on the table located in the small kitchen area. “Hey…good morning.” Sasha greeted Garth awkwardly. She wasn’t used to having a male down in her laboratory and especially not this early in the morning.

  Garth looked up, spotted Sasha, and grinned. “Morning. I made breakfast.” Something I thought I’d never do for a human female.

  “I can see that.” Sasha walked over and took a seat at the table. She’d read Garth’s mind and so was extra appreciative of this gesture.

  “Don’t worry. I already fed your mon, er, pets.” Garth told Sasha reassuringly.

  Surprise flickered across Sasha’s blue gaze, and she looked Garth over for any injuries - such as a missing limb. “And you’re still alive?”

  Garth chuckled at her serious tone. “I think they like me.”

  A lopsided smile formed on Sasha’s face. “I suppose so.” She began to eat her pancakes and her eyes widened at the taste. They were really good - blueberry pancakes with whipped cream and fresh strawberries. “So you not only know how to make candy but you can cook too?”

  Garth nodded as he shoveled pancake into his mouth. “Aye. I learned how to bake, cook, and make desserts while in prison.”

  Sasha began to choke on her bite of pancake, grabbed her glass of orange juice, and chugged some down to clear her throat. “Prison? What did you do…uh….?”

  A dark expression fell over Garth’s face as he remembered. “I may have tossed a cop car into the air. But it was an accident really. I’d never seen a car before. I thought it was some kind of monster. And then I resisted arrest.”

  “Never seen a car before…?” Sasha’s brow furrowed in confusion.

  “I was the Red Priest’s prisoner for a very long time.” Garth admitted as his hands unconsciously clenched into fists. “By the time I escaped the arena and dungeons that had become all I knew…the world had changed drastically.”

  “I’m sorry.” Sasha gave the shifter a sympathetic look. “I hope you find that guy. He sounds like a real jerk!”

  Garth chuckled sardonically. “You can say that again, lass.”

  Garth and Sasha finished breakfast, and the veterinarian stood up from the table. “Can we go to the ocean now?”

  “Aye, lassie.”

  “I’ll go get the ashes-” Sasha was saying.

  But Garth interrupted her. “No need. I already got them ready for you.” Garth stood up from his seat at the table and walked over to a nearby worktable. He grabbed a large urn and carried it over to Sasha. “Here you go, lassie.”

  “Thank you.” Sasha hugged the ashes to her chest. The duo began to head towards the elevator.

  “Hey, wait…do you think you might fix me before you go, Sasha?” Charming called out with a hopeful note to his voice.

  “I’ll fix you when I get back, Charming.” Sasha said over her shoulder.

  “But…who’s going to protect you?” Charming asked, sounding worried.

  “Garth will…? I guess?” Sasha gave Garth a pensive look and tilted her head as she looked at him.

  “I will protect you, lass.” Garth said firmly.

  Charming watched Garth and Sasha get into the elevator together and frowned. “It sucks only being a head.”


  Garth took Sasha on his Ducati to the nearest beach he could think of. He remembered a nice spot where an isolated rock cliff overlooked the ocean, and he thought it would be the perfect spot for Sasha to scatter her pets’ ashes in the ocean breeze.

  Because it was December it was freezing out, and Garth could feel Sasha shivering behind him from the cold. She wrapped her arms more tightly around him as she sought his warmth. The shifter summoned his demonic powers and caused his body temperature to rise. That should help.

  Sasha noticed that Garth’s body temperature began to rise and smiled at his thoughtfulness. She rested her cheek against his back and basked in his warmth.

  It didn’t take them long to arrive at the cliff spot. Garth parked his Ducati a few yards away from the edge of the cliff, and they dismounted from the motorcycle. The sky was a gray-blue color with very little clouds, and the sun was just beginning to rise up over the horizon.

  Sasha approached the edge of the cliff and opened the urn she had with her. She poured some of the ashes into her hand and tossed them out over the crashing blue waves below. “Goodbye, my precious ones, and until we meet again. May your souls rest in peace.” Her blue eyes were shimmering with tears.

  Sasha continued to scatter the ashes until there were none left, and then she put the lid back on the empty urn.

  The sun was rising faster now, and as Garth watched Sasha scattering the ashes the sun seemed to illuminate her and surround her with a soft golden glow. The wind was whipping her long, exotic, pink hair around her shoulders.

  In that moment she looked…angelic.

  Even if she was wearing a lab coatdress and thigh-high leather boots.

  Garth’s body seemed to move of its own accord and walked over to her. He put his arm around her shoulders to offer her comfort as she silently cried over the loss of her monster pets. She loved them even though they were scary monsters. I bet they felt her love. Garth felt a strange feeling welling up inside of him at the thought. It was an unfamiliar feeling and one he couldn’t quite place.

  Afterwards, Garth took Sasha back to the clinic, and they parted ways. Sasha said she’d work on fixing Charming, and that if she finished his repairs quickly that she’d stop by his candy shop later.


  A new day at Helltastic Confectionary began with Garth standing behind the main display case waiting for customers to arrive that never did. Hours passed and Garth hit his head against the countertop out of frustration.

  That’s when the bell above the door jingled as the door opened. Garth looked up with a hopeful expression on his face, hoping that either Sasha or a customer had arrived. However, it was neither.

  It was Garth’s landlady and the owner of the Victorian-style building Garth was renting. Her name was Mrs. Claire Barks. And true to her name she was a dog person. She always had this obnoxious little dog with her too that wouldn’t stop barking at Garth any time it saw the shifter. And there it was - entering the store behind Mrs. Barks.

  The little white, fluffy Pomeranian spotted Garth, narrowed its beady little eyes at him suspiciously, and began to yip at Garth in a most irritating fashion.

  Mrs. Barks was in her sixties, but she had a steeliness about her that belied her age. She wore her gray hair in a slick bob, and had sharp, brown eyes. Today she was wearing a black and gray designer skirt suit. The pencil skirt went down to her knees and she was wearing a pair of black stilettos. There was a red scarf tied around her neck in a very French manner, but Mrs. Barks was not French.

  Garth inexplicably found this particular human female to be rather intimidating. Bloody hell. It’s Mrs. Barks. And I still don’t have the rent I owe her. I’m already several months behind! “Ah…good afternoon, Mrs. Barks.” Garth greeted her nervously.

  Mrs. Barks stalked towards the display case with purposeful steps. “Hello Garth. I assume you know why I’m here. Do you have the rent you owe me?” She began to drum her fingers on the counter top of the display case and Garth noted her long, red nails. Those things could be used as weapons.

  Garth swallowed. “I…don’t.”

  Mrs. Barks’s eyes flashed with anger. “You don’t. And even after I’ve given you so many extensions.” She looked around his shop curiously. “What do you do in here all day exactly? Stare at the wall? Watch porn on that laptop of yours?” She demanded coldly, and placed her hands on her hips.

  “No, Ma’am. I stand here and wait for the customers to arrive.” Garth explained.

  “Uh huh.” Mrs. Barks did not sound at all convinced. She made her way behind the display case, and tapped on the mouse to bring up what Garth had been looking at on his laptop computer. A web browser popped up that was currently displaying a YouTube page. It was a funny, cute, cat video. Mrs. Barks clicked on the video so that it began to play. She raised an eyebrow at the screen as the cat video began to play. “A cat video of a cat wearing a shark costume while riding on one of those Roomba cleaning robots. It has more than eleven million views. You have got to be kidding me.” The landlady rubbed at her temples with her index fingers.

  Garth’s face was flushed bright red out of embarrassment.

  Mrs. Barks spun to face Garth and began to jab her bony finger into his chest fearlessly. “You’re telling me that instead of actually working and trying to get customers that you’re in here watching cat videos all day? You’re a pathetic, lazy excuse for a man. What kind of man decides to run a candy shop anyways? A pervert. That’s who. I’m sick and tired of making allowances for you, Garth. You’re not my son. I have enough useless sons as it is! And I’ve given you more than enough chances to get me my rent! I want you out of here as soon as possible!”

  Garth’s spirits fell. This was it. The end of his candy shop Helltastic Confectionary. His friends were going to think he was so pathetic. His friend Levi had given him the money to start his own business, and in just a few months he’d managed to spend all the money and run his business into the ground. He made candy that didn’t sell, and had to throw it out when it went bad. He also tended to break things a lot in his shop and kept having to pay for repairs and new glass candy jars. He’d been throwing money down the drain.

  Garth knew that he could ask his friend Levi for more money, but his pride wouldn’t allow it. Maybe he should start taking the money he earned at the fight clubs, he mused. Even if those ‘victories’ didn’t sit well with him at all.

  “Excuse me, but…it makes no sense to kick Garth out right now during the holiday season. Most small retail businesses make all of their money during the last few days leading up to Christmas. I’m sure it’s the same for this shop.” An intelligent female voice spoke up confidently.

  Garth and Mrs. Barks turned to see Sasha standing on the other side of the display case. Both were surprised that they hadn’t even noticed Sasha come in. Had Mrs. Barks been yelling that loudly? Garth wondered. Or was it the barking Pomeranian at her side that had blocked out Sasha’s entrance.

  The shifter glared down at the obnoxious little dog and it barked even louder.

  Mrs. Barks looked Sasha over from head-to-toe, taking in her odd, punky appearance, pink hair, thigh-high leather boots, white lab coatdress, and the goggles on the top of her head. “And you are?” The landlady asked in a condescending tone.

  “Dr. Sasha Robinovitch.” Sasha stuck out her hand for Mrs. Barks to take.

  “Doctor…?” Mrs. Barks murmured as she automatically shook Sasha’s hand as decorum demanded. “Are you a surgeon?”

  Sasha nodded. “Veterinarian, actually. I run my own pet clinic and have a pet shop too. That’s why I know a little bit about small retail business. It’s around this time of the year that my pet shop makes the most money. The people in this city love to buy their pets gifts for Christmas.”

  “Ah…Sasha’s Veterinary Clinic and Pet Shop. I’ve actually shopped there. You have a wonderful selection of products. You have a keen eye for buying, young lady.” Mrs. Barks admitted grudgingly.

  Sasha’s lips curled into a serene smile. “Thank you. I love animals, so I try to have the best possible products for them. Anyways, the people in this city also like to buy candy as gifts during the holidays. And Garth has some…special new products planned for Christmas. He’ll be able to pay you back all the money he owes you after Christmas - guaranteed.” She boasted.

  Garth’s golden eyes grew wide at Sasha’s declaration. Special new products? What the hell is she talking about?

  Mrs. Barks turned her scrutinizing attention upon Garth, and narrowed her eyes at him in a suspicious manner. “Is this true? You have some special new products planned for the holidays?”

  Garth had no choice but to agree, and nodded. “Aye…very special.”

  Mrs. Barks turned her attention back to Sasha. “And what is your relation to Garth exactly?”

  Sasha blinked. “I’m his best customer. I love his handmade candy. It’s very delicious. Have you ever tried it?”

  Mrs. Barks flinched guiltily. “Well, no…I haven’t.” She admitted.

  Sasha smiled dreamily, and walked over to a steel bucket with several animal-shaped lollipops displayed within. She pulled out a lollipop shaped like a Dalmatian and carried it back to Mrs. Barks. “Here. My treat.” Sasha said as she handed Mrs. Barks the lollipop.

  Mrs. Barks looked down at it in surprise. “How did you know I also have a Dalmatian?”

  A secret smile curled Sasha’s lips. “A hunch.” I read her Pomeranian’s mind.

  Mrs. Barks unwrapped the lollipop, put it into her mouth, licked, and sucked. She moaned. It was very good. The lollipop was made up of more than one flavor, matching the colors on the dog: white coconut, black licorice and red cherry. “This is surprisingly excellent.”

  “You see, once people try Garth’s candy they’ll probably buy out this entire store!” Sasha was saying as she continued to pet Mrs. Bark’s Pomeranian, which had finally stopped barking. “Isn’t that right, you cute little thing?” Sasha cooed to the dog in a baby voice.

  Mrs. Barks raised an eyebrow at the sight. She hadn’t noticed Sasha approach her dog and Snowflake wasn’t very friendly with strangers. How odd. “Well, I suppose you’re right, Dr. Robinovitch.” The landlady let out a defeated sigh, and shot Garth an exasperated look. “I expect to see great things happening here during the holidays. You have until after Christmas, Garth. This is your last chance.” She wagged her finger at the shifter.

  “Thank you very much, Mrs. Barks. I won’t let you down.” Garth said firmly.

  “Hmph! You had better not.” Mrs. Barks made her way around the display case and headed for the door. She exited a
long with her Pomeranian and closed the door behind her.

  Sasha and Garth both let out sighs of relief once Mrs. Barks had left the shop, and they could breathe easier. She had an overwhelming presence. Sasha and Garth looked at each other, and started to laugh. “You saved me back there, lass. Thanks.”

  “No problem.” Sasha responded airily.

  “So what are you doing here? Need more candy?”

  “Well, I managed to finish Charming’s repairs and I said I might stop by afterwards. Also, I wanted to give you a little present for saving my life.” Sasha held out a shopping bag towards Garth.

  “You didn’t have to get me anything.” Garth said as he took the bag.

  Sasha smiled in a spacey manner. “But I wanted to. I think this gift will solve your problem.”


  “Open it up and see.”

  Garth reached into the bag, and pulled out a headband with a pair of fuzzy, orange and black cat ears. There was also a matching tail. A muscle in Garth’s jaw ticked in irk. “You got me a cat ear headband?”

  Sasha nodded and reached out to grab the headband from Garth’s hands. Before he could stop her she put the headband right on Garth’s head. “There. You see, perfect.”

  “What’s perfect?” Garth asked in a grumpy tone. He probably looked like an idiot.

  “You’re not scary anymore. Now you’re just…cute!” Sasha nodded to herself.

  Garth slapped a hand to his forehead and groaned. “You can’t be serious. I feel like an idiot with these things on my head.”

  “But…you don’t want to keep scaring your customers away, do you?” Sasha asked insistently. “If you wear those the girls won’t be afraid of you anymore.”

  Garth frowned thoughtfully. Did I talk to Sasha about my worries? I can’t remember. She reads me like an open book. The shifter scratched his head and sighed. “Sasha…I appreciate the thought, but this will never work-” Garth was saying when the bell above the front door jingled and a group of three young women stepped inside.

  The girls looked over at the display case, and up at Garth. Their eyes widened at his height and intimidating, thuggish appearance. That is until they noticed the fuzzy cat ears on the top of his head. The girls giggled shyly, and began to browse around the shop and chatter amongst themselves.

  Garth’s jaw dropped at their reaction. No frickin way…it worked?

  The three young women picked out various candy products and carried them over to the counter so that Garth could ring them up. After the girls had paid for their purchases, and Garth had handed them their shopping bags, they turned to leave. But then one girl turned back around and looked at Garth. “Um…” She began in a shy, hesitant manner.

  “Yes?” Garth prompted her.

  “May I please take a selfie with you?” The girl blurted out quickly before she lost her nerve.

  Garth blinked at the brown-haired girl in shock. “Aye. Go ahead, lassie.”

  “Yay! Thanks!” The brunette scooted over to the display case, and with her back to Garth snapped a photo of herself with Garth in the background. She spun around and thanked Garth again. “Thank you so much. My friends are going to be so jealous!” She ran over to her friends, who were standing by the door waiting for her. “Did you hear him call me, lassie?”

  “His Scottish accent is so dreamy.” One of the other girls said. “He reminds me of Gerard Butler.”

  “Those cat ears are so cute!” The third girl giggled.

  The three girls left the shop, and Sasha and Garth looked at each other before grinning.

  “It worked.” The amazement was obvious in Garth’s tone of voice.

  “You see, I told you. You’re just a big ‘ol kitty cat, but you had to show them that.” Sasha reached out and touched one of the fuzzy cat ears. It filled her with nostalgia as if she’d done this somewhere before.

  Garth held up his hand for Sasha to give him a high-five. “Up high, lass.”

  Sasha hit his hand and stumbled forward slightly.

  Garth grabbed Sasha’s hand before it could leave his and curled his fingers around it. He looked down into her eyes, a fierce expression on his face. “I really owe you one, Sasha.”

  “Not at all.”

  “But what am I going to do about coming up with a special new product?” Garth groaned and let go of Sasha’s hand.

  Sasha’s hand was still tingly from Garth having held it. “I might actually be able to help you with that. You’d be surprised by how similar chemistry and genetic engineering and making candy are.” There was a mischievous twinkle in Sasha’s blue eyes.

  “You know how to make candy?” Garth gave her a skeptical look.

  “No…not yet. But how hard can it be! Besides, I won’t be making normal candy, but special candy.” Sasha laughed in a giddy manner.

  In that instant Sasha was really reminding Garth of a mad scientist. “Uh, maybe you shouldn’t.” Garth had a bad feeling about this.

  “Nonsense.” Sasha waved her hand airily through the air. “You saved my life, Garth. And I’m the one who opened by big mouth and compromised you to Mrs. Barks to come up with a new product, so helping you is the least I can do. I know I’ll think of something.” The mad scientist tapped her chin as she began to brainstorm a few ideas.

  Garth gave her a worried look. He had a really bad feeling about this. “Uh, Sasha-”

  The bell above the door jingled and another group of young women stepped inside. They looked at Garth and giggled. “It’s true…he’s really wearing cat ears.”

  “Hey, everything in here looks so good. Let’s look around.” One of the girls suggested.

  “Okay.” The other girls agreed. The group of women began to browse while shooting Garth shy looks and glances. It was unreal. Garth felt like he’d fallen into The Twilight Zone.

  The group of women purchased various candy products and left. It wasn’t long before Garth had more customers and then even more. Word of mouth was a scary thing. The candy shop was packed in less than an hour, and Sasha began to get pushed towards the door. She didn’t mind though. She was just happy Garth was finally getting customers.

  Sasha looked at the young women who were sneaking shy, curious and even amorous glances Garth’s way. She felt a twinge of something…irritation, maybe? It didn’t look like Garth needed her anymore, so she decided she’d just go.

  Sasha started for the door, but some of the more aggressive customers were pushing their way into the shop as she was trying to exit. When Sasha finally managed to squeeze by them she ended up getting shoved off the top step. “Eek!” She fell forward and got ready to land flat on her face on the sidewalk. This was going to hurt.

  However, she ended up falling into someone’s outstretched arms. Ehhh?

  “Nice catch, Mal!” A female voice with a lilting southern accent praised.

  Sasha looked up to see who’d caught her, and her eyes widened at the tall Goth man. He had long, straight black hair, and sparkling emerald green eyes that looked like gems. His face and hands had been painted white, and he had black lipstick on. The Goth was wearing tight, black leather from head-to-toe with lots of straps and buckles. Eek! A Goth man!

  Sasha glanced over at the woman who’d spoken, and was surprised when she actually recognized her. “Becca?”

  Rebecca Thorn was a Druidess Vampire Hunter who’d let Sasha know about how the city of San Francisco was threatened by a Zombie Apocalypse. She was the one who’d given Sasha a sample of the zombie virus, so that she could come up with a cure.

  As always, Becca was looking extremely stylish. She was wearing a black and red dress, a red peacoat, red scarf, red beret, and a pair of black leather knee boots. Becca was currently giving the Goth man a thumbs-up.

  Malakye’s eyes had widened like flying saucers at having a human female suddenly end up in his arms. What the? Is it raining human females? Mal looked up at the sky quizzically.

Becca nodded and offered Sasha a friendly smile. “Yep, it’s me. It’s good to see you again, Sasha. You’re looking… good. Well, I mean you’re a total fashion emergency, but besides that you look good. We saw what you did in there for Garth.”

  Sasha frowned thoughtfully. “You guys were spying on us?”

  “Yep.” Becca agreed, unrepentant. “It’s like a miracle that he has so many customers and it’s all thanks to you! Oh, Malakye, this is Dr. Sasha Robinovitch. Sasha, I’d like you to meet my friend Malakye Sterling. He’s a bit shy, and doesn’t do well around people he doesn’t know. So please don’t be offended by that.”

  Malakye looked down at Sasha. Awkward. “Uh…hello.”

  “Hello.” Sasha said back.

  Malakye’s brow furrowed suddenly as he stared down into the eyes of this strange human female. “Hey…there’s something different about you.” Malakye began to probe Sasha’s mind. Can you hear me? Malakye questioned in his mind-voice.

  Sasha’s eyes widened as she heard Malakye’s voice in her head clearly. Yes. You can use telepathy?

  Yes…and so can you apparently.

  Not really. Well, it’s complicated. I can read the minds of animals and nonhumans. I can’t read the minds of normal humans though.

  How interesting. And you…you’re a normal human though, right?

  As far as I know. Sasha replied with a mental shrug.

  Malakye probed Sasha’s mind further sensing something and came upon a gigantic pair of double doors that were blocking most of Sasha’s memories. What the? How strange. Are you suffering from memory loss?

  Yes. I have no memories past four years ago.

  I can see this door in your mind…

  A door?

  Do you want me to open it?

  You could do that?

  Yes, if you wish it. Although it might be painful…and maybe you’ve blocked those memories for an important reason.

  Sasha considered Malakye’s offer, but then shook her head. All she sensed past that door was fear and pain. I’m not ready to remember my past yet.

  I understand.

  Becca hit Malakye over the back of his head with a bonk! “Would you let her go already? What if Garth sees you? She belongs to Garth!”

  “Ah…sorry.” Malakye released Sasha, and was glad the white makeup on his face was hiding his sudden blush.

  To Becca it had appeared as though Malakye and Sasha had been silently staring at each other for a few minutes. She couldn’t have known they’d been communicating with each other telepathically.

  “No problem.” Sasha turned to Becca. “What did you mean by what you just said?”

  “Oh, that you’re Garth’s?” A cat’s paw smile formed on Becca’s face. “It sounds like you and Garth have been spending a lot of time together recently. Do you like him? Are you crushing on him?” She asked bluntly.

  Malakye blushed beneath his makeup at Becca’s frankness. “Becca!” His tone was scandalized.

  “Crushing?” Sasha’s lips curled into a spacey smile. “It’s not like that. We’re just friends. Besides, I already have a boyfriend. I just finished putting him back together actually.”

  Malakye and Becca shared a quizzical look. “Boyfriend? What do you mean you put him back together? Don’t tell me you’re talking about some kind of fancy vibrator?” Becca asked in amusement. “Or dildo?”

  Sasha’s cheeks turned pink at Becca’s lewd suggestion. “No! Do you remember the Perfect Boyfriend Project I told you about?”

  “Yeah.” Becca replied.

  “Well, my boyfriend is a robot. I built him myself and developed his AI. He really is perfect. He can cook gourmet meals, he cleans the lab for me, knows how to drive, gives me really good massages, he’s sensitive, writes me love poems…” Sasha continued to gush about her robot boyfriend with a dreamy expression on her face.

  Malakye raised an eyebrow at Sasha. “Are you being serious right now? You built a robot?” I estimated that it would take humans at least another millennia before they could develop an actual self-thinking, self-evolving AI. Just how smart is this human female?

  Sasha nodded serenely. “Yes. If you don’t believe me I can call him to pick me up.”

  Becca waved her hand dismissively through the air. “We believe you. We know you’re a genius. After all you saved this city from a Zombie Apocalypse!”

  Malakye was giving Sasha an impressed look. “Hey, so what’s his designation, or name? Does he have any superpowers? Hidden weapons?”

  “His name is Charming. He knows more than one hundred different forms of martial arts. As for hidden weapons…maybe I should add some.” The mad scientist tapped her chin in thought.

  “A hidden gun could be useful.” Malakye suggested excitedly. “His fingers could be gun barrels.”

  “Ooo good idea. I like how you think, Mal.” Sasha praised.

  Malakye rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, feeling embarrassed. He wasn’t used to praise. He laughed nervously and then snorted.

  “Yes, yes…a robot is cool and everything, but he’s still just a robot.” Becca waved her hand dismissively through the air again, and Sasha noticed her long red nails with little gems on them in the form of small hearts. “You should really date Garth instead.”

  Sasha frowned. “But it’s not like that. We’re friends.”

  “Yes, yes, you’ve said that already.” Becca looked Sasha’s outfit over, and clucked her tongue. “The way you’re dressed it’s no wonder Garth doesn’t see you as a woman and only as a friend. You need a makeover!”

  Sasha grew nervous at the mention of a makeover. She’d given up trying to look feminine four years ago.

  “Don’t you think so, Mal?” Becca asked Malakye while giving him an expectant look.

  “Uh…I get the feeling I’m not allowed to disagree with you here.” Malakye gulped nervously. “So…yeah.”

  Becca clapped her hands together. “Great. Then it’s settled. Sasha, you’re coming with us! You’re going to get a head-to-toe makeover!”

  Sasha tried to run, but Becca caught her using her swift vampire hunting reflexes. “And just where do you think you’re going?”

  “Home?” Sasha tried.

  “Oh no, not yet you don’t.” There was a glint in Becca’s lime-green eyes. “You’re about to become my greatest masterpiece.” Becca snapped a picture of Sasha with her smart phone.

  Sasha’s eyes stung at the sudden light being flashed in her eyes. “What…?”

  Becca checked how the photo had turned out on her phone and nodded, pleased with how it had turned out. “This will be the ‘before’ pic. I’ll put it up at my new fashion blog. And then I’ll post your transformation photo afterwards. My fans are going to love this!”

  Why me? Sasha internally groaned.

  Becca and Malakye dragged Sasha to a popular clothing store founded by former Kiss stylist Hope Collings called Marmalade. It was located in the calm San Francisco neighborhood known as Cow Hollow. The clothes were trendy and affordable with plenty of deals under a hundred bucks.

  Becca started to make Sasha try various outfits on. Malakye was feeling oddly guilty that he was getting to see the cute Sasha in all these different outfits, and not his best friend Garth.

  Malakye was pretty sure Garth liked Sasha. Even if the stubborn shifter hadn’t figured that out on his own yet. Malakye couldn’t forget the tender look on Garth’s face when he’d talked about Sasha during Men’s Poker Night. He was sure Garth didn’t realize what kind of face he’d been making either.

  When Sasha exited from behind the dressing room curtain wearing a flowing, white dress with pink flowers on it, Malakye knew they’d found the right outfit. It made Sasha look positively angelic. “That one.” Malakye spoke up for the first time that whole hour.

  Becca stroked her chin as she looked at Sasha, and walked around the pink-haired girl to inspect the dress. “I agree. It’s perfect. But those boots
have to go.” She snapped her fingers in a sassy gesture.

  “My boots?” Sasha hadn’t worn anything other than her thigh-high black leather knee boots for the past four years. Boots were useful for when you had to kick a pervert in the nuts or run away from an enemy.

  Becca noticed Sasha’s panicked expression. “Don’t worry, you can keep them. But you’re just not going to wear them with that dress.”

  Sasha let out a sigh of relief.

  Their next stop was JIMMY CHOO, where Becca picked Sasha out a pair of stylish, strappy, white and silver sandals. Sasha took off her boots, put them into a bag, put on the sandals, and stood up.

  “Spin around for me, Sasha.” Becca said as she twirled her finger through the air.

  Sasha did as she was told and spun around in the dress, she would have run into a shelving unit filled with shoes if Malakye hadn’t swiftly caught her. “Whoa, there.”

  “Thanks, Mal.” Sasha said dizzily. The entire shoe store was spinning.

  “Now we just have to do something about that hair.” Becca piped up.

  Malakye just realized something that was probably pretty important. “Uh…Becca? The outfit she’s wearing is more of a summer outfit. And it’s the dead of winter. She’s going to be freezing in it.”

  Becca waved her hand dismissively through the air. “Freezing, smeezing. Beauty is pain, Malakye.” She nodded knowingly.

  “Uh…okay.” Malakye gave Becca a strange look. Women. Will I ever understand them?

  “Next stop - James Colgan!” Becca announced.

  “Who’s that?” Sasha questioned.

  “The best hairdresser in San Francisco, that’s who.” Becca praised.

  Becca dragged Sasha and Malakye to her new favorite hair salon: James Colgan. They entered right away and when James spotted Becca, his eyes lit up and he walked over to greet her. “Well, if it isn’t Rebecca Thorn. What brings you here today?”

  “I have a fashion, well, I guess you’d call it a hair emergency.” Becca said as she waved her hand in Sasha’s direction.

  James turned to look at Sasha and did a double take when he took in her unruly, messy mass of pink hair. “You could say that again. But you’ve definitely come to the right place. Come with me, young lady. I’ll wash your hair first.” James began to guide Sasha over to the row of padded leather chairs that had sinks behind them.

  “See what you can do about that frizziness.” Becca called after them.

  “You got it.” James called over his shoulder.

  James Colgan was an artsy, middle-aged man with a stylish goatee. He had a confident air about him. He washed Sasha’s hair with an almond-scented shampoo and then conditioned her hair. He ended up conditioning her hair again in order to get the knots out of her hair. He clucked his tongue at the state Sasha’s hair was in, and almost fainted when he found a piece of coiled wire in her hair from when she’d been doing the repairs on Charming. He also found something else. “Is this a paperclip?” James shook his head and tossed it aside.

  After James was finished washing Sasha’s hair he guided her over to a chair in front of a large mirror. “What kind of haircut would you like, young lady?”

  Becca approached them and spoke up before Sasha could answer. “You know what you’re doing, James. So just make her look good. Oh, and keep the length.”

  “You got it.” James spun his scissors around his fingers before setting to work creating a new style for Sasha. He gave her some face-framing layers and cut her hair so that it went down in a V-shape in the back. Half an hour later, he was blowing drying and styling her hair. Sasha’s messy pink hair was completely transformed into soft waves.

  James fingered a lock of Sasha’s hair. “Your hair is a lot softer than I thought it would be. I actually expected it to be much more damaged since you dye it that pink color.”

  “It’s not dyed.” Sasha objected. “Pink is my natural hair color.”

  James laughed in amusement at Sasha’s outlandish words. “You’re funny, young lady!”

  Sasha frowned but decided to remain silent. No one ever believed her about her hair anyways. And she wasn’t about to prove him wrong by showing him that the carpet matched the drapes.

  Becca clapped her hands together when James announced that he was finished. “Oh, I love it. It’s perfect. You’re a magic worker, James.” She was standing in front of the mirror and blocking it from Sasha’s view.

  “She looks beautiful.” Malakye agreed in a soft, shy voice.

  Before Sasha could even look at her reflection in the mirror to see her finished look, she was being whisked away by a woman named Erika who wanted to do Sasha’s makeup. Erika was a pretty young woman with short blonde hair, who was wearing a black tank top and black mini skirt that hugged her curves.

  Erika sat Sasha down on a chair and began to work her magic. Becca made a few suggestions, and when Erika was done, Becca whipped out her phone and snapped a picture. “There, now I have your ‘after’ picture. You look great. I want you to dress like this when you go and visit Garth at his shop tomorrow, okay?”

  “If you insist.” Sasha agreed obligingly with a nod. “We’re just friends though.” She felt the need to add once again. “I’m going to call Charming to come pick me up. That way you guys will get to meet him.”

  “Yes!” Malakye cheered goofily, doing a fist pump.

  Becca raised an eyebrow at Malakye’s antics and he bashfully lowered his fist.

  Sasha called Charming to come and pick her up, and she gave him the address of the hair salon. Twenty minutes later, a red convertible was pulling up directly in front of the building the salon was in, and in front of Sasha, Malakye and Becca who’d been waiting outside.

  A handsome blonde man got out of the convertible, and approached Sasha. He was tall, lithely muscled, had stylish blonde hair, and was wearing a pair of dark designer sunglasses. Charming was wearing a dark blue suit, and fancy dress shoes. He whipped his sunglasses off to reveal his bright sky-blue eyes, and addressed Sasha: “Sasha, my love, what are you doing out in the cold dressed like that?” Charming’s tone was chiding. He removed his coat and smoothly wrapped it around Sasha’s shoulders.

  Malakye gawked at the handsome man. He looked like some kind of model or movie star. He’s so cool. That was so smooth just now. What a lady killer! I need to take notes! Malakye whipped out a small notepad and began to jot down how the robot had wrapped his coat around Sasha’s shoulders because she was cold.

  “Thanks, Charming.” Sasha said in her usual spacey manner.

  “Charming!” Becca and Malakye both burst out as they realized this handsome, prince-like, gentlemanly man was a robot.

  “Then he’s…” Malakye looked around nervously and lowered his voice. “A robot?”

  “Yes. He’s perfect.” Sasha gushed.

  Malakye looked at Charming and smiled lopsidedly. “Cool.”

  Becca hit Malakye over the back of his head with a whack! “Now is not the time to be impressed with Garth’s love rival! Look at Sasha…she looks like she’s totally in love with him. She’s lost in fantasy and delusion. What are we going to do about this?” Becca hissed in a low voice to Malakye.

  “Ow. What are we going to do?” Malakye frowned and looked at the dreamy way Sasha was looking at Charming. “I dunno…he looks like he’s in love with her too. Should we really get involved?”

  “Mal, that’s a robot.” Becca rolled her eyes. “A robot. His feelings for her aren’t real. They’re…some kind of program or something.”

  “Hmm.” Malakye stroked his chin thoughtfully. “I wonder if the AI has free will?”

  “Free will?” Becca scoffed. “You’re giving that thing too much credit, Mal.”

  “Guys, I’d like you to meet my boyfriend, Charming. Charming this is Becca and Malakye.” Sasha made the introductions. “They gave me a makeover today. It was a little scary but…also fun.”

  “I can see that.?
?? Charming raked his eyes over Sasha hotly. “And may I say - you look absolutely gorgeous, Sasha. Pastel colors suit you.”

  Sasha blushed. “Thank you, Charming.”

  Becca’s eyes widened as she realized her plan to make Garth notice Sasha…had just caused a romantic moment to happen between her and the robot. Whoops! What have I done?

  “Well, someone noticed Sasha alright.” Malakye put in, smirking.

  “Oh, shut up. I know.” Becca chewed on one of her acrylic nails fretfully. “I won’t give up so easily. I’m going to match up Sasha and Garth one-way or the other! You’ll see, Mal.”

  “Uh huh.” Malakye replied dryly.

  Charming got in behind the wheel of the convertible, and Sasha got in the passenger’s seat. Becca and Malakye watched as they drove off looking like the perfect in-love couple.

  “They look good together.” Malakye said to Becca teasingly.

  “Shut it.” Becca snapped. “My ship isn’t going down this easily!”


  Around six o’clock PM things finally began to calm down in Garth’s shop, and he was able to take a breather. “Phew.” Finally alone again. Garth looked around his shop and wondered when Sasha had left. It had probably been sometime during all that commotion. “I wonder when Sasha left…?” Garth let out a disappointed sigh. “She didn’t even buy any candy for herself, just that lollipop for Mrs. Barks.”

  “You miss her, don’t you?” A gruff male voice teased from beside Garth.

  “Ah!” Garth jumped and turned to see that Gabriel had materialized next to him. “Dude, don’t do that. You almost gave me a heart attack. How long have you been here anyways? You invisible nuisance.”

  Gabriel crossed his arms over his chest and looked smug. “Oh…since Sasha put that headband on your head, and you actually let her.”

  Garth’s golden eyes widened. “That long? Bloody hell. I totally didn’t sense your presence.”

  A sly grin curled Gabriel’s lips. “It looks like things are progressing between you two nicely.”

  “What?” Garth raised an eyebrow at the angel. “No.” He shook his head. “You’ve got it all wrong. We’re just friends.”

  Gabriel put his hands out before him in a helpless gesture. “You are so thickheaded. When will you get a clue? Sasha is-” Gabriel was saying when the bell above the door jingled and in stepped Dominic Wilde.

  Dominic was wearing a long, black and gray wool trench coat with large round buttons, a white scarf, and shiny dress shoes. His purple hair was combed back into a ponytail. The only piercings Dominic had in were his ear piercings and his lip piercing. “Hey Garth, I-” Dominic stopped himself mid-sentence when he caught sight of Gabriel.

  A mischievous, sensual smile curled Dominic’s lips. “Well, what do we have here? A handsome Archangel.” Dominic sashayed over to the display case and leaned over the counter to close the distance between him and Gabriel.

  Gabriel gave Dominic a disgusted look and his lip curled. “What are you doing here, perverted vampire?”

  “I’m here to give Garth some information on another underground fight club. And to retrieve my payment. Although Garth never has any money to give me.” Dominic chuckled in amusement and pouted cutely.

  “Ah, I can pay you today actually.” Garth made his way over to the register, hit the ‘no sale’ button and grabbed a few hundred-dollar bills, which he handed to Dominic. “Here.”

  Dominic took the money with a wide-eyed expression on his face. “You actually made money? What happened…?” Dominic then noticed the cat ears on the top of Garth’s head. “Ah…cat ears. I’ve used those before. Apparently they work on men and women.”

  Garth flushed. “That’s…!”

  “Disgusting pervert.” Gabriel sneered at the vampire.

  Dominic reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, which he handed to Garth. “Here. The biker from last night was a fountain of knowledge.”

  Garth took the folded piece of paper and stuck it into his jeans pocket. “Thanks, man. I’m surprised you were able to seduce such as standoffish looking guy. You’re…okay?” The shifter questioned awkwardly.

  Dominic smiled lackadaisically. “Of course. More importantly he let me suck his blood so…I guess can live another day.”

  Gabriel was frowning at Dominic, and suddenly reached out and pulled the white scarf off his neck.

  “Hey!” Dominic objected, as a deep purple bruise was revealed around the vampire’s neck. He looked like he’d been strangled by a rope.

  “Tch…you’re not okay, idiot.” Gabriel growled angrily.

  Garth looked guilty. “Hellfire. That doesn’t look so good.”

  Dominic laughed at the two males and smiled brightly. “You guys are so funny! This is nothing! Nothing. Besides, I’m an immortal vampire now…this will heal up in no time. Don’t make a big deal about nothing.”

  “Nothing…” Gabriel trailed off with a dark look on his face.

  A serious look fell over Garth’s face. “I told you not to do anything you didn’t want to do.”

  Dominic sighed. “And I haven’t. It’s my…lifestyle choice, Garth. I know what I’m doing. You don’t need to worry about me. I only do things I want to do.” He offered Garth a reassuring smile.

  “Sicko.” Gabriel said under his breath.

  “You know you want me.” Dominic blew Gabriel a kiss.

  Gabriel shuddered. “I’ve heard enough of this nonsense.” The Archangel announced and looked at Garth. “And you should give up on this obsession of yours to find the Red Priest, and concentrate on your new friendship with Sasha. Farewell, idiots.” Gabriel turned invisible, and a few seconds later the shop door opened and then closed.

  Dominic pouted at Gabriel’s hasty departure. “Aw, he left already. He’s my favorite eye candy, you know? But wow…he really hates me, huh? But, I guess I should be used to being hated.”

  “He doesn’t hate you.” Garth found himself quickly denying at the sight of the forlorn look on Dominic’s face. “Gabriel…can be a real jerk. And you should never get used to people insulting you like that. You’re a cool guy, Dominic. You deserve better.”

  Dominic blushed at Garth’s kind words. “Oh man, if you weren’t straight I might fall for you, Garth Mackenzie. Sorry. I’d better go. Good luck tonight. I hope you find the answers you’re looking for. And good luck with ‘Sasha’. Whoever she is! Mwha!” The vampire tossed Garth a kiss and a wink before turning and heading for the door.

  “Hey Dominic?” Garth called after him. He threw a Payday candy bar that the vampire caught using his supernatural reflexes easily.

  “Yes?” The vampire glanced over his shoulder.

  “Thanks. And uh, see you soon.” Garth said awkwardly.

  Dominic beamed. “See you around, honey.” He unwrapped the candy bar and took a bite out of the peanuts, caramel, and nougat, and moaned. A payday had never tasted so good.

  To be continued in…Candy 9: Pixie Stix