Read Highlander Hellcat PG-13 Version Page 15


  Little did they know, but Garth and Leslie were being watched. Lachlan had gone looking for Leslie, hoping to convince the free-spirited she-wolf to spend her moon time with him. He’d planned to tell her that it wouldn’t mean anything. That they could just sate their lust together with no emotional commitments as they had once before. He’d be lying, of course, but Leslie didn’t need to know that.

  However, the dragon had tracked Leslie’s scent down to the dungeons. At first, he thought that Leslie had probably been worried about Garth and so had just gone to check on him. But when he heard the unmistakable sound of two shifters having sex - the blood had run cold in his veins.

  Lachlan had hidden in the shadows, and approached Garth’s cell stealthily and cautiously. Then he’d seen them. Garth and Leslie mating while standing up. The sound of wet flesh slapping together reached his ears and he covered them with his hands as he tried to block out the sounds. But he could hear their moans of pleasure echoing off the stone walls.

  Before long, Garth was yelling out Leslie’s name as he reached his peak, and Leslie greeted his cry shouting Garth’s name is obvious ecstasy.

  The dragon’s chilled blood had thawed quickly from a burning anger and jealousy that wanted to consume him.

  Garth had betrayed him and had mated with Leslie. He’d thought that Garth was his best friend. He’d been horribly wrong. That scumbag! He’s no friend of mine…but an enemy! His nails turned into claws and he considered killing them both, right then and there.

  The dragon could rip their throats out before they’d even know what had happened. He imagined ripping them to pieces, their bloody limbs scattered across the cell floor. Leslie’s cold dead eyes staring up at him accusingly…No!

  Not Leslie. He couldn’t harm Leslie. Even if she didn’t love him back. She was still precious to him.

  Lachlan knew if he stayed a moment longer he’d kill his two best friends, and so he fled the dungeon as quickly as he could. He was filled with so much jealousy and envy that he knew he’d be a danger to any shifter he came across, and decided to leave the castle.

  The dragon exited out into the courtyard, and as soon as he was outside he let his inner beast take over. He shifted into his dragon form - an eighty-foot-long dragon with black scales like polished onyx. His eyes were green with specks of silver and had slit pupils. He had enormous, sharp claws on his hands and feet. Vicious spikes emerged down the ridge of his spine and two horns curled out of his head. The end of his tail was covered in vicious black spikes.

  Lachlan spread his wings and took off into the sky, heading for the nearby dark forest. He had so much pent up hatred and frustration he needed to let it all out somehow. He swooped down over the treetops, opened his maw, and unleashed a stream of fire at the trees.

  The forest below him began to be consumed by red flames. A crackling sound filled the air. Lachlan let out a roar of rage and despair, and kept up his path of destruction. He spotted a cottage in a clearing and swooped down closer to target it next.

  The dragon opened his maw and unleashed a blast of red and orange flames the cottage’s way. The flames flew towards the cottage, but were then stopped by an invisible barrier. What the hell? Lachlan’s brow furrowed in confusion as he watched his flames hitting some kind of an invisible shield, and then they dissipated. What magic is this? The dragon wondered, suddenly intrigued.

  The door of the cottage opened and a woman stepped out. Lachlan was surprised by her unexpected stunning and otherworldly appearance. She had long black hair with scattered braids that went down past her waist, moon white skin, and exotic bi-colored eyes. One was red, the other blue. She was wearing a black gown with belled sleeves. Lachlan noticed the tattoo of a blue crescent moon in the center of her forehead. A Druidess? Or High Priestess? The dragon mused in a calculating fashion.

  Iona looked up at Lachlan and her red lips curled into a fearless smile. “Stop having a tantrum and destroying my forest. Come down, dragon. I’ve been waiting for you.” The witch waved her hands at some nearby red flames and used her magic to cause them to dissipate.

  Lachlan was impressed. This witch was powerful indeed. Perhaps, she could be of some use to him and his ambitions. The dragon swooped down and landed a few yards away from the witch. The flapping of Lachlan’s wings made her hair and dress dance, but she stood still and unafraid. Lachlan shifted back into his human form.

  Lachlan was gloriously nude before the witch and painfully aroused because of the full moon that was still shinning overhead. The witch’s eyes hungrily took in the sight of Lachlan’s naked body - his muscular physique, broad shoulders, rippling abs, and white marble-like skin. And her hot gaze went to his crotch.

  Lachlan stalked towards her with graceful, predatory steps. The witch looked back up and met Lachlan’s fierce gaze. She saw the myriad of emotions there - his hate, anger, envy and lust.

  Iona placed her hands on her shoulders and removed her dress so that it slid down from her body and pooled at her feet. Lachlan growled approvingly in response. This witch wasn’t afraid of his lust…but welcomed it. “You’re not afraid, lass?”


  “You will be.” Lachlan assured her as he pushed Iona to the ground.

  Iona fell back to the soft grass, and Lachlan crawled over her, straddling her. He glared down at her and she met his gaze unflinchingly. He sniffed her, his nose in the crook of her neck. “You smell human…are you human?” He scowled at the unpleasant thought.

  The witch had noticed the obvious distain in Lachlan’s voice as he’d said the word ‘human’. “I’m a vampire.” Iona wisely responded.

  Lachlan’s eyes widened. “A vampire…?” At one point she’d been human, but she’d given up her soul for power and immortality as a vampire. Lachlan was a dragon, and all dragons greedily craved power and wealth, so he could relate. “A vampire…?” He kissed her mouth roughly and his lips were cut on her sharp fangs. “Ow.”

  Iona licked her bloody lips. “Mmm.” Because Iona had been born half-vampire half-human Druid she’d never actually lost her soul, but didn’t feel the need to tell anyone this. The more evil they thought she was the more people respected her.

  “You’ll pay for that, you wicked wench.” Lachlan rumbled lowly as he took her flesh into his mouth and bit down hard.

  Iona cried out and arched her back, causing her hips to press against Lachlan’s.

  Lachlan spread her legs and gazed upon her. He impatiently joined their bodies with one powerful thrust without giving Iona time to adjust to his considerable size.

  Iona screamed at the mixture of pleasure and pain that hit her senses as this dragon shifter male claimed her. He was truly a beast. And she liked it.

  Lachlan began to move furiously against her, making Iona cry out, and rake her nails down his back, drawing blood.

  It didn’t take long for Lachlan to reach the peak of his pleasure, and he claimed her with a satisfied grunt. He collapsed on top of her carelessly, selfishly crushing her with his weight.

  “My turn.” Iona whispered as she used her superhuman strength to flip them over so that she was on top of Lachlan and their bodies were still joined. Before Lachlan could properly react Iona had leaned over him, and sunk her fangs into the side of his neck.

  Lachlan gasped at the odd erotic sensation. A wave of lust crashed into him and he could feel himself growing painfully aroused.

  Iona removed her fangs and pulled back. She licked her bloody lips and smiled devilishly. She began to move over Lachlan as she greedily sought her own pleasure. In a lust filled daze, Lachlan placed his hands on her hips and let her take control. Something he would never do under normal circumstances.

  In minutes, the witch was trembling against him and crying out in ecstasy. “Lachlan!”

  The sound of his name on her lips pushed him over the edge again. She collapsed on top of him, fully sated, and smiling deliriously.

lan stroked his hand down her back, over her soft hair. This female had accepted him and his violent lust. He was oddly touched by this. “How do you know my name?”

  “I know a lot of things. I have…visions. I can’t tell if I’m dreaming or awake most of the time. Is this a dream?” Iona asked.

  “No…this is real. What is your name, witch?” Lachlan asked, suddenly curious about her.


  “Iona.” He tried her name out on his tongue and decided he liked it. “You belong to me now. Allow no other man to touch you. Do you understand?”

  Iona’s lip twitched. He thought she belonged to him? How amusing. “I understand, milord.” But I’ll play along…for now. She had to admit to herself that she did like his possessiveness. Magnus you shall pay for rejecting me. I’ll make sure that Lachlan takes your place. Or have I done that already? Time is so confusing.


  Five days later…

  Magnus was dying.

  He was on his deathbed. The curse had gotten worse and he was coughing up blood more frequently now. Soon he’d be drowning in his own blood, and then…his head would be severed from his body by the curse tattoo Iona had maliciously given him.

  Lachlan, Leslie and Garth all stood at the side of Magnus’s bed. Also in the room were Magnus’s closest, most trusted friends and allies, which consisted of a bear shifter, a wolf shifter, a deer shifter, a snake shifter, a bunny shifter, a cat shifter, a bird shifter and many others. However, Garth noted that all of the dragon shifters were absent.

  When shifters grew overly emotional or excited their animal ears or tails would usually pop out of their own accord. Currently, the bear shifter had fuzzy ears on his head, the bunny girl who’d been serving as his nurse had bunny ears on the top of her head, a bird shifter had her wings out, a cat shifter had her ears out, and a snake shifter had a head of hissing green snakes. The shifter females were already sobbing.

  Magnus chuckled at the sight even as he lay dying. “I’m not dead yet, bonny lassies. Think you could hold off a wee bit longer?”

  “Oh Magnus.” Leslie cried as she took his hand in hers. “Always the joker. You always know what to say to brighten our spirits. This place won’t be the same without you. There must be a way to stop this. We can’t continue on without you, Magnus.” The she-wolf’s blue eyes were shimmering with unshed tears.

  Garth wholeheartedly agreed with what Leslie was saying. “Magnus, can’t we ask Iona to release you from the curse? Perhaps she’ll see reason.”

  Lachlan flinched at the mention of Iona. He’d been very surprised and yet pleased to discover that the witch who’d cursed Magnus was the same witch he’d slept with. Iona was already proving herself to be incredibly useful to him. I’ll have to thank her for this later.

  Magnus shook his head despairingly. “She won’t listen to reason…and she has no mercy in that shriveled up black heart of hers. Besides, it’s too late now. I can feel it…I don’t have much longer. That’s why I called all of you here, my most trusted and loyal friends and allies. I want to tell all of you who I want to succeed me as Clan Chief.”

  Lachlan kept his face expressionless. This was it - Magnus was about to name him Clan Chief. He had to force himself not to smile. How long had he waited for this day? Too long.

  Magnus looked at Lachlan and offered him a pitying smile before he turned his gaze upon Garth. His smile turned pleased, hopeful. “I want Highlander Hellcat Garth MacWulver to succeed me as Clan Chief.”

  A shocked silence fell over the bedchamber. Leslie gasped and shot Lachlan a confused look. She’d also assumed Magnus would choose Lachlan. After all they’d known each other longer than Magnus and Garth had. And Magnus had appeared to trust Lachlan, but maybe that trust had been broken by Lachlan’s recent actions in regards to the human village.

  Lachlan was pissed. And that was putting it mildly. “What the hell is the meaning of this? You can’t be serious, Magnus. Garth has only been a part of this clan for little more than a month! How could he possibly be qualified to rule Clan MacWulver! I’m the one who should rule the clan! The next Clan Chief should be me!” The dragon punched the wall out of anger and caused a small crater to form there. A few pebbles fell to the floor of the bedchamber with a clatter.

  Magnus frowned and gave Lachlan an apologetic look. “For a time…I thought it should be you. But…you’ve changed, Lachlan. You’ve let your greed and thirst for power lead you down a dark path, that’s taking you astray from the path you need to be on in order to find love and redemption. I won’t let you…lead the clan astray too.” The wolf shifter coughed into his hand and blood seeped through his fingers.

  “This is ridiculous! I’m stronger and more powerful than Garth!” Lachlan waved his bloody fist in Garth’s direction. “What does he have that I don’t?” His silvery green eyes flashed.

  The shifters remained silent as they stared sadly at Magnus instead.

  “Garth has a kind heart.” Magnus spoke up into the silence. “Whereas, your heart has turned to ice.”

  “A kind heart! Ha! What use is that?” The dragon scoffed bitterly. “Kindness? Love? Those are weaknesses! We are immortal shifters. We could rule this entire planet if we wanted to! We should rule it! We will rule it! And you can’t stop me because you’ll be dead!” Lachlan began to cackle maniacally.

  “No!” Magnus burst out and started to cough violently.

  “My Laird Magnus!” Leslie cried out in concern.

  “No…you can’t…you must assimilate and live in peace with the humans. It’s the only way to find hope and happiness and love and redemption. Garth…you can’t let him destroy our hope. Promise me!” Magnus gasped, his blue eyes wild.

  Garth grabbed Magnus’s other hand and held it tightly. “I promise. I will protect Clan MacWulver and the village with my life.” There was a fierce, determined look in his golden eyes.

  A look of relief crossed Magnus’s face when he saw that raw determination reflected in that amber gaze, and then the wolf shifter’s head was gruesomely severed from his shoulders by the cursed magical tattoo.

  Leslie cried out in pain, anguish, and horror. “No! Magnus!” She threw herself onto the bed and started crying. The sobbing of the shifter females grew louder.

  “Long live…Chief Garth.” One of the shifters spoke up.

  And the other shifters that were inside of the bedchamber answered. “Long live, Chief Garth!”

  Lachlan glared angrily at the shifters in the room. “You bunch of traitors.” He looked at Leslie, and their eyes met. There was pity in her blue eyes. He couldn’t stand the sight of it. Lachlan shook his head and held his hand out to Leslie. “Come on, Leslie, let’s go.”

  Leslie stared at Lachlan’s hand as tears continued to stream down her face. Her sad expression turned to disbelief. “I’m not going to follow you, Lachlan. My allegiance belongs to Garth now. He is the new Clan Chief. This was Magnus’s dying wish and I will respect it.”

  A muscle beneath Lachlan’s eye ticked in irritation. “So you choose him over me? You’ll come to regret this, Leslie. Soon you’ll see that you chose the wrong side to be on.” He sent a hateful glare Garth’s way. “This isn’t over, Hellcat. You’ll rue the day that you decided to take everything from me.” The dragon turned around and stomped out of the room with thundering steps.

  You’ll rue the day that you decided to take everything from me. Lachlan’s words echoed mercilessly in Garth’s head. He hadn’t meant to betray Lachlan, but he had. He’d slept with Leslie and he’d become Clan Chief. Garth couldn’t really blame Lachlan for hating him. He kind of hated himself too in that moment. He’d really treasured Lachlan’s friendship but he’d broken that bond beyond repair.

  Unfortunately, Magnus had been right. Lachlan overtly hated humans, and would lead the clan down the wrong path, perhaps towards global domination. It was up to Garth now to keep the shifters heading in the right direction, and that was towa
rds peace with the humans. This was for the good of the clan. Garth tried to remind himself. But even as he tried to reassure himself that his actions were the right ones they left a bitter taste in his mouth.


  Lachlan stormed out of the bedchamber, and stomped his way down the castle corridor. The floors and walls seemed to tremble from his seething anger. He made his way down the grand staircase, and entered the great hall. He looked around searchingly and finally spotted his friends and allies seated together at one of the long tables drinking. He approached them with swift steps, and they all looked up and gave Lachlan expectant looks once he’d reached them.

  When Lachlan remained silent and sulking it was the red dragon shifter, Cormag, who spoke up. “How’s Magnus?”

  “He’s dead.” Lachlan replied simply, through gritted teeth.

  Lachlan’s friends smiled at each other and looked pleased.

  “Congratulations on becoming Clan Chief, Lachlan.” Cormag grinned.

  “Let’s get some ale to celebrate.” A green dragon shifter named Irving suggested.

  “And some more apple pie!” A bear shifter named Artair added rubbing his already distended belly.

  A dark scowl formed on Lachlan’s face. “Magnus…named Hellcat Garth as his successor right before he died.”

  Artair actually stopped eating. A frog shifter named Clyde couldn’t stop his jaw from dropping open in shock. Cormag reached across the table and closed Clyde’s mouth with his finger by pushing Clyde’s chin up.

  “Bloody hell.” Irving swore and clenched his massive hands into fists over the table. “That traitorous wolf! If he wasn’t already dead I’d kick his butt.”

  “What about Leslie?” Cormag dared to ask with a curious glint in his eyes. He knew that his leader Lachlan was in love with the spirited she-wolf.

  Lachlan’s eyes flashed dangerously. “Her allegiance is to Garth now.”

  Cormag shook his head disappointedly and put his hands out in a helpless gesture. “I’m sorry. But there are plenty of fish in the sea, Lachlan. Better fish.”

  “I’m aware of that.” Lachlan said thinking of Iona. The witch was beautiful even if she’d been human at one point, and her lust matched his own. She was also powerful and he respected power. “But…my heart belongs to Leslie and always will.” He said the last more to himself than to Cormag. Cormag was a rake and wouldn’t understand. He took a different woman to his bed each night, and sometimes more than one.

  Cormag shrugged carelessly. “If you want her so badly then…take her. We can capture her and keep her someplace for you.”

  Lachlan was in front of Cormag in the blink of an eye. He reached out and wrapped his hand around Cormag’s neck and caused the nails on his hand to turn into claws. He clenched his fist and his claws began to dig into the flesh of Cormag’s neck. “If you ever lay a single finger on Leslie I’ll rip your head off. Do I make myself clear?” Little trickles of blood began to form from where Lachlan’s nails were digging into Cormag’s neck.

  “Crystal.” Cormag struggled to gasp out.

  Lachlan released Cormag’s neck and stepped back.

  “What are you going to do now, Lachlan?” Clyde asked slyly.

  “The real question is what do you want us to do?” Irving cracked his knuckles, a gleam in his golden eyes. He was itching for a fight.

  “Nothing. Do nothing.” Lachlan started and smiled at the shocked looks on his friends’ faces. “For now. I’ll…” The dragon ran his hand through his wavy hair in a frustrated gesture. “Think of something. Crap. I can’t believe Magnus did that. He actually outplayed me, that sly bastard. I didn’t even see it coming. Touché, Magnus, touché.” Lachlan turned to go and headed towards the massive set of double doors.

  “Och, where are you going, Lachlan?” Cormag called out.

  “I’m going to go have sex.” Lachlan replied crudely.

  A leer formed on Cormag’s face. “Who? And may I join in?”

  “None of your business. And…this one belongs to me for my exclusive use.” Lachlan shot a warning glare Cormag’s way.

  Cormag put his hands up in front of him in a surrendering gesture. “Whoa, no need to get hostile. She’s yours. Got it.” Stingy guy.

  Lachlan made his way to the stables, and tacked Duff. He rode through the castle gate and headed for Iona’s cottage.

  Two hours later…

  Lachlan collapsed on top of Iona after having reached the peak of his pleasure. He pushed himself up and looked down at Iona’s otherworldly bi-colored eyes. “More…I need more.” His voice was low and husky with his need.

  Iona’s eyes widened and she smiled wickedly. “You know the price.”

  “Do it, witch.” Lachlan relented.

  Iona leaned forward, sank her fangs into Lachlan’s neck, and drank deeply. “Mmm.”

  Lachlan groaned and could feel himself growing aroused once more. He couldn’t seem to get enough of this strange woman. He began to move over her even as she continued to drink his blood.

  Once Iona was sated she removed her fangs from Lachlan and licked her lips. She lay back and looked up at Lachlan and noted his almost angry expression. “What’s wrong my Laird? Is it tasking being Clan Chief?”

  Lachlan stilled above her. “What did you say?”

  “Clan Chief…Magnus died. I know this because I’m the one who cursed him. And I can feel that my curse no longer exists in this world which means he’s dead.” Iona said simply, a delighted gleam in her eyes. That bloody wolf got what was coming to him. “And if he’s dead then you must be Clan Chief for there is no one greater or more powerful than you.”

  “I see. Why did you curse Magnus in the first place?” Lachlan asked curiously.

  “He refused to lie with me.” Iona huffed, her indignation obvious.

  Lachlan laughed cruelly. “The fool. Why would he turn down…this?” He grabbed her flesh and squeezed it roughly. Iona moaned agreeably. “But you’re wrong. I didn’t become Clan Chief. Magnus named Garth as Clan Chief.”

  Iona frowned and furrowed her brow in confusion. “Garth? But he’s been taken away by Pope Leo X’s Crimson Cross Order.”

  It was Lachlan’s turn to frown. “What do you mean by that? Garth is still back at Castle MacWulver.”

  “Castle MacWulver? So it’s still called that? Then…it hasn’t happened yet, I suppose.” Iona tapped her bottom lip thoughtfully.

  “What hasn’t happened yet, witch?” Lachlan demanded.

  Iona’s bi-colored eyes gleamed. “Why your victory, my Laird. I saw a dream of the future. I know what you must do in order to defeat Garth. And I have the perfect pawn for you to use. A man who is a werewolf, but thinks he is just a normal man.”

  A savage smile curled Lachlan’s lips as he looked down at Iona. “Tell me more.”


  To be continued in…Candy 11: Unicorn’s Breath