Read Highlander Hellcat PG-13 Version Page 17

  Chapter 12: Candy Cane

  Sasha had just finished getting dressed when she heard someone pounding on the door of her clinic. She frowned as she looked at her watch. It wasn’t even seven o’clock yet. And Charming was still charging his internal battery. Who could it be? Sasha wondered.

  The veterinarian made her way through the clinic, and entered the reception room. Sasha walked over to the front door warily and opened the door. She blinked at the unexpected sight before her.

  “Sasha! There you are! Come on. We’re going to be late.” It was Rebecca Thorn, Derek Dearg’s fiancée. She was dressed in another trendy flower-print dress, a pair of flat boots, and a jacket to protect her against the cold. She’d also accessorized her outfit with a black fedora, and red and black scarf.

  Becca reached out, grabbed Sasha’s hand, and began to pull her towards a Volkswagen Beetle that was hot pink, and had been painted with flowers on it for a very hippie effect.

  “L-Late? Late for what?” Sasha asked, feeling bewildered.

  Becca gave Sasha a frustrated look. “Didn’t you get my invitation? I’m getting married to Derek today! And my Maid of Honor, Issy Sweet, and bridesmaid, Vivien Tempest, and I are all going together to get our hair and makeup done at James Colgan - the salon I took you to last time. Oh, and you’re one of my bridesmaids too, by the way. And that’s why we’ve got to get you ready. You can’t go to my wedding dressed like that.” Becca looked over what Sasha was wearing: her usual goggles, white lab coatdress, and thigh-high leather boots with buckles. She shook her head despairingly. “It would be a total fashion emergency! And you’re one of my bridesmaids, so…yeah. As a famous fashion blogger I can’t let that happen. Hurry up, I’m freezing my butt out here!”

  “Your wedding…?” Sasha said dazedly as Becca opened the rear car door, and motioned for Sasha to get inside the car. Sasha got inside the car and scooted over along the seat to make room for Becca.

  Becca scooted herself inside, and shut the door quickly. “Brrr! It’s freezing out there! Issy, turn up the heat, girl.”

  “Okay. You got it.” A young woman, who was seated in the driver’s seat behind the wheel, agreed. She was as pink as her car. The woman had a delicate, oval-shaped face with a pert, sloping nose, wide brown eyes, and cute, pouty lips. She was wearing a bubblegum-pink wig. She had on a Gothic Lolita style dress that was pink with white frills and ruffles. To complete her look she had on black and white striped stockings and a pair of shiny Mary Jane shoes.

  Sasha quirked her head at the unusual looking young woman. It was like looking at a porcelain doll that had come to life.

  “Allow me to make the introductions. Sasha, I’d like you to meet my Maid of Honor, Issy Sweet.” Becca waved her hand at the doll-like woman. “She owns a bakery called Dolly’s Tea Party Bakery. She’s a patissiere. Issy, this is Dr. Sasha Robinovitch. She’s a veterinarian.”

  Issy reached behind her seat, stuck out her hand for Sasha to take, and offered the veterinarian an amiable smile. “Hi, nice to meet you, Sasha.”

  Sasha took Issy’s hand and shook it. “Nice to meet you too.” Why is she being so nice to me? I’m a complete stranger. She shifted uncomfortably on her seat.

  “Sasha, I’d also like you to meet my bridesmaid, Vivien Tempest. She’s an action heroine, and is engaged to Levi Devlin, the owner of a seafood restaurant called Poseidon’s Trident. Vivien, meet Sasha.” Becca introduced in her southern drawl.

  Vivien Tempest was seated in the front passenger’s seat. She was a tall, lithely muscled woman with long, straight blonde hair, and bright sea-green eyes. She was wearing a leather jacket, black tank top, skinny jeans, and red boots. A red scarf was tied around her neck and completed her Hollywood look.

  Vivien glanced over her seat at Sasha, and her eyes grew big, just as Sasha’s did the same.

  “Ah!” Both girls exclaimed at the same time as they recognized each other.

  “It’s you. I remember you.” Sasha began. “You and Levi visited my pet shop once.” She knew Levi since she’d saved his life about three years ago when her friend Ambrose Rune had brought Levi to her veterinarian clinic after he’d almost been vivisected by the ADTF and Agent Darkhart.

  Vivien nodded. “Yeah, I remember you too. It’s nice to see you again.” She offered Sasha a dazzling smile.

  “I watched your performance in The Little Merman. You were amazing. Can I have your autograph?” Sasha shyly asked. “Pen…where’s a pen?” She began to search her lab coat for a pen.

  Vivien blushed slightly and laughed. “I’d be happy to give you my autograph Sasha, but only if I can have yours too.”

  Sasha blinked at Vivien in confusion. “Mine? Whatever for?”

  “Becca told us all about how you were the one who developed a cure for the zombie virus that almost caused an Apocalypse in this city. You saved this city, Sasha. I may be an action heroine and star in a lot of movies as a heroine, but you’re a real hero.” Vivien praised passionately. “Not to mention, that time you saved Levi about three years ago. He told me about that. I never really did thank you for that either.”

  Sasha flushed. “Me? A hero? I’m just…a veterinarian. I did what any scientist would do, really.”

  “More like you’re a genius!” Issy argued. “I could never do something like that. The most complicated thing I can cook up is a wedding cake! By the way, Becca, you are going to love the cake I made you!”

  Becca smiled, and her lime-green eyes were sparkling with obvious excitement. “I can’t wait to try it, Issy.”

  “Alright, now that we’ve gotten the introductions out of the way, let’s get this show on the road!” Issy took her car out of park, pulled out of her parking spot, and swiftly merged into traffic at a high speed that had the tires screeching.

  Sasha found herself pushed up against the side of the car door. Issy’s driving was crazy! “We’re all going to die.” Sasha deadpanned.

  Becca and Vivien laughed at Sasha’s concern. “Vivien and I are used to Issy’s kooky driving.” Becca drawled.

  “So Sasha, Becca’s told us all about how she’s trying to hook you up with Garth Mackenzie.” Vivien began in a conspiratorial tone. “She’s such a matchmaker, and a busybody!”

  “Garth? We’re just friends. And besides, I have a boyfriend.” Sasha argued.

  “Who?” Issy asked curiously.

  “She’s talking about that robot I told you girls about.” Becca explained with a wave of her hand. “The one with the princely attitude named Charming.”

  “Oh, the robot.” Vivien said dismissively.

  Sasha frowned at the girls’ flippant attitude. These girls had no idea how good Charming was to her. He cooked, cleaned, took care of her, massaged her aching shoulders, and helped her out at the clinic. She felt the need to defend him bubble up inside of her and overflow. “Charming is the perfect boyfriend.”

  Issy giggled happily. “She’s in love with a robot. How romantic.”

  “I want her to be in love with Garth.” Becca huffed in a frustrated manner. “You should see the way he looks at her. He’s a bit dense, but I know he likes her. And Garth doesn’t like anyone. They would make such a cute couple.”

  “The mad scientist and the Highlander Hellcat.” Vivien thought aloud in a pensive tone. “Has a nice ring to it, I think. They should turn that into a movie I can star in. I should make a call to my agent.”

  Mad scientist? Sasha thought sourly, even if it was true. “You’re wrong, Becca. I know Garth only sees me as a friend.”

  Becca raised an eyebrow at her. “How can you be so sure?”

  Because I can read his mind. Sasha thought to herself, feeling oddly depressed for some reason. “I just am.”

  “Well, let’s see if he still sees you as just a friend after he catches a glimpse of you in the bridesmaid’s dress I had made specially for you!” Becca nudged her elbow into Sasha’s side. “It’s very sexy.”

; “You had a dress made for me?” Sasha asked in surprise. “You shouldn’t have gone to so much trouble.” You hardly know me…

  Becca waved her hand dismissively through the air. “I had dresses made for Issy and Vivien too. I want my Maid of Honor and bridesmaids to look spectacular. I plan to take a lot of pictures and put them up on my fashion blog after all. It will be good promotion.”

  “Oh, I see.” Sasha felt uncomfortable by how nice these girls were being with her. “Why me?” She asked in a small, tremulous voice.

  “Why what?” Becca asked with a tilt of her head.

  “Why do you want me and Garth to get together so badly? Why me?” Sasha questioned.

  Becca tapped her chin in thought. “Well, for starters…you’re awesome. You’re a total genius. And very humble. You’re cute, sweet, and kind. Garth is best friends with Derek, Levi, Mal and Tristan…so you’d become a part of our group, and we could all hang out together. It would be great. Ah, Tristan is Issy’s husband, you haven’t met him yet.”

  Tears began to well up in Sasha’s eyes due to Becca’s unexpected kindness. “You’d want to hang out with a weirdo like me? Even though I’m…crazy?”

  Becca’s eyes widened in shock when she saw that Sasha was about to cry. “Ah, don’t cry. Come here!” The southern belle reached out and hugged Sasha affectionately. “If you start crying…I’m going to cry too because I’m all hormonal because I’m pregnant! And you’re not crazy. You’re like all of us. We’re…unique. Normal is overrated anyways, Sasha. Who wants to be a sheep following the masses when you can be a leader? You’re our friend now, Sasha, even if you and Garth don’t get together, okay?” Becca reassured the veterinarian as she stroked Sasha’s hair.

  Sasha sniffled and tried to hold back her tears. “Okay.” She was so used to people rejecting her, giving her condescending or disgusted looks, and calling her ‘crazy’ or ‘weirdo’. She’d never been accepted like this before. Never had friends like this before. It meant a lot to her.

  The hardest thing about losing her memories had been when she’d asked her father about her friends and her father had told Sasha that she didn’t have any friends. It had broken her heart.

  A protective feeling began to well up inside of Sasha for these three women who’d offered her friendship. Friends…I have friends now. I’ll protect them. I won’t fail to protect them again. Again? Sasha tried to remember if she’d ever had friends before - friends she’d let down and her head began to throb in pain. I can’t remember…

  “It’s hard to find people that will easily accept the knowledge that demons, vampires and other supernatural beings exist.” Vivien said solemnly.

  Supernatural beings. “Levi is…?” Sasha knew that Levi was a nonhuman since she was able to read Levi’s mind, but was unsure of what kind of nonhuman he was.

  “Levi is a merman.” Vivien revealed.

  Sasha’s eyes grew wide and then she understood. Levi Devlin had played the part of the Merprince in the Disney remake of The Little Merman, but he hadn’t really been playing a part at all. He was a real merman. It also made perfect sense now why Levi would start stripping off his clothes anytime he saw water. His pull to water was in his merman blood and could not be ignored.

  “I like his blue hair.” Issy said randomly. “My husband Tristan is a half-incubus demon. Levi is a merman. Derek is a vampire. Garth is a Hellcat shifter. And Malakye is a plant alien.”

  Sasha had already known about Garth and Derek, but not Tristan and Malakye. “An incubus?” She blushed when she thought that that meant Tristan was some kind of sex demon. Then she thought of the nerdy Goth Malakye. “A plant alien? You mean…he’s from outer space?” Her mind felt like it was spinning.

  Becca nodded. “Yep. He has glowing silver skin. That’s why he wears that white makeup.”

  “Silver skin?” Sasha tried to imagine what Malakye would look like with his silver skin and smiled. It suited him. “It’s a shame he has to cover it up. I bet it looks amazing.”

  Becca hugged Sasha again. “And that’s why we like you! We’re all on the same weird wavelength. Isn’t she just perfect, girls?”

  “Yep.” Issy readily agreed, nodding, and causing the pink curls of her wig to bounce with the motion.

  “Definitely.” Vivien nodded.

  Becca whipped out her smart phone. “Let’s all exchange phone numbers before we forget.” The other girls agreed and everyone exchanged cell phone numbers with Sasha.

  Less than half an hour later, Issy parked her Beetle two blocks away from the James Colgan salon. The girls exited the car, and speed walked to the salon because it was freezing out.

  When the four women entered the salon they were greeted by the hairdresser James and his makeup artist Erika. “Becca! You’re late!” James chided fretfully.

  “I know, James. I’m so sorry!” Becca gave James an apologetic look.

  James put his hands on his hips and tsked. “Oh well. Whatever. Come on, I’m going to wash your hair first. I’ll have my employees wash the hair of your friends.”

  “Alright.” Becca readily agreed.

  “It’s good to see you again, Sasha.” James added with a wink.

  “Hi.” Sasha greeted shyly.

  The four women had their hair washed, trimmed, blow-dried, and lastly styled. Erika, the makeup artist, had fun doing everyone’s makeup after that.

  Sasha watched as James styled Becca’s hair beautifully, adding regal braids to it until her hair looked like something Daenerys Targaryen from the HBO original series Game of Thrones would wear. It made Becca look like a medieval princess.

  Issy’s natural hair color was multicolored highlights: dark brown, light brown, golden blonde, and black. Her shoulder-length hair was styled into a cute updo with a pink flower clip.

  Vivien’s blonde hair was styled into a slick ponytail updo with a braid wrapped around the ponytail’s base.

  Sasha’s pink hair was left down, and styled simply to cascade around her shoulders in soft waves. James made two braids on either side of Sasha’s face, and brought the braids up behind her head and clipped them together.

  Sasha was the last one to get her makeup done, and when she reached for the hand mirror to see her reflection Becca stopped her. The blogger placed her hand on Sasha’s, and there was a mischievous twinkle in her lime-green eyes. “I don’t want you to look at your appearance until you’re wearing your bridesmaid’s dress. That way you’ll see the full effect, and be amazed.”

  “Most brides-to-be want to make sure their bridesmaids look uglier than them. But it’s like you want Sasha to look better than you or something.” Vivien pointed out astutely. “What’s up with that?”

  “I’m just excited to see the look on Garth’s face when he sees Sasha looking like a real woman.” Becca said in her southern drawl.

  A sudden thought came to Issy as she realized something, and frowned in a worried manner. “Isn’t tonight the night of the full moon? Isn’t that a bit…dangerous?”

  “Full moon?” Sasha gave Issy a curious look.

  “Ah!” Becca waved both her hands through the air and gave Issy a quelling look, which clearly said ‘shut up’. “Don’t worry about it. Everything will work out perfectly. I trust Garth. You’ll see.”

  Vivien and Issy both shared a skeptical, concerned look, but remained silent.


  After the girls were finished with their hair and makeup, Issy drove everyone to Becca’s home. Becca lived with Derek in a four-story, brick, Victorian townhouse. The first floor of the townhouse was Derek’s business Voodoo Tattoo. Derek was a tattoo artist by day, and a vampire hunter by night.

  Becca escorted the girls inside her home, and took them directly to her room. Once inside, she handed each girl a garment bag, which contained a bridesmaid’s dress, and in Issy’s case, her Maid of Honor dress.

  Becca picked up her own garment bag and headed into the bathroom to change into
her wedding dress.

  Vivien, Issy, and Sasha opened their garment bags, and changed into their dresses. Once Sasha was finished putting on her dress and shoes, she turned to see how the others were doing with their dresses.

  Issy Sweet’s dress was made out of the same dark red silk material that all the dresses were made out of. Her dress looked doll-like, had puffed sleeves, and flared at the knees with ruffles. She’d paired the dress with black stockings, and black Mary Jane shoes.

  Vivien Tempest’s dress was high-necked with a long, straight silhouette. It hugged her curves perfectly, and accentuated the fact Vivien had long legs. The action heroine was wearing a pair of red high heels.

  Vivien and Issy turned to look at Sasha, and they both gasped simultaneously, making Sasha immediately feel uncomfortable and worried. “What? What’s wrong? Do I look…weird?”

  “No, Sasha.” Issy shook her head vigorously. “You look…beautiful.”

  “Come over here, and take a look in the mirror.” Vivien motioned for Sasha to approach the full-length mirror attached to the open closet door.

  Sasha warily approached the mirror, stood in front of it, and peered at her reflection. Her eyes widened like saucers, and she reached her trembling hand out towards the glass. “Is that really me?” Sasha’s smoky eyes and red lips made her look much more mature and seductive. Erika was really a genius makeup artist.

  The red silk dress had a plunging v-neck that showed off some cleavage. The dress hugged and molded to Sasha’s curves, and even though she thought she was too skinny she looked good. The high heels she was wearing made her five-eight.

  Vivien put a hand on Sasha’s shoulder. “Yep. That’s you.”

  “Garth is gonna freak when he sees her!” Issy said excitedly, practically jumping up and down with excitement.

  “Definitely.” Vivien agreed.

  Becca exited the bathroom at that moment, looking absolutely stunning. Her wedding dress was of a medieval design. The dress had a dark red strapless bodice, and a long, flowing, white skirt that had a long train. The sleeves were a separate garment. From Becca’s upper arm to her elbow the sleeves were tight and made of a dark red silk material. At her elbows the sleeves changed to a white, silk material, and belled and draped down almost to the floor. Celtic symbols and designs had been embroidered into the red silk of the bodice and sleeves with golden thread.

  “Becca, you look amazing.” Vivien complimented with misty sea-green eyes.

  Issy was dabbing her brown eyes with a pink handkerchief. “Oh Becca, you look…beautiful.”

  Becca’s eyes were teary, but not for the reason her bridesmaids and Maid of Honor expected. “I can’t zip it up.” She muttered in a low voice.

  “What was that?” Vivien asked.

  “I can’t zip it up! I’m a big fat pig!” Becca burst out. “And I can’t even fit into my own wedding dress! Derek will never want to marry me!”

  “Becca, you’re not fat - you’re pregnant.” Vivien reminded calmly.

  “Uwhah!” Becca started to cry. “I’m not even a virgin! I shouldn’t be wearing white! Cinnia was a virgin!”

  “Who’s Cinnia?” Sasha asked confusedly.

  “Oh, that was Becca’s name in her past life.” Issy informed her nonchalantly.

  “Past life?” Sasha questioned, feeling confused.

  “It’s a long story.” Issy said casually. “But I’ll tell you all about it at the reception party.”

  “Come on, girls, let’s help Becca zip up that dress! This is what bridesmaids and Maid of Honors are for!” Vivien declared, a fierce look on her face. She was always the practical one.

  “Alright! You got it! We got this!” Issy readily agreed and tried to reassure Becca as best she could.

  The three young women rushed over to Becca, and began to try and zip up her wedding dress. “You two push the two sides of the back of her dress together, and I’ll zip it up.” Vivien directed them in an authoritative manner.

  “Okay.” Sasha agreed.

  “Alright.” Issy said.

  Vivien began to zip the dress up, until-

  The sound of ripping fabric filled the bedroom.

  “W-What was that?” Becca demanded.

  Vivien paled and dropped her hands. “Oh my God…I just ripped your wedding dress. I’m so sorry, Becca.”

  “It’s a sign!” Becca cried. “Maybe I shouldn’t get married to Derek after all! Uwhah!” Tears began to stream down her freckled face.

  “Ah! Don’t cry! You’ll make your mascara run!” Issy panicked, whipped out a handkerchief, and began to dab it beneath Becca’s eyes. “You don’t want to look like a raccoon at your own wedding.”

  Sasha looked at the ripped back of Becca’s dress thoughtfully. “It looks like an open wound that needs to be stitched together.” Light bulb. “That’s it. Becca, do you have a needle and thread?”

  Becca sniffled. “Huh? Yeah, in the second drawer of my dresser over there. I have a sewing kit.” She waved her hand in the dresser’s direction.

  Sasha walked over to the antique dresser, opened the second drawer, and began to rummage around inside as she looked for the sewing kit. She found it, and was about to shut the drawer when she noticed a roll of gold ribbon. She grabbed the ribbon, a pair of scissors, and the sewing kit before approaching Becca. “Don’t worry, Becca, I have an idea on how to save your dress’s life.”

  “You do?” Becca questioned with a hopeful note to her quivering voice.

  “Leave it to me. Beginning operation.” Sasha quickly began to fix the back of Becca’s dress. She removed the zipper and sewed up the ripped part. Then she made holes where she would be able to lace the golden ribbon through. Sasha tied the golden ribbon so that there was a line of gold Xs crisscrossing down Becca’s back ending in a bow.

  All of the women in the room remained silent and held their breath as they watched Sasha work.

  Ten minutes later, Sasha was wiping the sweat from her brow with the back of her hand. “Phew. The operation was a success.” The scientist annoucned as she finished tying the bow at the end.

  Issy clapped. “Ooo, I like it. You could be a fashion designer, Sasha.”

  “It looks sexy.” Vivien agreed. “Go take a look, Becca.”

  Becca walked over to her dresser, grabbed a hand mirror, and then approached her full-length mirror. She turned her back to the mirror and peered at her reflection in the hand mirror so she could see her back. Her eyes widened as she saw the crisscrossing golden ribbon going down her slightly exposed back. It looked…amazing. Becca smiled. “Wow. Who would have thought Miss Walking Fashion Emergency would be the one to solve a fashion emergency. Now I feel bad for dissing your mad scientist look, Sasha. My dress looks amazing. Thank you. You really saved the day! And my dress.” The blogger gave Sasha an emotional look.

  Sasha blushed at Becca’s heartfelt thanks. “I’m just glad I could be of some help.”

  “Ah! No more crying, Becca! I forbid it!” Issy blurted out when she noticed the emotional look on Becca’s face.

  “Just like sewing up a wound.” Sasha added.

  The girls looked at Sasha before they burst out laughing, and Sasha soon joined them.


  A limo took the girls from the townhouse to the St. William’s Church. Sasha, Vivien, Issy and Becca exited the limo, and approached the front doors of the Gothic-style church. Vivien turned to Sasha and spoke: “The Maid of Honor and bridesmaids enter first. Then we go stand on the left side of the altar. I’ll show you where since you didn’t get to come to our rehearsal…just follow me and don’t worry, okay?”

  Sasha nodded and clutched her trembling hands together tightly. She was so nervous. She didn’t want to ruin Becca’s wedding by doing something stupid. No pressure. It’s not like Becca’s lifelong happiness depends on this moment. Oh, wait, yes it does. I’m so screwed!

  Issy Sweet, the Maid of Honor, entered the church fir
st, and the organ began to play a classical song. The wedding march would play when Becca entered through the church double doors.

  Then it was Vivien’s turn. “Count to twenty and then enter.” The actress directed Sasha as she smoothed her hands down over her flawless looking red dress, and then made her entrance.

  Sasha counted to twenty, took a deep breath to steel her nerves, and entered the church. A cold winter wind blew the double doors shut behind her with a loud bang causing her to jump. It was suddenly so much warmer inside. The first thing Sasha noticed when she entered the church were the incredible flower arrangements decorating the pews and the area around the altar.

  The exotic, otherworldly flowers were unlike any she’d ever seen before. Most of the arrangements were made with a large red lily that had electric blue stripes. It was a type of lily she’d never seen before and wondered if it was tropical. There were other flowers too: blue and orange ones, red and blue ones, and purple and orange ones. They appeared to be swaying to the organ music as if they were alive. But that was impossible. Sasha squinted at them suspiciously.

  She tentatively reached her mind out towards the flowers, and was surprised when she could actually hear their inner voices.

  Look at that pink-haired girl. She looks nervous.

  I’ve never seen a human with pink hair before.

  Why is she just standing there?

  Eek! Sasha took that as her cue to keep walking forward. The church gave Sasha an odd sensation of déjà vu as she looked around its interior, and admired the tall, stained glass windows, high vaulted ceiling, and the wooden cross with a replica of Jesus on it that was hanging above the altar. This church…it seems so familiar. I wonder why. Have I been here before? She wondered.

  Sasha gulped as she looked down the aisle towards the altar. Derek was standing there waiting for Becca, and looking extremely handsome. Derek had his brown hair tied back into a ponytail with a blue silk ribbon. He was wearing a slick tuxedo with a dark blue bowtie that brought out his eyes; a blue vest with Celtic swirls on it, and shiny dress shoes.

  To Derek’s left stood Malakye, then Tristan and lastly Garth. Malakye was wearing a Gothic black and white tuxedo, and his face and hands were painted white as usual.

  Sasha’s gaze went to Issy’s husband Tristan Savant next. She’d been curious about what a half-incubus would look like and she was no disappointed in her expectations. Tristan had startling bi-colored eyes, one gold, and one a deep sapphire blue. He had long black hair that was currently tied back into a ponytail. The incubus was wearing a Victorian-style suit along with a pair of shiny dress shoes. He exuded sensuality.

  Once Sasha was able to pull her eyes away from Tristan, her gaze landed on Garth as she walked down the aisle. The upper half of his outfit resembled an all-black suit, and the lower half was a gray, white, and black formal tartan kilt, which went down to his knees. There was a traditional Scottish black leather pouch around his waist that was attached to a chain belt. To complete his look he wore knee-high black socks and dress shoes.

  Wow. Sasha thought as she stared at Garth, and her mouth dropped open slightly. I’ve never seen Garth look so handsome before. He looks like a true Highlander. There was something exotic about Garth when he was wearing a kilt.

  Garth had been looking at Derek, and hadn’t noticed Sasha yet. But then his fierce golden gaze turned towards Sasha. When their eyes met, Garth’s jaw dropped in shock and his eyes bulged almost comically. Whoa, who is that? No wait, it can’t be…Sasha? No way. It really is her. Wow. She looks amazing. She’s…beautiful. Why did I never notice before?

  As Garth’s complimentary thoughts filled Sasha’s mind her face turned redder and redder, and she grew nervous. She ended up tripping over her own feet and began to fall forward. Oh no! She was about to make a fool out of herself in front of everyone, and end up smack on her face in the middle of the aisle. So much for not ruining Becca’s wedding. Why me?

  Sasha shut her eyes and waited for her face to hit the floor.

  But it never happened.

  Huh? Sasha looked up to see that in the blink of an eye Garth had appeared in front of her and had caught her in his big brawny arms. “G-Garth!”

  There was heat in his gaze as he looked at her intensely. “Are you alright, lass?”

  He’d never looked at her quite like that before. He looked…hungry. Like he wanted to eat her. What am I thinking? He probably forgot to have breakfast or something.

  “Yes.” Sasha replied breathlessly.

  Garth helped Sasha regain her balance, and then let go of her hand. He winked at her roguishly as he returned to his spot next to Tristan.

  That wink caused goosebumps to break out over her arms. Sasha managed to make it to her spot next to Vivien without further incident and she let out a sigh of relief. “Phew.”

  Sasha looked at the altar and a strange chill went down her spine. She couldn’t get over how the church seemed familiar to her. She still couldn’t remember if she’d ever been there though.

  The church’s set of double doors opened, and Becca entered the church. Everyone ‘ooed’ and ‘ahhed’ at her regal appearance, and Sasha could hardly blame them. She looked like a medieval princess.

  “Uwah!” A plump, middle-aged woman with red hair streaked with gray, and lime-green eyes was crying loudly as she watched Becca make her way down the aisle. The woman was wearing a flower-print dress, and looked a little like Becca, but an older, plumper version. Sasha decided this woman was most likely Becca’s mother.

  Which meant…that the middle-aged man dressed in a slightly frayed suit had to be Becca’s father. He was wearing a straw hat and chewing on a piece of straw. And the young boy with the tablet in his hands was probably Becca’s younger brother. Sasha smiled at the sight of the obviously southern family. They looked so…normal, and wholesome. They could easily be put on a Hallmark card they were so picture perfect.

  Becca’s eyes had locked on with Derek’s as she strolled elegantly towards him. Derek grinned broadly at her.

  In a matter of seconds, Becca reached Derek, and took her place in front of him.

  The priest began to speak. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony; which is an honorable estate, instituted of God in Paradise and into which holy estate these two people present come now to be joined. Therefore, if any man can show any just cause, why they may not be lawfully joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter forever hold his peace.”

  Sasha held her breath, and crossed her fingers behind her back. This was the most nerve-wracking part of a wedding ceremony in Sasha’s opinion. I’m just being silly. It’s not like anyone would actually try to break up Becca and Derek’s wedding.

  The priest smiled, and opened his mouth to continue with his speech. However-

  The double doors to the church burst open, and a cloaked and hooded figure stepped inside. The man took off the hooded cloak and tossed it aside to reveal that he was a tall, lithely muscled man with platinum blonde hair that was almost white, and ruby-red eyes. He was wearing a white kimono with red chrysanthemums on it that appeared slightly disheveled, and was open in front revealing his pale chest. He had a samurai sword tucked into the red obi sash belt that was tied around his waist.

  The mysterious man staggered forward on wobbly legs, and that’s when Sasha noted the bottle of half-finished vodka in his right hand. The man was drunk. Oh man, this is so not good. Sasha began to inwardly panic. The man looked familiar to Sasha, but she couldn’t remember where she’d seen him before.

  “Becca!” The man yelled out at the top of his lungs. “I can’t let you marry, Derek! I still love you!”

  Several of the wedding guests seated in the pews gasped at this sudden and unexpected declaration.

  Becca’s lime-green eyes were wide. “Oh my God…it’s Slaine. And why is he drunk? I never thought something like this
would happen at my wedding.”

  “It’s alright, honey. I’ll handle this.” Derek started forward, but Garth reached out and put a hand on Derek’s shoulder, stopping him.

  “No, I’ll go.” Garth announced in a firm voice. “After all, it’s my duty as your Bouncer, er, Best Man to take care of things like this.” The shifter stalked past Derek and walked down the aisle towards Slaine with predatory steps.

  Sasha held her breath as she watched Garth approach Slaine, and start to talk to him.

  Garth put a hand on Slaine’s arm. “Slaine, you’re drunk. You shouldn’t be here.” He chided gently.

  “I shouldn’t be here!” Slaine echoed loudly, a tinge of bitterness to his voice. “Why not? After all, I was invited! Derek is my best friend and Becca is the woman I love! How messed up is that? I thought I could get over it. Get over her, but maybe I’ll always love Becca. And Derek stole her away from me. He got her pregnant!”

  Another communal gasp rose up from the gathered guests.

  Becca slapped a hand to her forehead. “Oh no.” So much for keeping that a secret! The cat was officially out of the bag. Her mother was going to kill her! She shot her mother a nervous glance. At least she’d been right to refuse letting her father walk her down the aisle in case something odd happened at her wedding. As vampire hunters Becca and Derek had many enemies.

  “You need to leave. Now.” Garth began to drag Slaine towards the double doors.

  “I won’t go! Not until I’ve stopped this wedding and stolen the bride! Get out of my way, Garth!” Slaine demanded and punched Garth hard across the face.

  An alarmed cry rose up from the wedding guests next.

  Garth wiped a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth with his thumb. “If that’s how you want to play it. Fine.” Garth punched Slaine so hard the vampire went flying backwards off his feet, and hit the church doors with a loud wham!

  Slaine laughed bitterly as he slid down the double doors. “Not bad, Garth. Not bad.” The vampire staggered to his feet and stumbled towards Garth. Slaine swung a punch at Garth that the shifter easily dodged.

  Garth swung a punch at Slaine that the vampire dodged next. Garth’s fist went into one of the two white marble holy water fonts that sat on either side of the double doors, and shattered the thing instantly. Pieces of white marble went flying through the air. A few of the wedding guests that had been seated towards the back were forced to duck as the pieces of marble sailed over their heads.

  Garth and Slaine began to exchange more punches and blocks.

  Becca put her face into her hands as her wedding began to turn into a fight club. “There’s a brawl at my wedding.” Her voice was tinged with disbelief.

  Garth began to lose his patience, picked Slaine up off the floor, and threw him down the aisle towards the altar. Slaine looked up and saw Becca staring at him with this sad, disappointed look on her face. “Hi Becca. You look beautiful. Are you really going to marry, Derek? Do you really love him? Have I really lost you forever?”

  “Yes, Slaine. I love Derek with all my heart and soul. I’m sorry.” Becca apologized, her eyes swirling with emotion. The last thing she wanted was to hurt Slaine. She loved Slaine. But she simply loved Derek more.

  “Ouch.” Slaine put a hand over his heart. “Well, this sucks. I’m such an idiot. I guess I’ve made a mess of your wedding, huh? Crap…” The vampire saw a hand being offered to him and looked up to see that it was Derek.

  Slaine’s eyes watered and he caught himself before he cried blood tears in front of the human priest. Slaine put his hand in Derek’s and let himself be helped up. “I’m sorry, Derek.”

  “It’s okay, man. Becca is a hard girl to let go. I understand.” Derek offered with a sympathetic look on his face.

  “Yeah…and you better never let her go, Derek. You better treat her right. And if you ever make her cry…I’ll kill you.” Slaine smiled, revealing his fangs.

  Derek chuckled good-naturedly. “I’ll never let her go. I will treat her like a princess. I’ll buy her a thousand pairs of shoes. And I will never make her cry…on purpose.” The Druid Vampire Hunter promised solemnly.

  Slaine and Derek hugged, and the Druid thumped the vampire hard on the back. “Now, go sit down, like a normal guest.” Derek ordered.

  “Yeah. Will do.” Slaine agreed.

  However, the double doors of the church opened once more, and five cloaked and hooded figures stepped inside the church this time. They closed the door behind them, took off their cloaks, and threw them aside.

  There were three men and two women, and all of them were dressed in thuggish or punk clothing. A lot of black leather and piercings. All of them had abnormally long, sharp looking canines.

  Kill, kill, kill! The bloodthirsty thought floated through Sasha’s mind and she realized she was able to read their thoughts, which meant they were nonhumans. Those people…aren’t human. Sasha realized worriedly.

  “There he is - Derek Dearg, the Druid Vampire Hunter!” One of the male vampires burst out, and pointed his finger accusingly towards Derek. This vampire had a black mohawk and was dressed in black leather from head to toe.

  “He’s dead!” Another male vampire said loudly, cracking his knuckles. This one was a muscular skinhead, and was wearing a leather jacket, t-shirt, and jeans.

  “Look at all the yummy looking humans. It’s a buffet in here.” One of the female vampires exclaimed, and licked her lips. She had long blonde hair, sparkling ruby-red eyes, and was wearing a slutty red dress with stilettos. Twinkling diamonds sparkled in her ears, and in the necklace around her neck.

  A blond male vampire slung his arm around the blonde vampire female’s shoulders. “Patience, love. Revenge first. Then dessert.”

  “Druid Vampire Hunter, Derek Dearg, you will pay for killing my wife! If I can’t be happy and with the woman I love then neither can you!” Mohawk declared venomously, his red eyes blazing with hatred.

  “You will pay for killing my dear sweet brother, vampire hunter.” The second female vampire said, her eyes flashing angrily. This vampire had a short bob of black hair, red eyes, and pale skin. She was wearing a black leather tube dress with fishnet stockings and high heels.

  “You killed my girlfriend!” Skinhead burst out.

  “I’ll have fun killing your pretty wife!” The blonde vampire said as she glared at Becca threateningly.

  Vampires? Now isn’t this an interesting development. The priest thought to himself in amusement.

  Sasha’s head whipped to the side to look at the priest whose thoughts she’d just read. What the? Did that mean the priest was a nonhuman? Sasha wondered confusedly. Did Garth and the others know this? Was he a friend of theirs? Or perhaps an enemy?

  The priest had wavy black hair, and his messy bangs shielded most of his face. He had a pair of thick round glasses on his face that also made it hard for Sasha to see his eyes. He was wearing a normal black priest outfit with white collar.

  A priest. Sasha shuddered. Surely not a Battle Priest? He did seem oddly familiar though.

  The five vampires began to make their way down the aisle with menacing steps, auras of bloodlust flaring around them. The air inside the church felt heavier just because of their mere presences.

  Slaine spun around and unsheathed his samurai sword. He glared at the vampires. “Hey! The only one who can ruin my friends’ wedding is I!” Slaine let out a battle cry and charged down the aisle towards the vampires. He attacked the vampires with his katana and engaged them in battle.

  Derek rubbed his temples with his index fingers. Vampires just had to show up at his wedding. “Never a dull moment hanging out with me, huh, Becca?”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way, sugar.” Becca assured Derek when she’d heard the self-deprecating tone Derek was speaking in. “I’m just worried about what our terrified guests will think.” She looked at her human guests in concern.

  Sasha glanced at the human
guests too, and saw how freaked out they were by what was going on.

  Garth picked up Skinhead and threw him towards the church doors. The vampire hit the double doors, which were forced open, and Skinhead flew outside. He screamed loudly and never returned.

  Of course. Sunlight. Sasha realized. A vampire’s weakness was sunlight. She had to do something before Slaine decapitated a vampire in front of the human guests. Sasha started clapping loudly. “Wow! Whoo! What a splendid performance! How exciting! This really makes it feel like a medieval wedding! Come on, folks, let’s give our actors a round of applause!”

  The wedding guests were confused by Sasha’s words at first, but began to look more relaxed and relieved. They tentatively began to applaud. The vampires paused in their battle against Slaine, and were now giving Sasha strange looks.

  Now! Sasha reached her mind out towards the vampires and planted a subliminal command inside of their minds. Time to go. It’s time to go.

  “Well, it’s time for all of you to go. Please shut the doors on your way out.” Sasha directed the vampires with an imperious wave of her hand.

  “Yeah, she’s right. It’s time for us to go.” Mohawk said in a dazed tone.

  “Yeah, let’s bounce.” The blond agreed.

  “Yes, it’s time to go.” The raven-haired female vampire said.

  “What the hell…?” Slaine muttered to himself as the vampires turned around and began to head for the double doors of their own accord. He lowered his sword, feeling utterly bewildered.

  The four vampires exited the church out into the sunlight, and shut the doors behind them. Their agonizing screams could be heard from within the church, and then nothing.

  Slaine smirked, casually took a seat on a pew, and assumed a lounging pose. Garth returned to his spot next to Tristan.

  The priest cleared his throat and resumed the ceremony as if nothing had ever happened. “You will no longer be dampened by the rain. Because together you will become one roof to shield each other from the rain. You will no longer feel any coldness because you will provide each other with warmth and comfort. You will no longer feel any loneliness because you will become each other’s lifelong companion.

  “Although your bodies may stand as two individuals…together you now face one life, as your hearts are joined together as one. Now, return to your home as husband and wife. Go and enjoy the days that you can share together. The two of you will share joy and happiness for a long time to come on this earth.” Garth knows some very interesting individuals. I was surprised to discover he is acquainted with the Princess. The fool doesn’t even recognize me. The priest thought nastily and the corner of his lip twitched as he tried not to smile.

  Sasha frowned at the priest’s inner thoughts. Princess? Who’s that? Garth knows him and he’s a priest. Could he be a Battle Priest? No. Impossible. That would be too much of a coincidence.

  Sasha was snapped out of her inner thoughts when the priest said: “You may now kiss the bride.”

  Derek cupped Becca’s cheek and kissed her tenderly.

  All of the wedding guests cheered loudly in response.

  Everyone was so happy that Sasha didn’t want to ruin this perfect romantic moment with her paranoid delusions. She didn’t want to worry Garth about the priest either. After all this could all be in her mind.