Read Highlander Hellcat PG-13 Version Page 6

  Chapter 5: Zoo Lollipop

  The following day, Sasha Robinovitch stood in front of the candy shop Helltastic Confectionary while peering inside the dark shop and trying to determine if Garth was inside or not. It was nine o’clock in the morning and most of the other businesses nearby had already opened for the day.

  Sasha looked down and noticed blood splatter on the front steps. She squinted into the darkness of the shop and saw a figure lying on the floor motionless. Garth! Sasha tried the door, but it was locked. She whipped out a scalpel and used it to force the door open. Then she entered and flipped on a light switch, illuminating the shop.

  The figure was definitely Garth, lying on the floor in a pool of his own blood. “Garth!” Sasha rushed to his side and rolled him over to check him for injuries. His upper arm had been sliced to the bone, but Sasha could see that it was rapidly healing. So he’s an immortal…like Gabriel. He’ll heal eventually but he can still feel pain. Also Gabriel told me that immortals can still be killed if they’re decapitated or their spine is broken or they’re completely dismembered.

  There was a bright red slash of blood across Garth’s lower stomach. So much blood.

  Sasha lifted up his shirt to check the injury and gasped in horror. Someone had cut Garth’s stomach open and the wound was incredibly deep. It was still healing.

  Sasha stood up and made her way to the bathroom so that she could fetch the first-aid kit and some other medical supplies. She greeted Dusty and her kittens, and made sure the cats had food and water before returning to Garth’s side.

  First, the veterinarian got out a pair of scissors and began to cut Garth’s ruined shirt off his body. As she began to pull the bloody strips of cloth away from his body Garth’s muscular chest was revealed to Sasha, and she noted that his entire torso was covered in scars. Vicious scars.

  Sasha frowned and traced his scars with her fingers gently. Some of those scars must have been very painful. “You’ve had a tough life, haven’t you, Garth?”

  The veterinarian started to clean and disinfect Garth’s wounds. Once she was done washing all the blood off his chest and arms, she got out a needle and thread, and began to sew his stomach up. She did this as quickly and gently as possible in case Garth woke up during the procedure. Lastly, she stitched his arm wound closed. “Whew!” Sasha wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand.

  She looked down at Garth’s jeans and noted that the crotch was soaked in blood. She frowned at the sight, wondering if the blood was from the stomach wound. But, what if it wasn’t? She reached her hands out towards his pants, but then hesitated. Why was she hesitating? She was a doctor, er, veterinarian! And Garth wasn’t even human anyways.

  Sasha pulled off Garth’s sneakers and socks, and then undid the top button of Garth’s jeans. She swallowed nervously before sliding the zipper of his jeans down and pulling his pants off. It wasn’t easy, and she ended up flying backwards when she’d finally gotten his pants off. “Oof!” She landed on her butt on the floor.

  Sasha returned to Garth’s side and looked down at his bloody boxers. They had to go next. She gripped the waistband of Garth’s boxers, took a deep breath, and pulled his boxers down swiftly before she lost her nerve.

  Sasha stared at Garth’s crotch for a moment. She had to examine him to make sure he was intact and didn’t have any injuries since his crotch was covered in blood.

  Sasha reached out, and professionally ran her hand over his crotch while checking it for injuries.

  Garth groaned in his sleep and bucked his hips.

  The veterinarian blushed at his erotic actions, but continued her examination. He appeared to be in one piece. She let out a sigh of relief.

  Sasha was so into her examination that she’d failed to notice that her touches were making Garth aroused. By the time Sasha let go of him Garth was extremely turned on.

  The veterinarian shook her head, slapped her hands to the sides of her face, and pulled herself together. She flipped Garth over so that she could examine Garth’s behind for any injuries next. Sasha ran her hands over his flesh, but didn’t find any injuries or cuts.

  Sasha flipped Garth back over onto his back. He was even more aroused than before. She went to fetch a towel and a bowl of hot water. When Sasha returned she wiped the blood off of Garth’s crotch and thighs.

  As she rubbed the towel over his inner thigh Sasha watched as Garth became fully aroused.

  Sasha moved the towel over his crotch dazedly. Then she caught herself in what she was doing. She was practically sexually harassing her patient! A feeling of guilt welled up inside of Sasha and she was confused by her own actions. She’d never had this much interest in a male’s body before. Especially, a real male. But for some reason Garth’s body utterly fascinated her and she wasn’t afraid of it.

  Tingling warmth gathered in the pit of her stomach and heat gathered between her legs. She wondered dazedly to herself if that meant that she wanted to mate with Garth. But then shook her head. No, her body was just having a physiological reaction.

  Sasha set the towel aside and grabbed a roll of bandages. She set to work wrapping the bandages around his stomach wound and then around his arm wound.

  The veterinarian looked down and saw that Garth was still very aroused. Oh crap! Sasha thought. What if Garth woke up now? He’d look down and see his crotch, and wonder what kinds of perverted things Sasha had been doing to him. He’d think she was some kind of crazy pervert! How could she hide what she’d done?

  Sasha looked at the roll of bandages in her hand. Light bulb.

  She began to wrap bandages around his crotch. Sasha had just finished her tortoise shell bondage, er, medical treatment, when Garth began to wake up.


  Garth awoke with a throaty groan and blinked his eyes open. The dream he’d been having of the past was still fresh in his mind. Images of him having sex with the sexy witch Iona flashed in his mind and his crotch felt tight, abnormally tight. What the?

  Garth sat up abruptly and almost slammed his forehead into Sasha’s!

  “Eek!” Sasha fell backwards onto the floor with her legs spread.

  Garth had a nice view of her panties. “Polka dots this time.”

  Sasha blushed furiously, quickly sat up, and pulled her lab coatdress down.

  Garth scratched the back of his neck in a sheepish gesture. “Accident.”

  “I know.”

  Garth realized he was naked. What the hell? Well, not completely naked, bandages had been wrapped around his crotch for some reason. Bandages had also been wrapped around his stomach and arm wounds. But still…why his crotch? “What? Why?” He gave Sasha a befuddled look.

  Sasha nervously waved her hands before her as she tried to explain. “Ah, er, you…were injured. I found you bleeding to death on the floor, and so I performed emergency medical treatment.”

  Garth nodded at her explanation, but then gave Sasha a scrutinizing look. “I understand why my stomach and arm are bandaged…but why did you tie up my crotch, lass?” He arched an eyebrow at her.

  Sasha flushed, and tried to come up with a good excuse. “It…it was doing strange things!” She blurted.

  Strange things? That’s when Garth realized he’d been having an erotic dream about the witch Iona. He must have become aroused in his sleep and freaked out Sasha who’d been in the middle of performing medical treatment on him. Whoops. “Och, sorry, lassie, my bad. I was having a perverted dream.”

  “You…ah…right.” Sasha readily agreed. Safe! “It’s totally your fault. It’s not like I was touching you in your sleep. I mean, who would do something like that?” She laughed nervously.

  Garth tilted his head at her. What a strange female. “Right.” He stood up. “I’m going to go put some clothes on.” He tried to take a step forward but the way Sasha had tied the bandages around his crotch caused him to trip and fall forward.

  “Oh!” Sasha moved forward to try and st
op him from falling. She put both her hands on his chest and pushed. She soon realized that trying to stop a two hundred plus pound man from falling over was impossible. “Eek!”

  Garth and Sasha fell to the floor, and Garth made sure to place his hand on the back of Sasha’s head so that it wouldn’t hit the floor. “You alright, lass?”

  Sasha blinked up at Garth, who was now lying on top of her. She felt her cheeks heat up. “Yes.” She could feel something hard pressing against her hip.

  “Uh…this was an accident too. I swear.” Garth started with a concerned expression on his face. Crap. This poor lassie is going to think I want to take advantage of her!

  Sasha smiled up at Garth and started to laugh. “I know.”

  Garth grinned down at her, relieved she hadn’t misunderstood him, and started to laugh too. Man, he hadn’t laughed like this in such a long time. They laughed like that for several minutes before they finally stopped and began to catch their breath. “I’ll get off you now, lass.”

  The shifter tried to move off of Sasha, but it was hard because his legs were tied together. He ended up bucking his crotch against Sasha’s and she let out a startled gasp.

  “Maybe if you roll off of me.” Sasha suggested.

  “Oh, good idea.” Garth rolled sideways, but since he still had his hands on Sasha’s hips he ended up taking Sasha with him so that she ended up on top of him, straddling his waist.

  Sasha’s eyes bulged at the suggestive and erotic position they were suddenly in. “Oh my God.”

  “Now, you can get off of me.” Garth said as he forced his hands to let go of the female on top of him.

  “R-Right.” Sasha was about to get off of Garth, when-

  The bell above the front door jingled and two girls stepped inside. Customers. They spotted the half-naked Garth on the floor with Sasha on top of him and had a very strange reaction in Garth’s opinion.

  “Oh…we’re so sorry!” One of the girls turned bright red.

  “We’ll come back later! We didn’t mean to interrupt you. Sorry!” The other girl said as she waved her hands frantically before her. The two girls turned around and fled from the shop.

  Garth’s brow furrowed in confusion. “They didn’t scream.”


  “Because of my scary appearance. I usually scare all my would-be customers away.” Garth explained with a sour expression on his face.

  “I guess with me on top of you like this you look less scary.” Sasha said in a pensive tone as if she were talking about the weather.

  “Yeah, but I can’t have you on top of me all the time.” Garth said teasingly. “I wish there was a way to make myself look less scary though.”

  I can’t have you on top of me all the time. Eee! Sasha stared down at Garth thoughtfully. “I don’t think you’re scary. You remind me of a big cat for some reason.” She smiled her spacey smile at him.

  Garth barked out a laugh. “Well, you’re my first and only human customer so far. I guess that makes you pretty special. Uh…are you going to get off of me? Or is my lap too comfy, lass? You can go ahead and take a nap if you want.” Garth offered as he put his hands behind his head in a sexy pose. There was an amused twinkle in his fierce golden eyes.

  You’re my first and only human customer. I guess that makes you pretty special. Eee! Sasha inwardly squealed. “Oh crap…I zoned out. Sorry!” Sasha quickly got off of Garth.

  Garth sat up and began to stand up again. The bandages around Garth’s waist ripped and fell to the floor.

  “Eek!” Sasha covered her eyes with her hands at the unexpected sight.

  Garth flushed in embarrassment. “I swear, that was an accident too. My crotch doesn’t usually explode like that.” He joked and when Sasha didn’t laugh he felt incredibly stupid and awkward. “Well, I’m going to go change. Don’t run away screaming. I’ll be right back, lass.”

  “Okay.” Sasha found herself saying but still had her hands over her eyes.

  Garth began to head towards the back of the shop where the staircase that led to the second floor was located. On his way there, he passed the kitchen that was on the first floor and behind the main shop area.

  Sasha couldn’t stop herself from peeking through her fingers at Garth’s retreating form, and stared at his firm behind. Mmm.

  Garth took the stairs two at a time, and in no time was opening the door to his bedroom. He made his way over to his dresser and picked some random clothes to change into. It wasn’t until he was pulling on his sneakers that he realized he was hurrying. Did he really want to spend more time with Sasha so badly? He wondered.

  Did he like Sasha? Garth asked himself. Well, he liked her, but he didn’t think he liked her in a romantic way. She was his friend and first customer. She was a human female that wasn’t afraid of him. And that meant a lot to him.

  Sasha also seemed to really get him for some reason. Most human females misunderstood him right off the bat, but Sasha hadn’t judged him because of his scary appearance. She’d accepted him.

  Garth turned and noticed his expression on the mirror that was attached to his closet door. He had this dopey smile on his face. Garth quickly wiped the smile from his face, left his bedroom, and hurried back to the main store area.

  He spotted Sasha browsing around his shop. The sight of her long, messy pink hair always made his heart skip a beat. She reminds me of that pink-haired angel. Garth shook his head of such thoughts. There was no way Sasha was connected to the mysterious pink-haired girl from his past. That had been five centuries ago, and Sasha was a mortal human. “Hey.”

  Sasha spun around and smiled lopsidedly at Garth. “Hey.”

  Garth approached her, and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “So…when you came here this morning it was because you wanted some candy, right?”

  “Ah, yes.”

  “What would you like today?”

  Sasha looked around the shop and spotted a bucket filled with handmade lollipops shaped like animals. She made her way over to the bucket and pulled out an elephant shaped lollipop. “Did you make these lollipops?”


  She smiled thoughtfully as she admired them. “They’re really good. Like little pieces of art. I love animals.” Sasha was saying in a distracted tone as she selected several lollipops. “More than humans.” She said softly to herself.


  “Oh, nothing.” Sasha turned around and handed Garth her selection. “I’d like to purchase these, please.”

  “Of course.” Garth made his way behind the main display case, and walked over to the register. He rang up Sasha’s purchases. The zoo animal lollipops were a dollar and fifty cents each and Sasha had picked out twelve. He put the lollipops in a shopping bag and handed Sasha the bag over the counter. “Your total is eighteen dollars.”

  Sasha fished out her wallet and paid Garth. “Well…thank you. Uh, see you around.” She turned to go.

  “Hey, Sasha, wait, I-” Garth started awkwardly, and Sasha turned around to give Garth an inquisitive look.

  However, the door to the shop opened abruptly and a man strode inside with an authoritative air. The tall man looked like a model with his lithe physique, gleaming golden-blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a smart pair of rectangular-shaped glasses on his face. He was wearing a long white lab coat, black pants, and dress shoes. The man had a pretty boy face that reminded Garth of Leonardo DiCaprio.

  “Sasha!” The man called out.

  Sasha spun around to face the man. “Charming? What are you doing here? How did you find me?”

  “GPS. I tracked your cell phone.” Charming explained as he stalked towards Sasha and grabbed her hand. “There’s an emergency. Come on, let’s go.” He began to pull her out the door.

  However, in the blink of an eye, Garth was standing next to Charming and had grabbed the man’s wrist to stop him from leaving the shop with Sasha. “Who the hell are you?” He squeezed
the man’s wrist and was surprised when he didn’t even flinch.

  Charming turned around to look at Garth and raised an eyebrow at the man who looked like a thug or criminal. “I’m Sasha’s boyfriend. Charming. And you are…Sir?”

  “Boyfriend?” Garth was floored by this startling revelation. For some reason he’d never expected Crazy Sasha to have a boyfriend. He dropped the man’s wrist.

  “Charming, this is Garth. He’s the owner of this candy shop.” Sasha explained airily.

  “Ah, a shop owner.” Charming gave Garth a condescending look.

  “What’s the emergency, Charming?” Sasha asked.

  “Mrs. Higgins brought in her female Dalmatian who has gone into labor, but it appears to be a breach birth. I’m unsure of what to do.” Charming explained swiftly.

  “Oh no!” Sasha’s spacey expression turned concerned, and there was a sudden steely glint in her eyes. “Let’s go! Sorry, Garth! I’ll see you around!” She ran for the door with Charming following hot on her heels.

  Charming and Sasha rushed outside, and Garth followed behind the pair curiously. Garth watched as Charming literally jumped in behind the wheel of a red convertible. Sasha opened the passenger side door, and hopped into the seat.

  As soon as Sasha was inside the car and her seatbelt had been buckled, Charming pulled out of his parking spot and floored it as he sped off at high speed.

  Garth scratched his head. Sasha had a rich boyfriend? This was…unexpected. But what did he really know about Sasha anyways? Nothing. She had her own life to live. A veterinary clinic and pet shop to run, and a handsome, pretty boy boyfriend apparently. Why did this thought make Garth want to break something? He growled low in his throat.

  The shifter made his way back over to his usual spot behind the display case, and for the next few hours waited for customers to arrive. Customers that never came. He watched the clock on the wall finally read six o’clock. It was time to close the shop.

  Garth was just flipping the open closed sign to closed when his cell phone rang. Garth fished out his smart phone and saw that it was Dominic Wilde, the informant. He swiped his thumb across the screen and answered the call. “Hey, Dominic.”

  “Hey, sweetie, you’re in luck. That biker from last night knew about some strange, illegal betting thing going on tonight. And apparently they need volunteers.” Dominic revealed.

  A feral grin formed on Garth’s face. “Tell me more.”