Read Highlander Hellcat PG-13 Version Page 8

  Chapter 6: Butterfinger

  “Mmm…yes…right there, Charming.” Sasha moaned.

  Charming smiled wolfishly. “Right here?” He questioned in a husky voice as he skillfully pleasured Sasha with his fingers.

  “Yes.” She panted.

  The mad scientist was currently seated on Charming’s lap with her back against his chest, and her head resting against his collarbone. Charming had his hand down her panties and was pleasuring her.

  After what had happened between her and Garth that morning her body had been feeling strangely hot and restless all day. And now her ‘perfect boyfriend’ was helping her to release the sexual tension that was coiled tightly within her.

  “What vibration setting would you like, Sasha? One? Two? Three?” Charming asked in his deep, sexy voice.

  “T-Two.” Sasha replied in a gaspy tone.

  “Understood.” Charming’s finger began to vibrate against her sensitive flesh. Yes, vibrate. Charming wasn’t human - he was a robot that Sasha had created herself. She’d developed a sophisticated AI based on what she felt the ‘perfect boyfriend’ should be like. Charming was princely, gentlemanly, kind, a good cook, a good housekeeper, brave, a protector, and could give her sexual pleasure too.

  Beneath Charming’s artificial skin that looked real he had a titanium endoskeleton and an electronic brain chip. He had no organic parts. And when he was injured he did not bleed. Sasha had invented the substance that looked and felt like real skin to cover his metal body herself. Eventually, she wanted to try and turn Charming into a bio android, but Sasha still had a lot to learn before she could create an android that was that complex.

  She’d downloaded over one hundred thousand romance novels to Charming’s brain chip. Sasha had considered giving Charming certain parts that would have acted like a dildo, but…Sasha was afraid of sex. The idea of penetration freaked her out.

  Sasha understood that most normal women her age were easily attracted to men and craved sex. But Sasha just wasn’t like that. She wasn’t attracted to real men easily and the idea of having sex with them freaked her out.

  She’d tried having a boyfriend a couple of years ago, but after only one date he’d tried to aggressively pressure her into having sex. Sasha had ended up hitting him over the head with a lamp that had been sitting on the night table next to the bed they were on, and fleeing the man’s apartment.

  Sasha wondered if her fear of sex might have something to do with her lost memories. Perhaps something bad had happened to her in the past that made her fear human men. Sometimes she wanted to know what had happened, and other times she feared knowing the truth.

  She’d given up on the idea of finding a man who would be patient enough to wait for her until she was comfortable with the idea of having sex, and had started to read romance novels. She’d let herself become fully immersed in a fantasy world filled with hot fantasy boyfriends.

  It was her ‘book boyfriends’ that had given Sasha the idea to create Charming. The Perfect Boyfriend. A man who could never hurt her and who would treat her perfectly. After she’d brought Charming to life with his AI, she’d allowed herself to fall in love with him even though he wasn’t a real person.

  On some level she knew she was just living in a fantasy world and running away from the real world, but in the end she didn’t care. She was happy this way. And that’s all the really mattered in the end.

  But Garth stirred something inside of her. Feelings she thought she’d never feel for a male that was a real flesh and blood being. She wondered what these unfamiliar emotions were.

  Lately, she’d gotten used to Charming slipping a finger inside of her while he pleasured her once in a while. She was getting better at the whole being penetrated thing.

  “I’m going to put it in.” Charming breathed in her ear.

  Sasha tensed in Charming’s arms. “Do it.”

  Charming kissed Sasha’s ear. “You need to relax, love.”

  Sasha took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She forced her body to relax. She could feel Charming finally begin to slip his finger inside. Sasha’s body tensed and she had to force herself to relax again.

  “Good girl.” Charming purred in her ear as he began to move his finger in and out of her, and then it began to vibrate.

  “Oh my.” Sasha’s eyes rolled into the back of her head in pleasure. Butterflies began to flutter in her stomach as warmth pooled in her lower abdomen. Heat gathered between her thighs and a sexual tension began to coil inside of her. She was close…so close. She bucked against Charming’s hand. “Mmm…more.”

  Charming used his thumb to pleasure her at the same time he moved his finger inside of her.

  “Oh!” Sasha cried out as she reached her peak against Charming’s hand and trembled in his arms.

  Charming continued to pleasure her until she stopped trembling.

  Sasha’s cheeks were flushed pink. “That was amazing, Charming. You really are the perfect boyfriend.”

  A dazzling smile formed on Charming’s face. “Well, you deserved a reward for saving all those puppies’ lives.”

  Sasha made a noise of agreement. “Mmm. I’m glad they survived. Dalmatian puppies are so cute. I had to resist hugging and squeezing them all.” Charming and Sasha were currently inside of the examination room at Sasha’s clinic.

  “Sasha, about that man, Garth-” Charming was saying, when-

  “Intruder alert. Intruder alert. Intruder alert.” A loud booming synthesized voice echoed throughout the clinic.

  Sasha’s blood ran cold. An intruder? Had the ‘unknown’ enemy Sasha was afraid of finally found her?

  Sasha couldn’t remember her life past four years ago when her father Dr. Lazar Robinovitch had rescued her from ‘somewhere’. Her father had told Sasha a lot about the missing twenty-one years of her life. But at the same time he’d left a lot out. Anytime, Sasha had questioned her father about where he’d rescued her from all he’d respond was with: ‘I’m so sorry, Sasha’.

  Dr. Lazar Robinovitch had set up the veterinary clinic and pet shop for his daughter. And she’d been running it since her ‘rescue’. Her father had warned Sasha that ‘they’ might come after her, to try and get her back. She was an important ‘asset’. He’d said. Whatever that meant.

  Sasha could sometimes remember a little of what her faceless enemy looked like. She’d picture men dressed in black with priest collars, and medieval swords strapped to their sides. But priests couldn’t be evil. Right? Sasha wondered in confusion.

  You’re only paranoid if they’re not out to get you. Sasha thought to herself as she leapt off of Charming’s lap. She was confident her robot boyfriend would be able to protect her. After all she’d downloaded several forms of martial arts into his electronic brain.

  Sasha heard the sound of someone in the next room, and then a cloaked and hooded figure strolled into the examination room. The hood of the figure’s cloak was lowered but Sasha could see that he was wearing a black dragon mask. A strange looking necklace dangled from around his neck. It was a Celtic Triquetra knot made of an orange-red Jasper stone.

  He’s definitely not a priest. Sasha squared her shoulders, straightened her back, and looked at the man. “Who the hell are you? And what do you want?” Charming moved to stand directly next to Sasha.

  “I am from the Black Dragon Clan. My Clan Chief has requested your presence.” The mysterious man said in a low, throaty voice that was similar to Garth’s Scottish brogue.

  Black Dragon Clan? Sasha frowned. She’d never heard of that clan before. “And if I refuse to go with you?”

  “Then…I’ll be taking you to him by force, lassie.” The man said in an excited tone. He sniffed the air and could smell Sasha’s arousal. He licked his lips beneath the mask. “Mmm, I can smell your arousal from here. Perhaps we could have a little fun, you and I, before I take you back to my Clan Chief.”

  Sasha shuddered in fear, and Charming moved
to stand protectively in front of her. “Charming.” Sasha spoke up.

  “Yes, my love?” Charming asked.

  “Kick his butt.” Sasha ordered.

  “Understood.” Charming nodded right before he attacked. He knew karate, tae kwon do, jujutsu and aikido techniques.

  Charming threw a punch at the intruder, who easily dodged the attack. Charming executed a swift roundhouse kick to the man’s head next. Charming’s foot connected with the side of the man’s mask with a loud thwack. Charming smiled triumphantly. The man should be knocked out cold from the blow.

  “Is that the best you’ve got?” The man rumbled as he grabbed Charming’s ankle, lifted Charming up off the floor and threw him across the examination room. Charming hit a wooden cabinet, which shattered upon impact. Medical supplies spilled across the floor.

  “Charming!” Sasha cried out in concern. She wondered how the man had picked Charming up so easily. Charming weighed four hundred and fifty pounds. Robots were heavy.

  Charming quickly sprang to his feet. “I’m alright, Sasha. Don’t worry about me.” The robot charged the intruder again. They exchanged kicks and punches, and Charming was impressed the man could handle his powerful attacks. Charming’s blows would have broken most normal humans’ bones when he got serious. And he was serious right now. Sasha’s life was in danger. Charming sent a hard punch to the man’s gut and it was like hitting a wall. Impossible. This does not compute. Charming thought.

  “I tire of this.” The intruder drawled as he stretched his arms out at his sides. Sasha watched in horror as the man’s arms began to increase in size and transform. They became covered in red scales and the man’s nails turned into sharp black claws.

  “He’s…a nonhuman.” Sasha realized with a feeling of hope welling up inside of her. Then…! Chance! Sasha reached her mind out towards the man, intending to control his mind, but…something was blocking Sasha from getting inside of his head. What the hell? This had never happened before.

  The stone pendant that was around the man’s neck began to glow and pulse with a red light.

  Could it be…that pendant? Sasha wondered.

  The intruder attacked Charming. Charming threw another punch but the man grabbed Charming’s arm and body, and then ripped the robot’s arm off. The man threw Charming’s arm aside, and looked at the sparking wires that now protruded out of the robot’s shoulder.

  “You’re a robot?” The surprise was evident in the man’s tone. “I didn’t think they existed. It’s a pity I’m going to have to tear you to pieces.” The intruder lamented.

  “No! Don’t! Charming!” Sasha cried out.

  “Run, Sasha! Get to the lab! Your pets will protect you!” Charming directed without taking his eyes off the intruder.

  “Charming…dang it!” Sasha ran for the concealed elevator that was in the examination room. She ran over to the bookcase next to a cabinet and pulled on the book spine of The Island of Doctor Moreau. The cabinet slid aside to reveal an elevator.

  Sasha quickly stepped inside the elevator, and pressed the button to take her to the basement level. The elevator began to descend and Sasha watched as the intruder began to pull Charmin’s head off his torso. She cringed.

  Tears filled Sasha’s eyes, and she started to hyperventilate. Charming…her boyfriend…had just been killed. No! Charming was a robot. He wasn’t really dead. Sasha reminded herself firmly. Now was not the time to be absorbed in fantasy and delusion. As long as Charming’s AI brain chip survived Sasha could always fix him and bring him back to life.

  Sasha wiped the tears from her eyes stubbornly. She couldn’t fall apart now. She could fall apart later. The elevator door opened and Sasha rushed out into her underground laboratory.

  The lab resembled a mad scientist’s. There were several long worktables piled with test tubes, test tube holders, vials, beakers and a complex chemistry set. The test tubes and beakers were filled with a myriad of different substances. Some of those substances were ominously bubbling or frothing suspiciously, and they were all different colors.

  Tesla coils of all shapes and sizes decorated the lab shedding their odd, flickering purple-blue light on the walls of the lab. Upon entering the lab on Sasha’s right side pushed up against the wall was an enormous super computer with multiple monitors. A comfortable black leather swivel chair was sitting in front of it.

  Sasha ran over to one of her worktables, and opened the bag of Hot Tamales she’d purchased from Garth. She grabbed a handful and threw them into her mouth. She couldn’t faint now! She looked at the bag of candy. Garth. Garth was a nonhuman…just like the man who was attacking her now.

  Sasha could read Garth’s mind and if she wanted to she could control him. She wondered how far away Garth was in that moment. She could call out to him psychically and he would come…come what? Fight to protect her? Risk his life to protect her? Garth looked tough, but…his body was covered in scars. And he seemed prone to getting into fights.

  Sasha had forgotten to ask Garth how he’d gotten that horrible stab wound on his stomach. Garth didn’t deserve to get into any more trouble. Besides, she didn’t know him well enough to ask him to risk his life for her. Crap. I better stop thinking about him or I might accidentally get him to come here. I can’t endanger Garth’s life like that. I have to protect myself. Besides, I have my own bodyguards. Sasha thought to herself as she ran towards the back of her laboratory.

  At the back of Sasha’s laboratory were several large metal cages and inside those cages were what could only be described as monsters. These were animals that Sasha’s father, Dr. Lazar Robinovitch, had experimented on. He’d combined the DNA of normal animals with a sample of demon DNA that the ADTF had given him.

  The ADTF or Anti-Demonic Terrorism Force was a top-secret government organization charged with protecting America from demonic threats. Phase One of the experiment was the combining of demon DNA with animal DNA. The result of those experiments had been strange animal hybrids that displayed demonic characteristics such as horns, wings, protruding spikes, and tails.

  Sasha had helped her father with these experiments. When Dr. Lazar Robinovitch had showed the resulting data of his experiments to the leader of the ADTF, Agent Darkhart, he’d gotten the go-ahead to move on to Phase Two of the experiment, which would be the combining of demon DNA with human DNA to create an army of genetically enhanced super soldiers that would be powerful enough to combat demonic threats.

  Dr. Lazar had left Sasha to continue his work for the government, and had told her to dispose of the ‘experiments’. Instead of disposing of the animals, however, Sasha had saved them and had started to look for a cure. A way to ‘undo’ what her father’s genetic experiments had done to them. Sometimes Sasha stayed up all night trying to figure out a way to separate the demon DNA from the animal DNA, but had thus far been unable to come up with a solution.

  A lot of Sasha’s pets looked like they had come right out of a medieval storybook or maybe Harry Potter. There was a hippogriff that had the head of an eagle and the body of a horse. Instead of eagle-like wings, however, its wings were black and bat-like. A unicorn with a black coat had a horn that shone like onyx. The chimera had the head of a lion, body of a goat and the tail of a dragon. A cat with red fur had wings and horns sprouting out of its head. And there were many more.

  Sasha skidded to a halt in front of the cages and fished around in her lab coat pocket for her ring of keys. Her pets would protect her. She heard the sound of the elevator arriving behind her, and the door opening. Don’t look back.

  “Sasha…come out, come out, wherever you are.” The intruder called out in a singsong voice.

  Sasha unlocked the cage of an enormous, part-grizzly bear part-anaconda first. The head and torso of the creature was a bear that had horns sticking out of the top of its head. From the waist down the creature was an anaconda with green and yellow scales. Deadly spikes protruded all the way down its back and tail.

/>   Next, she released a part-alligator part-lion. The head and torso of the creature was an alligator with horns. From the waist down it was a lion with extremely sharp claws.

  Lastly, she released a part-wolf part-lion part-eagle. The creature’s head was a wolf with horns. The rest of its body was that of a lion with extremely large claws, and it had large eagle-like wings.

  Kill the intruder. Sasha ordered the monsters in her mind as she sent them this mental command telepathically.

  The creatures ran past Sasha obediently, and directly towards the intruder with menacing intent. Sasha spun around to watch as her three monster pets engaged in battle against the mysterious hooded figure. Sasha crossed her fingers behind her back, and bit down on her lower lip. She only hoped they stood a chance against this dangerous dragon-like male.


  Garth was heading back to his shop on his Ducati when he had the sudden ‘urge’ to pass by Sasha’s veterinary clinic. The hair on the back of his neck was prickling in warning and goosebumps had broken out over his arms. It was the same feeling Garth got just before an enemy attacked him from behind.

  Ah…darn it. What the hell. Garth turned his motorcycle around and began to head towards Sasha’s veterinary clinic. He’d just swing by and make sure she was okay. It’s not like he was worried about her. It’s just he had to get rid of this niggling feeling that Sasha was in danger. It was stupid. How could he know if she was in trouble?

  Garth pulled his Ducati right in front of the clinic and the first thing he noticed was that the front door was wide open. Bloody hell! Garth hopped off his bike, ran to the door, and ran inside.

  An alarm was going off. “Intruder alert. Intruder alert. Intruder alert.” A synthesized voice was saying over and over again. Red lights were flashing on the walls.

  “Sasha!” Garth called out. “Where are you?”

  “Garth? In here!” Charming’s voice called out.

  Garth hopped over the front reception desk and headed towards the examination room. He stepped inside to see chaos. The stainless steel examination table had been overturned, and one of the cabinets was shattered and in pieces on the floor. That’s when he caught sight of what looked like an arm on the floor. And then a torso that was missing a head. Crap! Was he already too late? Had Charming just been killed mere seconds ago?

  “Over here!” Charming’s voice called out.

  “What the…?” Garth walked around the overturned table and spotted Charming’s head on the floor.

  Charming looked up at Garth, blinked, and began to speak. “Hey Garth.”

  “Holy crap!” Garth swore when Charming started to speak. Even immortals died when their head was cut off. What the hell was going on? What did this mean? What was Charming? A zombie?

  “Sasha’s in trouble. A nonhuman broke in here. Someone from the Black Dragon Clan wants to take Sasha to his Clan Chief. He had a Scottish accent just like you. What a coincidence. Friend of yours, perhaps?” Charming’s angry, bitter sounding voice was dripping with sarcasm.

  Garth walked over, picked Charming’s head up, and turned it so he could see the base of Charming’s neck. Sparking wires were sticking out and his eyes went wide. “You…you’re a robot? A real robot.”

  Charming sighed and rolled his eyes impatiently. “Sasha made me. I’m the perfect boyfriend. She’s a genius, remember?”

  Garth shook his head at this startling revelation, and concentrated on what Charming had just told him. “Black Dragon Clan? Never heard of them. The only demon shifter clan I know of is Clan MacWulver. Where’s Sasha now?”

  “She took that elevator over there down to her laboratory. She’s probably going to have her monster pets protect her, but…that guy is strong. Abnormally strong. According to my analysis…he’s a dragon.” Charming informed Garth in a dire tone.

  Garth’s eyebrows rose. “A dragon? Like a dragon shifter? But all the dragon shifters were killed five centuries ago.” He frowned at the unsettling thought, but then shook his head. “Whatever.”

  A woman’s scream was heard coming from the laboratory.

  It was Sasha’s.

  “Hellfire! We don’t have time for this!” With Charming’s head in his hands Garth rushed into the elevator. “Which button?”

  “B1.” Charming replied.

  Garth jabbed his finger against the elevator button and the elevator began to descend to the basement level. The door opened and Garth ran outside to see that a cloaked, hooded figure with a black dragon mask had Sasha by her hair as he dragged her cruelly across the floor as she struggled against him.

  “No! Let me go!” Sasha cried. Tears were streaming down Sasha’s face and her lower lip was split and bleeding as if she’d been hit. She was being dragged through a pool of blood that was on the floor, and Garth spotted the dead bodies of three enormous monstrous creatures.

  Those things were Sasha’s pets? Garth wondered as he looked at the odd demonic animal hybrids.

  The scent of Sasha’s blood reached Garth’s nose and his eyes flashed red. He was so pissed. “Let her go.” He rumbled in a deep, threatening voice.

  The intruder looked up and stilled at the unexpected sight of Garth. “Bloody hell. Garth Mackenzie…long time no see.”

  Garth tried to contain his anger and clenched his hands into fists at his sides. “You know me? Who the hell are you?” He eyed the Celtic stone necklace that was around the shifter’s neck, and thought that he’d seen a similar necklace before but couldn’t remember where.

  “It’s not time for you to know. Get out of my way, Garth. I’m taking this human female to my Clan Chief.” The dragon shifter explained.

  “Over my dead body.” Garth growled and bared his teeth at the shifter.

  “What does she have to do with you anyways?” The dragon shifter asked in a surprised, curious tone.

  “She’s my friend!” Garth shot back.

  “Friend?” The dragon scoffed and laughed cruelly. He pulled Sasha up by her hair so she was dangling off the floor. Sasha whimpered in pain as the dragon shifter peered down at her face. “If she knew what you really are…she wouldn’t be your friend. Or maybe you just want to do her?” The shifter’s tone was pensive as he reached out, and squeezed Sasha’s flesh. She cried out. “She does have a lovely scream.”

  The reins on Garth’s anger snapped. “Don’t you dare touch her!” He tossed Charming’s head aside and shifted into his Hellcat form. Orange fur sprouted over his face, and curling horns began to sprout out of the top of his head. As his muscles bulged and grew in size his clothes were ripped right off his body. In seconds, Garth had shifted into a six hundred pound demonic tiger.

  Sasha’s blue eyes were wide like saucers as she looked at Garth’s true form. He really is a cat. And that form…why does it seem oddly familiar. Sasha’s head began to throb as she tried to remember.

  The dragon shifter tossed Sasha aside and let his arms transform into his dragon ones again. Red scales sprouted over his arms and his nails turned into black claws. He would have changed into his full dragon form under normal circumstances, but there wasn’t enough room down in this laboratory for his eighty-foot long form. The ceilings were also only nine feet high.

  Garth charged across the bloody floor towards the dragon shifter, and leapt at him. The dragon caught Garth, and the Hellcat was pushed back to the floor. The two shifters began to roll across the floor as they exchanged savage attacks.

  Garth attacked the shifter with his claws and teeth, and the intruder attacked with his claws. Garth sank his claws into the dragon’s chest, but the dragon sank his claws deep in Garth’s side in retaliation. Garth roared in pain.

  “Garth!” Sasha called out in concern.

  This gave Garth a second win, and he bit into the side of the male’s neck. The dragon shifter struggled against Garth as the Hellcat tried to rip his head off. The dragon shifter removed his claws from Garth’s side and shoved the Hellcat off of hi
m, using all of his supernatural strength.

  Garth landed nimbly on his paws. The dragon shifter quickly got to his feet, and glanced towards the elevator. He put a hand to his bleeding neck. Crap. Garth had really done a number on him. He had to get the hell out of there and regroup, and return some other time with backup. That would be the wisest course of action.

  The dragon shifter ran towards the Hellcat and let out a battle cry. The Hellcat charged and pounced. The dragon shifter punched the Hellcat hard across the face, and Garth went flying sideways. The dragon shifter ran for the elevator and pressed the summoning button.

  Garth leapt to his feet and took off in the direction of the dragon shifter.

  But Sasha called after him. “No! Garth! Let him go. This isn’t your fight. He’s…my enemy. Don’t stain your hands with blood for my sake.”

  Garth hesitated, wondering if Sasha would be bothered if he killed this creep anyways. That moment of hesitation was all the dragon shifter needed to enter the elevator and press the door close button. The door closed and the elevator ascended.

  Crap. Garth mentally swore. He’d let the dragon shifter get away. Who the hell was that guy? And what the hell does the Black Dragon Clan want from Sasha?

  Sasha pushed herself up off the floor, got to her feet, and stumbled her way over to Garth. She wrapped her arms around Garth’s neck, and buried her face in his soft orange and black fur.

  Garth’s eyes widened at her surprising actions. She’s not afraid of me in this form? But now she knows the truth. I’m a monster. A demon. I should go…

  Sasha read his grim thoughts. “You’re not a monster. You’re a beautiful majestic tiger. Please, don’t go. I need you, Garth. I’m so scared.”

  It was uncanny how Sasha seemed to be able to read his thoughts. Garth began to try and calm himself down so he could shift back into his human form.

  No longer able to hold back her tears, Sasha began to sob into his fur. “I’ve never been so scared. He was a nonhuman and yet he attacked me. That’s never happened before. I thought humans were the evil ones. He…killed them. My precious pets. They’re dead. They tried to protect me, and they died. I should have let him take me. My pets didn’t need to die for my sake.”

  Garth shifted into his human form, and began to stroke Sasha’s hair with his calloused hand. Sasha’s face was now pressed up against his bare chest and her arms were wrapped around his torso. “No, you did the right thing by fighting back, lass.”

  “I don’t like fighting. I don’t like violence.” Sasha said in a small broken voice. “Why must I fight? I don’t want to have to fight. Why must this world be such a violent place? All I want to do is give kindness to my animals and friends.”

  “Shhh…you don’t have to fight.” Garth rumbled as he continued to stroke her pink hair with his hand. “Not anymore. I’m here now. I’ll fight for you. I’ll protect you. I’ll be like your personal bodyguard.” The Hellcat smiled down at her roguishly. “How does that sound? I’ll keep you safe, Sasha.”

  Sasha sniffled and looked up at Garth, teary-eyed. “You would do that? For me?”

  “Aye. We’re friends, aren’t we?” Garth gave her a hopeful look.

  “Yes, we are.” Sasha nodded.

  “Even now…that you know what I am? I’m not human, Sasha. I’m a demon.” Garth felt the need to clarify.

  “I know. I knew you weren’t human.” Sasha admitted.

  A flash of surprise crossed Garth’s face. “You knew? But how?” His brow furrowed in confusion.

  Sasha didn’t want to reveal that she could read Garth’s mind just yet. If he knew she was reading his mind then he’d become guarded around her, and then Sasha wouldn’t be able to understand him like she did now. “Let’s just say…I’m good with animals. I could tell. But I didn’t know you were a big kitty cat.” A dreamy smile formed on her face.

  “Animals? Demons are a little different from animals, Sasha. Eons ago, I used to be an Archangel, but I turned against God.” Garth couldn’t believe he was telling Sasha all of this. But for some reason he wanted to share this with her. He trusted her. He wanted to be accepted by her.

  “You mean you sided with Lucifer when one third of the angels decided to rebel against God?” Sasha quirked her head pensively at Garth.

  “Yes. How did you…?” Garth trailed off.

  “I read the Bible. I’m Catholic.”

  “Makes sense. Well, after we lost we were banished to a realm known as Hell. We were charged with punishing the souls of sinful humans that ended up there after they died. We were also cursed into monstrous demonic forms, which reflected our sins. My Hellcat form is my cursed form.”

  “A form that reflects your sin.” Sasha repeated. “Why a cat?”

  “Cats are known for being incredibly selfish and egocentric. I’m sure that’s what my sin was.” Garth explained with a shrug. “Anyways, centuries later, Archangel Gabriel offered me a deal. In exchange for my memories, I could go to Earth for a second chance. A chance at redemption.”

  Sasha’s brow furrowed in confusion. “But you do remember. You just told me about your past.”

  “A wolf shifter named Magnus told me all this. But I have no actual memories of my past. I’m supposed to have a clean slate.” The shifter shrugged.

  “Lost memories…I have those too.” Sasha revealed softly. “I can’t remember anything past four years ago. My father has helped to fill in the blanks, but…I don’t remember the things he tells me about.” Sasha was surprised she was telling Garth this. Normally, she’d never tell anyone about her memory loss. Most people thought she was crazy enough without knowing this secret. But for some reason, Sasha felt that Garth wouldn’t think she was crazy just for this.

  Garth gave Sasha a concerned look. She was suffering from memory loss? Is that why people call her Crazy Sasha? “What do you remember? If you don’t mind me asking.”

  “I remember…” Sasha’s brow furrowed as she tried to remember things that happened past four years ago. “Men dressed in black. They looked like priests, but they wore medieval swords strapped to their sides.”

  “Battle Priests! Bloody hell!” Garth swore at this startling revelation. He gripped Sasha’s shoulders and looked down into her face with a fierce expression in his golden eyes. “Do you know the Red Priest?”

  Sasha could hear the desperation in Garth’s voice and clutched her head as it throbbed in pain as she tried to remember. “I…I can’t-”

  Garth could see that Sasha was in pain and forced himself to let go of her shoulders. Instead he grabbed her hands. “Stop. Forget it. Never mind. Stop trying to remember. Maybe it’s better if you don’t remember.” Telling Sasha to stop trying to remember about the Red Priest was one of the hardest things Garth ever had to do.

  Sasha frowned as she looked up and noted Garth’s tortured expression. “Who is the Red Priest?”

  “He’s someone I’m looking for.” Garth responded casually.

  Sasha raised an eyebrow at Garth. “Be honest.”

  “He’s my Archenemy.”

  Certain things were clicking into place within Sasha’s mind. “Is that why you’re always getting hurt?”

  “Yes,” Garth admitted. “The Red Priest is holding my people, fellow shifters, prisoner, and has them trapped in their animal forms using enchanted collars. He forces my people to fight Battle Priests and Battle Nuns in matches where humans bet on the outcome of those fights. When I escaped I promised my people I would come back for them. However, no matter how hard I try I can’t remember where the arena I escaped from is located. I can be a bit of a meathead at times.”

  Demons trapped in their animal forms fighting against Battle Priests and Battle Nuns? Sasha thought and certain visual images began to appear in her mind. She vaguely remembered something similar to what Garth was describing. But it was like trying to remember a dream. Sasha couldn’t get the images in her mind to become clear.

??That’s why I’ve been tracking down illegal underground fight clubs in San Francisco, and discovering where they meet so that I can participate in the matches while trying to find the Red Priest. I usually interrogate street fighters and ask them if they know of the Red Priest’s whereabouts. So far, I haven’t been able to find out anything.” Garth put his hands out in a helpless gesture.

  “If I remember…maybe I could help you find him.” There was a hopeful note to Sasha’s voice.

  “No.” Garth shook his head. “It looked like you were in pain. Just…forget I asked about it.”

  Sasha frowned. “Those Battle Priests…they might be coming after me. My father told me so. Although I don’t know why they’d be interested in me. I’m not a demon. But that’s why I made Charming. To protect me. Maybe you could use me…like bait.”

  Bait? Garth was so moved by Sasha’s selfless offer that he ended up pulling her into his arms and wrapping his arms around her for a hug. “I hope they don’t come for you.”

  “But…it’s important to you, isn’t it?” Sasha questioned as she rested her cheek against Garth’s pec. The sound of his heartbeat was soothing to her. “Finding the Red Priest? Freeing your people?”

  Garth rested his chin on the top of Sasha’s head. “Yes, but…you’re important to me too.” He squeezed her tight.

  Sasha’s cheeks turned pink. “Garth…”

  “If they do come though, just give me a call. I’ll kick their asses.” A feral grin curled Garth’s lips at the thought of kicking some Battle Priest ass, and his golden eyes were glowing.

  Sasha looked up at Garth and smiled tremulously when she noticed his fierce expression. “I bet.”

  Garth suddenly sniffed Sasha. “You smell…aroused?”

  “Ah, no, it’s not because of you. Charming and I were participating in sexual activity earlier.” Sasha hurriedly explained.

  Garth raised an eyebrow at her. “You and the robot?” He eyebrows bunched together. “How does that work exactly?”

  “Charming is the perfect boyfriend.” A dreamy expression fell over Sasha’s face.

  “He’s a robot.” Garth scowled at her starry-eyed expression. “And he’s kind of in pieces right now. He’s not real, Sasha. You deserve better than a fake boyfriend.”

  Sasha pushed herself off of Garth’s naked body, and placed her hands on her hips. “Don’t talk about Charming that way! He’s very important to me.”

  Garth scratched his head in a befuddled manner. She’s in love with a robot? I’m making her angry. I better just shut up now. “Yeah, sure, whatever.”

  “Hmph!” Sasha stalked over to Charming’s head and picked it up. She stared into Charming’s eyes. His glasses were cracked. She’d have to get him a new pair. It wasn’t like Charming actually needed glasses, but she thought men in glasses were sexy. “Charming, are you alright?”

  “My mental processes are functioning normally, my love.” Charming readily assured.

  “Oh, thank goodness.” Sasha clutched Charming’s head to her chest. “I don’t know what I would do without you. Don’t worry, Charming, I’ll have you repaired in no time. I’ll make you an even better, more powerful body than before. And maybe I’ll add a few weapons.”

  Garth felt odd watching Sasha hugging a robot’s head to her chest. What was this odd feeling? He felt like crushing Charming’s head like a watermelon between his two hands.

  Sasha held Charming’s head away from her chest and then kissed him passionately on the lips.

  Garth’s eyes widened in shock. She was completely delusional. She was completely lost in her fantasy world. She’s delusional.

  Sasha frowned as she heard Garth’s insulting thought, and shot a glare the shifter’s way. “I’m not crazy.”

  Garth put his hands up in front of him in a surrendering gesture. “I didn’t say you were.”

  “No. But I bet you were thinking it.” Sasha sighed, walked over, and placed Charming’s head down on one of her worktables. The veterinarian turned around and then glanced down at Garth’s crotch. She’d forgotten that he was naked. “It’s hard to stay mad at you when you’re naked.”

  Garth smirked. “That so? I’ll keep that in mind, lass.” Mental note: if Sasha gets mad at me I’ll just strip my clothes off.

  Sasha giggled at Garth’s internal thoughts and then caught herself, surprised that she was able to laugh again so soon. “I’ll go get you some clothes. My father keeps some of his belongings here for when he comes and visits.”

  “Alright.” Garth said.

  Sasha walked off to fetch Garth a change of clothes from one of the cabinets within the laboratory. She returned with a purple hoodie and matching sweatpants. It was an outfit her father used to workout in. She had a chagrined expression on her face as she handed Garth the outfit. “It’s the only thing that I think will fit you.”

  Garth shot Charming’s head a curious look. “What about the Tin Man’s clothes?”

  “If you’re asking me if you can borrow my clothes, then the answer is ‘no’. You’ll stretch the necks with your big stupid head.” Charming complained.

  Garth scowled at the robot head, and put on the purple hoodie and sweatpants. At least it wasn’t pink.

  Sasha slowly walked towards the bodies of her dead monster pets. She crouched by their sides and closed their eyes with her fingers gently. She stroked their fur-covered bodies sadly. “Thank you, for trying to protect me, my precious ones.”

  Garth walked over to Sasha, and coughed awkwardly into his hand. “Shall we give them a proper burial? I’d be happy to help.”

  “Thank you, but that won’t be necessary. I have a cremation chamber. I’ll take care of it.” Sasha stood but then swayed on her feet. She was having a hard time keeping it together.

  Garth reached out and grabbed Sasha’s arm to steady her. “I’ll help.” He said firmly.

  Sasha just nodded dazedly.

  Garth helped Sasha to carry the bodies of her monster pets over to a gigantic cremation chamber, and toss them inside. He wondered why she had such a thing in the first place, but didn’t want to ask her. He was afraid of what the answer might be.

  As Sasha watched the bodies of her beloved pets burn to ashes, tears streamed down her face anew.

  Garth awkwardly put his arm around Sasha’s shoulders to offer her comfort, and Sasha leaned against him, taking solace in his embrace.

  I never thought I would comfort a human female. I bet I suck at this. Garth thought worriedly.

  “Thank you for being here with me, Garth.” Sasha piped up. “I don’t know if I could have gotten through this on my own.”

  “No problem.”

  “I…have a favor I’d like to ask.”


  “I’d like to take their ashes to the ocean and scatter their ashes there. I think they would like that.”

  “Alright, lass.”

  Sasha swayed on her feet again, and Garth caught her as she fell unconscious. He was concerned until Charming’s voice rang out: “Don’t try to wake her. She’s just sleeping. It’s late.”

  “Aye, it is.” Garth sat down on the floor cross-legged and held Sasha in his arms. She snuggled up against him, and made herself comfortable. He smiled at the sight. She fit perfectly in his arms. He had this strange, unexpected desire to protect her. He yawned widely. Garth didn’t want to fall asleep and risk having a violent dream of his past since he might accidentally lash out at Sasha in his sleep.

  Garth tried to stay awake, but after fighting the dragon shifter he’d used up a lot of energy. His body needed to heal. He ended up falling asleep, and dreaming of the past once more.

  To be continued in…Candy 7: Atomic Fireball