Read His Big Mountain Axe Page 3

  “Hang on, sweetheart,” his voice murmured into my ear, sending a shiver of fear, and excitement, and the unknown right down my spine.

  “Things are about to get rough.”



  She was mine. Really, truly mine. Sitting there on that bike roaring down the dark highway with my arms around her and the wind in my face, it was the only thought blazing through my head.

  Her soft, small body trembled against me as the bike rumbled under us. Her hair blew into my face, and that normally would have pissed me off, but it didn’t one bit. Not her. I let her locks tease over my face, the scent of her in the wind filling my nostrils.

  I let one hand off the handlebars, sliding round her body and pulling her right. She didn’t fight me. In fact, her hands clung to my arm, holding tight as I gunned the engine.

  I groaned, inhaling her scent and feeling her so warm against my body. My cock throbbed against her tight little ass as the bike rumbled under us. I knew she could probably feel me, my thick erection pushing hard against her ass.


  I fucking wanted her to feel how hard I was for her. I wanted her to know what was on my mind with her pressed against me like that. Sure, I was saving her from that fucking psycho asshole Harding. Leaving her there would have been bad for her. But then, I wasn’t just taking her out of the goodness of my heart either. Trust me, I was not a fucking white knight trying to save the damsel.

  I was the beast, stealing her away to my cave, to keep her. And that's exactly what I was doing, taking her back to the place where I’d hidden away for the last four years.

  Blackthorn Mountain.

  It was quiet, out of the way, and barely populated. Over the years, I’d met a few others — men who’d also found escape and solitude up on that mountain away from the world. Vlad, the Russian with the big house. Braun, the guy you might call big until you met me. The pretty-boy Texan twins who talked too loud.

  I wouldn’t call any of them friends — I didn’t have those anymore. But they weren’t enemies, so it worked. But that’s where I was going with Larkin, back to my little cabin up on the mountain.

  I’d blown it with Miles. Big time. That thought sank into my blood like poison. And it pissed me the fuck off, but I knew it couldn’t be helped. The second he’d stepped up to her, I knew the game was over. I wasn’t going to stand by and let him touch her, even if I’d known stepping in carried the threat of blowing my cover — my element of surprise.

  My beard was bigger, my hair longer since back then. But the only reason he hadn’t recognized me the last few weeks was because he wasn’t looking for me. I was dead to him. But once he saw me, it was over.

  I growled, the anger swelling inside. Years of hunting, fucking ruined. He was going to go into hiding now, I knew it. Which meant more hunting, and more time waiting to exact my revenge.

  I roared the bike forward, thundering down the road. Blackthorn was a little bit of a drive, but I planned on going straight through.

  I had zero plan after that.

  Shit, I’d had a plan for years: revenge. For four years, my “plan” had been to survive and hunt down the pieces of shit who murdered my club. I’d come so fucking close, but now I’d let the biggest one of all escape.

  But I had her.

  Fuck did I have her, and like hell was I going to let her go. Larkin, the variable I never saw coming was now the only good thing to come of this failed attempt at killing Miles Harding. My blood was still roaring from the fight, and the scent of her filling my senses and the feel of her body against mine wasn’t fucking helping. My balls ached with need, my cock throbbing and pulsing against her sweet little ass.

  She was small, and I was big. Very very big. I tied to imagine claiming her, spreading those pretty thighs and easing my thick cock into her tight, willing little pussy. Fuck I wondered if she could even take me. I imagined her mewling and whining in pleasure as I slowly gave her more cock than she’d ever even dreamed of. The engine roared as I gunned it, my cock pulsing against her.

  Oh, I knew she could feel it. I wanted her to. I wanted her to know how fucking hard she made me. And she needed to know one thing for sure — I really wasn’t a savior. I wasn’t her white knight. I was stealing her away up into the mountains to my hideout in the woods. And once we got there, I only had one fucking plan any more: tearing her clothes off, licking every inch of her sweet, supple skin, and then plunging my cock deep inside of her until the only thing she knew was pleasure, my hands holding her tight, and my cum pumping deep inside of her.

  And then I’d do it all over again.

  The engine roared and we blasted into the night, back to Blackthorn. Back to home. Back to the bed where I’d claim what was mine.



  Stop it. Stop it right now. God, don’t you…

  I sneezed my eyes shut, panting and clenching my core as the, well, the pleasure rolled through me. I’d never ridden on a motorcycle before, but holy shit had I been missing out.

  My stranger had me planted between his big, muscular thighs, one big arm wrapped around my body, pulling me tight to his strong chest. My legs were spread wide over the leather of the seat pommel under me, and the second we’d roared out of the parking lot, I realized what a problem it was going to be wearing a skirt. My hands had it tugged down over my panties, but the rest of it billowed freely in the wind, flashing most of my bare thighs.

  But there was something else too…

  The way I was sitting had the upward curve of the leather seat planted between my thighs, and resting right against the front of my panties. That’d be one thing, but then, motorcycles vibrate. A lot. The bike rumbled like thunder under us too, and the way my stranger had me pressed between his body and that curve of the seat had me riding each and every vibration. It’d started slow, but the longer we drove, the more it was becoming impossible not to react to the throbbing rumbling machine vibrating against my pussy.

  Pleasure — pure freaking pleasure — rolled through me, making my blood boil and my skin tingle in ecstasy. We’d been going like that for miles, and I swear to God, I was going to come. It was so horribly mortifying, but what the hell could I do? Tell him? Yeah, no. So I was fighting it. For miles and miles, I was fighting the wave that was slowly creeping over me and dragging me under.

  My hands clutched tight, but what was even worse was while I was trying to push my skirt down to cover my modesty — hilarious since I was about to come riding in a strangers lap on his motorcycle — my hands were also right there between my legs. The bike bumped over the road, and I whimpered, biting my lip as the pleasure exploded through me. I could feel my fingers tightening on the skirt my knuckles brushing my mound as the bike rumbled against my clit.

  Oh fuck, please don’t come. That would be so not cool to come right now.

  As if taunting me, the bike rumbled even louder, stronger, the engine throbbing between my legs and making me moan even more. I prayed to God my stranger couldn’t hear me over the wind. The bike throbbed again, and I trembled. This time, his hand tightened around my waist, making me gasp as his body pressed into me.

  Oh God…

  He was hard. I knew there wasn’t anything else I could be feeling behind me, pressing against my ass. This was not helping. With the bike making me make a mess of my panties, my hand brushing across my pussy, and now the gorgeous, dark, dangerous, huge biker behind me with an enormous erection pulsing against me, this fight was becoming unwinnable.

  It was like something out of a filthy daydream, but it was very very real.

  The bike rumbled, and when I moaned and trembled this time, his arm tightened around me. His hand slid over to my wrist, tightening there as I shivered against him. The bike bumped over a dip in the road, and I felt his erection throb against me.

  There was no way he didn’t know I could feel that, right? Or did he want me to? I whimpered at the thought, trembling at the idea of this big, dangerous m
an wanting me, even if I was powerless to resist.

  He gunned the engine, and this time, when I whimpered, I could’ve sworn I felt him chuckle behind me. His hand slid over my wrist, moving to cover my hand, making my pulse jump as I felt his body curl around me. His hips ground against me, letting me feel his thickness, making my heart jump into my throat. His hand slid over my fingers, and suddenly, he started to pull them away from my dress


  I gasped as he pulled my hand away, letting the wind flip my skirt up, baring my panties. He groaned deeply into my ear, still watching the road as he moved my hand back between my legs.

  “Right there, sweetheart,” he growled into my ear, making me whimper. “Put your fingers right here over this sweet little pussy.”

  I moaned. Oh God, this was actually happening.

  “I know you’ve been fighting it,” he rasped into my ear, almost yelling over the wind. The bike throbbed under me, making me whimper as it vibrated through my body and teased against my aching clit.

  His fingers pushed mine right against my panties, both of our hands teasing over me. I was soaking wet, and I knew he could feel it too. He started to rub my clit with both our fingers, rolling his finger and mine over the little bud right through my panties until I started to lose my mind. The bike roared through the night, throbbing and pulsing between my legs and pushing me higher and higher.

  “Don’t you dare fight it anymore, sweetheart,” the big stranger growled into my ear, hugging me close. His thick cock pulsed against my ass, and slowly, I knew it was useless to fight it. The bike, his body, his hands — I was going to come, and I was going to come hard.

  “I wanna feel this little kitty come for me,” he groaned. “Make it come and make a fuckin’ mess of those naughty little panties. And when we get where we’re going I’m gonna lick it all clean.”

  I screamed as the orgasm ripped though me, shattering me and making me scream in pleasure. My whole body shook and writhed against him, and his damned fingers just kept teasing my clit, pushing me right into another climax right fucking there on his bike.

  Slowly, he pulled his hand away, keeping his arm around me with his hand just covering my pussy, like it was his to protect. The engine gunned and we roared into the night.

  I panted, shaking from the orgasm and in disbelief that what had just happened had actually happened.


  “My home,” he groaned into my ear. “We’re going to my home, and don’t you fucking dare think I’m done with you.”



  She was quiet the rest of the way, but I could feel her body pulsing against mine. I could feel her sharp breaths as I roared off the highway and started into the backroads that would take us to Blackthorn.

  I knew the bike was still right there between her legs, roaring away and keeping her on the edge of her fucking sanity. The thought made my mouth water and my cock fucking ache to slide deep inside that tasty little cunt of hers. Let her get warmed up with the bike — the man driving it would take her to the fucking edge later.

  We left civilization behind, climbing the old backroads up to the turn off I’d hidden years go. This mountain was more crowded now than it had when I first came up here. I had neighbors — well, neighbors that were miles away from me on other ridges and spots on the mountain, but still. They were the other men of Blackthorn Mountain. And now, they had fucking women with them. Years ago, it would have pissed me off. Well, years ago it did. But I guess I’d grown used to them. They had their own issues, their own demons, and their own reasons for leaving society behind. Tough men, all of them, but none of them were me. They knew what I was, and they were all smart enough to respect that.

  None of them knew my past, but they knew the demon they saw behind my eyes.

  I kept the bike running, kickstand down and her still on it when we got to the hidden trail. I swung the camouflaged gate wide, drove the bike through, and then dismounted again to swing it back shut, sealing the way. A few souls may have known I lived up here, but none of them knew exactly where. I’d kept my cabin hidden away, and I liked it that way. I may have — well, I don’t want to say “grown closer to them” over the years — but I tolerated the others living up here these days. Fuck, I mean Braun had invited me to that wedding of his, right before I’d taken off to track Harding down in Salt Creek.

  But still, I kept to myself.

  The hidden trail cut through a sort of canyon between two rocky cliffs that climbed up to one of the side peaks. It was dark, and the headlight illuminated the way, but I knew this trail like the back of my hand at this point. I could feel Larkin cling to me, especially when one cliff wall opened up to the sheer drop below. I grinned to myself as I felt her tense, and felt her clutch at me as her breath caught. My hand moved back between her legs, and when I cupped her sweet little pussy through her soaking wet, sticky panties, she rolled her hips into me.

  The trail widened, the trees gave way, and as I took the last corner, we arrived.

  The other men up here lived in houses. I know some called them “lodges” or “cabins,” but they were houses. I truly lived in a cabin. Up here on the edge of the cliff overlooking the world, it was four wooden walls, a wood burning stove, and a roof. No electricity, save a generator I used only in extreme emergencies. No running water save the stream and natural pool behind the cabin that teased in a small waterfall over the edge of the cliff. Just me, the wilderness, and a little overhang for my bike. That’s all I needed. Or, that’s all I’d thought I needed, until she stepped into my life.

  The engine shut off with a clicking sound, and it was quiet.

  “Where are we?” Larkin whispered in the dark of the little clearing.


  “You live here?”

  I nodded, and before she could even step off the bike, I’d scooped her right up into my arms. My queen — and she was my queen — would be treated as such.

  “Hang on, stop it!”

  Her hands swatted at my back and her legs squirmed and kicked, making me frown. I growled as I pinned her closer to me.

  “Let go of me!”

  The smack came out of nowhere, and I snarled as the sting sizzled through my cheek. Her eyes went wide with fear, but I shook my head, instantly cooling.

  “It’d take more than that to hurt me, sweetheart.”

  “Put me down!”

  “Fine,” I growled, setting her lightly on her feet.

  “You’re kidnapping me, you know. You’re aware that this is kidnapping? Taking me here against my will?”

  I raised a brow. “You weren’t safe back there.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  “No, you can’t.”

  She glared at me. “Yes I can. You don’t know me, okay? I’m perfectly fine taking care of myself, got it?”

  I just tensed my jaw as she threw her sass at me. But she seemed to be out of words, and I watched as she deflated a little after the outburst.

  “Better?” I said flatly when she was done.

  She gave me a look, arching her brow.

  “Or maybe you felt better after our little road trip.”

  She blushed deeply, knowing exactly what I meant, and then gasped as I moved back into her. My arms circled her as she looked up at me with wide eyes.

  “Don’t go thinking my bike is going to be the only thing making you come, sweetheart,” I growled. I scooped her up again before she could say a thing, tossing her over my shoulder as I moved towards the cabin.

  “What are you, a freakin’ cave man?” She squirmed in my arms, twisting and writhing over my shoulder. “You can’t just toss me over your shoulder and drag me to your little hovel!”

  I chuckled as she squirmed even harder.

  “Yes, I can. And you’ll be nicer about my hovel.”

  The door swung wide, and I ducked inside with my squirming, thrashing little queen over my shoulder. Hovel my ass. I’d worked hard
on this place. I dumped her onto my bed in the dark, hearing her gasp as she hit the blankets. I turned, lighting a few candles on the table in the middle of the room before moving to the fireplace. I lit the kindling and tossed some logs on top before I moved to light a few of the wick lamps I had hanging on the walls. Slowly, the place filled with warm light, and I turned to smirk at her dropped jaw.

  “I’ll take that hovel comment apology now.”

  Larkin looked stunned as she glanced around the small but cozy as hell little cabin. Like I said, I’d worked hard on the place. It was bare bones, but they were good bones. Hell, I’d built the very bed she was laying across, plus the table and two chairs, the rocker by the fireplace, and the shelving.

  “This place is…wow.”

  “It’s not fancy. And I like that.”

  I moved towards her, and she swallowed thickly as she looked up at me.

  “Why’d you take me, really?”

  I answered effortlessly. “You couldn’t stay there, not with those men.”

  “I’ve had shitty customers before.”

  “Not like that you haven’t,” I growled. “Trust me on that one. There’s nothing for you anymore in that town.”

  As much as I fuckin’ wanted her, and as much as I knew she belonged right there with me, I did feel a small pang of regret for tearing her away from whatever life she had in that shitty little town.

  Larkin sighed though, shaking her head. “There never was,” she mumbled, perking my interest.

  “So that’s why you took me? You’re just some knight in shining armor?”

  Not even fucking close.

  I shook my head slowly, my eyes locked with her.

  “No,” I groaned out, moving closer. “I took you because I’ve wanted you since the second I laid eyes on you.”