Read His Control Page 6

  His teeth scraped over the tip of my nipple, and I dug my nails into his back.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Oh…yeah…” My eyes fluttered closed. “Again, please…Sir.”

  He did it again, and I squirmed. Teeth…good.

  A hand moved down between my legs, and I spread them, eager for what new sensations he could offer me. He ran his finger along the damp crotch of my panties. They were the nicest ones I owned, and I was about to ask him to rip them off me because I needed him touching my skin.

  “I’m going to take it easy,” he said as he raised himself onto an elbow, so he could look down at me. “I’ll do my best to keep you from discomfort, but sometimes, penetration for the first time–”

  I shook my head, running my hand down his shoulder. “No need. I’m a virgin in the literal sense, but a medical exam might not agree with that assessment.”

  “Good to know.”

  He pushed up onto his knees and reached under my skirt. I raised my hips, watching as he slid my panties down my legs. I waited for him to finish undressing me, but instead, he returned his hand to where it had been before, this time, without anything between his palm and my pussy.

  “I’m going to make you come,” he growled. “And then I’m going to fuck you. And you’re going to come again.”

  I shifted on the bed, desperately wanting to believe his promises, but too many facts were floating around in my head. The low probability of a climax during penetration. The number of women who experienced pain during their first time. The percentage of women who didn’t even enjoy intercourse at all.

  “May, look at me. May.”

  My eyes snapped up to meet his intense gaze, and I again wished I could see the exact color, but his eyes were too shadowed behind the mask.

  “I will make you come.” It wasn’t a question. “And when I’m inside you, I’ll make you come again. Trust me.”

  I nodded. “Yes, Sir,” I whispered.

  “Good answer.”

  He slipped a finger inside me, twisting as he moved it. The palm of his hand pressed against the top of my mound, pressure alternating until I gasped. He shifted, adding a second finger inside me, and his thumb slid between my folds to rub against my clit.

  I’d used my own fingers, as well as a vibrator, but none of that compared to what he was doing to me. His thumb switched from back and forth movements to circles, and I grabbed his forearm.


  “There we are.”

  It wasn’t until then that I realized he was reading my reactions, searching for the touch I needed to build the pressure inside me until I finally exploded. He wasn’t a man who was simply using the same techniques he’d used on previous lovers, expecting me to respond to it. He was searching for what worked for me, as if all his focus was on my pleasure.


  “Come, little May. I can feel the tension in your body. You’re close. Let go.”

  My nails must’ve been hurting him, but I couldn’t seem to get my fingers to let go. He didn’t say a word about it as he continued to coax me toward orgasm.

  Then, something inside me cracked, broke, and my back arched, muscles clenched, and I came.

  When I was able to open my eyes again, I found him standing at the foot of the bed, his pants and underwear gone. I was still trying to process just how thick and long he was when I realized he was talking to me.

  “I’m sorry, Sir.” I propped myself up on my elbows. “I was…distracted.”

  His lips twitched into a smile for a moment. “Take off your clothes.”

  I sat up and pulled off both shirts I was wearing, then tugged off my skirt. I’d never been self-conscious about my body, firmly believing in health over a specifically desirable body type, but I was glad to feel his desire in the way he touched me, hear it in his groan of appreciation.

  I licked my lips as he rolled on a condom, and I had a moment where I wanted to ask him to let me go down on him.

  “Lie back down.”

  I didn’t even hesitate. No matter how many facts I had in my head, I didn’t doubt he’d be able to make me come again, and this time, it’d be with that mouth-watering piece of flesh inside me.

  “Grab your legs behind your knees.” The bed dipped down as he climbed on to it. “Pull your legs up and out. I want to watch my cock entering you.”

  I wanted to see that too, but I didn’t argue. I’d already liked the idea of a man who knew what he was doing. I hadn’t realized, however, just how freeing it would be to not have to think or decide anything. I could simply obey and feel.

  “May, look at me. Are you certain this is what you want?”

  No hesitation. “Yes, please.”

  Pressure, then a slow, aching stretching. My body accepting his, opening more with each inch. I no longer heard or saw anything. I was barely aware of my hands holding my legs. Nothing existed except the place where he was filling me up.

  “Put your legs around my waist.”

  I hadn’t realized I’d closed my eyes until I opened them again at his order. His voice was strained, and as I crossed my ankles at the small of his back, he put his hands on my hips, his fingers tense.

  He rocked against me, rolled his hips, and then he eased himself out almost all the way before driving back into me. It took my breath away. And then he did it again.

  With each stroke, a new ripple of pleasure washed over me, promising something bigger and stronger than before. I grabbed his hands, needing an anchor to keep me from floating away. He was solid and right there, holding me steady even as he pushed me toward the edge.

  Neither of us spoke as I came again, but the deep, primal groan that accompanied the throbbing of his cock inside me was as good as my own name. I had made this amazing man feel that good. And there wouldn’t be any repercussions, no awkward post-coital talk. We wouldn’t need to worry about being uncomfortable if we saw each other somewhere.

  Everything had been just as perfect as I could have ever wanted.



  It seemed that my intention to resolve my recent fascination with my intern by having sex with a stranger at a BDSM club had backfired on me. Now, I couldn’t stop thinking about May unless I was talking to Addison. The whole weekend, that encounter kept replaying in my head. The way she’d taken to being submissive. How she’d responded to my touch. What it had felt like sinking into her tight, wet heat.

  Usually, when I wanted sex, I found a partner, had sex, and then didn’t think about the woman again. Not because I was an ass, but because it was never a specific woman I wanted. It was the physical pleasure, the mental break. Once that was done, she never crossed my mind again.

  For some reason, that didn’t seem to apply to the glitter-haired woman I’d been with Friday night. She kept popping into my head, and that wreaked havoc on anything I tried to do.

  By the time I arrived at work on Monday, I was looking forward to anything that distracted me from her. When Addison came in, already talking about something completely off-subject, I was truly grateful.

  “It’s just surprising, you know, how much warmer it is here than it is back home. I mean, it’s one thing to know it on a cerebral level, but I go into a store and see Valentine’s Day sales, and then walk outside in short sleeves and expect to be cold.” Addison’s cheeks were flushed as she put her purse into her desk drawer. “How long did it take you to get used to it?”

  I allowed myself a smile before answering, “I honestly don’t think I’ve ever noticed it.”

  “How can you not notice?” she asked, shaking her head. “I don’t even want to think about being here for Christmas. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful to be here, and getting a permanent job at the CDC would be amazing, but I’d have a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit without snow.”

  “I don’t miss driving in it,” I said. “Though you’ll want to be careful if you’re ever on the road and it does snow. The whole city sh
uts down for something that Boston or Minneapolis wouldn’t even blink at.”

  “Sounds like fun.” She grinned. “There are five of us. Lottie, then Simon, me, and Gene grew up together. Erin and Angel didn’t come along until later. The three of us older ones used to love the snow days when the snow was too high for even the plows to get through. I’m right between my two brothers age-wise, and when it was too high for the plows to get through, Simon and Gene would dig out a tunnel, and we’d use it to get out of the house, so we could play. We’d have the whole neighborhood to ourselves.”

  “I’m sure Dr. Hunter has more important things to do than listen to stories about your childhood.” Pansy breezed in with her usual smile.

  Except the smile was only sent my way. As soon as she looked over at Addison, it fell away.

  “Cai, Dr. Edison is asking if you had the time to review the paper he sent you?”

  Shit. I hadn’t been able to concentrate yesterday morning, so I’d put the paper aside and I’d completely forgotten about it until just now.

  “Not yet.”

  “Is it anything I can help with?” Addison asked.

  Pansy made a derisive sound I’d never heard from her before. “You’re an intern. Do you honestly think you’d be qualified to review a paper for one of our tenured doctors?”

  What the hell was wrong with her today?

  Addison’s cheeks were red, and I could see sparks of anger in her eyes, but she didn’t say a word.

  Pansy turned her attention back to me. “You know, Cai, I’d be more than happy to help you with the paper if you’d like.”

  I shook my head. “It’s actually dealing with genetics, not organic chemistry, so Addison is more qualified to review it. Dr. Edison just wanted a second set of eyes on it, someone who understands the science behind it.”

  I turned toward my computer, but not before I caught Pansy’s expression turning to stone. I really hoped this was just Pansy having a bad day, and not another one of her episodes. In the years since I’d known her, every so often, she’d get in these moods where she’d just snap at everyone. It’d happen for a week or two, and then she’d be back to her normal cheery self.

  I needed to have a talk with Pansy. It was bad enough when she acted grumpy with people who came in, but I couldn’t have her snapping at the staff. It’d never happened before, but I was now wondering if that was just because she’d been controlling herself around people with more seniority or a higher position. Technically, Addison wasn’t under Pansy, but Pansy had been here longer.

  I just didn’t understand how Pansy could take things out on someone as hard-working and sweet as Addison. Even when she was telling stories or asking questions, she was always working. She’d gotten Dr. Edison’s paper back to him in a matter of hours, and he’d called me the next day to tell me that if Addison was at the center, he wanted her looking over his work instead of me.

  Apparently, my grammar skills were sorely lacking. While this wasn’t exactly news to me, I hadn’t realized that my colleagues didn’t know it. I supposed that was a good thing. The methods I’d perfected in high school and the first few years of college worked as well now as they had then. Spelling and grammar check first, then hiring someone to read through things. Freelance sites made it easier at least.

  I sighed and closed my eyes, rubbing my temples. I had a headache, and as little as I wanted to admit it, Pansy was a big part of it. I’d give her the rest of the week – today and tomorrow was all that was left at least – and if she was still being problematic, I’d talk to her.

  Except I didn’t know how to talk to her about this. Or anything really. I didn’t know how to talk to people in general. I did better with my viruses and gene sequences.

  Less complicated.

  The moment I opened my eyes, I caught a flash of that fiery color that had my pulse picking up, but Addison didn’t come into the lab. Before I could go find out where she’d gone off to, the door to my lab opened. I felt a moment of annoyance, but that vanished when I saw it wasn’t Pansy.

  It was Dr. Fenster. My boss.

  If he was in my lab, something was up. I pushed all other thoughts from my mind, and as soon as he started to speak, I was glad because I needed to focus.

  “There’s an outbreak in Texas.”



  Maybe it was juvenile, but when I woke up Saturday morning, the first thought that had come into my mind was that I wasn’t a virgin anymore. It hadn’t been some big emotional revelation or me staring at the ceiling with stars in my eyes, the sorts of things that I supposed I would’ve felt if I’d been in a relationship, or if, at the very least, I’d known the man I’d had sex with.

  No, it was more the acknowledgment of the ache between my legs, the sensitivity of my nipples, and the knowledge of how I’d gotten to feel that way. And that was how I’d ended up with an entire weekend of I lost my virginity to a stranger at a sex club running through my head.

  I hadn’t wanted to talk to Dorly or Codie about it either. I didn’t regret what I’d done, but I was afraid that if I tried to talk to either of them, they’d think I was upset with them for suggesting it. Or, worse, they’d feel like they pushed me into it. They didn’t yet know me well enough to know that no one could ever force me to do something I didn’t want to do.

  I supposed I was still freaking out a little when I got to work Monday morning, because as soon as I walked into the lab, I started talking and couldn’t quit.

  Cai didn’t seem to mind, at least, and he didn’t mind when I did it again on Tuesday. And Wednesday.

  I couldn’t stop babbling.

  When I walked into the lab on Thursday morning, I’d promised myself that I was going to be quiet and let Cai get his work done. But then, he turned and smiled at me, and all my good intentions flew right out the window.

  It seemed that even the smoking hot Dominant who’d been filling my dreams couldn’t change the way Cai Hunter could turn my brain into mush, and my mouth into a non-stop embarrassment.

  “Do you have any other papers you need me to look over?” I asked. “You said Dr. Edison approved the work I did.”

  “He did,” Cai said, “but no one else has asked me for any input. I appreciate you doing that for me.”

  “No problem,” I said with what I hoped was a normal-looking smile and not something from Pennywise the Dancing Clown. “I used to proof my brothers’ papers, even Simon’s. He’s three years older than me, but because I graduated early, I was only one grade behind him in school. I was better at math and science, obviously, so we actually had a few of those classes together.”

  “Are you getting homesick yet?” he asked, leaning back against his desk as if he had nothing more important to do today than to talk to me.

  I shook my head. “No. I’m actually enjoying being able to hang out with my roommate and her girlfriend, make my own schedule that isn’t dependent on whether or not I have to babysit or start dinner. Did you have to babysit a lot?”

  He shook his head. “We had a nanny.”

  More evidence that we’d had very different childhoods.

  “I have some math I’d like you to review,” he said, surprising me.


  “I like to have another person go over my information rather than only relying on a computer. The work we do here is too important to risk human or machine error.”

  He was right. I was here to work, not to get close to him.

  I was still adjusting to life in the South, but I wasn’t even close to regretting my decision to move. I was loving work, even with Pansy Kemyss being a pain in my ass. There was always at least one in every workplace, right? Even if you were doing your dream job. That obnoxious co-worker who kept things from being too good.

  I would say that I didn’t know what her problem was, but I was pretty sure I did know. It was completely misguided, of course, but it also wasn’t anything under my control, so all I could do was wait it out
until she realized that there was nothing going on between Cai and me. It could’ve been some sort of professional jealousy, since even though I was technically an intern, I was able to do more of the work than she could, but I saw the way she changed every time she looked at Cai. She had it bad, and I doubted he even noticed. If she hadn’t been so petty with me, I would’ve felt bad for her.

  It was only Thursday afternoon, but I was already looking forward to the weekend. Part of me was even considering talking Codie and Dorly into taking me back to the club, but I knew that would just end badly. I’d either find the same guy, and he wouldn’t want to be with me again, or I’d find another guy, and he’d be a disappointment. Better to just be happy with what I had and focus on work.

  Still, not having to put up with Pansy for two wonderful days was reason enough to look forward to the weekend. Even if it also meant I didn’t get to see Cai.

  Speaking of Dr. Hunter…

  His expression was serious as he came into the break room. “Are you in the middle of something?”

  I shook my head. “Just getting something to drink. Do you want anything?”

  Idiot. He was standing right here. If he wanted something, he’d get it himself. He wasn’t one of those people who thought they had to be waited on hand and foot because they were so much smarter than everyone else.

  “Dr. Fenster just came to see me.”

  Dr. Fenster? The head of the CDC? Shit. Had I done something that wrong that the head of the center was here to fire me? Or was I reading too much into this and it wasn’t about me at all?

  “There’s an outbreak in Pecan Grove, Texas. You have an hour to go home, pack what you’ll need for a few days, and then get back here.”

  I had to have misunderstood him. He couldn’t have meant I was going with him. “What?”