Read His First Mission Page 7

  Chapter 7

  They located second squad at the rear of the warehouse near the loading dock. They were hidden between some loading equipment and a large row of boxes. Their armor was beaten and tattered, but they were all accounted for. However, two of them lay on the floor. Sgt. Gallagher stepped closer to see that it was Sgt. Cook and Doc Walker. Doc Walker was lying on his back with two large metal shards sticking out of his chest. He didn't acknowledge them and wasn't moving.

  “He's dead, John,” Sgt. Cook said as he noticed Sgt. Gallagher looking intently at Doc Walker's body. Sgt. Cook was lying on his side in obvious pain. “Have your Doc take a look at this will you,” he said pointing at his back.

  Sgt. Gallagher nodded to Doc and helped him to roll Sgt. Cook gently onto his stomach. There were three shards of metal poking out of his left shoulder. Each shard was from six to eight inches long.

  “Well, that explains the no long range comms issue,” Sgt. Gallagher said.

  All FMSB squad leaders had a long range communication unit built into their armor just behind their left shoulder. Two of the three metal shards had punctured the communication unit.

  Doc knelt down to take a closer look. “Accessing Sgt. Cook's armor diagnostic system, standby.” Doc's eyes moved rapidly back and forth as he downloaded the data.

  “How did this happen, Tom?” Sgt. Gallagher asked.

  “We had to get in close to take out the target. He kept himself surrounded with bodyguards and never got out in the open. A long range shot just wasn't feasible,” Sgt. Cook said pausing for a moment, the pain evident in his face. “We tracked him to a fuel depot, got in close, and Foster took the shot that dropped him. As we were making our tactical retreat, the bodyguards returned fire detonating a large fuel tank. The explosion threw us to the ground. I got up with this sticking out of my back, and Doc Walker didn't get up at all.”

  “What do you think, Doc?” Sgt. Gallagher asked when Sgt. Cook finished his explanation.

  “He has a punctured scapula and some muscle damage. The communication unit saved his life. He will have to be rendered unconscious while I operate. He should also remain still for a short time to let the healing nanobots remove the smaller pieces of metal and aid in the healing process,” Doc said.

  “We don't have any time to spare, Doc. We have to move out now,” Sgt. Gallagher said.

  “If these large pieces of metal are not removed, one of them could puncture a lung. They should be removed before he goes any farther.”

  “Okay,” Sgt. Gallagher replied in frustration. “Just be quick about it cause we gotta go.”

  “Sgt. Cook, I'm administering the sedative now. You will feel no pain and be rendered unconscious shortly,” Doc said.

  “Okay Doc, just get it out,” Sgt. Cook replied as he slipped into a peaceful slumber.

  Doc began cutting Sgt. Cook's armor away with his laser scalpel. Sgt. Gallagher stood up and started giving orders.

  “Cpl. Diaz, take second squad and secure the front of the warehouse.”

  “Yes Sgt. Gallagher,” Cpl. Diaz replied. Second squad readied their weapons and moved out.

  “Sgt. Davis, you and Cpl. Harris go to the loading dock and try to secure us transportation. When Doc finishes with Sgt. Cook, we're going to get out of here fast.”

  “Yes, Sgt. Gallagher,” Sgt. Davis replied as he and Cpl. Harris moved toward the loading dock area.

  Sgt. Gallagher watched them leave then turned his attention back to Doc. He observed him closely as he operated on Sgt. Cook. For a fleeting moment he almost forgot he was an android. When he looked down at Doc's hands all doubt was erased. Human hands could not perform two independent actions as his could.

  “How come there's no blood?” Sgt. Gallagher asked.

  “I have injected Sgt. Cook with healing nanobots. They have stemmed the blood flow,” Doc replied.

  “Oh,” replied Sgt. Gallagher.

  Doc had cut away all of the armor surrounding the wounds. Sgt. Cook's back was now exposed, and Doc was removing two of the shards simultaneously. He made tiny incisions at the shard entry points and with his thumb and pinky fingers spread the entry wounds wide open. He then proceeded to remove the shards with his other three fingers. After removing the shards, those three fingers sprouted tiny snake like appendages from their finger tips. The appendages worked furiously inside the open wounds.

  “What are you doing, Doc?” Sgt. Gallagher asked curiously.

  “I am working in concert with the nanobots to repair internal damage. The nanobots are searching out and consuming tiny fragments of metal inside the wounds. I will be closing these two wounds momentarily.”

  “Sgt. Gallagher, a large enemy patrol is approaching the front of the warehouse,” Cpl. Diaz reported.

  “How many enemy soldiers are there?” Sgt. Gallagher asked.

  “I count at least ten or more.”

  “Copy that. Leave them a little surprise and fall back now.”

  “Understood,” replied Cpl. Diaz.

  “Sgt. Davis, any luck with the transportation situation?” Sgt. Gallagher asked.

  “Yes, Cpl. Harris has got an old cargo van up and running. It's low on fuel, but it runs,” Sgt. Davis said.

  “Good, leave it running and come back here and get Cpl. Walker’s body. We've got enemy soldiers at the front of the warehouse. We're leaving,” Sgt. Gallagher said.

  “On the way,” Sgt. Davis said.

  “Cpl. Diaz, meet us at the loading dock. Sgt. Davis has secured transportation. We're leaving, and Corporal, don’t forget the surprise for our visitors,” Sgt. Gallagher ordered.

  “Understood, we're on the way,” Cpl. Diaz replied.

  “Doc, we've got to go!” Sgt. Gallagher said anxiously.

  Doc was working furiously with both hands to close the open wounds. His fingers moved so fast they were a blur. “Twenty seconds until wound closure. Standby, standby, closing wounds,” Doc said.

  “Doc, now!!” Sgt. Gallagher yelled.

  “I can't revive Sgt. Cook at this time; he needs to lie as still as possible.”

  “Then we carry him. I'll get his legs, and you get his arms,” Sgt. Gallagher ordered.

  They gently picked him up and proceeded to the loading dock area, meeting Sgt. Davis and Cpl. Harris on their way to retrieve Cpl. Walker.