Read His Hour Page 9


  Six days went past before Tamara again saw the Prince. Whether he wasbusy or kept away because he wished to, she did not know--and would notask--but a piqued sensation gradually began to rise as she thought ofhim.

  "I must arrange for you to go to Tsarskoei-Selo to see the ceremony ofthe Emperor blessing the waters on the 6th of our January, Tamara," hergodmother said, a day or two after the Bohemian feast. "I have seen itso often, and I do not wish to stand about in the cold, but Sonia'shusband is one of the aides-de-camp, and, as you know, she lives atTsarskoei. Olga is going out there, and will take you with her, and youthree can go on; it will interest you, I am sure."

  And Tamara had gladly acquiesced.

  Tsarskoei-Selo, which they reached after half an hour's train, seemedsuch a quaint place to her. Like some summer resort made up of woodenvillas, only now they were all covered with snow. She and Countess Olgahad gone together to Princess Sonia's house, and from there to thepalace grounds, where they followed snow-cleared paths to a sort oflittle temple near the lake, where they were allowed to stand justoutside the line of Cossacks and watch for the coming procession.

  The sky was heavy, and soon the snow began to fall intermittently inbig, fluffy flakes. This background of white showed up the brilliantscarlet uniforms of the escort. Standing in long rows, they were animposing sight. And Tamara admired their attractive faces, many so muchmore finely cut than the guards further on. They wore fierce beards,and they all seemed to be extremely tall and slim, with waists whichwould not have disgraced a girl. And, at the end of the line at thecorner where they stood, she suddenly saw the Prince. He was talking tosome other officers, and apparently did not see them. Tamara grew angrywith herself at finding how the very sight of him moved her. Theprocession, soon seen advancing, was as a lesser interest, her wholereal concentration being upon one scarlet form.

  From the time the signal was given that the Emperor had started fromthe palace all the heads were bare--bare in a temperature many degreesbelow freezing and in falling snow! It was the Prince who gave the wordof command, and while he stood at attention she watched his face. Itwas severe and rigid, like the face of a statue. On duty he wasevidently a different creature from the wild Gritzko of gipsy suppers.But there was no use arguing with herself--he attracted her in everycase.

  Then the procession advanced, and she looked at it with growingamazement. This wonderful nation! so full of superstition and yet ofcommon sense. It seemed astonishing that grown-up people shouldseriously assist at this ceremony of sentiment.

  First came the choir-boys with thick coats covering their scarletgowns; then a company of singing men; then the priests in theirmagnificent robes of gold and silver, and then the Emperor, alone andbareheaded. Afterward followed the Grand Dukes and the standard ofevery guard regiment and finally all the aides-de-camp.

  When the Emperor passed she glanced again at the Prince. The setness ofhis face had given place to a look of devotion. There was evidently agreat love for his master in his strange soul. When the last figure hadmoved beyond the little temple corner, the tension of all was relaxed,and they stood at ease again, and Gritzko appeared to perceive theparty of ladies, and smiled.

  "I am coming to get some hot coffee after lunch, Sonia," he called out."I promised Marie."

  "Does it not give them cold?" Tamara asked, as she looked at theCossacks' almost shaven bare heads. "And they have no great-coats on!What can they be made of, poor things?"

  "They get accustomed to it, and it is not at all cold to-day,fortunately," Countess Olga said. "They would have their furs on if itwere. Don't you think they are splendid men? I love to see them intheir scarlet; they only wear it on special occasions and when they arewith the Emperor, or at Court balls or birthdays. I am so glad you seeGritzko in his."

  Tamara did not say she had already seen the Prince in the scarlet coat;none of her new friends were aware that they had met before in Egypt.

  All this time the guns were firing, and soon the ceremony of dippingthe cross in the water was over, and the procession started back again.

  It was the same as when it came, only the priests were wiping the crossin a napkin, and presently all passed out of sight toward the palace,and the three ladies walked quickly back to the waiting sleigh,half-frozen with cold.

  About ten minutes after they had finished lunch, and were sitting atcoffee in Princess Sonia's cosy salon--so fresh and charming and likean English country house--they heard a good deal of noise in thepassage, and the Prince came in. He was followed by a sturdy boy ofeight, and carried in his arms a tiny girl, whose poor small bodylooked wizened, while in her little arms she held a crutch.

  "We met in the hall--my friend Marie and I," he said, as he bent tokiss Princess Sonia's hand, and then the other two ladies', "and wehave a great deal to say to one another."

  "These are my children, Mrs. Loraine," Princess Sonia said. "They werecoming down to see you; but now Gritzko has appeared we shall receiveno attention, I fear," and she laughed happily, while the little boycame forward, and with beautiful manners kissed Tamara's hand.

  "You are an English lady," he said, without the slightest accent. "Haveyou a little boy, too?"

  Tamara was obliged to own she had no children, which he seemed to thinkvery unfortunate.

  "Marie always has to have her own way, but while she is with Gritzkoshe is generally good," he announced.

  "How splendidly you speak English!" Tamara said. "And only eight yearsold! I suppose you can talk French, too, as well as Russian?"

  "Naturally, of course," he replied, with fine contempt. "But I'll tellyou something--German I do very badly. We have a German governess, andI hate her. Her mouth is too full of teeth."

  "That certainly is a disadvantage," Tamara agreed.

  "When Gritzko gets up with us he makes her in a fine rage! Shespluttered so at him last week the bottom row fell out. We were glad!"

  Princess Sonia now interrupted: "What are you saying, Peter?" she said."Poor Fraeulein! You know I shall have to forbid Gritzko from going totea with you. You are all so naughty when you get together!"

  There was at once a fierce scream from the other side of the room.

  "Maman! we will have Gritzko to tea! I love him!--Je l'aime!" and thepoor crippled tiny Marie nearly strangled her friend with a franticembrace.

  "You see, Maman, we defy you!" the Prince said, when he could speak.

  The little boy now joined his sister, and both soon shrieked withlaughter over some impossible tale which was being poured into theirears; and Princess Sonia said softly to Tamara:

  "He is too wonderful with children--Gritzko--when he happens to likethem--isn't he, Olga? All of ours simply adore him, and I can nevertell you of his goodness and gentleness to Marie last year when she hadher dreadful accident. The poor little one will be well some day, wehope, and so I do not allow myself to be sad about it; but it was aterrible grief."

  Tamara looked her sympathy, while she murmured a few words. PrincessSonia was such a sweet and charming lady.

  More visitors now came in, and they all drank their coffee and tea, butthe Prince paid no attention to any one beyond casual greetings; hecontinued his absorbing conversation with his small friends.

  Tamara was surprised at this new side of him. It touched her. And hewas such a gloriously good-looking picture as he sat there in hisscarlet coat, while Marie played with the silver cartridges across hisbreast, and Peter with his dagger.

  When she and Countess Olga left to catch an early afternoon train hecame too. He had to be back in Petersburg, he said. Nothing could lookmore desolate than the tracts of country seen from the train windows,so near the capital and yet wild, uncultivated spaces, part almost likea marsh. There seemed to be nothing living but the lonely soldiers whoguarded the Royal line a hundred yards or so off. It depressed Tamaraas she gazed out, and she unconsciously sighed, while a sad look cameinto her eyes.

  The Prince and Countess Olga and another officer,
who had joined them,were all chaffing gaily while they smoked their cigarettes, but Gritzkoappeared to be aware of everything that was passing, for he suddenlybent over and whispered to Tamara:

  "Madame, when you have been here long enough you will learn never tosee what you do not wish." Then he turned back to the others, andlaughed again.

  What did he mean? she wondered. Were there many things then to whichone must shut one's eyes?

  She now caught part of the conversation that was going on.

  "But why won't you come, Gritzko?" Countess Olga was saying. "It willbe most amusing--and the prizes are lovely, Tatiane, who has seen them,says."

  "I?--to be glued to a bridge table for three solid evenings. Mon Dieu!"the Prince cried. "Having to take what partner falls to one's lot! Nochoice! My heavens! nothing would drag me. Whatever game I play inlife, I will select my lady myself."

  "You _are_ tiresome!" Countess Olga said. When they got to the stationthe Princess's coupe was waiting, as well as the Gleboff sleigh.

  "Good-bye, and a thousand thanks for taking me," Tamara said, and theywaved as Countess Olga drove off. And then the Prince handed her intothe coupe and asked her if she would drop him on the way.

  For some time after they were settled under the furs and rushing along,he seemed very silent, and when Tamara ventured a few remarks heanswered mechanically. At last after a while:

  "You are going to this bridge tournament at the Varishkine's, Isuppose?" he suddenly said. "It ought to be just your affair."

  "Why my affair?" Tamara asked, annoyed. "I hate bridge."

  "So you do. I forgot. But Tantine will take you, all the same. Perhaps,if nothing more amusing turns up, I will drop in one night and see;but--wheugh!" and he stretched himself and spread out his hands--"Ihave been impossibly _sage_ for over a fortnight. I believe I must soonbreak out."

  "What does that mean, Prince--to 'break out'?"

  "It means to throw off civilized things and be as mad as one isinclined," and he smiled mockingly while some queer, restless spiritdwelt in his eyes. "I always break out when things make me think, andjust now--in the train--when you looked at the sad country----"

  "That made you think?" said Tamara, surprised.

  "Well--never mind, good little angel. And now good-bye," and he kissedher hand lightly and jumped out; they had arrived at his house.

  Tamara drove on to the Serguiefskaia with a great desire to see himagain in her heart.

  * * * * *

  And so the days passed and the hours flew. Tamara had been in Russiaalmost three weeks; and since the blessing of the waters the time hadbeen taken up with a continual round of small entertainments. The Courtmourning prevented as yet any great balls; but there were receptions,and "bridges" and dinners, and night after night they saw the samepeople, and Tamara got to know them fairly well. But after theexcursion to Tsarskoei-Selo for several days she did not see the Prince.His military duties took up his whole time, her godmother said. Andwhen at last he did come it was among a crowd, and there was nopossible chance of speech.

  "This bores me," he announced when he found the room full of people,and he left in ten minutes, and they did not see him again for a week,when they met him at a dinner at the English Embassy.

  Then he seemed cool and respectful and almost commonplace, and Tamarafelt none of the satisfaction she should have done from this changedorder of things.

  At the bridge tournament he made no appearance whatever.

  "Why do we see Prince Milaslavski so seldom when we go out, Marraine?"she asked her godmother one day. "I thought all these people were hisintimate friends!"

  "So they are, dear; but Gritzko is an odd creature," the Princess said."He asked me once if I thought he was an _imbecile_ or a performingmonkey, when I reproached him for not being at the balls. He only goesout when he is so disposed. If some one person amuses him, or if hesuddenly wants to see us all. It is merely by fits and starts--alwaysfrom the point of view of if he feels inclined, never from theobservance of any social law, or from obligation."

  "Why on earth do you put up with such manners?" Tamara exclaimed withirritation.

  "I do not know. We might not in any one else, but Gritzko is aprivileged person," the Princess said. "You can't imagine, of course,dear, because you do not know him well enough, but he has ways and_facons_ of coaxing. He will do the most outrageous things, and make mevery angry, and then he will come and put his head in my lap like achild, and kiss my hands, and call me 'Tantine,' and, old woman as Iam, I cannot resist him. And if one is unhappy or ill, no one can bemore tender and devoted." Then she added dreamily:--"While as a lover Ishould think he must be quite divine."

  Tamara took another cup of tea and looked into the fire. She wasashamed to show how this conversation interested her.

  "Tatiane Shebanoff is madly in love with him, poor thing, and I do notbelieve he has ever given her any real encouragement," the Princesscontinued. "I have seen him come to a ball, and when all the youngwomen are longing for him to ask them to dance, he will go off with me,or old Countess Nivenska, and sit talking half the night, apparentlyunaware of any one else's presence."

  "It seems he must be the most exasperating, tiresome person one hasever heard of, Marraine," Tamara exclaimed. "He rides over you all, andyou cannot even be angry, and continually forgive him."

  "But then he has his serious side," the Princess went on, eager todefend her favorite. "He is now probably studying some deep militaryproblem all this time, and that is why we have not seen him,"--and thennoticing the scornful pose of Tamara's head she laughed. "Don't be socontemptuous, dear child," she--said. "Perhaps you too will understandsome day."

  "That is not very likely," Tamara said.

  But alas! for the Princess' optimistic surmises as to the Prince'soccupations, a rumor spread toward the end of the week of the maddestorgie which had taken place at the Fontonka house. It sounded like aphantasmagoria in which unclothed dancers, and wild beasts, andunheard-of feats seemed to float about. And the Princess sighed as sherefuted the gossip it caused.

  "Oh, my poor Gritzko! if he might only even for a while remain in astate of grace," she said.

  And Tamara's interest in him, in spite of her shocked contempt, did notdecrease.

  And so the time went on.

  She was gradually growing to know the society better, and to get a peepat the national point of view. They were a wonderfully uncomplexpeople, with the perfect ease which only those at the bottom of thesocial ladder who have not started to climb at all, and those who havereached the top, like these, can have. They were casually friendly whenthe strangers pleased them, and completely unimpressed with theirintrinsic worth if they did not. They seemed to see in a moment theshades in people, and only to select the best. And when Tamara came totalk seriously with even the most apparently frivolous, she found theyall had the same trace of vague melancholy and mystery, as though theywere grasping in the dark for something spiritual they wished to seize.Their views and boundaries of principles in action seemed to belimitless, just as their vast country seems to have no landmarks formiles. One could imagine the unexpected happening in any of theirlives. And the charm and fascination of them continued to increase.

  It was late one afternoon when Prince Milaslavski again cameprominently into view on Tamara's horizon.

  She was sitting alone reading in the blue salon when he walkedunceremoniously in.

  "Give me some tea, Madame," he said. "The Princess met me in the hall,and told me I should find you here; so now let us begin by this."

  Tamara poured it out and leaned back in the sofa below the beautifulFalconet group, which made--and makes--the glory of the blue salon inthe Ardacheff House. She felt serene. These two weeks of unawakenedemotions and just pleasant entertainments since the day at Tsarskoei hadgiven her fresh poise.

  "And what do you think of us by now, Madame?" he asked.

  "I think you are a strange band," she said. "You are extremelyintellectual, you are b
rilliant, and yet in five minutes allintelligence can fade out of your faces, and all interest from yourtalks, and you fly to bridge."

  "It is because we are primitive and unspoilt; this is our new toy, andwe must play with it; the excitement will wane, and a fresh onecome----" he paused and then went on in another tone--

  "You in England have many outlets for your supervitality--you cannotjudge of other nations who have not. You had a magnificent system ofgovernment. It took you about eight hundred years to build up, and itwas the admiration of the world--and now you are allowing yourSocialists and ignorant plebeian place hunters to pull it all to piecesand throw it away. That is more foolish surely, than even to go crazyover bridge!"

  Tamara sighed.

  "Have you ever been in England, Prince?" she asked.

  He sat down on the sofa beside her.

  "No--but one day I shall go, Paris is as far as I have got on the roadas yet."

  "You would think us all very dull, I expect, and calculating andrestrained," Tamara said softly. "You might like the hunting, butsomehow I do not see you in the picture there--"

  He got up and moved restlessly to the mantelpiece, where he leaned,while he stirred his tea absently. There was almost an air of bravadoin the insouciant tone of his next remark--

  "Do you know, I did a dreadful thing," he said. "And it has grieved meterribly, and I must have your sympathy. I hurt my Arab horse. Youremember him, Suliman, at the Sphinx?"

  "Yes," said Tamara.

  "I had a little party to some of my friends, and we were rathergay--not a party you would have approved of, but one which pleased usall the same--and they dared me to ride Suliman from the stables to thebig saloon."

  "And I suppose you did?" Tamara's voice was full of contempt.

  He noticed the tone, and went on defiantly:

  "Of course; that was easy; only the devil of a carpet made him trip atthe bottom again, and he has strained two of his beautiful feet. Butyou should have seen him!" he went on proudly. "As dainty as the finestgentleman in and out the chairs, and his great success was putting hisforelegs on the fender seat!"

  "How you have missed your metier!" Tamara said, and she leant back inher sofa and surveyed him as he stood, a graceful tall figure in hisblue long coat. "Think of the triumph you would have in a Hippodrome!"

  He straightened himself suddenly, his great eyes flashed, and over hisface came a fierceness she had not guessed.

  "I thought you had melted a little--here in our snow, but I see it isthe mummy there all the same," he said.

  Tamara laughed. For the first time it was she who held the reins.

  "Even to the wrappings,"--and she gently kicked out the soft gray foldsof her skirt.

  He took a step nearer her, and then he stood still, and while thefierceness remained in his face, his eyes were full of pain.

  She glanced up at him, and over her came almost a sense of indignationthat he should so unworthily pass his time.

  "How you waste your life!" she said. "Oh! think to be a man, and free,and a great landowner. To have thousands of peasants dependent uponone's frown. To have the opportunity of lifting them into somethinguseful and good. And to spend one's hours and find one's pleasure insuch things as this! Riding one's favorite horse at the risk of its andone's own neck, up and down the stairs. Ah! I congratulate you, Prince!"

  He drew himself up again, as if she had hit him, and the pain in hiseyes turned to flame.

  "I allow no one to criticize my conduct," he said. "If it amused me toride a bear into this room and let it eat you up, I would not hesitate."

  "I do not doubt it," and Tamara laughed scornfully. "It would be in apiece with all the rest."

  He raised his head with an angry toss, and then they looked at eachother like two fighting cats, when fortunately the door opened, and thePrincess came in.

  In a moment he had laughed, and resumed his habitually insouciant mien.

  "Madame has been reading me a lecture," he said. "She thinks I amwasted in the Emperor's escort, and a circus is my place."

  Tamara did not speak.

  "Why do you seem always to quarrel so, Gritzko?" the Princess said,plaintively. "It really quite upsets me, dear boy."

  "You must not worry, Tantine," and he kissed the Princess' hand. "Wedon't quarrel; we are the best of friends; only we tell one anotherhome truths. I came this afternoon to ask you if you will come toMilaslav next week. I think Madame ought to see Moscow, and we mightmake an excursion from there just for a night," and he looked at Tamarawith a lifting of the brows.

  "Then, Tantine, she could see how I cow my peasants with a knout, andgrind them to starvation. It would be an interesting picture for her totake back to England."

  "I should enjoy all that immensely, of course," Tamara said,pleasantly. "Many thanks, Prince."

  "I shall be so honored," and he bowed politely; then, turning to thePrincess: "You will settle it, won't you, Tantine?"

  "I will look at our engagements, dear boy. We will try to arrange it. Ican tell you at the ballet," and the Princess smiled encouragingly upat him. "My godchild has not seen our national dancing yet, so we goto-night with Prince Miklefski and Valonne."

  "Then it is au revoir," he said, and kissing their hands he left them.

  When the door was shut and they were alone.

  "Tamara, what had you said to Gritzko to move him so?" the Princessasked. "I, who know every line of his face, tell you I have not seenhim so moved since his mother's death."

  So Tamara told her, describing the scene.

  "My dear, you touched him in a tender spot," her godmother said. "Hismother was a saint almost to those people at Milaslav; they worshippedher. She was very beautiful and very sweet, and after her husband'sdeath she spent nearly all her life there. She started schools to teachthe peasants useful things, and she encouraged them and cared for theirhealth; and her great wish was that Gritzko should carry out herschemes. She was no advanced Liberal, the late Princess, but she hadsuch a tender heart, she longed to bring happiness to those in herkeeping, and teach them to find happiness themselves."

  "And he has let it all slide, I suppose," Tamara said.

  "Well, not exactly that," and the Princess sighed deeply; "but I daresay these over gay companions of his do not leave him much time for thearrangement such things require. Ah! if you knew, Tamara," she went on,"how fond I am of that boy, and how I feel the great and noble parts ofhis character are running to waste, you would understand my grief."

  "You are so kind, dear Marraine," Tamara said. "But surely he must bevery weak."

  "No, he is not weak; it is a dare-devil wild strain in him that seemsas if it must out. He has a will of iron, and never breaks his word;only to get him to be serious, or give his word, is as yet anunaccomplished task. I sometimes think if a great love could come intohis life it would save him--his whole soul could wake to that."

  Tamara looked down and clasped her hands.

  "But it does not seem likely to happen, does it, Marraine?"

  The Princess sighed again.

  "I would like him to love you, dear child," she said; and then asTamara did not answer she went on softly almost to herself: "My brotherAlexis was just such another as Gritzko. That season he spent with mein London, when your mother and I were young, he played all sorts ofwild pranks. We three were always together. He was killed in a duelafter, you know. It was all very sad."

  Tamara stroked her godmother's hand.

  "Dear, dear Marraine," she said.

  Then they checked sentiment and went to dress for dinner, arm in arm.They had grown real friends in these three short weeks.