Read His Lady Peregrine Page 8

  Chapter Eight

  A knock on Georgiana’s door was the only thing that could have dragged her attention from her bedroom window. She’d been standing there staring at the drive for the better part of the day. “Come in.”

  Mary entered and handed her a note. Georgiana’s heart sped up. Was it from Percy?

  Barely waiting for her maid to curtsey and leave the room, Georgiana quickly opened the paper.

  My dear Lady Peregrine,

  Please try to forgive the unforgiveable. I’ve been detained at my home since early today and just now have had the opportunity to send you correspondence. There’s been an accident.

  Georgiana gasped

  Please remain calm. I am fine as are the members of my household.

  She smiled. How had he known she would react right at that moment? Relief shot through her to know that Percy was unharmed.

  Extended family, the Loftons, whom you met, paid an unexpected call. With them, was Lord Lofton’s mother.

  Her? At Percy’s home again?

  Somehow, I’m still not sure how it all happened, the dowager stumbled and struck her head. The physician has confined her to stay here for an undetermined amount of time until she’s well enough to travel.

  There are other extenuating circumstances that I don’t feel at liberty to go into in a note. I shall be pleased to explain to you when I see you next.

  Yours most affectionately,


  Georgiana bit her lower lip. While the note gave explanation as to why Percy hadn’t come for a visit today, he did not say when they would meet again. She read the note a second time to make sure she hadn’t missed something. No. There was no mention of a day or time when he would return to her.

  And what circumstances had he alluded to? It all sounded very secretive and mysterious. What in the world was going on over there, and why couldn’t Percy tell her when he could see her again?

  When Georgiana met the Loftons, Percy hadn’t acted as if he was all that well acquainted with the dowager. What could possibly be the reason for him to have to remain at the house simply because that woman had been injured? Why couldn’t his nephew and niece stay with the woman?

  Something wasn’t right. She could feel it in her stomach just as surely as a willow warbler knew when she was with egg. But what could Georgiana do about it?

  Georgiana, you’re not getting any younger.

  She had finally after all these years of loneliness found a man who not only excited her but warmed her heart. She’d not be so quick to let him go. Grabbing her hat, pelisse, and reticule, she went out to hire a hackney coach to take her to the Radcliff estate.

  Yes, it mortified her to show up at his abode in a rented carriage, but at this point, if she wanted to see him, she had no choice. And she did want to see him. Very badly.

  As she sat in the carriage, alone, she fiddled with her clothing, trying to get it just right. Hat tilted slightly to the left. Skirt smoothed over her legs. Pelisse laying straight and unwrinkled over her dress.

  Why was she so nervous? Percy’s note hadn’t said anything untoward. Nothing that should have put her off. Yet…

  The thought of that woman, the dowager, being in the same place where Percy resided had Georgiana’s insides in an uproar. The dowager had been positively beastly to her at the Radcliff’s picnic. And for what? Why would she be so outright rude to someone she’d never even met?

  Had the dowager a tendre for Percy?

  Squeezing her hands into fists, she tried to ward off the thought. Her boots tapped against the carriage floor, impatient for the horses to get her to her destination before it was too late.

  Too late for what?

  She knew not. But there was something. Definitely something.

  As soon as the hackney delivered her to the Radcliff’s residence, the jarvey asked if she’d like him to wait. Her first impulse was to tell him no. But what if something more was going on? Could it be that once she found out, she wouldn’t want to stay?

  She’d surely know soon enough whether or not she would need to leave or stay. “Wait please. I’ll be out in a few minutes to let you know either way.”

  “Very good, my lady.”

  Georgiana held her head high and marched up to the front door. A footman allowed her entrance. The first thing she noticed was a kind of keening wail coming from somewhere to her left.

  Whatever could be making that noise? Had a cow wandered into the house and was having her calf? Georgiana listened closer. No, that chilling screech was made by a human. A shiver ran up her back. I have got to stop reading those horror books at bedtime!

  The footman who had opened the door for her pivoted and raced down the hall. What odd behavior. Was he headed to the origin of the outburst?

  Several voices were raised. It was coming from the room the footman had just entered. Curiosity grabbed a hold and practically dragged her toward the sound. Far be it from her to let an interesting event pass by without her seeing it for herself.

  She’d never been accused of being a slave to formality anyway. With determined steps, she followed the path the footman had taken. Male voices reached her. Was one of them—

  “Georgiana?” Percy rushed out of the room, nearly knocking her to the floor. He grasped her by her upper arms to help steady her. “What are you doing here?” He glanced over his shoulder into the room and back.

  “What am I…” That wasn’t a very nice greeting.

  He grabbed her shoulders, trying to angle her back around. “You shouldn’t be here.”

  “Whyever not? When I was here just a couple of days ago, your nephew and niece told me I was welcome anytime. Since when does anytime not mean any time?”

  He wiped perspiration from his forehead. Why was he sweating? It wasn’t hot in the house. “Did you not receive my note?”

  “The one that left me wondering more than I had before I read it? Yes. You made this whatever it is that’s going on sound quite mysterious.”

  He laughed, but she could tell it wasn’t genuine. Was it more nervous? “Oh, no… you’re just being… silly.”


  Footsteps shuffled behind Percy and Lord Lofton appeared. His eyes widened when he saw Georgiana, but he recovered quickly and inclined his head. “Good day to you, Lady Ollerton.”

  “And to you, my lord.”

  He leaned over to Percy and whispered something in his ear. Georgiana tried very hard to hear but it was spoken too low. Blast.

  “Darling? Where are you?” A woman’s voice. Was that… the dowager?

  Percy’s face paled. “I’m afraid, Georgiana… I must go.”

  “Go where?”

  He swallowed. It was then she noticed he wore no cravat. How odd. “I… I’m expected. In there. Right now.”

  “Expected by whom?”

  “Darling?” The dowager’s voice had developed a whine. “Please. I’m lonely.”

  “I really must go,” said Percy. “Please excuse—”

  Georgiana grabbed his arm as realization dawned. “Is she referring to… you?”

  “I’ll explain everything later. I promise.”

  She blinked. Now that the men had gone back into the room, she could see it was indeed the dowager who reclined on the settee. In her tightly clutched hand was a man’s cravat.

  And right before Georgiana’s eyes, though she had to tell herself what she witnessed was real, Percy knelt down next to the settee and took the woman’s hand in his. But even that couldn’t compare to what he said.

  “Of course I still love you, my darling Miriam.”

  Georgiana turned and fled from the house.