Read His Little Bad Girl Page 4

  I kiss him as hard as I can, feeling my nipples drag across his hard, muscled chest. His hands move to my ass, grabbing it tightly in his powerful grip as he guides his cock back and forth across my lips. He pulls away from the kiss, and I cry out when he leans down and sucks one of my nipples between his lips. His tongue teases and swirls, his thick cock rubs over my clit over and over, and I know if this keeps going, I’m going to come for him.

  “Oh, fuck,” I moan, clawing at his skin and leaning in to let my lips and teeth graze his shoulder.

  “Mr. Knolls, I’m going to…I’m…”

  “This is mine now,” he growls possessively, making his point known by grinding his cock against my pussy. “This sweet little cunt is all mine to play with, and taste, and tease, and fuck, and to fill with my cum.”

  I cry out, my legs trembling as my hips rock against him.

  “Tell me, angel,” he purrs, moving his lips to my ear and biting the lobe.

  “It’s yours,” I cry out. “All yours!”

  “It’s mine to take when I chose to, is that understood?”


  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, sir!”

  He groans, his biceps rippling and his abs tightening against my skin.

  “You were a bad little girl, Tempest.”

  I whimper, no longer able to form words as the pleasure builds and builds, centered between my legs and flooding through my body, until I’m sure I’ll explode.

  “And bad little girls get what they deserve.”

  “I want it all,” I gasp, moaning as I lean up and kiss him fiercely. “I want it!”

  “Not today,” he purrs. “But soon, I’m going to claim this pussy as my own. I’m going to stretch you open around my big fat cock, and you’re going to know what it feels like when I slide inside. Because you’re mine, and only mine now, is that understood?”

  “All for you,” I whimper, feeling myself about to tumble right over the edge.

  “Now soak my cock with your cum, baby girl. Make that pretty pussy come all over my cock until your sweet cream drips from my balls.”

  I bury the scream in his mouth, kissing him with everything I have as the climax shatters through me. My hips jerk, the feel of his enormous cock rubbing against my clit sending me reeling through my orgasm. Christian roars into my lips, his tongue wrestling hotly with mine as he slams his hips into me. I gasp as I feel his big cock throb and twitch against me, pulsing like liquid steel. And then I feel it. I can feel his hot, sticky cum squirting against my pussy, covering my thighs, and filling my panties. He groans, his hands tight on my thighs as he pumps rope after rope of cum against me, until slowly, the two of us come to a stop.

  His powerful arms circle me, pulling me tight to him as he kisses me fiercely. And I lose myself in his lips, until I really am sure this is a dream.

  Finally, he pulls ways, his sharp blue eyes sparking fire as he holds my gaze. Somewhere in the distance, a bell rings.

  “You should get to class,” he murmurs, his hand cupping my jaw as he moves in to kiss me tenderly.

  I nod, my heart racing as I lose myself in his eyes.

  “Later though, Tempest,” he growls. “I’ll be with you later.”

  “Yes, please,” I whimper, kissing him.

  I turn slightly and start to reach for the tissues on his desk, when he stops me.

  “No,” he growls. He reaches down and pulls my panties up, pulling them tight against me. I moan, feeling so filthy and like such a dirty girl with his hot cum so messy in my panties, soaking into me.

  I feel like his dirty little girl.

  “I want you to keep this there,” he purrs.

  “I will.”

  He kisses me, and I swear my feet leave the floor for a moment.

  “Don’t you dare clean up,” he growls, his eyes sparking and his grin hungry.

  I whimper, nodding.

  “I’ll be checking later,” he murmurs, stepping away. He doesn’t make a move to cover or dress himself standing there shirtless and his pants undone with his thick cock — still glistening wet from my pussy — hanging big and gorgeous between his legs.

  “Please do,” I whisper, blushing as I slip my bra back on and reach for my shirt.

  Christian grins as another bell rings.

  “Now get to class, Ms. Kensington.”

  I nod, buttoning the last button of my blouse and straightening my skirt. I squeeze my legs together, my pulse jumping as I feel his sticky cum soaking through the lace of my thong and coating to my thighs.

  “Thank you, sir,” I whisper, biting my lip, turning, stepping from his office, and wondering how long he’ll make me wait before he gives me more.



  It’s all I can do to keep from screaming like a lunatic, or grinning like an idiot as I make my way through the halls to class. All I can think of is what I’ve just done, with Christian. I get to the classroom and take a seat, and still, the only thoughts going through my head are all the ways he put his hands on me, or his mouth, or the way his cock felt so hard and hot against my skin.

  The rest of the class filters into the room, mostly paying me no mind, and all I can do is sit there simmering in the toe-curlingly dirty thoughts of what’s just transpired in the Headmaster’s office. Everyone here already thinks I’m a bad girl, but they have no idea how bad I really just was.

  The feeling persists through the class, where I can barely pay attention to what we’re discussing. But it’s when I head into my next class that the quick pulse and the flighty, sexy daydreams of Christian are interrupted by horrible, horrible reality.

  Because it's the next class where I have to face Professor Hershman. As in, the Professor Hershman whose car I smashed up last semester.

  No one wanted to hear the whole story. No one believed me anyways, and this fucking town saw me as the troublemaker anyways. But again, no matter what image I might portray of myself, I’m not some psycho little bitch who’d just go out and smash a windshield for no fucking reason.

  Oh, I had a reason.

  You see, Professor Hershman likes to get hands on with teaching his students. Very, very hands on. As in, grabbing my ass after class, repeatedly.

  I’d told him to stop. I’d threatened to tell Paul and Carrie, or Doctor Lindon. But he’d just laughed and asked who I really thought people would actually believe: the tenured professor, or the troublemaking outsider with the bad reputation.

  I’d been furious, and stewed in my hatred for the man, and his disgusting way of getting away with being a total creep. But if it’d just stopped there, that’s all it’d be. I would have finished the year pissed and disgusted, and probably told him to go fuck himself a few times, but that’s where I’d have left it.

  But then there was Amy.

  Amy and I weren’t friends per se, but we were close to being that I guess. She wasn’t at Thornbull very long, but she was another outsider like me, and another “not from here” new resident of West Haven. We hung out a few times, and ate lunch together, and sort of bonded over both being looked down on by most of the other students. And like me, Professor Hershman was after her too — another outsider to prey on, since she had no connections in this town.

  But there was one way Amy and I were different. See, I told Hershman to get lost, enough so that he backed off, a little.

  Amy wasn’t so strong.

  Touching turned to more, and more. It turned to him telling her she had to “stay after” class for “extra tutoring. And I tried so hard to get her to tell me what was going on, but she’d slowly just shut down more and more, until one day, she wasn’t at school.

  Or the next.

  I’d finally gone to her house — a tiny little place her parents could probably barely afford in West Haven so they could get in-town resident tuition at Thornbull for Amy. I’d found her mother beside herself and Amy locked in her room. That’s the day I found out what Professor Hershman did to her, a
fter school in a locked classroom.

  Amy and her family moved after that. The police didn’t believe her, and when this town saw her parents’ income level, they turned a blind eye. Better they move anyways, for property values, right?

  The day I found out, I went directly back to school and took revenge. I didn’t think, I’d just acted — grabbing the big cinderblock by the edge of the faculty parking lot, marching right up to his BMW, and bringing it down on his windshield as hard as I could, over and over, until it shattered.

  And peeing on his car after — okay, that was gross maybe, but I’m not ashamed of it, and I’ve got zero apologies about it. Fuck him and his untouchable privilege.

  He gave up trying anything with me after that, but I also don’t think it was a coincidence that he’s the teacher of one of the two classes I have this summer, just like it’s no surprise at all he failed me before graduation, despite my great grades in his class.

  Sitting in his classroom again like this, the heat and the tingling feeling from earlier goes away. Instead, it’s replaced by anger, and fury, and maybe a little fear too. When he walks in, his eyes narrow at me, but his lips pull back in a horrible little weasel smile, like he’s glad I’m back under his thumb again.

  “If you need to use the bathroom during class, Ms. Kensington, be sure to use the ladies room instead of the parking lot, okay?”

  The class titters in laughter as Professor Hershman smiles wickedly at me. I feel my face burn, but I push it away.

  “Try and keep up, Ms. Kensington,” Hershman sneers. “I’d hate to have you fail this class a second time.”

  There’s more laughter around the room, but I force myself to take deep breaths and not bite the bait he’s hanging in front of my face.

  “And if you need help, well...” He smiles, his eyes clearly undressing me in a way that makes my skin crawl.

  “Well, you can always come to my office after hours.”

  I spend the rest of the class with my hands clenched so tight in fists that my nails dig into my palms.

  The cigarette shakes in my fingers as I take a slow pull from it. I’m in the girls room, after class, and I’m still shaking from having to be near that man for a whole double period class. The cigarette — yeah, I know. I don’t even smoke, but there’s something about it that’s calming me, or sort of calming me, and settling the horrible knot in my stomach at having to face Hershman again, while thinking of Amy.

  The cigarette tastes like shit anyways though, so I toss it into one of the toilets and wash my hands. I glance at the clock, and what I already know is confirmed: I’ve missed the bus home. I sigh, my breath coming shaky still as I meet my own eyes in the bathroom mirror. I decide to walk home.

  I take another breath, tuck my hair back, grab my bag, and waltz out of the bathroom…

  Right into him.


  My hands go flat against that hard-packed, muscled chest of his through his dress shirt, my breath catching as I’m instantly falling right against him.

  His sharp blue eyes narrow even as his lips smile at me.

  “You were smoking,” he growls, half amused, half angry-sounding.

  “No, I wasn’t,” I say quickly.

  I gasp as he pulls me tight against him, my skin coming alive and my body melting for him.

  “Don’t lie to me, little princess,” he purrs. “Just the truth.”

  His eyes lock onto mine, and I can feel myself getting lost in them. Finally, I sigh, giving up.

  “Yeah, I was.”

  He growls. “C’mon, Tempest.”

  “It was a rough day okay?” I snap, and the sharpness in my voice seems to hit a nerve in him. He stiffens, eyes narrowing.

  “That bad?”

  “Well…” I grin, blushing. “Not the whole day.”

  A hungry shadow crosses his face.

  “It's just Professor Hershman,” I grumble. “I hate him, and that class.”

  “You fucked up the man’s car, Tempest.”

  I look away, saying nothing. It’s his voice in my ear that has me gasping, my body tingling and melting.

  “Come on,” he purrs, his strong hand closing around my arm.


  “You missed the bus.”

  “I’m walking.”

  “No you aren’t,” he says flatly. “I’m driving you.”

  I bite my lip, grinning. “I— I couldn’t impose—”

  “You aren’t, and I’m not taking no for an answer.” His eyes flash, and his hand tightens on me, pulling me close as my pulse throbs in my veins.

  “I’m definitely not taking no for an answer, for anything,” he growls, just shy of dangerous, and it’s just enough of a filthy, naughty promise to get my whole body shivering in anticipation and my panties soaking with need for him.

  “And I remember telling you I’d be checking for something later.”

  My face burns hot, and I know exactly what he’s talking about.

  “Don’t you dare clean up. I’ll be checking later.”

  He’s talking about his cum, filling my panties and making my pussy messy and sticky.

  My breath comes heavy, and all I can do is nod and wet my lips as his eyes strip me bare in front of him.

  “This way.”

  He leads me through the hall with one hand firmly at the small of my back, guiding me. We exit into the faculty lot, and he leads me to his big black Range Rover. He’s wordless, his hand still resting on my back, so warm through my blouse and right above my ass as he opens the door for me. He watches me climb in, his eyes tracing up my bare legs, and I can feel that naughty thrill tease it’s way through me from earlier.

  “This is a nice car,” I say as he gets in on his side and shuts the door.

  “Thanks.” Christian turns and eyes me. “So tell me what really happened that day. With Hershman.”

  “You’ve read my file.”

  “And it doesn’t make sense.”

  “Can we drop it?”

  He cocks one brow and gives me a hard look before he slowly nods. “For now.”

  We drive to my house in silence, except for me giving a few directions along the way. And as we get closer, the doubt and the confusion about earlier comes flooding into my head. I start to wonder if he’s regretting what happened, or if what we did was a fluke, one-time thing. I’m still mulling this over, and feeling worse and worse, when suddenly, he drives right past my house and up the block to the park. He pulls into the wooded parking lot and roars the engine to the far, shaded side of the lot, parking under a big tree and shutting the car off.

  The silence makes my pulse race, and I can feel the heat suddenly flood through me.

  “Show me,” he says gruffly.

  I know what he means, and I also know without a doubt that earlier was not a fluke, one-time thing.

  Not a chance.

  “You want to see if I did as you told?” I say in a small voice, thick with lust.

  “Yes,” he growls.

  I swallow, turning in my seat to face him. He undoes his seatbelt, and with shaking hands, I do the same.

  “Spread your legs, Princess,” he purrs, his voice low and heavy, his jaw tight. I bite my lip to stifle the moan, swallowing and slowly nodding.

  And slowly, I do what he says. I spread my legs, and my hands pull at my skirt, pulling it up my bare legs.

  “Show me, baby girl,” he growls softly as I hesitate just shy of showing him.

  “You want to see my panties, Mr. Knolls?”

  “Fuck, Tempest, he groans, his jaw tight.

  Something clicks. Something about the power I suddenly realize I have over this dominant, powerful, gorgeous, and much older man clicks. And at the same time, the power he also has over me melts through me. And that power makes me want to do anything for him.

  It makes me want to be everything for him.

  …Like his dirty girl.

  “You want to see the mess you left in my pantie
s and all over my pussy?” I whisper in a soft, high voice.

  I don’t know where this filthy talk and this bad girl attitude is coming from, but I’m soaking wet from it. And I’m nervous that I’m making a fool of myself in front of this much older clearly more experienced man. But then I see the hard look in his eyes, and the way his jaw clenches, and how hard he is in his pants for me, and it’s all I can do not to throw myself at him.

  I pull the skirt all the way up, shivering as I expose my panty-covered pussy to my Headmaster. I slip a finger inside the waistband and slowly pull the panties down, showing him the sticky wet stain inside.

  “You dirty little girl,” Christian growls thickly, his voice like an electric current that sizzles through my body.

  “I’m your dirty little girl, Mr. Knolls,” I breathe. “If you want.”

  He groans, his eyes flashing fire at me.

  “Trust me, angel,” he purrs. “I do want. In fact, you’ll find that there’s literally no part of you that I don’t want — utterly, totally, and completely. I want every single piece of you as my own. Mine,” he growls, making me whimper.

  “Touch your pussy.”

  I moan softly, my finger tracing down over my pussy.

  “Like this, sir?”

  He growls. “Just like that.”

  I moan softly, rubbing my clit while I hold my panties stretched down to show him.

  “I— I want to watch you too,” I say in a tight, shaky voice. And I’m shocked that I say it, but Christian only smiles hungrily at me.

  “You want to watch me?” His eyes flash. “Tell me what you want to watch, Princess,” he growls lowly.

  I whimper, swallowing the heat from my face. “Show—” I take a shaky breath, my finger rolling over the nub of my clit. “Show me your cock, sir,” I gasp.

  He groans.

  “Such a little fucking tease.”