Read His Pleasures Page 2

  She let out a low whistle. “That must've been one hell of a break-up.”

  “You have no idea,” I muttered.

  “Then drive up and meet us. You'll have a car and can leave whenever you want.”

  She had a point, and what else was I going to do all weekend? Sit around the hotel and watch pay-per-view? Half of it would be porn and the last thing I wanted to see right now were titles for lesbians going at it. Plus, we always kept extra clothes at the cabin, which meant I wouldn't need to spend the weekend in either my dirty clothes or a towel.

  “All right,” I agreed. If nothing else, I could count on a bunch of college kids having beer which meant I could sleep and drink my way through the next couple days.

  That sounded as good a plan as any.

  Chapter 2

  Cabin might not be the most accurate word for the place my dad owned in Vail, Colorado. It wasn't right in Vail, but further up in the mountains. Close enough to get to when we wanted something, but far enough away that we needed to use a car or snowmobile to get there. We owned several acres of woods, including a few private ski runs Dad had made when he'd first bought the place. As for the building itself, it was two stories with five bedrooms on each floor. There was also a kitchen and living room on the first floor. While the rooms weren't large, they were big enough that sharing wasn't a big deal. While we called it a cabin, it was actually a decent-sized house.

  When I pulled up to the house, I was glad it was so big. Suzette had said she was bringing some friends, I'd thought one or two. She'd brought six. I recognized Matt, Suzette's boyfriend. I thought he was kind of a douche, but at least he wasn't a total jackass like the last one.

  The petite brunette next to Suzette was Abby, her roommate. I'd met her once when I'd visited Suzette on campus. She was sweet and quiet, balancing my talkative and sometimes too-blunt sister.

  “Rylan!” Suzette threw herself in my arms as soon as I got out of the car. I hugged her back, really glad to see her. Our parents weren't exactly affectionate, but Suzette more than made up for it.

  “Hey, Suze.” I ruffled her hair. It was the same dark brown as mine, but our eyes were different colors. Hers were hazel like her mother's. Mine were blue-violet. Still, people told us we looked alike.

  “I'm so glad you came.” She linked her arm through mine and pulled me across the snow toward the group of people who were still standing next to a pair of cars. “Inside for introductions!”

  I smiled as everyone moved to obey. My sister may have been the youngest of the group, but it was clear who was the dominating force. Yet another thing we had in common.

  “Where's your luggage?” she asked as she picked up her bag from the back of her car.

  “Don't have any.” I patted my laptop. “This is pretty much all I walked out of the apartment with.”

  Her eyes grew wide. “Wow. You weren't kidding. You wanna talk about it?”

  “Absolutely not,” I said. “I don't want to think about it at all.”

  To my surprise, she grinned at me. “I was hoping you'd say that.”

  I gave her a puzzled look, but she didn't explain. I didn't ask. She'd share soon enough.

  When we stepped into the living room, pounding the snow from our boots, the rest of the group was already there.

  “Rylan, you know Matt and Abby.”

  I nodded at them both and they nodded back.

  “That's Don.” She pointed toward the other guy. He was easily three or four inches taller than me, which was saying something. But despite his bulk, the way he looked at Abby told me he was more of a teddy bear than a grizzly. “He's Abby's boyfriend. Pre-med.”

  “Nice to meet you.” I raised my hand in greeting before the next person spoke.

  “I'm Denise, Don's cousin.” She was taller than Suzette, putting her at nearly six feet, but where my sister was slender, Denise had some serious curves. Her light brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail and the look in her dark eyes was one I'd seen many times before.

  “And those two are Misty and Kristy,” Suzette said. “They're my and Abby’s suite-mates.”

  Misty and Kristy were identical from their strawberry blond curls to their bright green eyes. As I looked at the winter coats covering what appeared to be petite figures, I couldn't help but wonder if they were identical all over.

  “Suzette's told us all about her big brother.” One of the twins – Misty, I thought – ran her eyes over me and I knew I wasn't mistaking the innuendo.

  “Nice of you to join us,” Kristy said equally flirtatious.

  “Let's get settled in,” Suzette said, a big grin on her face. “Matt and I are taking my room.”

  She glanced at me and I shrugged. She was past the age of consent and her parents knew she was coming here with her boyfriend. They weren't stupid enough to think they wouldn't be sharing a room. If they didn't care, it wasn't any of my business.

  “Mine's on the first floor,” I said. “Break up the upstairs however you want, but make sure whoever's in the main room on the second floor doesn't mess it up.”

  “Our dad's really particular,” Suzette explained. She grinned at Abby and Don. “Probably shouldn't put you two in there. If you break the bed, Dad will be seriously pissed.”

  “Suze!” Abby flushed, but she didn't look entirely displeased with the thought.

  “And on that note,” I said and started for the hallway. As I heard Suzette handing out the rest of the room assignments, I could feel eyes on me as I walked away. I wondered if it was the twins or Denise. I wasn't about to act on anything, not with my sister's friends, but after Lara's rejection, the admiration didn't exactly hurt my ego.

  I put my laptop on the table next to my bed and went to my closet. I quickly changed out of the dress clothes I'd been wearing and into a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt.

  “Ry.” Suzette knocked on the door.

  “Come in.” I tossed my dirty clothes into a basket.

  She opened the door, but didn't come in. She leaned against the doorframe, her expression serious. “I know you said you don't want to talk about it–”

  “And I don't.” My tone was mild, but I hoped she'd get the message.

  “That's why I think it was so good you came with us.” She glanced over her shoulder. “Denise and the twins, they think you're hot.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Seriously, Suze?”

  She held up her hands in a gesture of surrender. “Hear me out.”

  Knowing her, I didn't have much of a choice, so I decided not to waste my time arguing. I twirled my finger for her to continue.

  “They're not looking for a relationship, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't mind helping you get over yours.”

  “Didn't you once tell me that if you caught me hooking up with any of your friends you'd castrate me?” I reminded her with a smile.

  “I may have said that.” She grinned. “But this is different.”

  “How so?”

  “Because I said that when I didn't want you seducing some poor innocent girl and then not call her the next day.”

  “Would I do that?” I asked, all innocence.

  She raised an eyebrow. “Do you really want me to answer that?”

  I laughed.

  “I know that's not you,” she said, her tone sobering. “But I didn't want to have to deal with the heartbreak if someone misunderstood your intentions.” She jerked her head back toward the living room. “But those three, they won't misunderstand because they're not looking for anything beyond a good time.”

  I sighed. “You might think that, Suze, but you'd be surprised how many women who say they don't want a relationship change their mind when it comes to money.”

  “You're probably going to be pissed, but the girls and I already talked about that.”

  “Excuse me?”

  She held up a finger, telling me to wait. “When you said you'd come, I had a frank talk with my friends. Trust me on this. If you want to hook up with any of them
this weekend, they'd be game and I don't mind.” She winked at me. “Think of it as your own personal Vegas. What happens here, stays here.”

  I shook my head as she walked away. Sure, her friends were hot, but I wasn't going to act on what she'd said. I was here to forget about the shit storm my love life had become. Drink, sleep, maybe ski.

  First, drink.

  I waited until I heard Suze and her friends head out to ski before I left my room. A couple of beers sounded pretty good right about now. In fact, I wouldn't have said no to something a bit stronger.

  Chapter 3

  I didn't actually get drunk, not slurring my words, staggering around, black-out drunk anyway. I was one of those guys who was always too responsible to get completely hammered because I was worried about doing something stupid. Even now, when all I wanted to do was forget, I couldn't bring myself to drink that much. Instead, I sat in front of the fireplace and watched the flames flicker as I nursed first one and then the second bottle of beer.

  The alcohol took the edge off at least, making things fuzzy and seem a lot less important. Thinking about Lara didn't hurt anymore, not really. It was more of a dull ache rather than a sharp pain. The anger toward her for cheating and lying had faded as well. Unfortunately, with its departure it left room for me to be depressed.

  The future yawned open in front of me, dark and empty. All of the plans I'd had were gone. No house. What was point, after all? I'd wanted to buy that big, beautiful house for a family I was never going to have. I'd lost the woman I'd thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with. The woman I was going to marry, who was going to be the mother of my children. When this weekend was over, I was going back to my nice, empty apartment and my lucrative business and have no future aside from the money I could make.

  The problem was, I didn't care about money, not really. I enjoyed the things I could do and buy, but what I really wanted was someone to share all of this with.

  I glared at my now-empty beer bottle as if it was the reason I was slumped here on the couch feeling sorry for myself. I stood up and made my way back to the kitchen. I tossed my bottle into the recycling bin and stood at the refrigerator for a few minutes, trying to decide if I wanted to try some food or another drink. Suzette and her friends had brought a ton of junk food, the kind I remembered thriving on in college.

  I grabbed a bag of munchies and headed back to my room. I didn't want to drink anymore and I didn't want to be here when the others came back from skiing and hiking. I wasn't exactly trying to avoid them, but I was pretty sure I wouldn't be very good company at the moment. No need to ruin their vacation.

  What I really needed was to relax and then sleep off the rest of the day. I glanced outside. The sun was starting to set, which meant they'd be back soon. I headed into the bathroom and when I was finished, I made a decision. Relax. The hot tub sounded really good at the moment.

  My dad and step-mom had wanted something small and intimate, but Suzette and I had convinced them to get one big enough that half a dozen people could be seated in comfort. As I headed for the enclosed back porch where they'd installed the tub, I wished they'd gotten the smaller one. I didn't want any chance of company.

  The area was empty when I arrived, so I set my towel on the bench in front of the fireplace and pushed the button to start a fire. The air in here was chilly and I set the flame on low, just wanting to take the edge off. The real heat would come from the water.

  It didn't take the tub long to heat up and I sighed when I stepped in. I took my favorite place, right where a couple jets would pound into my muscles like an amazing massage. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes and the water kneaded the sore muscles. It was heaven, exactly what I needed.

  I must've dozed because the next thing I knew, a noise startled me awake. I opened my eyes and it took my brain a minute to figure out what I was seeing.

  Denise stood at the edge of the tub wearing a slinky silk robe that showed off the curves I'd admired before. She smiled down at me and untied the belt. I swallowed hard and sat up straight.

  “I thought you could use a little company.” She let the robe fall.


  Large, firm breasts that were gorgeous but just imperfect enough for me to know they were real. Hips that offered something to hold on to. Her pussy was neatly trimmed and her nipples were already starting to harden. She held up her hand and, between her fingers, was a condom.

  “Denise.” I shifted uncomfortably. My cock was starting to harden just from looking at her, but I was trying very hard not to listen to it. “I don't think this is a good idea.”

  “I think it is.” She stepped into the water and made her way toward me, her breasts swaying a hypnotic invitation. She stopped right in front of me and leaned over. Her breasts moved tantalizingly close to my face as she set the condom down on the edge of the hot tub.

  I closed my eyes. I wasn't going to give in. I felt hands on my thighs, tugging at my shorts and opened my eyes. Denise was kneeling in front of me, the water around her shoulders.

  “Just sit back and enjoy the ride.”

  Before I could protest, she ducked under the water and, a moment later, I felt her mouth around my cock.

  “Shit!” My hands opened and closed as she took all of my cock into her mouth. I was only half-hard, but as her tongue and lips went to work, she had to let more of me slip out. After longer than I'd have thought possible, she came up for air.

  “I'm on the CSU swim team.” She smiled at me as she moved to straddle my lap. She rubbed against my cock, her hands in my hair, her breasts pressed into my chest.

  Dammit. I was no saint.

  I grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her toward me. My lips crashed into hers with bruising force and I thrust my tongue into her mouth, tasting the chlorine from the water and my own flavor. Her hands ran over my chest and across my nipples. She broke the kiss and made her way down my throat and across my chest, licking and sucking at my sweat-slicked skin. When her teeth scraped across my nipple, I moaned. I grabbed her hips.

  “Stand up.”

  She stood on the seat and I wrapped my arms around her legs to keep her steady even as I pressed my mouth against her pussy. Her fingers dug into my hair, pressing my face closer. I thrust my tongue between her folds, lapping at the moisture I found there. Her clit was already hard and throbbing, and she cried out as I wrapped my lips around it. I felt her muscles beginning to shake.

  Damn she had a quick trigger. I thrust two fingers into her and she came.

  She tugged at my hair, almost making my eyes water, but I kept working over her clit with my tongue and pumping my fingers in and out. I twisted them, rubbing my knuckles against her g-spot until her entire body was convulsing. Only then did I stop.

  I stood, wrapping my arms around her and lifting her out of the tub. She was almost too tall, but I managed to get her onto her back without too much trouble. As I settled between her legs, I picked up the condom wrapper and tore it open. I looked down at Denise when I smelled blueberries.

  “I like blueberries.” She grinned up at me and licked her lips. “I want you to finish in my mouth.”

  I wasn't going to say no to that. I rolled the condom over my shaft and stroked myself a couple times. Maybe I did just need to lose myself in a woman.

  “Let's see if you fuck with your cock as well as you do with your mouth.”

  I raised an eyebrow and she laughed. “Come on, Rylan, smile. You're far too serious.”

  I smiled as I reached down and hooked her legs over my arms. “You want me to fuck you?”

  She nodded.

  “How hard?” I leaned forward and buried myself inside her in one thrust.

  She wailed, her back arching. I pulled back and then surged forward, making her cry out again.

  “How hard do you want it?” I asked. I moved faster, driving deep, taking her hard.

  “Harder,” she gasped out. She grabbed my ass, nails digging into my skin as she urged me

  I bent my head, sucking on one of her nipples as I fucked her. She was a loud and enthusiastic lover, writhing beneath me, her pussy contracting around my cock. She came twice while I was inside her, each time screaming so loudly I was sure everyone in the house would hear.

  I felt my balls tightening, the pressure inside me growing. I pulled back and she made a sound of protest. Her legs splayed to either side, her hand automatically moving to take my place. Three fingers slid into her pussy and she ran out her tongue to lick her lips. She crooked a finger at me and made a 'come hither' motion.

  “In my mouth.” I didn’t need the reminder.

  I pulled off the condom and tossed it aside. Even as she started working herself toward another climax, I moved up her body, straddling her shoulders. I leaned forward and her lips parted. Placing my hands on the floor, I began to thrust into her hot, wet mouth. I kept the strokes shallow, but when she began to suck, I knew I wasn't going to last much longer.

  Her tongue teased at the tip and then I felt a hand on my ass, pushing me deeper, more urgently. I let her take me as far as she wanted. I swore as she took me into her throat. When she swallowed, that was it. My eyes squeezed closed as I came.

  I straightened, leaving a trail of cum across her lips as my softening cock slid out of her mouth. She licked it clean, even as her body shuddered with another climax. I moved off her to sit on the bench for a moment. She rolled onto her side, her fingers playing with her nipple.

  “You're even better than I imagined.”

  I raised an eyebrow as I reached for my towel and began to dry myself off. “Thought about it a lot, have you?”

  “I knew who you were,” she admitted. “And I'd heard some stories.”

  “Really?” I had to admit, I was mildly curious.

  She shrugged. “I go to some clubs where your name's mentioned. I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about.”

  “And?” I was surprised. Lara was the only person I'd been with for the past two years. I wouldn't have thought anyone I'd been with before would've still been talking about me.

  “The hype doesn't do you justice.” She stood and walked over to where she'd left her robe. “And don't worry,” she said. “I'm not after anything. Just wanted a good lay, and you were definitely that.”