Read His To Guard (Fate #6) Page 1

  Books by Elizabeth Reyes

  Desert Heat

  Defining Love

  Moreno Brothers Series

  Forever Mine

  Forever Yours

  Sweet Sofie

  When You Were Mine

  Always Been Mine


  Tangled—A Moreno Brothers novella

  Making You Mine

  5th Street Series






  Fate Series


  Breaking Brandon

  Suspicious Minds



  His to Guard

  Uninvited (2016)

  Boyle Heights Series

  Lila (2016)

  His to Guard

  (Fate #6)

  Elizabeth Reyes

  His to Guard

  Elizabeth Reyes

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Copyright © 2016 Elizabeth Reyes

  Edited by Theresa Wegand

  Cover Design by Amanda Simpson of Pixel Mischief Design

  I dedicate this one to my beta readers. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you! Thank you SO much for your feedback and complete honesty!

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1: The Weekend

  Chapter 2: Giving up

  Chapter 3: My Girl

  Chapter 4: Did You Not Feel Anything?

  Chapter 5: Accidents?

  Chapter 6: Final Good-byes

  Chapter 7: Incognito

  Chapter 8: No Fucking Way!

  Chapter 9: The Two-Day Sacrifice

  Chapter 10: Her Fiancé

  Chapter 11: Please Tell Me to Stop

  Chapter 12: Extended Assignment

  Chapter 13: Confession on the Road

  Chapter 14: Matt & Gilbert

  Chapter 15: Battling Temptation

  Chapter 16: Losing the Battle

  Chapter 17: Bend Over

  Chapter 18: The Burning Question

  Chapter 19: Intruders

  Chapter 20: Unexpected Guests

  Chapter 21: Beyond Awkward

  Chapter 22: A Helluva Friend

  Chapter 23: Go to Hell!

  Chapter 24: Terror

  Chapter 25: Heartless Bitch

  Chapter 26: This Will Never Work

  Chapter 27: Lesson Learned

  Epilogue: Monster Mash


  About the Author

  Chapter 1: The Weekend



  How was this even possible?

  For months, Kelli hadn’t met a single guy who’d had her even considering going against her no-relationship rule. After the girlfriend she’d met here tonight had left and Kelli agreed to hang out longer with Isaiah, as with every other guy she’d met in recent months, she’d made sure it was clear enough.

  Now the madness she was feeling just hours after meeting him had her rethinking her rule. If that weren’t enough, she’d rarely done the one-night thing, and already she was seriously considering the possibility of at least that tonight. He hadn’t actually asked if she did the relationship thing—merely inquired about the status of hers. She’d even followed up with her usual, “In fact, and please don’t be offended, as of late, I haven’t even given my last name or number to any guys I meet at bars.”

  Kelli hoped that didn’t sound as slutty as she knew it’d come across. But she’d let the comment stand since at the time—just a few hours ago—she had no idea she’d be feeling all this so soon. She was probably way off, but she could swear from the way he’d been gazing into her eyes since the moment he first introduced himself that he might be feeling the same craziness she was. Only with everything going on in her life, she had to remind herself it wouldn’t be fair to drag any guy into her world right now, especially not one who seemed so genuinely sweet. Even his response to her declaration had been sweet.

  “Fair enough. I didn’t come here looking for a relationship. But I’ll wait until the end of the night to let you decide about the phone-number thing.”

  Isaiah’s words were as self-assured and silky smooth as his breathtaking smile was. Those lips alone would be the end of her. Not only was it easy to see, even at first glance, that the man was packing impressive muscles under his snug long-sleeved knit shirt, but from the moment he introduced himself, she’d been having a hard time keeping her eyes from wandering to them. Between his lips and his sheath of heavy lashes, there’d been moments she’d struggled to concentrate on the conversation. Those lashes seemed to move in slow motion every time he blinked or even lowered his eyes to her lips.

  But it wasn’t just his looks she was drawn to. Unlike any of the few other one-nighters she’d ever had, after only a few hours of chatting, laughing, and flirting with Isaiah, there was so much more than just his appearance she was drawn to.

  “Used car salesman.” Isaiah’s words broke Kelli out of her thoughts.

  She glanced in the direction he was smirking. A guy with slicked back shoe-polish-black hair in a shirt and awful tie, wearing way too many gold rings, sat down at the end of the bar.

  Kelli laughed. “No way. I say pimp or bottom-feeder greaseball.”

  “Bottom-feeder greaseball?” Isaiah laughed and those big dark intense eyes stared at her curiously. “I didn’t know that was an occupation.”

  They’d been doing this for a while now. In between flirting, they were guessing peoples’ occupations based solely on their looks. It was a good way to break away from any awkward moments, and they had a good rhythm going.

  “Sure, it is.” Kelli tried not to tense up as his fingers grazed hers across the bar top. “Even greaseballs, as in the Mafia, have to have entry-level positions. You know the guys that do all the dirty work: stand guard outside the sleazy motel room while one of his superiors, not much higher than him, bangs a hooker or takes a few hits of cocaine. Someone’s gotta get rid of all the dead bodies, right?”

  Isaiah’s playful eyes feigned shock. “Should I be worried that you seem to know so much about the Mafia?”

  Kelli cleared her throat and was quickly distracted by the thrill of feeling his fingers entwine with hers. Their eyes locked and she smiled, exhaling softly.

  “I watch a lot of television,” she explained. Her heart sped up even more as he began to play with her fingers. “And a lot of gangster movies. I know what I’m talking about.”

  He appeared to be too caught up in gazing into her eyes in that way that made her knees weak again to respond with much else than a nod. Those lashes lowered in slow motion as his eyes dropped to her lips. He’d been standing next to her at the bar all this time since another open seat near her wasn’t available. She gulped as he closed in on her now; the scent of his cologne and the feel of his body against hers had her heart hammering away. “Kelli?”

  “Yes?” Her one word response was almost breathless.

  “I heard you loud and clear about the no-relationship thi
ng.” Isaiah licked his beautiful lips, distracting her momentarily. “But I need to kiss you now. I’ve held back too long already. I’ll leave it up to you whether it’s just the one kiss or if you want more.”

  Before she could even begin to think of how to respond to that, she closed her eyes, tilting her head back in reaction to his lips and glorious tongue devouring her mouth.



  It wasn’t too unusual for Isaiah to wake in bed with a girl he’d just met the night before. But it was unusual for him to not be anxious to get the awkward morning-after over with. It was also a bit atypical that they’d both been completely sober when they decided to leave the bar and get a room. Most notable—not to mention a bit alarming—was that he was lying there staring at her beautiful sleeping face, hoping she’d sleep a lot longer because he wasn’t ready to say good-bye yet.

  It wasn’t alarming because he was one of those commitment-phobic guys afraid of getting sucked into any girl this fast. It was alarming because, aside from making it clear she didn’t usually get rooms with guys she just met, she’d made it clear she didn’t do relationships.

  Isaiah should not have been making more of this than he did any of his other one-nighters. Kelli couldn’t have made it clearer that this was all it was to her. And his ass couldn’t be pissed at her either if this was all it turned out to be. Already he’d forced himself to bite his tongue when he’d been woken by the lit screen of her phone with a silent call she got early this morning from someone named Gilbert. For all he knew, Gilbert could be family. Even at Isaiah’s age, his own siblings would likely be calling soon if he didn’t at least check in. So he would not give further thought to what he had no business getting worked up over. But there was nothing wrong with maybe hoping for a little more, right?

  Already Kelli had gone against something else she’d said she wasn’t doing—spending the night. Yet here she was looking perfectly comfortable even as the sun began to light up the early morning. Deciding he’d enjoy this a little longer, he wrapped his arms tighter around her warm naked body and kissed her neck and shoulder softly over and over until he dozed off again.


  Isaiah couldn’t be sure how much later he’d slept once he’d dozed off, but he woke to see Kelli’s beautiful eyes staring at him and to the smell of coffee.

  “Morning, sleepy head,” she whispered with a smile and kissed him softly. Her minty fresh breath meant she’d been up already.

  “What time is it?”

  “Almost ten.” She kissed him again and this time he pulled her to him. “I wasn’t sure how long you’d be out, so I called downstairs for a late checkout just in case. We have until noon to get out of here now.”

  “Did you?” He trailed kisses down her chin to her neck. “So we have two more hours of this?”

  “Yes.” Kelli giggled, squirming out of his hold. “But first we eat. I ordered room service.” Watching her crinkle her nose as she winced had him instantly smiling. “I’ll pay you for it. I was just starving.”

  She was sitting now, and he could see she was wearing the hotel’s bathrobe. Isaiah pulled himself up onto his elbow, taking in the covered trays of food on the small table off to the side of the bed. “Don’t worry about the money. I’m hungry too. What’d you get?”

  Scurrying off the bed, she walked over to the tray and brought it to the bed. “Breakfast in bed, dear.” She set the tray down in front of him with a giggle. “We can pretend we’re on our honeymoon.”

  Normally hearing something like that from a chick he’d just met the night before might have had him running out of there. Instead, he peered at her, grinning because he never expected her to be so into this after her firm assertion last night.

  “But you said you don’t do the relationship thing,” he teased.

  Instantly, he saw the smile wane and the unease in her eyes. “I said we could pretend.”

  Note taken.

  Isaiah wouldn’t be making those kinds of comments anymore. Clearly, despite the night they’d had and her playfulness now, she was still serious about her disclaimer last night. He might still be able to convince her to give him her number or an email at the very least if he didn’t push.

  Picking up the top to one of the covered trays before things got weird, he smiled again. “Chorizo and eggs. Beans and rice. My favorites.”

  She picked up the top to one of the others. “I wasn’t sure if you wanted Mexican or traditional, so there’s this too.”

  The one she uncovered had fried eggs, bacon and sausage, and a slab of hash browns. “That looks good too.” He glanced at the third covered tray. “What’s in that one?”

  “The sides”—she chewed on her bottom lip with a coy smile—“and a little something else.”

  The third tray had tortillas rolled up in foil, a plate of toast, another plate with biscuits and gravy, and yet a third with waffles. Suddenly, she was back to giggling.

  “I’m a bit of a breakfast nut, and I couldn’t make up my mind. I told you I was starving.” She sank her teeth into her bottom lip as if to refrain from laughing. “So I may’ve gone a little overboard.”

  Unable to help himself, Isaiah leaned over and kissed her softly. “I’ll let you choose first.” He stared into a pair of beautiful eyes, which suddenly appeared as startled as his heart was feeling.

  It wasn’t the first time it’d happened, but they were caught in each other’s eyes for a few breathless moments before she took a deep breath and glanced down at the trays. Kelli chose the traditional breakfast, and like last night, their breakfast conversation flowed easily as if they’d been doing this forever. He was still a little perplexed by her lack of urgency to get out of there, when she’d specifically told him she couldn’t stay the night. But he wasn’t about to mention it and have her get weird again.

  Done with his breakfast long before she was, Isaiah walked out of the room to brush his teeth. On his way back in, he saw her tapping away on her phone as she sat, legs crossed, on the bed, still in no hurry at all to leave. She glanced up when she saw him walking to the bed and smiled. How was it possible that the smile got sweeter every time he saw it?

  Nearly letting out a groan, he crawled onto the bed, pushing her back softly and bringing his hand under the robe to touch the warmth of her soft naked flesh underneath. Even as he indulged running his hands up and down her body, it was bittersweet. Here he had the whole fucking weekend off, and his time with Kelli was nearly over.

  “I haven’t brushed my teeth again,” she said as he licked her bottom lip then kissed her deeply.

  “That’s fine,” he whispered, pulling away to gaze in those beautiful eyes again. “You taste like syrup and whipped cream”—he pecked her softly—“and you, the perfect combination.” He started trailing kisses down her chin again. “Besides, we have less than an hour now before we have to check out. I’d much rather we spend our time doing this.” Her body trembling in reaction to his touch made him smile.

  “I was able to cancel all my appointments for the rest of the day.” Her whispered words made him freeze, just as he was getting ready to suck her neck.

  Almost afraid to suggest it, but there was no way he wouldn’t now, he didn’t pull away from her neck. “I have the weekend off, Kel. I could call downstairs and get another night or just another half day if you want. Up to you.”

  Her response was to bring his mouth to hers, kiss him deeply, and reach down and wrap her hand around his throbbing cock. Smiling, he groaned against her mouth. “I’ll take that as a yes.”



  What was it about him? Spending even one night with a guy she’d just met was so unlike her. She hadn’t even planned on spending the entire night. Now here it was Sunday afternoon, and not only would she be spending yet another night with him, she’d also agreed to go downstairs and stroll the waterfront shopping and restaurant complex—again.

  Yesterday, after ordering takeout for bre
akfast and lunch, Isaiah had convinced her to go out to the ocean-side restaurant with what he called the most spectacular views of the area. For the same reason she agreed to meet her friend Eve in Seaport Village for drinks on Friday—because it was dark and more than a half hour away from La Jolla—she agreed to last night.

  She hated to admit it, but it had been, hands down, one of the most romantic evenings she’d ever had. They’d strolled the boardwalk hand in hand, stopping often to kiss or just stare at each other under the light of the stars, like a real couple hopelessly in love. One thing she wasn’t sure she should be grateful for or annoyed about was Isaiah’s complete acceptance that she didn’t want anything more than what had turned out to be a onetime entire weekend. Not that it’d been further discussed, but it was obvious he was avoiding discussing the topic of what would happen once this was over.

  They still didn’t know each other’s last names or occupations. Mostly their conversations had consisted of playful stuff: favorite movies, songs, quirks, and best trips they’d ever taken. Kelli thought she’d been to a lot of places, but it seemed as if Isaiah had been in every major city in the U.S.

  The stories about the messes her competitive streak had gotten her in had them both in stitches. Their hushed discussion over drinks about their favorite sexual positions, on the other hand, had resulted in their evening out ending quickly. They were back in the room, and Isaiah had her on all fours first thing—one of her favorite positions.

  The weekend up till now had felt far more profound than she’d ever imagined it would feel when she first agreed to extend it. Today, when he suggested they go out and enjoy Seaport Village in the daytime, he’d convinced her pretty easily—mostly because she couldn’t tell him what her hesitation was, but also because she had no excuse now. Isaiah had purchased outfits for them from the boutiques in the shopping area. It was his answer to her protest of why she couldn’t stay another day today. She was still wearing what she’d worn Friday night.

  But this was daytime now. Kelli knew it was a risk. The longer she was around Isaiah, the more she feared getting him involved in her messy life. It just wasn’t fair to him. Of course, like last night, he’d had a way of convincing her, and now here they were, sitting on a grassy knoll and sharing ice cream in the village shopping area again. “We look like total tourists” She giggled, touching his Seaport Village ball cap.